Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3) (8 page)

BOOK: Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3)
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The driver nodded in concern before opening the door. Abel lifted me into the vehicle and slipped in behind me, his father closing the door behind him. It was impossible to block the voices of the lawyers and the deposition. The events of the day, just another episode that would forever change my life, continued to loop inside my head as we made our way back to the airport. Mr. Gunner was in a hurry and had to catch a flight back to Colorado.
. The hushed tones of Abel and his dad speaking softly did little to pull me out of my trance as I glanced out the darkened window watching the cars go by. The vehicle slowed and the drone of jet engines thundered overhead. I knew we were close.

The vehicle pulled to the left and parked. “You did well, Gia,” Mr. Gunner said, successfully breaking me from my thoughts. “There’s nothing to worry about. I don’t want you spending another second worrying. Put your focus on the beautiful grandchild that’s coming.” He cupped my cheek, and I managed a weak smile, agreeing to his statement.

Fuck. I was exhausted. Abel and he took a moment to speak privately outside the vehicle. That was until the media started infringing on their privacy. I wouldn’t say I’d ever get used to this circus, because that would be a lie. However, Abel made every effort to shield me as much as possible. At our home, I lived in a bubble of security. He made sure our home was safe from prying eyes. Well, as safe as hired security could make it. I almost forgot what it was like to be out with him in public. The mayhem that surrounded him. I don’t know how he’d become so well-adjusted.
. Abel and well-adjusted really have no business being in the same sentence.

“What’s so funny, Beauty?” he asked, forcing a smile. And that pained me. Here I sit, being consumed by my own thoughts. I’d never considered it—what
was feeling. How this affected him… I would be blind to think this had no impact on him or his life whatsoever.

“I was just thinking how well-adjusted you are.”

“Pfft,” he muttered. “You mean
adjusted don’t you?”

Sometimes I forgot how witty he could be. We needed some downtime. And the Fourth of July party couldn’t come at a better time.

He hadn’t a clue of how I or others viewed him. Sure, he had his addiction and shortcomings. But he was something a lot more to me. “You are my rock. Do you know what that means? It means you protect me. A redeemer or protector. Your words are always with the intent to uplift, encourage, and please me. There is never self-pity, complaining, envy, or anything selfish about you—at all. So, maladjusted isn’t the word I’d use to describe you. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes for one day…just to know how I see you.”

“I just did, Beauty. I just did…” He smiled, but his voice broke.

I searched his face. His thick, dark hair and green eyes held so much adoration and understanding. The female in me couldn’t help but gush, and the lover in me felt honored to call him mine. I lifted my hand to his face, gently palming over the stubble I loved, and leaned into his open collar…breathing in his warm, spicy cologne. He was more than a man. A fiancée. A rock god worshiped by many. He was more than my north, south, east, and west. He was my center. My gravity. My morning, noon, and night. My physical, living, breathing compass… My

July Fourth

We decided to keep our house as the venue for the biggest party anyone had seen yet. The party was outdoors, around the enormous infinity pool. There were some traditional red, white, and blue decorations. However, it also had the opulence and seduction of Gatsby. A huge white tent was set up on the far lawn to the left, just in case of inclement weather. The sound guy set up on the opposite side of the pool, across from the tent. I was surprised there weren’t any instruments set-up. However, that didn’t mean a damn thing. If the boys wanted to play, they would play.

Gigantic oscillating fans blew cool air for anyone that was hot and didn’t intend on swimming. Which, looking at how most were dressed, swimming wasn’t an option. Three bars were set up in a triangle near each other, and people were already buzzing around with drinks in their hands, chatting away. He hired a catering service to help Michael and a serving staff. The staff were both male and female, and beautiful…every last one of them. They wore black pants with white shirts and passed around trays filled with champagne, wine, tropical drinks, and hors d’ oeuvres.

