Read Banger's Ride: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 5) Online

Authors: Chiah Wilder,Hot Tree Editing

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Crime, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Heist, #Crime Fiction, #MC, #Fiction, #Romance

Banger's Ride: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 5) (37 page)

BOOK: Banger's Ride: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 5)
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“It’s perfect for us, isn’t it?” Banger kissed her forehead, and she nodded.

As Banger and Baylee went through the house, the sounds of hammers, drills, and saws became too much for Belle, and she stepped out through the French doors onto a massive brick patio overlooking the stunning scenery. Deer walked slowly by, and Belle couldn’t believe that this would soon be her home. She and her kids had been staying at Banger’s house since the wedding. She closed her eyes, and let the cool autumn breeze skate over her as she remembered their special day.

They had had a true biker wedding on a bright, summer afternoon in early August. It had been an outside ceremony on the clubhouse property among the wildflowers, the gurgling stream, the majestic evergreens, and the delicate aspen trees. All the bikers had ridden their Harleys, and the noise and look of fifty guys in leather and denim on gleaming bikes had been something that had taken her breath away. She’d never seen the likes of it.

Emily had been her maid of honor, and Hawk had been best man. Belle had ridden to the ceremony on the back of Banger’s bike wearing black jeans, a white T-shirt, and her leather cut with the proud words “Property of Banger” embroidered in white on the back. He had looked sharp in his black jeans, black shirt, and cut, his long hair free and flowing. He hadn’t wanted to wear it like that, but Belle insisted since she loved his silky strands so much; he’d relented for the ceremony, but promptly pulled it back in a leather tie for the reception they’d had at the clubhouse.

The yard had been decorated with white and gold paper lanterns that shimmered and shone in the moonlight. Tables with gold linen tablecloths—at Cara’s insistence—had filled the yard, and three tables laden with more food than anyone could have eaten had stood off to the side. The seven-tiered wedding cake had been beautiful with all the cascading fondant flowers.

After a night of drinking and dancing, the married couple had spent the night at the Palace Hotel. The next day they’d taken Ethan, Emily, and Kylie on a family trip to Hawaii. The two girls had hit it off—something which pleased the married couple to no end—and Ethan and Banger had enjoyed horseback riding and body surfing in the blue waters of the Pacific. Belle had been content shopping and spending time at the spa with the girls.

“This is the custom-made patio you ordered. I think it came out spot on.” Baylee’s voice, and the opening of the French doors, brought Belle back to the present. Her stomach fluttered when she saw Banger cross his arms across his muscular chest, his biceps flexing. He was so damn handsome, and he was all hers. It was like a dream come true, and she loved being Banger’s old lady.

The day was perfect. It had started out with Cara calling to tell her that Holly, whose real name was Louella Cummings, had received life in prison for Harold’s death, and a concurrent twenty-five year sentence for attempting to murder Belle. She was happy she didn’t have to testify. Holly had taken the life in prison plea bargain so she wouldn’t have had to face the death penalty. Of course, Holly had tried to blame everything on her brother, and had continued to insist that her brother was an accomplice and was the one who tried to drown Belle, but nothing corroborated her story. Like a good old lady, Belle had kept silent, sticking to her story that it had just been her and Holly on that fateful day.

Belle breathed a sigh of relief that Scorpion had never been found, and figured that the outlaw’s disappearance was only noticed by his MC.

“Ready to go, babe?” Banger came over and put his arm around her, and she looped her arm around his waist. They walked to his car holding each other.

On the road, Belle’s phone pinged and she looked at the text.

Will b home later. I have to work 2 extra hrs to cover someone.

K. see u for dinner.

Belle closed her phone. “It was Emily. Someone didn’t show up at work, so she has to stay later.” She stared straight ahead, feeling Banger taking her hand and kissing it.

“She’s gonna be fine. We’ll help her get through it.”

She would’ve loved it if her whole life was a fairytale, but it wasn’t. Emily had been trying real hard to stay on the straight path, but she’d relapsed right after they’d come back from Hawaii, and had just returned the previous week from an alcohol rehab center. She swore to her mom that she was never going back, and Belle hoped her determination would help to get her through, but she wasn’t sure. Emily seemed to be taking the right steps: she’d dropped her loser friends, and she was study hard for her ACT and SAT tests. Belle prayed her little girl would keep the demons away; Emily had so much to give and receive from life.

