Banished (A Retribution Novel) (10 page)

BOOK: Banished (A Retribution Novel)
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He traced a finger down the cut between her
breasts and then kissed her there several times. “I’m going to kill the fucker
who did this, you know that?”

The promise in his voice left her shivering. “No.
I don’t want you to kill anyone.”

“It won’t be the first time.” He met her gaze head

She swallowed. “You’ve killed before?”

He kissed her on the shoulder before he slid one
of her bra straps down. “It happens in war.”

She wished they lived in a world where that wasn’t
a part of life, but she couldn’t hold it against him that he’d done his duty.
“Does that bother you?”

“I don’t think about it much. But I can tell you
this.” He lifted his gaze as he lowered her bra on one side, baring her to him.
“If I’d kill for them, I’d certainly kill for you.”

He dipped his head to her breast and sucked her
nipple inside his hot mouth.

She gasped. The feel of him on her was so
exquisite that she nearly came apart right then and there. Moisture pooled at
her core, and she could hardly think beyond his touch. There was something raw
and primitive about his statement, about him wanting to protect her, and she
couldn’t deny it turned her on.

She held his head as he rasped his tongue across
her nipple, sending thousands of sensations rushing through her. He unhooked
her bra, catching her breasts as they fell free. He pushed them together,
sliding his tongue between them before he took her second nipple in his mouth.

The sensation was the same.

She didn’t realize he’d moved one of his hands
until he traced a finger along her inner thigh along the edge of her panties.
She sucked in a breath as a wave of shivers encompassed her.

“Your skin is so soft.” He slid a finger beneath
her lace and found her most sensitive spot. “And you’re so fucking wet.”

She arched her back as he slipped inside. “Oh, God,”
she whispered, unable to control the need that trembled through her.

He slid his big hands beneath her bottom and
pulled her panties from her. She pushed at him when he dipped his head, afraid
of being so vulnerable, but he held her hands captive, using them to nudge her
legs farther apart.

When his tongue found her sensitive nub, she

She’d never allowed a man to be so intimate with
her before. The sight of him between her legs…

She inhaled as pleasure crashed down on her in
waves, stealing her lucidity. She gripped his hands. Held tight as the
intensity washed over her, leaving her weak and shaking.

She slowly became aware of the sound of her
panting echoing through the quiet room. He straightened.

“God, Ryan. What did you do to me?”

He chuckled. “If you think that was good, just
wait, sweetheart.”

Goose bumps broke out on her skin and tightened
her aching nipples.

He undid his pants, watching her as she had him. Her
inner muscles constricted as she traced the outline of his erection with her

She needed him inside her.

She held her breath as he lowered his briefs, his
erection jutting out toward her when he straightened.

Oh, yes

“Patience, honey.” He fished through his jeans and
found his wallet. She watched in anticipation as he pulled out a condom and
rolled it over his thick shaft.

She scooted toward the edge of the bar, eager to
get down so he could take her.

“I’m sorry we don’t have a bed,” he said as he
stepped into her embrace.

She took his face in her hands and kissed his lips,
trying to absorb as much of him as possible. “I don’t care. I just want you to
love me.”

He lifted her from the bar, his hands hot on her
bare ass as he carried her to the table. He was in her before he completely sat
her down.

She gasped as the fullness of him stretched her so
suddenly, and she struggled to maintain her grip on reality. She dug her nails
into his shoulders as she clung to him.

“Fuck, you feel good.” He slid out and then in

Her breathing grew more erratic as she focused on
the friction he created. “You feel good, too.” So good.

He dropped his gaze to where they’d joined, and
she followed him. Watching his hard cock disappear inside her left her dizzy.

“Shit,” she whispered. He was so big she was
surprised she could take him.

He moved out and then in again.


“I know, sweetheart.” He began to move at a faster

She gave up watching him slide into her, no longer
able to see or hear anything. All she could do was feel.

He pounded in her until she gasped with pleasure
and clutched his shoulders.

He pulled her from the table and bent her over the
smooth wood. She gripped the edges, afraid her shaking legs wouldn’t hold her
up. He filled her again, and she arched, trying to take in as much of him as
she could.

Heavy breathing filled the air as he slammed into
her, sending her ecstasy soaring. She cried out again as sensation overwhelmed

He held her, not letting her relax, until finally
he gripped her hips, vocalizing his own explosion as he pumped into her the
final few times.

