Read Attack of the Zombies Online

Authors: Terry Mayer

Tags: #minecraft, #minecraft book, #minecraft comic book, #minecraft book for kids, #minecraft handbook, #minecraft fanfiction, #minecraft novel for kids, #minecraft diary books, #minecraft adventure book

Attack of the Zombies (2 page)

BOOK: Attack of the Zombies
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Diary Of A Minecrafter - Attack of the
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Hey guys, I'm back. Let me catch you up real
quick on what has been happening.

First off, this is a Journal - NOT - a diary,
ok. I received a load of grief from the guys after they found out
that I was keeping this journal, so I need to set the record

After the first term of school finished last
week me and the guys celebrated by hitting the town before we went
home. I told Hoody that I held the village record for drinking the
most shakes in one minute and he immediately challenged me to a
contest. He drank five shakes in a row before he grabbed his belly
and made a dash for the bathroom, turning a sickly shade of green
as he ran. Me and the guys rolled around on the floor, nearly in
tears. Poor Hoody, all you need to do is tell him you are good at
something and he will challenge you. Me, yeah I sort of hold the
record for drinking the most shakes but its only because no one has
ever actually had a competition, but Hoody does not need to know
that! Anyway, we had a great night and then headed home for the

I spent an awesome weekend with Mom and Dad.
I told them everything that had happened so far at The School of
Minecraft and they spoilt me rotten for the whole time I was home.
Got back here late last night, ready for the new term. This is
going to be epic!

Numbers, Gravy, Hoody and me are sharing a
room again so that is awesome, should be loads of fun and games.
The whole school is gathering for breakfast in ten minutes,
something about the headmaster making a speech or something like

Wow, this is unbelievable, I have to tell you
what the headmaster just said at breakfast.

While we were all away for the weekend the
noobs who failed their exams stayed back to retake them and get
this, five of them and twelve guards were killed in the Survival
Room. No one really knows what happened - no survivors? - but the
rumors are flying all over the school. According to Jonesy, he's
the biggest gossip here in school but he is usually right, they
were all killed by Zombies, but no one knows how the Zombies could
have overwhelmed that many guards.

After my last experience with Zombies I can
tell you how I would deal with them - RUN! Jeb Lightning Feet,
that's what they would call me. No boy had ever run faster than
Jeb, he was so fast that even the wind could not catch him. Yep,
that's how I would deal with it. Anyway, we are all banned from the
survival room until this is sorted out.

First lesson this term is with Mr Larrson -
Potions and Enchantments. This is going to be

Yes, I just knew it. We are using Mr
Larrson's Book of Magic as our course book. This is the most
awesome book on Potions and Enchanting ever written and we have the
actual person who wrote it teaching us, YES!

Mr Larrson says that to be a great
Minecrafter you need to master the art of Potions and Enchantments.
This term we will learn how to brew every potion and master the art
of enchanting objects. This is going to be

Art of Combat 101 with Mr Mayer

Yep, you read that right, Mr Mayer is
teaching us the Art of Combat this term, carrying right on from
where we left off. The first lesson turned out to be a little slow,
it was all theory because the Survival Room is still off limits but
I'm in no hurry to get back in there as Mr Mayer say's that there
will be loads of practice sessions once we are cleared to re-enter
the Survival Room. That means fighting each other, fighting DARTH!

Anyway, I'll just have to cross that bridge
when I come to it, yeah right, if there is a bridge I'll run across
it and burn it to the ground behind me, stranding Darth on the
other side. Oh give me a break, I'm aloud to daydream, it is MY
journal after all.


I've got to tell you this. Potion making with
Mr Larrson was sooooo funny today. We were making a Potion of
Slowness and Darth was acting the pratt as usual, showing off in
front of his cronies. He added some gunpowder to his potion and
turned it into a splash potion - that means it can be thrown and
used as a weapon! Anyway, he was standing in the middle of the
class room, tossing this splash potion up and down in his hands
just watching me. I tried to ignore him, hoping that he would get
bored and get on with annoying someone else, when he shouted out
'Hey Looser' and I can't believe I actually did this, but I turned
around and looked at him.

"Ha, I see you know your name. Jeb the

Yeah I know, I walked straight into that one,
when will I ever learn?

"Hey looser, catch," Darth said as he
pretended to throw the Splash Potion at me. Well to say I didn't
conduct myself very well is an understatement. I screamed and dived
under the desk.
*double shame*

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