Read Await Online

Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #sci-fi, paranormal, erotic romance

Await (3 page)

BOOK: Await
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She shrugged and picked out the clothing that would have made most female sci-fi icons look like nuns. The box that the bots handed to her was heavy but that was simply the weight of the chain.

Xeric led her to the change room, and she was surprised to see that it included a full bath. She supposed that if you had to wash up before getting dressed or undressed, it would be a good thing to have.

Orphia removed the belt with the knife, stripped off the robe and tried to make heads or tails of the clothing in the box.

A knock on the door got her attention. “Do you need help, Orphia?”

She looked at the chain and tried to figure it out. “I hate to say this, but yes.”

Xeric laughed and came in, but his laughter caught in his throat when he saw her.

She blushed but held the chain out to him. “I have no idea what goes where. They should have included directions.”

He looked her over. “Well, there is one problem with this garment that we are going to have to deal with. It is not designed to be worn with this.” Without warning, his hand slid through the tuft of hair at the top of her sex, his long fingers curling under enough to graze the tips against her wet heat.

“Seriously? I have to shave? I hate shaving.” Orphia had had to remove all body hair for assignments before, and the time afterward was always irritating.

He snorted. “You will have to or this chain will tangle and rip out this small bit of fur for you.”

With tremendous effort, she walked away from him and looked around in the bathing area for a depilation device. “Damn, no laser.”

Xeric sighed and lifted her with one arm, perching her on the edge of the countertop. He reached into the cupboard and removed a small device.

She had overlooked it, because she had no idea what it was.

A narrow device with a head as wide as one of her fingers was tiny in his hand. He spread her thighs, and with slow, even strokes, he removed her small landing strip, working his way down. When his horns lightly scraped her inner thighs, she winced. Her body reacted to the small irritation with another surge of moisture, and her scent peaked again.

When he spread her ass cheeks and continued the trimming until she was completely denuded, Orphia was desperately trying to come up with another topic for discussion and coming up with nothing.

She jumped with a yelp when his long tongue snaked between the lips of her sex and worked into her, drinking her honey with a distinct intensity. Orphia was so aroused, she began to climax the moment that he pressed those sharp teeth into the edge of her clit. Just the threat of pain spiked her pleasure, and her harsh cries filled the room.

He sat back on his heels and licked his lips. “There, not one hair left, I have checked.”

The focus in his eyes took in the deep pink of her nipples against the cream of her skin. She shivered as the weight of her breasts suddenly worked itself into her awareness. The flare of light that rippled from her skin distracted them both.

Xeric got to his feet and sighed. “Later.”

She blinked up at him and knew that her expression was rather stunned. “Later?”

He laughed and helped her to her feet. His gaze went over her from head to toe. “Definitely later.”

She stood with her arms out as he wrapped her in the chains and minute scraps of fabric. One breast was covered, one exposed, the small scrap of fabric that she had identified as a top was, in fact, covering her sex by happenstance rather than design.

“Now, we release your hair.” His hands worked at her braid, and when the heavy fall of black hair surrounded her, he growled in approval.

Instead of covering her, her hair had the effect of making her look even more vulnerable and feminine. Standing next to the hulking form of Xeric, she looked like the standard slave girl from many a nerd’s fantasies.

She breathed in, and his scent both calmed her and set her nerves on edge. “Where do we go next?”

“I would love to say to bed, but we must do as the Orb commands. Put the image of the location in your thoughts.”

Orphia swallowed. “Okay. What next?”

“Call on the power of the Orb, and walk into the location. Just one step. Easy.” He placed his hands on her shoulders, and she met his black gaze in the mirror.

“What about my eyes?”

“If the Orb demands you dress this way, it will hide your eyes and anything else you need hidden.” He smiled. “I will be with you the whole way, you may not be able to see me, but I will be there.”

She nodded and swallowed. It was an assignment, just like walking for the dead. She simply needed to find out what she had to do and work through it.

“Where do I put my knife in this outfit?” She bit her lip, stalling.