I saw Mr. Gunner standing by a raw seafood bar looking too good to be anyone’s father. His tan slacks and white cuffed shirt looked crazy sexy. Jesus. Abel’s mother wore a cream tweed Jill St. John summer suit and looked…well, like Abel’s mom. She was beautiful, but the sorted history left me with a bad taste in my mouth.

Three men shucked oysters, clams, and served a cold seafood cocktail Abel adored from Italy. I looked at my watch, checking the time. Chance went to pick up Cindy and they should be back any minute. Who, despite my begging, decided to stay at a hotel.
Something about getting lucky and not feeling comfortable fucking in my house with McPrick around
. There was no sense arguing; her stubborn ass would never budge.

The mix of people varied. The fabulous and fashionable. No doubt some of the executives and their wives. Then we had the girls. Whose
I couldn’t say. Abel’s answer was:
they’re at every party for every band and were unattached
. Fucking-fan-girl-hardcore groupies. The die-hard bitches that traveled from city to city. The girls that had names like
Penny Lane
. The bands felt they owed them for their loyalty.

We provided all the desired amenities for a true Gatsby inspired Rock and Roll banger—his words. Alcohol, food, pool, music, and chicks—his words
. Though, he clarified
only had eyes for me. I never doubt him for a moment.

“Where’s my girl?” Cindy yelled into the crowd of people, her long, blond tresses reaching her waist.

I waved from the table I sat at, the one closest to the pool. No way would anyone want to see me in a bathing suit cooling off in the pool.

She scoped the crowd as she made her way over to me. “No need to rush over, bitch,” she said, kissing my cheek.

“Ha, she’s not capable of getting out of a chair. Look at the basketball she swallowed. A wave is about all she’s capable of.” Chance snickered and I couldn’t contain my eye roll. I had plenty of time to get him back for all his ribbing.

Cindy smacked him. “Oh, please…she looks beautiful. Shit, what happened to your feet?”

I glared at Chance, who laughed loudly. “Abel did this to my feet. In fact, it’s all his fault I’m fat and waddling around. Look what I’m wearing…” I snarled and gathered the material of my bohemian dress.

“At least it’s YSL honey. So please stop complaining…” Chance reprimanded me.

Out of the corner of my eye to the left, I caught Woody, Ender, and Jake wheeling three ice sculptures. Jesus fuck. Woody’s were big breasts with hardened nipples. Jake had the Rolling Stone tongue, and Ender…a big, shapely booty.

“Kill me now—please,” Cindy railed. “I mean, when will the whore in them grow the fuck up?” She turned and grabbed two glasses of white wine off the tray of a passing waiter. “I need alcohol…and plenty of it.”

“The answer is simple, Cin—
. It’s rock and roll…it’s who they are and what’s expected. Think of it as a cultural thing,” he explained, and as he did, Cindy’s focus shifted to Chance.

Her eyes went up and down his tanned muscled body. And I knew exactly what she was thinking:
When did he get to be so built and gorgeous

Chance sighed heavily, not even noticing. “They’re erotic, ripped, delicious, sexual deviants who play music for swooning fans. They can get away with anything.”

While Chance and Cindy spoke at length about the band’s juvenile habits, Jessie walked in holding a bottle of wine. She wore a beautiful pale blue romper that popped against her porcelain skin.
Fuck, I sounded like Chance
. Her black hair cut into a severe sleek-bob that made her look ultra-chic. She was a petite little thing…reminded me of a pixie. Before I could wave to her, Ender took her hand, and then Jake took the bottle, placing it on the bar.

“Who the fuck is the pixie?” Cindy asked and took a seat. I laughed and Chance took the other seat, removing his shirt to take in some sun. Cindy snapped her finger and demanded, “More alcohol please,” while Chance handed her his untouched glass.

I was itching to have this conversation, and no time like the present. “That’s Jessie, and it’s a little bit of a story.”

“Ha, is that what you’re calling it?” Chance snorted, making hand quotes.

“Spill it, chick.” She took a long sip of her wine.

“Well, the boys kind of have a thing going on with her.” I paused not knowing how far to take this conversation.

