[Atlantean's Quest 03] Redemption (3 page)

BOOK: [Atlantean's Quest 03] Redemption
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Before she could make sense of her vision, the flap to the hut was thrown back and her two guards stepped inside. Their gazes darted from side to side ensuring that she was still alone before dropping the flap to once again cover the entry door. Her legs were still spread wide in welcome, as if the Atlantean warrior had actually been there. But she knew he hadn’t.

This was the second such vision she’d had of the exiled man, but until seconds ago, she had not realized his true identity. She began to wonder if there wasn’t more to her visions than met the eye. Could he be? Surely not. Her people needed her
She wasn’t meant to be with a warrior or any man for that matter. Was she? And what of her magic? What would become of her powers if she joined with another? Experienced the energy bind? Would she still have visions?

All questions that for the first time in her existence, Ariel was unsure of the answers. One thing was for certain, she couldn’t take the chance, no matter how much her pussy ached. Her people needed protection whether they realized it or not.

Ariel’s attention returned to the two men eyeing her cunt hungrily. Her body needed release again and she knew neither of these men would actually penetrate her with their cocks. They’d face death at the hands of the professor if they did so.

One man stepped forward until he stood at the foot of the fur bed. He glanced over his shoulder, giving the other man a quick nod. The second native followed suit. With speed that astonished her, they moved to the side of the bed, untying her hands and then re-tying them to the stakes that formed the frame.

After they’d finished, one man grabbed one of her legs, while the other slipped a vine over her ankle, securing the other half to the stake at the foot of the bed. Soon she was spread-eagle on the bed and at their mercy.

She laughed to herself. Actually, they were at her mercy. Ariel sent a mental command to the first man.
Drop to your knees.
He did so, instantly, surprise lighting up his face. He was now level with her aching pussy and so enthralled he hadn’t noticed she’d sent the command telepathically.

“What is your name?” She purred out the question.

“I am Santo.”

“Well Santo…” She bucked her hips suggestively, urging him on. With each gentle rock, the fur beneath her bottom licked across her cleft, causing her skin to rise in gooseflesh. “I want you to eat me.” That suggestion didn’t require any compulsion. The man bent at the waist and buried his face in her cunt, his small tongue greedily seeking her clit.

Ariel moaned as sensation shot through her. His technique wasn’t near on a par with her vision of Coridan, but it would do. She had no intention of acting upon her visions with the real warrior.

Next Ariel focused on the man standing closer to her hands. “What is your name?”

The native swallowed hard, his cock pressed against the zipper of his pants, straining for release. “M…my name is Raoul.”

Raoul, I want you to play with my breasts and suck my nipples—now.
He took a couple of steps, then dropped to his knees and latched onto her nipple with his lips. His free hand sought her other breast and began to knead. Ariel groaned, as her body once again raced toward completion. Her clit felt as engorged as her nipples.

she demanded from the man between her legs. He grasped her thighs, spread them, and then pressed deeper, tonguing her cunt. She was close, so close.

Raoul bit down gently on her tight bud of a nipple. The pleasure/pain sent Ariel’s body into spasms. She cried out as her orgasm surged through her like a charge to battle. Her fingers dug into the fur and she tilted her cunt, willing Santo to keep going, her sexual need voracious.

Goddess help her, the vision of Coridan had left her with a raging case of Atlantean heat. Impossible!

All women from Atlantis experienced Atlantean heat at one time in their life, when they discovered their true-mate. That is, all women but seers. The physical reaction triggered by a true-mate’s pheromones was one hundred times more powerful than the natural aphrodisiac found in the bama bama plant. Of course, the true-mate was normally in close proximity, not gone and quite possibly dead.

No! This cannot be
. Her body flamed.

Until this moment, Ariel had believed seers immune to Atlantean heat, but there could be no other explanation. She burned from within like an eternal flame, flickering in wait for the spark that would once again cause an eruption. The question was why was she experiencing it now?

Moreover, if she could experience the Atlantean heat, then could she also experience the sacred energy bind that bonded the women of Atlantis to their true-mates? The thought terrified her.