“We have to swing by school and pick up Ethan.”

“Okay,” he said as he hung a right on Decatur Street. “I’ll drop the two of you off, then I gotta go to the club to finish up some work. I’ll be home around seven.”

“Sounds good. I’ll target dinner for around seven thirty.”

Since the wedding, she’d given up the rental, and she and the kids stayed at Banger’s house while they waited for their new house to be finished. Belle recalled how upset Kylie was when she and her dad had told her they’d wanted a house of their own, so they were moving. Belle’s heart went out to her because she knew all of the memories Kylie had of her mom were in the house. Kylie eventually reconciled to the idea, and Belle was proud of her. Kylie had told the two of them that the brick and mortar weren’t her mom, and that her mom lived in her heart, her memories, and in her soul.

At seven o’clock, Banger came home, and the family had a wonderful prime rib dinner with baked potatoes, a green salad, and peas and mushrooms. Since she had a lot of time on her hands, she made wonderful gourmet meals most nights of the week, something the brothers at the clubhouse kidded her and Banger about, saying that they always knew the only woman who could catch their prez would be a great cook.

Sometimes she missed cooking for the patrons at the diner. Banger had told her she didn’t have to work because he had more than enough money for the family and then some. He told her he liked his woman at home, and she like being at home, especially for her kids, so she quit. But she’d left her recipes for Jerome, and when she and Banger would stop by for a bite to eat, Ruthie would tell them he was doing a great job.

“Ruben said Doris wants to know if you need help with planning the Christmas charity event this year.” Banger buttered his roll.

“I totally do. I’ve never done this, and I feel like I’m in over my head,” she answered. Being the president’s old lady was a lot of work, and she was expected to oversee the charity functions the club participated in, arrange the family dinners, attend all bike rallies, go to Sturgis each year, and a bunch of other things she couldn’t remember. She knew she’d eventually become an old pro at it, but for now, she felt like a deer caught in the headlights most of the time.

After dinner, Emily and Ethan went to their rooms to finish their homework, and she handed Banger a beer as she sat next to him on the couch in the family room. It was late October, and the cool winds had turned chilly, so Banger lit a fire; he drew her close to him as they watched the flames crackle against the wood.

“I have to talk to you about something,” she said softly.

Looking down at her, he said, “Is something wrong?”

“I don’t think so. I hope you don’t.”

“What it is?”

She turned sideways, her legs curled under her. “I’m six weeks pregnant.”

He stared and moved back slightly.

She pressed her lips tight, her heart feeling as though it were shrinking. “I didn’t plan this. I’ve been taking my birth control, but since we’ve been married, I may have forgotten one or two times. With all the ruckus with Emily, I couldn’t even remember my name. I didn’t think it was a big deal. I’m so sorry. I hope this doesn’t change things between us.”

He held her hands. “Why’re you apologizing? I’m just fuckin’ stunned. I didn’t expect it, that’s all. It never occurred to me that we could have a baby.” A broad smile broke out over his face, and he tugged her toward him. “I’m fuckin’ thrilled. Hell, I can’t believe I’m gonna be a dad again. Fuck, I can’t believe I’ll be in my sixties when the kid will be twenty… Shit, that kinda sucks.”

She kissed him. “You’ll make a great dad. Ethan adores you, and you’re so good with him. You’re a wonderful father to Kylie, and you haven’t given up on warming Emily’s heart.”

He nodded, his eyes sparkling. “You know, I’ll be happy to experience the early years. With Kylie, I was young, and Grace was with her a lot while I was busy running the club, partying, going to bike rallies, and hanging with the brothers. Grace never complained, but I missed out on seeing Kylie grow.”

“It’s like you have a second chance.” She kissed him again.

“Fuck yeah. I’m older and my partying days are few, especially since I met you. I like hanging with my brothers, but now I get home around midnight a couple of times a week rather than four in the morning, most days of the week, and drunk off my ass. Poor Grace, she had to put up with my shit when I was younger. See how lucky you are that I slowed down?” he joked.

