At The Billionaire's Request (The Billionaire's BBW Series) (3 page)

BOOK: At The Billionaire's Request (The Billionaire's BBW Series)
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‘I’m going to put my cock in there,’ he whispered to her.

She trembled against him and he wasn’t sure if it was fear or desire but she said nothing.

Leaving her for a moment, he went to the bedside table and retrieved a bottle of lube. He spread the cool liquid around Kirsty’s back entrance and over his raging cock. Kirsty looked over her shoulder at him and he wasn’t sure if the look in her wide eyes was a plea for him to stop. ‘If you want me to stop, you know the word to say,’ he told her.

She closed her eyes and her head dropped as she waited for him to do with her as he pleased.

He held the twin heavy globes of her soft bottom cheeks and guided the head of his cock to her entrance. He pushed forward and she moaned as the head of his manhood slipped past her sphincter and entered her. Tyler hissed out through his teeth with pleasure. She was so tight. With the lube to help him, he pushed in further until half of his shaft was buried in her plump backside. Kirsty trembled like a leaf on a powerful breeze but she did not use the safe word to stop him. Instead, she braced herself against the bathroom door with her arms and steadied herself in readiness for his thrusts by planting her feet firmly on the floor.

Holding her hips, Tyler slid back and forth inside her, the tightness pressing all around his sensitive penis sending pure pleasure through his entire body. He grunted each time he felt the tightness open to his thrust then close around him again. This was too much. The feelings of being inside Kirsty, coupled with the sight of her tied to the door, her plump arse being plundered by his cock, were almost too much to bear. He felt a tingling in his balls and he knew he was going to come. He couldn’t control himself any longer. His body had tipped over the point of no return and a primal signal in his brain was giving the command to release his seed.

‘I’m going to come!’ he moaned and then he was twitching and spurting inside her, releasing his seed as a wave of bliss overcame him and he became helpless to its bright explosion in every nerve-ending in his body. The joy seared through him and he leaned over Kirsty gasping and panting, ‘I love you,’ over and over until he was spent. He rested his face on the back of her neck and nuzzled her softly. She smelled of sex and sweat and strawberry shampoo.

She looked at him over her shoulder and smiled. ‘Did you like that?’

‘Oh, God, yes!’

Chapter Four

Kirsty woke up at noon and slowly opened her eyes. The sun streamed in through the window. She stretched in the bed, enjoying the feel of the crisp cotton sheets against her naked body. After the morning’s sex, she had showered and Tyler had tucked her up in bed, kissing her on the forehead before leaving the room. She had fallen asleep immediately. The bed was so much more comfortable than the back of the car.

She had dreamed of distant voices talking about things she couldn’t quite make out. Now she was awake, she realized those voices were real and there were people talking downstairs. Were Tyler’s parents home?

Tyler had brought her weekend case up from the car and placed it on the chair next to the dresser. Kirsty opened it and found underwear and a pair of jeans and a sweater. She pulled them on and went to the window. Outside, a black Saab sat on the gravel next to her own car.

She opened the bedroom door and listened. Tyler was speaking to a man in the living room. She couldn’t hear what they were saying and she didn’t feel right eavesdropping on Tyler anyway so she went downstairs, letting the creaking wood of the staircase announce her arrival.

In the living room, Tyler stood near the lit fireplace wearing blue jeans and a dark grey knitted sweater. Every time she saw him she was surprised by how good looking he was. And she was even more surprised that he was with her.

Sitting in the armchair near the window, a man in his fifties wearing a black suit and blue tie looked over at her as she descended the stairs. His eyes, behind horn-rimmed glasses, were friendly and grey. His hair was snow white and reached his shirt collar. ‘You must be Kirsty,’ he said as he stood. He was tall and slim.

‘Kirsty, this is my friend Jeff McGarva. Jeff...Kirsty.’

The older man shook Kirsty’s hand and said, ‘Nice to meet you, my dear. Tyler was just telling me about your books. I’ve never met an author before.’

She blushed. ‘Well I’ve never met any of Tyler’s friends before.’