?” she shouted. “Wait. What boys?” she amended in a more calm and collected tone.

“Ender and Jake…
? You have eyes in that gorgeous skull, right?” Chance huffed. She smiled and winked at him. He just rolled his eyes and blew her off.

“Well, are we going to chat or are you going to keep all the goodness to yourself?” Cindy’s tone grew less playful. It was probably every girl’s fantasy…two guys. Just like guys fantasized about two girls.

I decided to gossip. “Okay, here’s what I know… You know she works for us. She’s Michael’s sous chef. However, surprisingly, she has the day off.”

“Well, duh?” Chance commented.

“I don’t even want to know what Michael looks like…do I?” Cindy asked and her eyes cruised the backyard.

Chance nudged her with his elbow. “He’s the chef, and he’s inside.”

“Anyway, I think they’re in a M-M-F relationship, or so Abel says.” There, I finally got it out. Now we can properly break this shit all the way down.

“Shut up!” she said, slamming the table with her fist. Chance jumped. Then she polished off the rest of her wine. “I need something stronger, and we’re not leaving this table for shit until I get every juicy detail. Now, this is the shit I’m talking about. I’m so glad I came.” She sighed.

We all agreed and then turned our focus to the threesome across the pool. Jake’s hand roamed across the small of her back while Ender held a bottle of raspberry Stoli.

“Jesus fuck.” I grabbed my bottled water, taking a long drink, and the three of us watched in erotic rapture.

“Chance, grab the tray of wine from the waiter.” Cindy snapped, but Chance listened. I suspected he needed some alcohol himself. However, our eyes never left the threesome. “I can’t chance missing any of this.” Cindy blindly grabbed a glass off the tray. It was like the party and music melted away, and we had a sensual private show about to start. Jake’s hand never left her as he escorted her to the booty ice sculpture.

Ender looked as though he were explaining something. She nodded and stepped forward, pressing her mouth right at the crack that ran down between both ice globes. Ender slid a shot of raspberry vodka down to meet her waiting mouth. She took every last bit and grabbed her throat, mouthing something to a smiling Ender. Jake came around her and licked a drop that clung to her lip.

“Ugh, the burn…” Cindy moaned and I squeezed my thighs together. Chance got up and walked to the bar. Either he was affected or had enough of us. “We need to move closer, this way we won’t miss anything. Sheesh, it’s freakin’ hot out here.”

I agreed, and Abel finally made his way over to greet Cindy. He and Woody had been playing DJ thus far.

“I’m glad you made it, Cindy.” He pulled her into a hug. “We’ve missed you.”

“Aww, how is it possible someone as hot as you can be so damn cute, too? You’re a conundrum. You know that?” She embraced him and thanked him for having her. He released her with a sexy smile still on his face. “Nice shirt, Ace.” She guffawed and he winked. She recently kidded him about nabbing my heart.

He wore a grey T-shirt that stretched across his hard chest that said
Colorful tattoos ran down his arms to his fingers. A pair of black board shorts sat low on his trim waist and hung below his knees. His hair was slicked back and a five o’clock shadow dimpled when he smiled.
was a brand name he favored, but I didn’t expect her to know that. I’m positive she was assuming it was a BDSM thing, and he was a caveman. Which he was. But he was all about double meanings.

“Well, I’d say stop eye-raping him, but he’s yours. So have at it,” Cindy said, stepping aside, and I stepped up, taking her place in his arms.

Abel pulled me into the crook of his arm and turned to Cindy. “You say hello to Wood yet?”

I nestled my face into his chest, not wanting to see the sour look she wore.

She tapped her chin for a minute thinking. “Oh, you mean McPrick. Nah…”

“Once upon a time, Cin, you adored him, and he adored you. Life’s too short to waste time crying over the hand you have been dealt. It’s your responsibility to make the best of what you have. I used to struggle. So I understand.”

She blinked a few times, but no words came.

BOOK: Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3)
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