Read BarefootParadise Online

Authors: J L Taft

BarefootParadise (5 page)

BOOK: BarefootParadise
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He reached for her and ran his hands down her knees and
calves. He circled his fingers around her ankles and his fingers touched.

Her eyes closed as he rubbed the arches and her heels and
then played with her toes. He paused and she heard the bottle open.

Then his hands were back on her feet, rubbing the
conditioner into them and making them slick.

Steve gripped the tops of both her feet and raised them to
his cock. She helped him find the right fit by scooting down and pressing her
toes together. He groaned loud and long as he pulled back and thrust once.

The sensation of having him slide so hot and smooth on the
bottoms of her feet seemed strange, but not in a bad way. She opened her eyes
to stare up at him and the look of pure ecstasy on his face was worth such a
small thing.

But as he got into the motion of it and he started rocking
his hips she found the experience erotic. He was looking down at her toes and
she took the sight of him in.

His sandy-blond hair fell over his forehead, shielding his
eyes from her. But his firm body was covered in a shiny coating of sweat and
his stomach muscles clenched on his forward movements, showing his tight abs.

His thighs tightened and she could feel his hard balls
slapping against her heels. He thrust again and stopped abruptly as warm cum
shot out and all over her feet and ankles.

Steve groaned loudly and held her feet tight against him as
his cock continued to twitch.

When his eyes finally opened they were still hazy when he
looked at her. He blinked a couple times and shook his head and then smiled
down at her.

“That was amazing,” he said as he grabbed the towel and
cleaned both of them up.

“It was but the night is still young,” she answered.

He grinned wider and they both looked at his cock, which was
already getting hard again.

Chapter Six


Gwen woke up late the next morning. Her muscles were sore in
places she had forgotten she had but she felt wonderful. She reached blindly to
the other side of the bed but it was empty.

Sitting up, she looked around the room. Steve wasn’t there.
She was a little stung that he hadn’t woken her to say goodbye but just as the
thought crossed her mind her hotel room door opened and he came in with a tray
of food.

He smiled at her and set the tray on the table by the door
before coming to her. He sat on the edge of the bed and smiled at her and she
immediately felt better.

“Morning,” he said as he leaned in for a kiss. It was quick
but no less potent and she sighed in pleasure as he leaned away. “Breakfast?”

“Yeah, I’m starving,” she said and stood, wrapping the sheet
around her. They sat at the small table by the window while they ate the bagels
and fruit he had brought up. She stretched her legs out and put her feet in his
lap and he smiled.

They talked of small things, where they were both from, and
Gwen was surprised to learn he taught at the college an hour away from where
she lived.

It put ideas in her head about seeing him again once they
were home. Even if she had told herself that she only wanted a quick fling.

But Steve had turned into someone who she could be her true
self with and she was smart enough to know that it was a rare thing.

They spent the day lounging by the pool, talking and
laughing together. He touched her at every opportunity that presented itself.
By the time the sun was setting she couldn’t stand it any longer and she pulled
him to her room with carnal intent.

She couldn’t keep her hands off him as he opened her hotel
room door. It took him longer than normal with her licking and sucking on his
ear and neck.

Finally the door opened and he groaned as he walked her
backward inside. They never made it to the bed and it was a good thing that the
door swung shut on its own or the passersby would have gotten an eyeful. Not
that either of them cared. They were too wrapped up in each other.

He had her against the wall and her bikini bottoms off in
seconds. She pushed his shorts down over his hips but she had forgotten to pull
the drawstring and they only got halfway down his firm ass. But it was enough
for his cock to spring free.

She didn’t know what it was, maybe the teasing throughout
the day or maybe because it was their last night together, but it all exploded
at once. There was no more need for foreplay.

He slid her down the wall with his hands cupping her ass and
reached for one of the condoms that were on the nightstand. She worried that he
would drop her—she wasn’t a tiny girl—but his strength never wavered.

She took the condom from him and opened it then reached down
to slide it over his thick, hard cock. As soon as he was safely covered he
plunged sure and swift, filling her full.