Was Coridan powerful enough to have done this? She didn’t think so, but…if he were, would he sense her pheromones from her multiple orgasms, and come for her? Ariel didn’t know.

She’d have to come once more just in case.

Santo’s chin dripped with her pussy’s sweet juices. His lashes lowered to half-mast as if the mere act of pleasuring her intoxicated him.
Continue, little man
. He growled in appreciation. His tongue swirled and he nibbled on her clit with his white teeth. His mouth made little sucking noises as he gingerly explored her nether lips. Ariel could feel renewed pressure building. Raoul glanced down at the native between her thighs.

So you want a taste too.
She licked her lower lip. His eyes filled with such longing that she almost felt sorry for the man—almost.
Do you think you can do better?
He nodded, her nipple slipped from his mouth.
Fine. You down there enjoying my pussy, our friend here would like a turn.

Santo glanced up, aggravation coloring his mocha features. He reluctantly rose, allowing Raoul to take his place. Raoul’s technique wasn’t quite as good as Santo’s, but he had a lot of enthusiasm.

Santo, you may lick and bite my nipples until I tell you to stop.

Santo dropped down beside her, then gave his partner one last scathing glance, before grabbing her breasts with both hands.
If they were jealous of each other, it would make them easier to control.
Ariel smiled. Santo’s moist lips toyed with her nipples as he rasped his tongue over her beaded flesh.

For a human male, his sensual skills weren’t bad, although he was a little on the small side for her tastes. He had cropped dark hair, haunting black eyes, and mocha colored skin. If the size of his diminutive body was any indication of the size of his cock, he’d be unable to satisfy her no matter how many hours he put into the task.

Only a warrior’s cock could fill her greedy cunt.

The thought sent shivers through Ariel. Once again, she pulled herself up short. There would be no warrior’s cock thrusting into her pussy. ‘Twas the oath she’d vowed the day she became a seer.

The musky odor of sex filtered through the air as the men feasted upon her body. Ariel’s pheromones surrounded them, enticing them, sending their need raging through their bodies. She was the match to their tinder, a banquet to their raging hunger. Any sign of control had been lost the moment they touched her. The scent was too much for Santo and Raoul to take, they became ravenous. Ariel shuddered in release one last time as the flap to the hut was pushed aside. She blinked, half expecting to see Coridan standing in the doorway.

The two guards lapping at her flesh jumped away, their eyes rounding to the size of camu camu fruit. They quickly wiped their mouths with the back of their sleeves, as if removing the moisture would erase all evidence of what had been occurring in the room only moments ago.

It was a pity that the professor chose this inopportune time to arrive, considering she was just getting started and beginning to enjoy their efforts.

The professor stood in the doorway, hatred gleaming in his bug-like eyes. “What are you two doing?”

Santo and Raoul backed away, fear replacing surprise on their faces. “We…I mean…she…uh…”

“Don’t say another word. I want you both back at your posts immediately.” He moved deeper into the room and the men scrambled past him. “As for you, I’m not sure what you’re up to, but I will find out.” The professor turned to leave, but stopped short. “I thought you said your powers would diminish if you had sex.”

Ariel kept her gaze locked on his repulsive face. “What I said was I’d lose my powers if I joined with anyone.”

The professor reached down and twisted her nipple to the point of pain. Ariel bit the inside of her cheek, refusing to cry out. The sound would give the slug too much satisfaction.

“I suggest you make sure that you keep that cunt of yours unoccupied, unless you want me to allow the men to truly show you a good time.” He leered a second longer before releasing her. His hand trailed down her belly and over her shaven mons. He dipped one finger into the moisture of her weeping cunt, stroking her clit in the process. Ariel’s muscles tensed. He brought the digit up to his nose and inhaled deeply. His face twisted in disgust and his expression hardened. “But then again, from what I just witnessed you’d probably enjoy that.” He took his moist finger and plunged it into her anus.

Ariel shrieked in surprise as her body was rocked by an unexpected orgasm.

Rumsinger slowly pulled his finger out of her ass and then leaned next to her ear. “I guess I’ll have to think of something you wouldn’t like.”