She jabbed his arm playfully. “I never planned on another child either, but when I found out, I was elated. I’d hoped you would be too. We never discussed it, so I wasn’t sure.”

He hugged her close. “Woman, you made your man more than fuckin’ happy. Now one of the bedrooms in our new house will be a nursery.” He kissed her neck.

“I’m thrilled to have a baby with you. You make my life complete.”

“You do the same for me, babe.”

Breaking away, he took her hand and led her to their bedroom. Kissing her, he rubbed his hands over her body, nudging her backward to the bed. He gently eased her down on the bed, lifted her top over her head, then slid off her skirt and panties. He leaned over her, his face inches from hers, and she could see her desire reflected in them.

“You’re so beautiful, and I can’t believe you’re mine.” He bent down and licked her hardening nipple then took it between his teeth and pulled it. A single jolt of intense desire zapped her from her tingling nipple down to her aching pussy.

Moaning, she pulled out his leather tie and ran her fingers through his blond hair. “No man has ever made me as happy as you have. I’ve never been in love with any man before I met you. You are the love of my life.”

He growled and crushed his mouth against hers and they kissed. Hard. Wet. Deep. With urgency, she tugged at his shirt, pushing it up over his head then she unzipped his jeans, pulling them down until his dick poked her, and she giggled. He shrugged them off then bent down and kissed her nipples, chuckling as she squirmed underneath him, his breath blowing against her. She licked her lips while gliding her fingers over his sculpted pecs, admiring the way he was so muscular. She’d never get tired of the feel, the scent, the taste of his body.

Her husband moved his mouth to her neck, kissing her softly, then more ardently as his hands moved down the sides of her body. Dipping to the softness between her legs, she opened them wide, and he kissed her inner thighs while his fingers spread her swollen lips. She took a deep, staccato breath, then his tongue licked her, and he slipped inside her gently. Bringing her legs up and back, he pushed into her harder and deeper as small grunts escaped through her lips.

A thousand sparks zapped her as she climaxed, and his guttural moans told her he was on the same pleasure journey as she was. Their bodies shook and shuddered together as their orgasms bonded them even closer. He collapsed on top of her, and she let out a deep breath, her fingers absently rubbing his back. Lifting his head, he kissed her passionately, then rolled off, pulling her close to him. They twined their legs together, wrapped in each other’s arms. She squeezed him.

“I love you,” she murmured into his skin.

Holding her chin, Banger tipped her head back, brushed his lips against hers, and said, “I love you too.”

With her head on his chest, Belle laced her fingers with his, as a warm glow spread through her body. This was her life now, and she had no desire to be anywhere else than in her husband’s arms.

The End

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I have so many people to thank who have made my writing endeavors a reality. It is the support, hard work, laughs, and love of reading that have made my dreams come true.

Thank you
to my editor, Kristin, for all your insightful edits, excitement with the Insurgents MC series, and encouragement during the writing and editing process. I truly value your editorial eyes and suggestions as well as the time you’ve spent with the series. You’re the best!

Thank you
to my wonderful beta readers, Kolleen, Paula, Franci, and Barb—my final-eyes reader. Your enthusiasm for the Insurgents Motorcycle Club series has pushed me to strive and set the bar higher with each book. Your dedication is amazing!

Thank you
to my proofreader, Amber, whose last set of eyes before the last once over I do, is invaluable. I appreciate the time and attention to detail you always give to each book.

Thank you
to the bloggers for your support in reading my book, sharing it, reviewing it, and getting my name out there. I so appreciate all your efforts.

Thank you
to Carrie from Cheeky Covers. You put up with numerous revisions until I said, “Yes, that’s Banger!” Your patience is amazing, and you never said, “Again?!” when I’d tell you I just wasn’t feeling test book cover #28. You totally rock. I love your artistic vision.

Thank you
to the readers who support the Insurgents MC series. You have made the hours of typing on the computer and the frustrations that come with the territory of writing books so worth it. You make it possible for writers to write because without you reading the books, we wouldn’t exist. Thank you, thank you!

BOOK: Banger's Ride: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 5)
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