Silenced surrounded them.

She turned and wrapped her arms around him,
holding him close as their thundering heartbeats slowed. “I needed that so

He tilted her chin upward and stroked a rough
thumb down her cheek, stopping to kiss her healed cut.

“You’re coming home with me.”

His declaration stunned her. “What? No, I

“You can and you are. I want you with me where I
can keep you safe, and maybe together, we can figure out your next steps.”

She exhaled a rush of air. The feminist in her wanted
to deny him, to say she could handle it on her own, but the fact was, she
needed help. More than that, she needed him.

It might be too soon to take things this far.
Hell, it was too soon to take it as far as they already had, but coming close
to death had changed her, had made things like loving and laughing so much more
important than worrying about what some considered acceptable behavior.

They belonged together. If she was with him, she
could try to help him as much as he helped her.

She captured his mouth with hers, loving the cool
taste of mint on his lips. “Then take me home, hero.”

Chapter Thirteen


It took Violet very little time to collect her
belongings from her hotel room. Together, she and Ryan hauled them to her car.
She followed him on the winding dark roads toward his home, her headlights
capturing the lush woodlands as she drove past.

As he turned onto the road that wound down to his
place, a flutter of nerves let loose in her stomach. Her last boyfriend had
begged her for four months to move in with him before they broke up. She’d
loved him, but she wasn’t ready to share such close quarters with a man. She’d
needed her space, and she’d spent most of her time focusing on work. No wonder
he’d left her.

Space was unnecessary between her and Ryan. She
didn’t know if this thing would burn hot and burn out when she found her
justice or if it was the beginning of something more lasting. All she knew was
she needed to be near him.

He parked and walked back to join her, her car’s
headlights illuminating his strong, agile body, giving her a thrill. Not long
ago, he’d used those hands and those lips to make sweet love with her. She
wanted him to again. Now.

She stepped out of her car, and he trapped her
against the door after she shut it.

He pressed his hard body to hers, one of his knees
separating her legs as he took her face in his hands. He kissed her long and
hard, until she could barely breathe. “Ryan,” she said with a laugh when he
pulled away.

“I want more.” He kissed her again, reaching
behind her to grasp her bottom and pull her up against him.

Proof of his arousal pressed into her, making her
hot for him. He buried his face in her hair before he nipped her shoulder,
making her muscles clench in anticipation.

Without another word, he scooped her into his
arms. She squeaked in protest. “I’m too heavy, Ryan. Put me down.”

“You’re not heavy.” He held her tight as he
crossed his yard, the gravel crunching beneath his feet. “You’re beautiful.
You’re sweet. And tonight you’re mine.”

He stepped onto the cement pad in front of the
door and set her down. She laughed as he fumbled for his keys and tried to
unlock the door while he kissed her.

“You think that’s funny?” he said against her

She leaned back and searched his eyes, loving the
excitement and desire that had chased away the dimness that usually haunted his
expression. “I think you’re wonderful.”

He managed the lock and the door flung open. “I
wonderful,” he said as he scooped her up again and stepped
inside, kicking the door shut behind him.

Her feet bumped the wall as he carried her toward
his bedroom. Once inside, he dropped her on the bed and followed her down.

She shivered as he stole the clothes from her body
and quickly did the same with his. The feel of his warm, hard muscles covering
hers was an unimaginable thrill. He was so perfect for her.

“Look at me.” He hovered over her, his eyes
glinting in the dim light from the hall.

She focused on his face, tremors erupting deep
inside her.

“I’m not the honorable, upstanding guy I used to
be, but I’ll love you like nobody’s loved you if you let me.”

She wasn’t sure if he meant physically or
emotionally, but she didn’t care. She’d take him either way. “Then love me,

She pulled his head to hers, thrilling at the
possessive kiss he laid on her lips.

He thrust his tongue inside her mouth, and she met
him, tangling hers against his. He tasted of mint and passion, and she couldn’t
get enough.

She sucked in air as he abandoned her mouth and
moved to her breast, cupping her with his hand as he sucked her nipple. A
fierce current of need dominated her core, softening her, leaving her hungry
for more.

She wanted to be with him, part of him, joined
until they became one inseparable unit.

