Attraction: (A Temptation Series Stand-alone) (The Temptation Series Book 4) (4 page)

BOOK: Attraction: (A Temptation Series Stand-alone) (The Temptation Series Book 4)
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The newly arrived guests caught my attention as they walked
in, my gaze instantly shifting from Alexis to the three super-hot guys, one in
particular sparking waves of excitement to flow through me.
Holy fuck! Who
is that?
I’d hoped Bryce would have spunky friends, but shit, this guy was
fucking gorgeous.

He gave Bryce a manly slap on the back, and the smile that
beamed from his face was enough to nearly make my underwear go Carly-cave
Oh. My. God!

I couldn’t seem to tear my eyes away from the spunk-rat. I
took in his shaved head that still had just enough hair to give him a sexy rugged
look. He was wearing a black leather jacket over a tight white t-shirt and,
even though I was halfway across the room, I could tell by the way the material
clung to his chest that his many muscles were screaming to be explored by my

My eyes dropped further down his body, spying light denim
jeans which were riding low on his hips.
Holy mother of vaginal spasms,
those hips would fit perfectly in between my legs
. I mentally took some

Unfortunately, I couldn’t see his arse from my current
standing position, but I was quite certain it was an arse that deserved nothing
but a tight squeeze.

Barely able to swallow my champagne, I took in the sight of
his ink, which disappeared under the neckline of his t-shirt. And it was that
small hint of artwork that sent my hormones on a hormonal-bender.

Not knowing whether or not I had been ogling him like a lovesick
schoolgirl, I quickly found concealment behind my champagne glass, because we
all know a see-through flute made of crystal and no bigger than your hand
provides ample camouflage.
Carly, you idiotic fool.

‘Who the fuck is that sex-on-a-stick?’ I whispered, peeking
over the rim of my glass before taking an inconspicuous sip.

Alexis followed my line of sight then leaned in and
answered. ‘That is Derek, Bryce’s best mate. He’s also the lead singer of the
band. He was at the pub in Shepparton, remember? You know, when the band played
“November Rain” and Bryce performed the guitar solos for me.’

‘Is that him? Oh my god! He looks different,’ I whisper-squealed.

‘You were slightly occupied with the barman, Carls. Plus
Derek has shaved his head since then. Maybe that’s why you don’t recognise

‘Fuck, Lexi, he is beyond hot. His hotness factor is through
the bloody roof.’
That is actually an enormous understatement. This man is
F.I.N.E.-fine. Very fucking fine.

She laughed at me as though she was privy to information
that I was not. ‘It’s funny you should say that, because he is a firefighter.’

Grabbing hold of her arm to prevent myself from melting into
a puddle of my own drool, I dramatically pleaded, ‘Please tell me he’s single,
Alexis, because I have a fucking ferocious fire in between my legs that he
needs to put out.’

She cracked up laughing. ‘Yes, Carls, he is single ... as
far as I know.’


Bryce, Derek and the other two hotty-hotcakes made their way
over to where Lexi and I were standing. As they approached, I squeezed Alexis’
arm tightly. ‘Quick! Quick! My vagina is burning, please
to my
rescue,’ I said theatrically under my breath, clearly enunciating my double
meaning of the word come.

Alexis laughed then added just as quietly, ‘Mr Firefighter
Derek, please douse my friend’s fiery hole with your fire hose. Nobody likes a
burnt burger.’

I almost spat out the champagne I had only just seconds ago
taken into my mouth and, with great difficulty, we managed to subdue ourselves
and act like the adults that we were by the time the men reached us.

Securing Alexis by placing his arm around her waist, Bryce
introduced the man candies. ‘Alexis, you remember Derek, Will and Matt?’

‘Yes, of course I do. It’s nice to see you again. Thanks for
,’ Alexis answered, very subtly emphasising her last spoken word.

I couldn’t help giggling. I was already in that type of mood
and the champers was not helping.

‘Happy birthday, Alexis,’ Derek said, his voice rolling
through me like a sex express train. He handed her a small package and gave me
a quick smile before focussing his attention back to Lex.
Fuck me!
No, I
really mean it.
Derek, sexy firefighter, please fuck me now.

‘You really shouldn’t have,’ Lexi said sheepishly, clearly
embarrassed. She was never a fan of birthday presents.

