Bad Boy Werewolf: Bad Boys of BDSM (Werewolf New Adult BDSM Romance. Bad Boys of BDSM.) (5 page)

BOOK: Bad Boy Werewolf: Bad Boys of BDSM (Werewolf New Adult BDSM Romance. Bad Boys of BDSM.)
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“I don’t know what to believe anymore,” I say, still not ready to believe Andre would sell him out so easily, or be so manipulative. It doesn’t sound like the Andre I know. “And I’m still pissed at you for all this.” I punch him in the arm.

“Ouch, geez. Thanks.”

I jump up from the bed and whirl on him. “How do you expect me to feel? You left me! I missed you so much. I cried myself to sleep, when I did sleep those first few months. I’d smell your pillow because your scent was all I had left.” Tears blur my vision and I hate myself for letting the emotions surface right now. “I loved and hated you and wished you’d walk through our apartment door every fucking second of the day.”

“I’m sorry!” He strides toward me and wraps his big arms around me. “You have no idea how sorry I am!” He pauses as his eyes glow an eerie yellow. The
of his spine makes me gasp, and he doubles over as he begins to shift. “It’s okay.” His voice is a guttural whisper. “I’m okay. I’ve got it under control now.”

Though the timing might be crappy, I go to him and clasp his face in my hands. I bring our lips together and plunge my tongue in his mouth, hungry to be joined to him, needy for this kiss and so much more. My hands mold to his ass through his jeans and I yank him tight against me, feeling his hard cock press into the front of my pants. It makes my pussy tingle stronger.

We stumbled backward toward the bed, mouths exploring mouths, hands exploring each other’s bodies. Noah pulls away. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t,” I say as I pull off his t-shirt. “I know I’m safe.” Although my courage is largely a hormone-driven bluff.

“Tell me if you want me to stop.”

“I will.”

Our clothes tumble into a pile on the floor and we climb up onto the mattress. Claws dig into my back as his fingers trace up my spine.

Gasping, I make space between us. “I can’t turn from a scratch, can I?”

“No,” he tells me, before he nips a trail down my neck that makes me shiver. “Only from a deep bite.”

Relief floods me, along with lust, as we continue our heavy make out session. My hand trails down his flat stomach, over the nest of pubic hair between his legs, and my fingers coil around his cock. I explore beneath the fat ridge with my thumb, then slide my grip up and down, up and down until he groan low in my ear. Then my other hands cups his balls and I squeeze, stroke, until he gives a soft growl of pleasure in my ear. His hips buck back and forth as my hand continues to work his shaft.

With sudden speed, he pushes me to the bed and straddles me. His teeth tug on my nipple and his tongue flits over the sensitive bud until I moan. One large, clawed hand traps my wrists above my head and holds them there. I writhe beneath him as his mouth moves over the curves in my ribcage, licking and biting gently. His tongue pokes into my belly button, sending a spike of sensation straight to my pussy.

Claws dig into the side of my hip, lancing me with pain as he holds me still while his lips trace a path around my sex. I cry out, and he stops, looking up at me to ensure I’m all right.

“Keep going,” I rasp out.

He kisses and nibbles my inner thighs until my cunt is drenched and aching for his mouth. A low growl emits from his throat before he laps at my labia. I groan and arch my hips up, begging him with the movement to give me the satisfaction I crave.

He continues to hold me still, one hand around my wrists, the other digging into my hip. He blows on my wet sex, sending stimuli exploding through me. I whimper from my need for release.

Finally his tongue sweeps over my engorged clit, making me sigh loudly in bliss. The tingling amps up with each lap. He sucks it deep into his mouth, applying just enough pressure so I cry out and begin fucking his face. I close my eyes as ecstasy enfolds me.

The hand clutching my hip slides between my legs and his finger slips into my pussy. He curls it and strokes my g-spot with perfect timing. Good thing his claws have retracted for now. It isn’t long before I tremble as my climax bursts through me, sending a shower of pleasure throughout me. My breathing grows even more ragged as I thrash and let the orgasm empty me. I didn’t realize just how much I’d missed his touch until now. Being with him feels so right. Only in his arms do I feel really complete.

I barely get to catch my breath before he rears up on his knees and wedges himself between my legs. His eyes glow yellow as he spreads my thighs and watches me. Hair sprouts from his shoulders as he rubs his thick, erect cock up and down my sensitive pussy, making it throb. He grinds the plump glans into my clit and I gasp from the sensation assault. The tiny bead of flesh is hyper-sensitive after my first climax.

