Baby V (Chianti Kisses #1) (18 page)

BOOK: Baby V (Chianti Kisses #1)
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I thought you were
t coming home until tomorrow

He looks as though
ve just kicked him.
We closed the deal early. John needed to get back for the kids, so we did. Should I have stayed
till tomorrow

I try to soften my unintentional blow.

Are you kidding me? It feels like you were gone forever. Now grab a spoon and help me finish this
” I flash a not-so-innocent smile to seal the deal. Mission accomplished. Dom withdraws a spoon from a nearby drawer and digs in.

We jab at each othe
s utensil as the playfulness resumes. Feeling like I had eaten more than enough today, I set down my spoon and sit back so that I can enjoy the sight in front of me.
ve missed  him. Talking on the phone just is
t the same as seeing his sexy little smirk and dark hypnotizing eyes as he speaks. Watching his delectable lips move.... I snap back form my daydream as Do
s voice takes on a serious tone.

I need you to keep Tuesday morning free.
m calling an emergency meeting of the board. Joh
s been voting for you while you were in school but you need to vote for yourself now that yo
re officially part of ATH

He finished the last bit of ice cream and clears away our mess.

s being a bit presumptuous.

You know... I have
t told you yet if
m coming to work with you...

Dom raises his cocked eyebrow to me.

Well, I have
t. I mean
m going to give it a try. A trial period. But, no promises! Capice
” I hold out my crooked pinky for Dom to swear with.

So Tuesday morning yo
ll ride into the office with me, You can set up your office while yo
re there. I think we can accept a couple of extra interns to help you staff your new department.
ll have Ellen e-mail you the applications to pick from
He finally catches on that
m trying my hardest to look extremely bored, complete with fake yawn.
Alright, alright! I wo
t torture you anymore

Wanting desperately to steer the night away from boring business talk, I prop myself up on my forearms and lean across the counter, landing just in front of Dom.

I have
t seen you in days... Do you really want to talk about work right now

My question is more of a dare.

He growls deep, guttural.
I think we should finish this in my office

Huh? Why ca
t w


this right here? W
re alone. Do
s office is so stuffy and business-y, not at all what I had in mind.

Dom slips around the corner of the bar until he is behind my chair, pulling it out to help me get moving. I deflate faster than a stale birthday balloon and scowl up at him. I
s time to try a different approach. I raise my arms and clasp my hands behind his neck, gently massaging his nape with my finger tips.

Your office? That does
t seem very romantic
” I reach up, standing on my toes until I can brush my lips over his. My little pink book would approve,
m sure.

I brush his lips again, whispering,
How about we
this on the couch? Like last time

I push my lips into him deeply and pull his neck down as I tilt my head to accommodate his. I
s just as I remember, overwhelming and causing my insides to swelter. More comfortable with my own kissing skills by now, I use the tip of my tongue to part his salty lips and search out the strong center within.

Dom clasps my waist with his hands as he moans at my unexpected advance. Pushing my body against his own, he skillfully takes control until I am the one moaning into him. H
s ignited a fire in me this last week that has since been burning deep in his absence. I had
t realized how profoundly my body missed his. I
s almost carnal, sinful, and definitely not how a St. Bar
s lady should be behaving.

Dom stands back mere centimeters from our tight kiss.

My office, now

My stomach drops at his words. My breathing strained, legs weak. Dom turns me from him and guides me through the large, darkened rooms and finally into his office, shutting the door behind him. With only the desk lamp turned on, the room is dim. The large leather furniture looks cold and uninviting facing an empty fireplace. Built in bookshelves line the walls filled with leather bound novels and manuals.

His impressive desk has papers scattered about it, with the giant window behind it covered by expensive looking tapestry curtain panels. In the corner is an antique wrought iron spiral stair case leading directly up to his bedroom. His own private entrance for late nights spent working.

My skin becomes prickly and hypersensitive as Dom walks up behind me while I am surveying the room. I close my eyes and draw in a deep calming breath as he moves my hair from my neck. He begins to massage my neck with his kneading lips.

You are so sexy and you do
t even know it. I ca
t even tell you how hard it is to keep my hands to myself
” Mmm.

I turn around to him, my kisses eagerly match his in intensity. Oh God, I do
t think
ll be able to stop, being wrapped in this ma
s arms, feeling his want and need for me... knowing I have those same needs.