She slipped her hand between them and grasped his
strong shaft. He tightened in her embrace, and she smiled. She pushed against
his shoulders, and he rolled to his back.

The look in his eyes caught her. Heated passion
burned there, but she spotted the vulnerability, too. Her big, strong man had
let her into his heart, and she intended to protect it as much as he wanted to
protect her.

“You’re beautiful,” she said as she straddled him
and ran her hands down his ripped abs.

“I don’t think anyone has ever called me
beautiful.” He laughed.

“But you are.”

She leaned forward and teased him with a nipple
until he caught it between his teeth. She gasped with delight. She let him
suckle her, savoring the rush of heat he created inside her. Then she pulled

As she slid down his body, she kissed the puckered
scar on his abdomen, thankful he hadn’t died.

She circled his penis and stroked him. He
tightened his muscle, and she relished his sharp intake of breath.

He hauled her up against him and rolled over,
trapping her beneath his heavenly body. He slid a finger between her soft folds
and whispered a curse. “You want this as much as I do.”

“Yes,” she said as she positioned him at her apex.

He slid into her, emitting a satisfied groan.
“Sweet Jesus, you’re tight.” He stroked in and out, a sexy look on his face.
She loved that she could please him that way.

“Maybe you’re just big.”

A grin spread across his lips. “Good comeback. Now
be quiet, and let me love you.”

She wasn’t quiet. In fact, she cried out several

By the time he’d finished with her, it was well into
the night. Her body ached from use, but she experienced such complete and
overwhelming satisfaction that she couldn’t complain. She’d never known
anything like it.

They’d bonded through love and through their
difficulties, and she couldn’t imagine ever letting him go. It was silly.
People would laugh if she told them she and Ryan were meant to be. But she
couldn’t convince herself otherwise.

“This is good,” he whispered in her ear as he held
her close.

“It is,” she said as she slid her thigh over his
and snuggled in. She couldn’t remember ever being so happy.

Maybe it really was true what they said about one
door closing so another could open…

*        *        *

Ryan was surprised the sun had already risen when
he opened his eyes the next morning. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d
slept past four a.m. His mind would never let him.

Heat radiated from Violet’s soft body against his
back. He smiled, glad she hadn’t run away again. Somehow, she made everything
okay even though it wasn’t.

Her brother wanted her dead, and
wasn’t okay. It seemed he was destined to save her life more than once, and he
gladly accepted that. No one would touch her as long as he had breath in his

He rolled and pulled her soft curves against him.
She sighed, the sound tugging something deep in his heart.

She slid her leg over his and hugged his torso.
“Good morning.” Her voice held a sexy, sleepy quality that charmed the hell out
of him.

“Good morning.” Funny that he didn’t have that anxious
feeling he’d gotten each morning after Shannon had slept over, like he’d wanted
her gone so he could get on with his day. If they didn’t have stuff to do, if
he didn’t have assholes and killers to track down, he’d be content to stay in
bed with Violet all day.

“How did you sleep?”

She nuzzled against his neck, stirring need inside
him. “Perfectly. I love listening to the ocean at night. I wish I could have it
all the time.”

That was a point in his favor. “I couldn’t live
without it.”

She ran a hand down his chest, and he stiffened as
she stroked his cock. “Mmm… I think you want me.”

He chuckled. “You know I do.”

He rolled her onto her back and buried himself
inside with a deep, slow reverence. “Hell…”

He took his time, enjoying the slow morning,
letting Violet’s need build until she clenched around him and gasped.

“Ah, sweetheart,” he whispered. “I love it when
you come for me.”

With his own satisfaction to gain, he increased
his pace until he exploded inside her.

There was still some good left in life, he thought
as he rolled to his back, pulling her with him.

A sudden thought slammed him. “Ah, hell

She lifted on his chest and looked him in the eye.
“What’s wrong?”

“We didn’t use a condom.” He waited for her

She blinked a couple of times as she stared at
him. “I think we’ll be okay.” Then she frowned. “I hope we’ll be okay.”

He hugged her against him, a fierceness building
inside. He’d always wanted a family, always expected he’d be married by now.
Until life had spoon-fed him a barrel full of shit, and he couldn’t consider
dragging someone into his hell with him.