Derek shot her another smile, a smile that somehow had an
invisible line directly to my Carly-cave, my cave waking up and blessing me
with an aroused tingle.

I not so subtly cleared my throat, not waiting any longer
for Lex to introduce us.
My god! Talk about fail with the wingwoman duties.
She should’ve done it by now.

‘Is it your birthday, Lexi?’ I asked, feigning ignorance.
‘Because I didn’t get you jack shit.’ Mind you, my statement was both confident
and truthful. I honestly didn’t get her anything, my presence being present

Lexi gently shoved my shoulder. ‘Sorry, this rude bitch here
is my best friend, Carly. Carly, this is Will, Matt and Derek. They are Bryce’s
friends and members of the band he plays in.’

‘Yes, I know. I saw you guys in Shepparton. You were
fantastic.’ I pointed my glass at Derek. ‘And you have a voice to die for.’
a body, and eyes, and lips, and ... let’s face it ... you are just completely
to die for.

A seductive smile crept in at the corners of his mouth and,
just as he was about to say thank you — or quite possibly, let me stick my
tongue down your throat, Carly — Alexis offered her gratitude.

‘I love it! Thank you.’ She held up a CD which belonged to
the band. ‘You didn’t tell me you had a CD,’ she said to Bryce.

‘We’ve only just recently produced it. It appears you would
be one of the first to own a copy,’ he answered, proudly.

‘Oh, lucky me,’ she replied excitedly. ‘Can you all sign

‘I think track four already has your name on it,’ Matt
advised her, as he helped himself to a beer from the tray a waiter before us
was balancing.

Alexis shot him a confused expression. ‘A track that has my
name on it?’

Before anyone could answer, the buzzer to the door sounded
again, and this time, the people entering seemed to be a never-ending stream.

‘Sorry, guys,’ Bryce interrupted. ‘I need to steal this
beautiful woman and greet our arriving guests.’

We smiled as he whisked Alexis away, his playful demeanour
eliciting a loving giggle from her mouth.

‘So, Carly,’ Derek said as he turned to face me, ‘I’m a
little concerned.’

‘Why?’ I stammered, unsure as to why he would be worried.

‘Because, according to you, if I talk to you and you hear my
voice, you could quite possibly die.’ He lifted one eyebrow and took a swig of
his beer.

Oh, god. Did I really say that?



I was normally confident around men, probably too confident
if I’m completely honest. My confidence, however, had absolutely nothing to do
with how I felt about myself, or how I looked for that matter. Yes, I looked
pretty bloody good, being fortunate enough to eat whatever I wanted and never
worry about my dress size. But my good genes and luck where my looks were
concerned weren’t what gave me the poise and prowess to own a room when I
walked into it. No, my confidence was more to do with the fact that I always
felt on top of the game, in control of my life and any situation. Especially
where men were concerned.

So the feeling of helplessness I was now experiencing — the
result of one sentence spoken by Derek — was unfamiliar, strange and
unsettling, and I didn’t like it. I didn’t like it one bit.

Mustering my semblance of Carly-is-the-shit, I placed my
index and middle finger against my wrist. ‘Nope,’ I teased, with a slight shake
of the head, pausing for effect. ‘There’s no need to worry. I feel a pulse. I’m
still alive. It must only be when you sing.’

‘Damn!’ Will laughed while slapping Derek on the back. ‘Talk
about being shot down in a blaze of glory. Carly, I think I love you.’

The mention of the word ‘blaze’ had me giggling again, until
Derek leaned in and started singing the opening line to the Bon Jovi song. The
intense look in his eyes and the sexiness of his voice had me catching my

Unable to help myself, I stared at his lips as if they were
moving in slow motion, soon finding myself entranced by his sultry tone. His
face was so close to mine that if I wanted to, I could stick my tongue out and
lick the side of it. I actually did want to ... desperately.

A faint smell of beer gently wafted across my face.
Normally, beer-breath would have me dry-retching, but the warm air that was
lightly skating across the surface of my lips was about the yummiest thing I
had experienced since my mini-tube of Pringles earlier in the day.

Just as I was about to drag my tongue across the tasty
singing morsel in front of me, I was snapped out of my daze by the sensation of
his palm pressed flat against my back, his other hand now comfortably splayed
across my waist and his ear gently resting against my chest.