“I will carry it. I will be near you at all times. Simply imagine where you need to be and go there.” His words were calm, measured and reassuring.

She concentrated, pulled the power together and took that first step. In an instant, she was in the seraglio and the unhappy woman was sitting on the dais, looking at the ground.

Orphia took a few steps toward the dais and was horribly nervous about being seen. A translucent glow covered her skin as she made her way to her target. When she caught a glimpse of herself in a polished tray, she realized that she didn’t see anything. She was invisible.

Confident that no one would see her, she drifted close to hear the conversation between the Negotiator and the man surrounded by recumbent women.

“I cannot understand. Why that woman?”

The Negotiator sighed. “He finds her scent appealing. He will not give any other reason.”

“How much do you think we can get for her?”

The Negotiator looked toward the unhappy slave and shrugged. “A small trade agreement, she isn’t worth more.”

“Fine. Let him know he can have her for passage through his space and a replacement female of the same species. I don’t want to lose out on my collection.” The man smirked.

The Negotiator stiffened, but he left the room.

Orphia finally understood. This woman had to be sold to the purchaser. She had to find a replacement for whatever this woman was.

Orphia sat next to the dais where the woman was sitting. “Good evening. Don’t look around, you won’t see me.”

“Who are you?”

“That does not matter. Who is trying to buy you, do you know?”

The woman shook her head. “I was in my village and someone took me. The next thing I know, all these strange creatures are pawing at me, and I ended up here.”

“Where is your home world?”

“Far away.”

“Do you know what it is called?” Orphia kept her voice low, but some of the women were starting to look.

“They call it Terra.”

Orphia blinked in shock. “What was the biggest local news that you remember happening?”

The woman frowned. “Leif just left to go exploring.”


“Indeed. I was told that we were taken on a raiding party. No one was left at home everyone was seeing him off, except those left to clean up.”

“I will return.”

“Thank you for speaking to me. None of these women have bothered to learn anything about me. It was good to know that I am not invisible.”

Orphia chuckled. “I am for now. Remain calm. This will be seen to.”

Knowing what had to be done now Orphia ran after the Negotiator and followed him out of the palace and into the streets.

The bar where he found the prospective purchaser was quite elegant. The purchaser himself was a shock. The Negotiator stopped next to a male that was sharing a drink with a friend.

Xeric’s head turned toward her as she approached, and his smiled curled his lips. “I believe that the solution to your problem just entered the room.”

The other Hirn male lifted his head and scented the air. “Wonderful. Yours?”

“Yes. Orphia, please come here and show yourself.” Xeric held out his hand.

She slipped her hand into his, and the moment she did, she became fully visible.

The other Hirn and the Negotiator gasped.

Xeric pulled her onto his lap, and he cuddled her close. “What did you learn?”

“That I am to be sold in order to get her to him.” She jerked her head.

“Orpheus, this is Orphia. She is a Terran and is willing to take part in your scheme to get Inga free.”

The Hirn looked at her with hope in his dark brown gaze. “Are you sure? She was to be mine back on her world, but she was stolen.”

Orphia blinked, “What do you mean, she was to be yours?”

Xeric cleared his throat. “Like many of our people, Orpheus is a wood spirit. A maiden is given to him in return for his protection and generosity. Inga was to go to him three days after she was taken. He went looking for her, and he found her village in ruins.”

Orpheus looked miserable. Even his horns seemed unhappy.

Orphia smiled and turned to the Negotiator. “What were the terms?”

“Access to a local trade route and a woman of the same species. The prince doesn’t want to mix up his collection.”

Orphia gave him a feral grin. “Tell him that the terms are accepted, and the exchange will occur at the palace at sundown. When he takes possession of me, the agreement is final. Will he abide by that?”

The Negotiator nodded. “I will make sure of it. But, madam, are you sure?”

She blinked, and he jerked back. She suspected that the Orb had let her eyes be visible for an instant. Orpheus was staring at her in shock as well.

“As you wish, madam. We will see you at sunset.” The Negotiator bowed as low as his armour would allow, and he walked slowly out of the bar.