His cock glides into me and I curl my pelvis, trying to pull him deeper inside. My pussy molds around his thick shaft like a glove. He holds my hands above my head still while he pumps in and out of me. First, he goes slow and sensuous, but soon his fucking becomes fast and rough. I sense he’s struggling to hold back the beast in him. I lose myself in this carnal delight.

“Are you okay?” His words hold an animalistic lilt. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I’m fine,” I manage to say. “Don’t stop.”

His penis pistons fast and hard, rubbing my g-spot with each feral thrust, making that delicious pressure build inside of it once again. With his free hand, he reaches down between us and sweeps his thumb back and forth over my clit. I close my eyes and become hyper-aware of sweat dampened skin gliding together, of his thumb on that pulsing bead of flesh between my legs, of his cock pushing me closer to another, more intense climax.

Soon the smack of our flesh slapping together fills my ears. He grunts as his thrusts grow even more primal. I wrap my ankles around his neck and clamp my cunt walls tight around his shaft. My euphoria climbs higher, higher, until I cry out again as release rockets through me a second time. I cling to him as the orgasm leaves me trembling and panting.

He pulls out and falls to the mattress beside me, kissing my shoulder before he claims my lips again. I become aware of the scratches that burn fire across my skin, and in the dim light I can see welts rising on my one side. My sex pulses with delicious fulfillment.

I snuggle close to his slick chest and he gathers me in his arms, drawing me nearer. He breathes into my hair and we just lie on top of the sheets, listening to each other’s heartbeat.

“I love you, Noah,” I whisper against his skin.

Before he drifts off to sleep, he says, “I love you too.”

We sleep like that for a few hours, tightly entwined. When I wake up, my bladder demands a bathroom trip. So I slip out of bed and tiptoe from the bedroom.

After trying every door on the top floor, I find I’m out of luck. If there is a bathroom up here, I’m not getting in. Every door is locked. I go back to the bedroom long enough to slip my smartphone from my jeans’ pocket and turn it on so I can use the small lighted screen as a flashlight. All the lights on the top floor are out, and the stairs look just as dark.

Careful not to fall and break a limb, I use the tiny light to pick my way down the wide, wooden staircase. Hopefully I can find the public bathroom down here. Adam and Sean should be up, so I can ask one of them if I can’t find it.

I’m on the third stairs from the bottom when I hear voices filtering from the main area of the bar. One is a female voice I recognize—Regina.

“Did you find them?” she says.

“Yeah, they were where you said they’d be,” Adam tells her. “They’re sleeping upstairs now.”

“Good. I knew Noah would take her to the tunnels. It’s the safest place.”

“The only location left that Pierre doesn’t know about,” Sean’s deep voice rumbles.

“Thankfully.” She sighed then paused. “This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have set up that gig. I should’ve been more careful when I came to Glamour after our shows. I shouldn’t have left the veil open those few minutes—”

“Stop blaming yourself,” Sean speaks up in a gentle voice. “The gig was supposed to help us catch Pierre in the act. You couldn’t have predicted Andre would double cross us. And that night you were kind of distracted by the attack. You would’ve never left the veil open otherwise.”

“Yes, but if Andre and Noah hadn’t slipped through and seen Pierre turn that human, we would’ve never been in this mess.”

“We’re fixing it,” Adam says. “Quit worrying, Regina.”

“How did Noah break Pierre’s binding spell anyway?”

“Brigette helped him while Pierre was away meeting with Glamour leaders.”

Regina gives a relieved sigh. “Nice to know she’s definitely on our side then.”

“I have no doubt,” Adam says. “We can trust her completely.”

Footsteps pace across the floor below and there is silence, then Regina speaks once more. “I should’ve known Andre was up to this. He kept stalling our plan to break the binding spell, making excuses about why it wasn’t safe yet. And then he got together with Merry. He was probably in on Noah’s kidnapping from the start.”

“Didn’t I say stop it?” Sean says. “You can’t control these things, and you can’t blame yourself.”

“But I will make it right.”

So they all knew. Rage courses through me, makes my blood pound in my ears. All that time, Andre and Regina knew Noah was alive and they kept it from me. It is all I can do not to stomp down the remaining stairs and confront her.

“I tracked Andre and the pack back to the lair,” she says, her words breaking my blind wrath. “I know where they have Rita. They put her in the prisons. Third unit in on the twelfth floor. But Andre saw me leaving, so they’ll move her, and they’ll know you’re coming. Be careful tomorrow.”