Ariel panted, gasping for breath. Anger surged through her muddled mind. “I’m sure you will.” Her voice came out on a hiss as she strained to move away from his mouth.

She was going to derive great pleasure in destroying this man.

Chapter Three

Night was upon the jungle as Coridan’s legs gave out. He crashed, falling to the vegetation-covered ground with a mighty thud. His lungs heaved in gulps of air as his body demanded rest. For a moment, he closed his eyes and sought out a mental connection. Vast nothingness answered. Coridan ran his hand down his face in frustration. Weary, he almost succumbed to slumber, almost dismissing the strange scent that reached his nostrils.

His brows furrowed for a moment, tension filling his frame. In the next breath, his eyes flew open and his body came alive. Coridan’s cock hardened, pressing outward, tenting his loincloth. He swallowed hard and pushed himself up, fighting the fatigue with an inner resilience he didn’t know he possessed, until he sat up on the ground. What had roused him, he could not be sure. The scent was faint, as if the wind had been carrying it for miles. Vaguely familiar in its essence—yet not. Something told him he’d scented whatever it was before.

As if seized by an invisible force, Coridan rose to his feet, pain from exhaustion pulling at his muscles every inch of the way. He turned to face the direction the scent hailed from, tilting his head from side to side. The jungle air pressed in around him, its hot breath brushing his skin, moistening. Whatever wafted on the breeze had invigorated him in more ways than one. He reached down and clasped his erect cock a second before releasing it. Had his mind finally snapped?

The seductive fragrance lured him back from whence he came, leading him in the direction of the Atlantean encampment. Unfortunately, it would take him two days to reach the place he’d once called home. His chest squeezed at the thought. Could he face returning to the empty dwellings?

Coridan didn’t think he had a choice. The aroma wouldn’t allow him to do otherwise. It dragged and pulled at his body with unseen arms, wrapping around his cock like invisible fingers in a rapturous embrace. He had to find its origins. It was as if the fate of his heart and soul hung in the balance.

Cries rang out from the jungle as the nocturnal animals started to stir. A harpy eagle screeched as it made a fresh kill. Coridan had traveled several hundred yards before he tripped and once again found himself face down in the warm earth. This time no amount of persuasion could convince his body to rise. With a long exhalation, he succumbed to mind numbing sleep, his last thoughts of the sensual aroma that was drawing him home.

* * * * *

The vision was hazy…a blonde woman stood naked with her hands planted on the wall of a small hut. He could not see her face, because her back was to him. Tall, she had long hair that seemed to snake its way to her shapely bare bottom, curling lovingly around the firm globes of flesh. The woman shifted restlessly as if in anticipation. Need slammed into Coridan, nearly knocking the breath from his lungs. His cock expanded, growing impossibly hard until he’d reached full erection. The urge to claim raged through him.

The woman quivered, sensing his presence. He stepped closer, still unable to touch her. She moaned and bent slightly at the waist, exposing the lips of her dew-covered pussy like a flower spreading its pedals, waiting to be plucked. Coridan closed the distance between them. His arms encircled her small waist, pulling her flush against him. Her body melted into his seamlessly, like the last piece of a missing puzzle. The woman released a shuddering breath.

Forgive me, fair one, but I must have what you appear to offer freely.
He groaned, sliding his hand over her taut stomach until he reached her pussy. His fingers gently parted her, seeking her hidden pearl. He stroked the tender flesh until her hips rocked rhythmically. Her breath came out in pants as she drew nearer her release. The need to feast upon her flesh, taste her, overwhelmed him. Coridan dropped to his knees, sliding his hands between her legs to give him better access. His thumb continued its torturous play, circling and flicking her clit, encouraging her wetness.

From behind, he plunged his phallus-like tongue into her cunt. Her taste exploded in his mouth, nectar and honey, tart and spicy. He’d never had a woman’s essence intoxicate him so. He swirled and probed, stroking the channel where his near-bursting cock would soon be. Her juices ran down his chin and still, he fed. She tried to pull away as the first orgasm rocked her, but his grip firmed, keeping her in place. He growled against her cunt like a feral beast, refusing to give up its prey.

BOOK: [Atlantean's Quest 03] Redemption
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