“Xeric, does getting hammered impair our skills?”

He wrapped his hand around the bare skin of her belly. “No. Why?”

“Because I plan on getting plastered so that it will seem that Orpheus drugged me to make me comply. The prince is that kind of egotist, he doesn’t want a woman to come willingly. He wants to make them submit.”

Xeric held up his hand, and the bartender brought over liquors in small glasses. With deliberate focus, Orphia put her attention to the serious task of getting drunk.

Chapter Five

Orpheus was carrying her under one arm as casually as if she was a sack of potatoes. She was dizzy and giggling, but part of her mind was crystal clear.

The reason that the Nameless weren’t affected by drinking was because the Orb of Time was a designated driver.

The palace gates were open. She could feel Xeric nearby, but the Orb was making him invisible as it had her.

Inga was standing straight, her blonde hair rippling to her knees. Her eyes were a bright, vivid blue, and when she saw Orpheus walking toward her, her face changed to an expression of hope.

Orphia sighed happily as best as she was able. It was good to see Inga’s face happy. She reminded Orphia of her grandmother. They had the same cheekbones.

The prince was blinking in astonishment. “That was quick. I didn’t know there was another Terran nearby.”

Orpheus grunted, “I always travel with a spare.”

The prince didn’t know how to respond to that, but the Negotiator coughed through the speakers of his armour.

“You have met the terms of the immediate agreement. Make your mark here, and the rest will be taken on contract.” The Negotiator held out a data pad where Orpheus made his mark.

He set her on her feet and patted her on the back. “Go to your new master.”

She wobbled and took a few steps before pausing to get her balance.

Inga was unchained, and she didn’t waste time. She sprinted for Orpheus and fell to her knees. “Thank you for coming for me, my lord.”

He lifted her carefully in his arms. “I will always come for you, Inga.”

Orpheus started to move, and soon, he was a blur in the distance.

Orphia wobbled toward the prince, and she had to laugh as guards surrounded her.

The prince circled her, assessing. “You are a much better choice, stronger and more elegant. There is a confidence in you that I will enjoy breaking.”

She looked at him in the eyes, and his guards struck the backs of her knees. She felt the skin part on one knee but didn’t cry out. “I don’t break.”

The prince came toward her and leaned in. “You will.”

She couldn’t help herself. She struck out at him, breaking his nose and causing blood to spew in every direction. The deep purple colour grossed her out, but she took another swing.

The guards struck her and forced her to the ground.

“Cheater! Can’t even take a girl without backup. No wonder you have to break your women, they can all kick your ass otherwise.” Part of her was glad that she was drunk when the guards struck her again.

A low rumble came to her, and she grimaced. “This isn’t going to be good for you, scooter.”

Xeric appeared in mid-run. He was fearsome, deadly and hotter than she had ever seen him. The leather shirt was a thing of the past, and his torso was exposed to her drunken and fascinated gaze.

Guards went flying, and the prince was pinned to the wall by Xeric’s antlers. “Do not touch my woman.”

“She is mine, Hirn. I bought her.” It was said on a gasp, blood seeped from the contact points.

“She is mine, Tival, she was promised to me.” Xeric’s hands slowly throttled the prince until he drooped against the wall.

Shaking his head, he freed his antlers from the prince.

“Orpheus had better be on his way. I will not stand by while they hurt you.” He lifted her to her feet and slung her into his arms.

She turned her head and spit out blood from the last kick of the guards. “I think they loosened a tooth.”

A flash of light and they were back Home. Xeric sent warmth through her body and she felt the bruises recede.

“That is a neat trick.”

He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I cannot bear to see you injured. Why did you strike him?”

She blinked and looked at him in surprise. “How drunk am I?”

His smile became sheepish. “Ah, right. So, you like to pick fights when drunk?”

She grinned. “Apparently.”

“I believe you need a nap.”

She belched, “It might be a good idea. A glass or three of water would be good too. What was I drinking?”

BOOK: Await
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