‘Jeff is here on business,’ Tyler said. ‘He’s on the Board at TGA.’

‘The Board that fired Tyler?’

‘We didn’t fire him,’ Jeff said. ‘There was a vote of no confidence. I voted the opposite way, trying to keep Tyler in his job. I also tried to get other Board members to vote the same way. We were outnumbered. It looked to me like the whole thing was a set up. The moment Tyler relaxed his control just a little, those wolves came in scratching and snarling.’

‘Jeff has been looking into the legality of what happened and he feels there are some discrepancies in the way things were handled and the way things were presented to the Board.’

‘In other words, I think Gerald and Anastasia lied,’ the old man added. ‘Keith Harmon and I are going over some legal documents regarding GissepItalia Auto Parts, the deal that went wrong in Milan. If Gerald and Anastasia were vying for power at that time, it may be clear in the way they had TGA’s legal department draw up the contract.’

‘It’s a long shot,’ Tyler said.

‘Anyway, I should get on the Motorway,’ Jeff said. ‘It’s a long way back to London. I’ll probably end up sleeping in a motel somewhere between here and there tonight.’

Kirsty wanted to tell him he was welcome to stay at Darkmere but it wasn’t her house and she had no right. Tyler didn’t make the offer either; instead, he shook Jeff’s hand and said, ‘Good to see you again, Jeff.’

‘You too, Tyler. Now take it easy and look after this author of yours. Leave all the work to Keith and myself.’ He laughed. ‘Nice to meet you, Kirsty.’ Tyler showed him to the door and Kirsty waited by the fire, listening to Jeff’s Saab pull away on the gravel.

Tyler returned to the living room. ‘If anyone can pull something good out of this mess, it’s Jeff and Keith,’ he said.

‘But it doesn’t sound very hopeful, Tyler.’

He shrugged. ‘It’s all we have.’

* * *

They spent the afternoon relaxing in the house. Kirsty wanted to write but her thoughts were all over the place. She was thankful that she was out of any contractual obligation to Inception Publishing since she had signed on a book by book basis for her BDSM books. She couldn’t bear the thought of being obliged to write for Anastasia Golde. She would have to contact Jane soon and tell her that the next book needed to be shopped around.

But the situation and the fact that she had no deadline looming over her meant that she felt no pressure to write at all. But if she didn’t write, how was she going to live? She had money in the bank but she wasn’t rich by any means and that money would soon run out.

Tyler sat in the armchair by the window going through files on his laptop. He was still looking for something to implicate Gerald and Anastasia, something that would prove they had colluded to take over TGA and had orchestrated the Milan disaster. Kirsty had little hope he would find anything. If those two snakes were cunning enough to take over the company the way they had, they would be smart enough to cover their tracks.

Her fears were confirmed when Keith Harmon called Tyler and said that he had been over the GissepItalia contract and backing documents and he couldn’t find anything to suggest anything underhanded in the way they had been written up. Tyler ended the call and closed his laptop. He ran his hand through his hair and stared out of the window at the trees.

Kirsty was afraid that if he didn’t relax a little, Tyler was going to have some sort of breakdown. ‘Let’s go for a walk,’ she suggested.

‘Yeah, sure.’

* * *

‘Tyler, I know it’s difficult for you but you have to try to let all this go a little,’ she said as they walked through the trees toward the lake. The soft breeze coming in from the water held a slight chill. Kirsty hung onto Tyler’s arm, feeling his powerful muscles beneath the sweater and looking forward to being in bed with him later.

‘My whole life is crumbling away,’ he said. ‘I’m not the type of person who can just let that happen without a fight.’

‘I know but I’m worried about you. I love you.’

They reached the edge of the lake and walked along the rocks toward the ramshackle wooden dock someone had built here once. It jutted out into the lake at an odd angle because its wooden uprights were decaying beneath the water line. 

‘When I came out here after I got fired, I didn’t think we had a future anymore,’ he said. ‘I thought that our relationship would end.’

The words sent a chill through her. ‘Why would you think that?’