She moaned and he growled low against her ear. She tightened
her legs on his hips and he put one hand against the wall behind her, giving
him more anchorage to thrust.

Steve pummeled into her over and over, as if the same fever
that had taken her had taken over him. Her back and hips banged against the
wall hard enough to make the seascape paintings bounce. But she felt no pain,
only the exquisite driving force of Steve’s cock.

Holding on to his shoulders, she gripped him for all she was
worth while she got the best ride of her life. His teeth sank lightly into her
neck and she groaned loudly. She was getting close. She could feel that
telltale tingling in her toes.

Steve lifted his head suddenly and caught her gaze. “Oh,
Gwen,” he growled as he kept up with his furious pace.

Suddenly an orgasm was upon her, her thighs clenching and
then releasing on a wave of pure bliss. He thrust deep once more and reached
his own peak. Their bodies crashed together as wave after wave broke over them.

When the world had settled again and Steve had withdrawn and
lowered her feet to the floor, she stumbled on shaky legs to the bed and
collapsed on top of it.

He wasn’t far behind her. His arms came around her and pulled
her against him as they both drifted off to sleep.


Gwen woke the next morning with a start and immediately her
eyes went to the clock. Jumping out of bed, she dashed to the shower. She had
an hour before she had to be at the airport for her flight home.

She lectured herself for not setting the alarm clock as she
scrubbed her hair. It wasn’t like her at all to be so unorganized but then she
wasn’t used to having mind-blowing, cross-your-eyes, exhausting sex either.

Stepping out of the shower stall, she wrapped a towel around
her and went back to the bedroom to dig for clothes.

Steve was still snoring lightly in her bed and she took a
second to memorize the image. She didn’t want to say goodbye but she didn’t
have a choice. She had to go home. Her business was waiting for her and she had
worked too hard to let it slip now. He hadn’t said a word about seeing her
again, even after they had figured out they lived so close.

She didn’t want to but she had to wake him up.

Sitting next to the bed, she rubbed his shoulder. “Steve?”

His breath hitched but he didn’t wake up. “Steve!” she said
again and this time gave his rear a little slap. He woke up that time and
before she could dart away he had his arms around her and was rolling her under
him on the bed.

He braced over her and stared down at her with sleep-hazed
eyes. “What’s all the fuss about?” he asked with a smile.

“I am going to miss my plane!” she told him as she tried to
scoot away but all she managed to do was loosen her towel. Her bare breasts
distracted him. She had seen that same look on his face when he woke her for
round two in the middle of the night. Which was exactly why she was running so
late this morning.

“Just take a later flight.”

It was oh so tempting but she couldn’t do it. She did have to
work but not until Monday. She just didn’t want to drag this out. She already
had a hollow feeling inside her.

“I can’t, I have to work and… I just can’t,” she told him.
He stared down at her intently for a few seconds before rolling away.

“I’ll help you pack,” he said as he stood and pulled his
same pants from the day before on.

Gwen was somewhat disappointed that he hadn’t pushed a
little more but she couldn’t blame him. She got dressed as he threw her clothes
in her suitcase and zipped it up.

Too soon it was time to go and he walked her down to the
lobby. She dealt with checking out and was lucky enough to find that the
shuttle to the airport left in ten minutes.

Steve walked her out and handed her suitcase to the waiting
driver. Everything had happened so fast that she stood at a loss on what to do.
A lump formed in her throat and she knew it was silly but she didn’t want it to
be over.

He took one look at her and then pulled her into his arms,
holding her tight.

She hoped that he would say something, anything that would
let her know he wanted to see her again.

He pulled back and, cupping her face, kissed her long and
deep. She forgot about the plane, the shuttle bus and her rush to get away.

When he pulled back, still cupping her face, he gazed deep
in her eyes and said, “Thank you, Gwen.”

But before she could answer he turned and walked away. She
watched him until he was out of sight and then boarded the bus that would take
her back to reality.