‘I’m not sure I can hear her heartbeat,’ he explained to

Derek’s fingers very subtly brushed over the dark green
material covering my lower abdomen, the sensation exciting me. I honestly
didn’t want him to move, but I also couldn’t allow the impression that I was
easily turned into a puppet. Carly Henkley was no Pinocchio.

‘Let’s just say your performance gave me a heart murmur.
That’s all. You’ll have to do a little better than that to stop my heart completely,’
I compromised, giving an awkward but cocky smile.

He released me and took a small step back, a stern but
mischievous look upon his face. ‘Who said I wanted to stop it? I prefer things

‘On that note, I’m heading into the cave,’ Matt declared.
‘You guys coming or what?’

My brain seemed to only decipher two words from that last
exchange; pumping and cave. And I couldn’t help but now visualise Derek doing
just that; pumping my cave.

‘Can you play eight-ball, Carly?’ he asked, snapping me out
of my head-porn.

‘Can a dog lick his own balls?’ I blurted out.

For the love of fuck, Carly. Filter, where is your

‘I’ll take that as a yes,’ he said with a laugh and pointed
his beer in the direction the other guys went. ‘After you, then.’

Nodding my head in acceptance, I led the way — finally
leading something — and snatched up another two glasses of champagne from a
passing waiter. I was almost certain I would require them both.


Entering a room that looked a little like a recording studio
mashed together with a dude hangout, I found myself being handed a pool cue by
Derek. I was still in a daze, feeling slightly unnerved and unsettled.
Something that never EVER happened to me.

Taking the cue from him, I smiled and once again gave myself
a mental bitch-slap.
Carly Josephine Henkley, what the hell is wrong with
you? He is just a walking penis, a walking, talking, singing man-toy.

I turned my back to him and reached for the block of blue
chalk sitting on the rack fixed to the wall. As I chalked the tip of my cue and
blew off the excess residue, I continued to give myself a silent pep talk.
you’ve got this. You own a vagina, and a good one at that. You’ve spent many a
night at the local pub playing eight-ball. And anyway, I’m sure Derek won’t
mind you bending over the pool table and enticing him with your size ten arse.

‘You want to break?’ Derek asked.

‘Sure,’ I said confidently, still not facing him, ‘unless
you do?’

‘No. Ladies before gentlemen,’ he replied, his tone laced
with cheeky provocation.

Rolling my eyes at his obnoxiousness — because, let’s face
it, no one likes to break the first time — I spun around. ‘Who says I’m a la—’

He’d removed his jacket and the sight of him in his white
tee stole the words from my mouth. His skin was the tone of caramel, to the
point where I wanted to trail my tongue up his bicep, just to make sure he was
not made of the sweet treat. And speaking of biceps, holy fucking muscle
merriment ... those bumps and grooves were giving me vertigo.

I soon realised I was standing there, clasping the pool cue
in a death grip, my mouth wide open with unfinished words. ‘—dy ... lady. Who
says I’m a lady?’ I barely voiced, finishing my sentence.

‘Well, you sure as hell look like one,’ he stated, perched
on a stool, his eyebrow raised in amusement.

I tore my eyes away from his t-shirt snug chest and leaned
forward across the table, preparing to take my shot. ‘Well, I’m not,’ I
declared, concentrating on the trajectory of my cue. ‘I chew gum, I drink beer
and I eat pizza while sitting on my couch,’ I explained as I slammed the pool
cue into the white ball, sending it hurtling into the triangular arrangement.

Balls scattered in all directions as I straightened up.

‘I read books instead of balancing them on my head,’ I
continued. ‘My favourite word is fuck and I prefer my legs open. Clearly, I am
not a lady.’ I bent down to take my next shot, smiling at the fact that I had
sunk a ball. Looking up before playing it, I locked my eyes on Derek who seemed
to have
fixed on my cleavage. ‘Looks like I have the big balls and
you have the small ones,’ I informed, snapping his attention to my mouth.

Suddenly, Will performed a rimshot, sounding a sting to punctuate
my joke. Derek glared at him, placed his beer on the edge of the table and
stood beside me, pretending to focus on the shot I was about to make. The heat
from his body, which was subtly pressed against my side, along with the scent
of his aftershave, worked to conspire against me, resulting in my aim being
slightly off. I missed sinking a ball which was probably more sinkable than the

BOOK: Attraction: (A Temptation Series Stand-alone) (The Temptation Series Book 4)
7.79Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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