‘I’m not exactly the man you fell for.’

‘You are exactly the man I fell for. I wasn’t attracted to you because of your job or your money. I love you, Tyler. I don’t like it that you thought I wouldn’t still love you just as much.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘I’m here, aren’t I?’

He looked up at the cliff where his brother had been sitting just before his death. ‘I’ve been so stupid,’ he said almost to himself.

‘What are you talking about? Tyler?’

His attention was caught by something out on the lake. He squinted against the sun reflecting off the water’s surface.


‘I don’t believe it,’ he said, removing Kirsty’s arm from his and stepping out onto the decrepit dock, all the while staring out at the water.

‘What is it?’ she asked. His behaviour was unsettling. Had he finally snapped? Maybe walking out to this area of the lake...the area where Dwayne’s body had washed up...was been a very bad idea.

She followed his gaze. There was something small and white bobbing about on the water. Why was Tyler so interested in it?

He reached the end of the dock and looked at the floating object longingly for a moment before diving into the lake. Kirsty gasped, ‘Tyler!’ as he jumped in. What was he thinking? He surfaced and swam out to the small white object, grabbed it and swam back to shore.

‘What the hell are you doing?’ she asked him as he strode out of the water, his jeans and sweater soaked and dripping lake water and his hair plastered down to his skull. He dropped one knee in front of her and held up the small white jewellery box he had retrieved from the lake. ‘Kirsty,’ he said, opening the box and revealing the diamond ring inside, ‘will you marry me?’

She looked at the ring and at the man in front of her holding it. Drenched, gorgeous. Her lover. Her man.

‘Yes,’ she said.

He stood up and kissed her hard, taking her in his cold, wet embrace.

‘Just one thing,’ she said.

‘What’s that?’

‘You have to explain to me what the hell just happened.’

* * *

They got back to Darkmere House and Kirsty admired the ring on her finger for the thousandth time while Tyler went upstairs to take a shower and get changed. She tried to call Jane but her agent’s phone was busy so Kirsty write a text that said, “Tyler popped the question. I said yes! I love him so much.” As she pressed ‘Send’, she realized that she did love Tyler with all her heart. The thought of being with him for all time sent pleasurable shivers down her spine.

During the walk back, he had explained how the ring got in the lake and she had chastised him for thinking that she would want to finish with him because of his current situation.

She heard the shower start upstairs and she decided that maybe they should seal the deal in a more physical way.

* * *

She entered the bathroom quietly, Tyler was in the shower, head bowed beneath the spray. She loved looking at his naked body. His ass was firm and muscular and she could see the muscles of his buttocks flex slightly as he stood leaning on the white wall tiles.

‘Mind if I join you?’ she asked him.

Startled, he turned to face her, his shock turning to lust as he saw that she was naked. Kirsty had never felt comfortable being naked in front of any man before in her life until she met Tyler. Now she loved to show him her body because she knew the effect it had on him.

Between his legs, his manhood stirred and became engorged, rising proudly for her.

She slid the glass door open and stepped in with him. His arms went around her hips and his hands touched the swell of her bottom. The shower was hot and steamy and it smelled of a sporty shower gel Tyler had used to wash himself. He kissed her beneath the hot water spray. The sensation of his lips on her and the hot water caressing her body made her nipples taut and eager. Tyler’s hands stroked down over her wet thighs. She wanted him to touch her core, to explore her with his fingers. As if reading her mind, he moved a hand inwards and over her inner thigh. She parted her legs slightly so he could touch her sex.

His fingers made contact with her lips and she gasped, holding onto his shoulders because she feared her legs might buckle, especially as his finger stroked up over her clitoral hood. She breathed raggedly and excitedly. Tyler’s middle finger curled inside her, parting her lips to explore the heat within. She moaned as he touched her G spot. He stroked it softly and slowly. Teasing her. Working her up into a frenzy of passion. She bit clung to him in the hot spray of water and rode the feelings of pleasure he caused with his expert fingers.

BOOK: At The Billionaire's Request (The Billionaire's BBW Series)
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