Vacation was over. The airplane was hot and stuffy to her and
as she waited for takeoff she leaned her head back and tried to keep her tears
at bay.

She knew it was crazy to be so upset over a man she had
known for hardly a week but he had touched something inside her. Sniffing and
then digging in her purse for a tissue, she pulled herself together.

He knew where she lived and worked, maybe he would contact
her once they were both home.

She hoped so. Otherwise she had gotten exactly what she
wanted. A fling to put all the others to shame. A man who didn’t make her a
bunch of promises that turned out to be empty air.

But if she really had gotten what she wanted then why did it
feel so wrong?

Trying to find a comfortable position in the seat, she
closed her eyes and blocked out the noise of the other passengers.


It took Steve all of two minutes to realize that he was an
idiot. Then another two minutes to race to his room and pack. He left his
keycard in the hotel room he had spent hardly any time in and grabbed the first
available cab.

He changed his flight on the way there, incredibly thankful
that there had been seats left. He called the hotel and checked out over the
phone and if the person at the front desk thought it was strange, Steve didn’t
take the time to notice.

He made it to the airport with minutes to spare and boarded
the plane. He knew that he wasn’t going to be sitting anywhere near Gwen but he
figured he could talk to her midflight.

He swore that fate was on his side when he found his seat
and a beautiful woman with long dark hair was sitting next to him. He didn’t
have to see her eyes to know they would be violet and would sparkle when she

She had her head back and her eyes closed so he took his
seat quietly and gathered his thoughts.

After they had taken off and Gwen still hadn’t opened her eyes,
he thought she had fallen asleep until she sniffed lightly. Was she crying? For

He didn’t know but he wasn’t going to let it go on. He
turned to face her as best he could in the seat and placed his hand over hers.
Her eyes popped open and all the things that he had thought out on the way over
scattered and all he knew was that he wanted her. “Hey,” he said.


Gwen figured she really was going to end up with an assault
charge before the trip was over when she felt someone try to hold her hand. But
when she opened her eyes, the ass-peeling that was on the tip of her tongue
died a quick death.

“Steve? What are you doing here?” she asked in surprise.

“I’m flying home, of course,” he said with a grin. “With you
now instead of later alone.”

Her heart sank. She had thought the worst part was over and
now here he was, grinning at her. He must have seen something on her face
because his smile faded.

“Actually I wanted to say something.” He cleared his throat
and glanced around before lowering his voice. “I know that you said you wanted
someone who wasn’t going to make you a bunch of promises and feed you lines.
And I’m not going to. But I took a chance on you, Gwen, and it turned out to be
the kind of chance that makes all the others disappear. I’ve never had a woman
accept me for who I am so easily and I’m just not ready to let you go yet.” He
reached out and cupped her cheek and she felt the tears start to flow again as
he continued.

“Maybe I’m a sap but when a boring history professor meets a
beautiful accountant in a tropical paradise, and then to find out we only live
an hour apart, smacks of something special. Then when fate stepped in and I got
a seat right next to you on this airplane, I think giving us a chance at a
relationship is worth a try.”

His brushed her tears away and she asked haltingly, “You
didn’t ask for the seat next to me?”

“I didn’t even try. I thought I was lucky enough just to
move my flight up.” He smiled slightly and she smiled back.

“Well, when you put it that way, Steve, how can I say no?”

His smile turned into that full-blown grin and her tummy
went haywire. He leaned in close and kissed her with all the passion that she
thought she had left behind her in the Bahamas.

Vaguely she heard someone in the background shout, “Get a

Steve pulled back and shouted to no one in particular,
“Working on it!”

Gwen giggled and laced her fingers with his. Staring into
his chocolate-brown eyes, she saw what she had been missing all along shining
back at her. Vacation may be over but she got the best souvenir ever—love. And
she had a feeling that with Steve by her side, it would never be boring.

Glancing over at him, she smiled devilishly as she kicked
her shoes off and laid her bare feet in his lap.

BOOK: BarefootParadise
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