“Do you think he followed you here?” A thread of anxiety laces Adam’s voice.

“I took the hidden alleys and back roads. I’m sure I lost him, but we should leave early tomorrow. Very early. Just in case.”

I’m about to slip from the three remaining stairs and try to sneak past them to find a bathroom when a crash and loud snarls come from above. All thoughts of peeing are gone as my bladder shrinks in fear and I run up the stairs.

After throwing open the door to our room, I find a creature fighting with a half-transformed Noah. The monster turns to face me when I run in, and it takes me a moment to recognize him as Andre. His cheekbones jut further from his face and are more defined. Long, gleaming fangs protrude from his open mouth, and his eyes gleam a brilliant green. In one hand, he holds a knife that winks silver in the moonlight. I realize that if it’s pure silver, the blade might be able to kill Noah.

I scream at Andre to get off him and I lunge into the room, throwing myself on Andre’s back. Noah growls for me to get away, but I dig my fingers into Andre’s neck and he hisses as he tries to throw me off.

He stumbles away from Noah and the knife tumbles from his hand, tinking against the wooden floor as it falls. Andre whirls on me and those lethal fangs seem to grow longer as he grabs me and drags me close. I punch with my free hand, kick with the leg that isn’t wedged against him, but his strength is preternatural. Hot breath fans my skins as he brings the fangs closer to my throat.

Before his teeth can sink into me, though, vines snake out and twine around his neck, pulling him away from me as he gurgles and claws at the vegetation now choking him.

Regina enters the room, but she looks nothing like the manager of No Mercy any more. Her brown skin has turned indigo, and her sable hair is now made of pale blue moss. As she drags Andre across the floor, farther away from me, her eyes blaze orange.

“Get out of her now,” she speaks in a watery voice. “Both of you. Adam will drive you to the lair. Sean and I will hold off Andre as long as we can.”

Noah gets to his feet and we both run for the open door as more leafy vines burst from Regina’s hand and coil around a thrashing Andre. Thankfully Noah slipped on his boxers after sex, and I slipped on his extra long t-shirt. I’d rather not be fleeing a monster in my birthday suit.

“What the hell is going on up there?” Adam yells as we skitter into the bar. The troll leaps over the counter and joins us in three long strides.

“Andre,” Noah says. “He tried to attack me with silver. Then he went after Merry.”

Adam pulls his car keys out of his blazer. He glances at Sean. “Go help her.” Then, to us, “Get in the car.”

But before we can leave the pub, I spot two semi-transformed werewolves approaching the entrance. “Werewolves incoming!” I tell Adam.

With a concerned frown, he sprints toward the office in the back, just as the troll reaches the top of the stairs. “Follow me,” Adam shouts.

We jog after him, and when we stop at the doorway he tosses us each a pistol from a box in this cramped room. “Good thing I keep some silver bullets on hand, huh?” He wears a grim smile as we head toward the entrance to the pub.

Noah and I get on one side of the door and Adam flanks the other. When the two werewolves burst through, we open fire. I clip one of the intruder’s in the arm and he goes down, writhing and howling in pain. Adam gets the remaining monster in the knee and he drops close to his companion. We flee outside and race toward the car.

“Will Sean and Regina be okay?” I ask as I glance back at the pub.

“Don’t worry,” Adam says. “Those werewolves won’t be attacking anyone for a while. The silver will slowly poison them, and if someone doesn’t draw it out, they’ll die.”

It’s a grim thought, and it keeps me silent. I may have just killed someone, but I remind myself it was a case of kill or be killed.

We run out back and all jump into his Charger. The engine roars to life and we peel out of the parking lot.

“Andre knew we were coming to the lair,” Adam tells us. “He spotted Regina when she went to find out where they were holding Rita. He and those werewolves paid a visit to try and stop us.”

Noah lets out a stream of curses. “So they’ll be expecting us.”

“If Regina and Sean can hold Andre off long enough, we can get there tonight and surprise them, hopefully. But we’ll have to be extra careful going in. Expect a trap.”

“They knew. All this time, they knew you were alive and they didn’t tell me or Rita,” I blurt, and Noah glances into the backseat at me. “I can’t trust anyone anymore, can I?” Except for my best friend, who is now trapped in some lair, going through who knows what, thanks to the secrets kept by those I thought were friends. Bitterness settles around my heart.

BOOK: Bad Boy Werewolf: Bad Boys of BDSM (Werewolf New Adult BDSM Romance. Bad Boys of BDSM.)
10.43Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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