My fingers work their way through his short hair, imploring his kiss to somehow deepen, even though I know i
s not physically possible. My body arches and twists somewhat trying to contain the swelling urgency I feel.

I can feel him begin to hesitate.
I do
t think
ll survive if he cuts me loose again. How can I let him know that he ca
t just stop kissing me, like he always does? Making use of a quick breathing break between kisses, I tell him just that.

What makes you think you need to control yourself
” My breathy words hang on me.

Hiking my slim fitting dress up mid thigh, he scoops me up while applying pressure to my lower hips, swinging my legs around his waist. He feels so strong carrying me as if I weigh nothing more than a feather across the room to the english leather sofa before leaning me down on its soft cushions. Pressed above me with his hands now free, he plunges them into the dark mass of hair loose around my shoulders. His breathing becoming heavy and deep as he hovers over me.

You have no idea what yo
re saying, V...

What? Yes I do! I do
t want him to stop. I want to feel his kisses and feel his arms holding me for as long as I possibly can. His lips move to my chin, my neck. His hand traces down my leg until it settles behind my knee. With one swift move he pushes my knee up just enough to allow enough room for his torso to spread over me.

I feel like
ll burst unless his lips are on mine again. Instead, they move across my collarbone as he breathes into my skin.

You feel so good, I want you right here
” His lips then return to my aching mouth.

His hand is still holding under my knee but slowly slides over my bare skin until i
s flattened over my thigh. I did
t think his kisses could be any more intense but somehow they do, drawing a buried moan from deep inside me. This is too much. I ca
t take much more, but I know i
s impossible for me to stop.

His hand pulses around my flesh, keeping time with his deep penetrating kisses. Instinctively, my body reacts as my hips raise and push deep into him before retreating and then push up once again. Whoa! How did they do that? Did he know his hand would solicit that response? He grasps tighter as my hips take control of their own actions, thrusting slightly into him again, feeling the roughness of his jeans against the delicate skin of my inner thighs.

My clothes are nothing more than a burden I want to free myself from. I break our kiss, inhaling deeper than my lungs are able to bear as my chest tinges with pain at i
s new filled capacity.

Oh God, Dom..
” I do
t mean for my voice to sound as whiny as it does as I cry out. Do
s own hips begin to press into me now, the friction slightly satisfying the tortuous need I feel inside. I feel a growing bulge against me as he answers my unspoken request with his body.

His hand releases its pressure from around my leg as it gently strokes my skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake while it covers the distance around to the inner skin rubbing up against his denim. He is driving me to insanity! But this sweet agony is making me feel more alive than ever before and I yearn for more.

My lips find their way back to his and his teeth gently tug on them, delivering more torment to my body. With a surge of adrenaline, I dig my nails through his shirt, needing to grab onto something before I am lost into an abyss.

Dom responds by moving his hand one last time deep between my thighs until it is sprawled out over the innermost patch of my panties. He presses his palm deep against me and I cry out, throbbing against him. Scared, unsure of what has just demanded that whelp of a response, Dom soothes me.

I know baby... you want me to. Soon... but not now

I become insanely angry that his body can taunt and tease me with so much pleasure and then yank it back.

What?! No, please... do
t stop. I need you..
” I implore him with my eyes. He keeps my gaze but his body inches slightly off of mine.

I drop my head back against the sofa in defeat.

V... baby you know as well as I do that yo
ve never gone this far before. You do
t know what yo
re saying.
m not gonna be that prick that takes advantage of you when yo
re in a state like this

I hear his words but keep my eyes rolled up at the ceiling above me, refusing to look at him. He chuckles at my childishness.

You really think yo
re ready? Like this? Right here?...

I shake my head up and down while my gaze rests on a fixed mark on the white paint high above. His hand has not moved from its perch on top of my cotton undergarment. I feel his fingers start to come to life.

I know you think yo
re ready, baby, I can feel it soaking through

I ca
t bring myself to speak. To confirm the fact.

Oh, yo
re giving me the silent treatment now, huh
” He kisses the corner of my mouth while his hand presses against the fabric once more, causing my head to angle back and my eyelids to flutter.
You do
t know much about this, do you

BOOK: Baby V (Chianti Kisses #1)
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