But he was close to getting Guy. Closer than he’d
been in months. He might actually find his retribution after all.

Then he could have a life. If the military
reinstated his years of service, he could get a better job than the side jobs
he did for Hunter. He’d have a pension again. Something to offer a woman of
Violet’s caliber.

Anticipation for the future claimed him with an
intensity he couldn’t deny. “We’ll be okay, sweetheart. One way or the other,
I’ll make damn sure of it.”

*        *        *

Violet finished her shower, dressed and made her
way into the kitchen, her heart squeezing at the sight of Ryan standing in his
boxer briefs cooking breakfast. She watched him for a moment before he noticed
her. She wouldn’t have thought she could feel so in tune with someone so
quickly, but she had.

The connection between them had been there since he’d
helped her off the rocks by the ocean, she realized. She’d doubted it. Doubted
him. But she could no longer deny
bound them together.

She didn’t know what it was, but it was strong.

The thought that she might be pregnant unsettled
her. Not that she didn’t want a baby at some point, but she’d hoped she’d be
married first, not to mention she had too much trouble brewing on her horizon
to think about a child.

She stepped close to him, wrapping her arms around
him from behind, splaying her hands across his chest. She laid her head on his
bare back and listened to the steady, strong beat of his heart.

“I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”

“You didn’t.” He placed a hand over hers on his
chest, before turning their omelets. “I heard you come in.”

She smiled. “No, you didn’t.”

He glanced over his shoulder and then more fully
turned to her. “I did. You walked in, stopped for a few moments, and then came
over to me.” Certainty rested in his gaze.

“Why didn’t you say something? Acknowledge me?”

He shrugged. “I wanted to give you time…space. I
want you to be here with me because you want to be here.” He tilted his head. “And
because I need you to be safe.”

How had she stumbled upon such a man? She placed a
hand on his cheek. “I do want to be here. With you.” She closed her eyes as her
lips met his. Delicious currents raced through her, making her want him even

He ended their kiss, studied her gaze. “Good. How
about some breakfast?”

Violet sat at the table and grinned when Ryan
placed her omelet before her. “Thank you.” It looked amazing. “When you served
me frozen lasagna that first night, I seriously didn’t think you could cook.”

He took his seat and narrowed his gaze in mock
insult. “You said it was delicious.”

“Oh, trust me. I hadn’t eaten anything in almost
two days. It was heaven.”

“Yeah, you already know it had been a long day for
me, too. We both needed food.”

“Still, you were sweet to feed me, and it was

“And then you ran off.” He lifted a teasing
eyebrow, and she was certain she’d never seen anything sexier than he was with
his hair rumpled, bare-chested, and a hint of humor sparkling in his eyes. “You
know why I invited you here, don’t you?”

She shook her head, loving this relaxed,
flirtatious side of him.

“I want my shirt back.”

She laughed. “You’re not getting it. Or your
shorts. Or your hoodie.”

“Then I’m keeping your panties.” He grinned. “And
your bra.”

She sipped her coffee, trying to keep the grin
from her face.

“I’m sorry I ran off without saying thank you or
goodbye.” She needed to mend that between them. “I didn’t know I could trust

“You think you can now?” He kept his tone light,
but she sensed the underlying depth of his question.

She nodded. She had no doubt whatsoever.

“Why?” His gaze turned intense, as though he needed
to hear her say it.

“I’m not sure. I only know I feel it here.” She
placed a hand over her heart.

He stared into her eyes. “Me, too.”

Her heart expanded, struggling to contain the intense
emotions that flooded her.

He searched her face, a smile starting on his lips
and spreading to his eyes. He stood and grabbed a legal pad from a cabinet
behind him before returning. “I want to hear more about your brother, about his
dealings.” The top pages of the pad had all been filled with notes. He turned
it to a fresh sheet and wrote Murphy Shipping.

He lifted his gaze to her. “Denver?”

“Yes.” Her excitement twisted into apprehension.
“What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking I need more information so I can
take this asshole down.” The look in his eyes had shifted from loving to
something dangerous that made her shiver. She didn’t want conflict or the risks
that came with confronting Kenneth, but he couldn’t get away with what he’d
done, either.

He’d stolen her life from her

What she’d found in Seaside was good, but that
didn’t change what her brother had done.

BOOK: Banished (A Retribution Novel)
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