Read At the Billionaire's Pleasure Christmas Stocking Online

Authors: Millie Morgan

Tags: #erotic romance, #contemporary erotic romance, #bbw, #billionaire kink, #bbw and the billionaire

At the Billionaire's Pleasure Christmas Stocking (4 page)

BOOK: At the Billionaire's Pleasure Christmas Stocking
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stood by the door. The look he shot me was one of undeniable
happiness and love. It confused me. How could he look at me that
way and speak on the phone to Lucia the way he had. The look in his
eyes couldn't be denied. He couldn't lie with a look. I knew him
well enough to know that. Every business deal he took part in
required him to be one hundred percent honest because lying was not
his strong point. Each time he did it I saw straight through

We had
been through so much together... If he wanted rid of me he wouldn't
take me to a beautiful Chalet just before Christmas to do it...
Clearly I had jumped to conclusions.

moved towards me as the driver picked up the bags at the door and
carried them to the lift.

"Are you
ready my sweet?" His words dripped with honey and the intense look
was back in his eyes.

I melted
against him the instant he touched me, a small happy sigh escaping
my lips as he pressed his fingers under my chin and tipped my face
up to his. Looking into his eyes was like looking into his soul.
David was normally unreadable, a blank slate but I had learned to
look past that facade. He was vulnerable and human. He had flaws
like me but his were far better hidden. But through all of that he
loved passionately. He practically vibrated with it.

I'm ready." And I was. My words held a far deeper meaning. One that
I knew only David would understand.

His lips
curved upwards, a slow sensual smile that promised dark and
passionate pleasures. Pleasures that only he could give me.
Pleasures that I would happily accept.

His lips
pressed to mine, a kiss that sparked within me. Igniting my body
with a deep craving. One that only he could sate. David drew back,
leaving me breathless and my body limp. I clung to the front of his
shirt, my hands wrapped into the fabric. I didn't want the embrace
to end.

chuckled softly. That laugh that is reserved for true men. Men who
know how to push the buttons of the women they are with. Knowing
how to reduce them to a blubbering heap of nerve endings only
capable of wanting more of their touch.

wrapped his arm around my shoulders and moved me to the door. "We
will have plenty of time to play later." The twinkle in his eye
promised me the world. It brought a smile to my lips and my stomach
flipped in anticipation. I didn't hear my phone buzz in my bag. And
even if I had, I wasn't sure I would have checked it anyway. But if
I had, what was there would have frozen the blood in my veins and
left a bitter taste in my mouth.




flight was calm and unremarkable. David spent his time on the phone
sorting last minute business deals that had taken a turn for the
worst. It was always the way. Business was unpredictable and even
when you thought it was sorted and on the home stretch something
usually came to mess it up again.

In this
case it was the last minute panic of the buyer. He had stalled
everything out of sheer fear. Part of me couldn't blame him. When
dealing with such huge sums of money one couldn't help but get cold
feet. Or at least I knew I would if I was dealing with the level of
investments. But David never did. He was always calm and seemingly
unflappable. But in the line of his jaw and the set of his
shoulders I could tell he was frustrated.

Frustration in David always manifested itself physically. His
voice however, never once betrayed his emotions. It remained calm
and even. Quietly talking the investor down from his ledge of
panic, until finally David was laughing and thanking him for his

When he
finally hung up the phone he looked exhausted. I watched as he
paused for a minute and blew out a deep breath. One he had no doubt
been holding in for the entire conversation.

I picked up the bottle of champagne from the bucket beside me on
the table and two glasses. David's eyes travelled up and down the
length of my body as he watched me approach. I could see him relax,
the tension melting from his shoulders and jaw as he watched me
bend over and put the glass on the table in front of him. I poured
the golden liquid, careful to not let the bubbles spill over the

both glasses were full I smiled at him and lifted my glass into the
air in a gesture of celebration. David followed suit. Not a word
spilling past his lips as he continued to watch me. He swallowed
the champagne in one gulp before replacing the glass on the table.
I reached out to grab the bottle and refill for him but he was much
faster than I was.

hands snaking out and wrapping around my waist. He tugged me into
his lap, forcing me to sit across him. The skirt I wore was
restrictive and wouldn't allow any other position.

hands trailed slowly up my spine until they reached my neck. His
fingers slowly massaging into my hair line making me shiver with

did I do to deserve you?" He whispered as his other hand slipped
beneath the restrictive material of my skirt.

smiled, "I really have no idea..." I slapped him playfully on the
arm as he pushed his hand further underneath my skirt and slowly
tickled the soft skin on the inside of my thigh.

A blush
crept up over my cheeks. But all it seemed to do was excite David
even more. His fingers traced circles making my breath catch in my
throat as he shot me a look that told me he was tempted to take me
across the seats.

He was
capable of making me feel things that I had never thought possible.
I put my hand on his arm and squeezed. The look in my eyes must
have betrayed the fear I was feeling because he stopped. His hand
simply lying against my skin.

"Why do
you still insist on fighting me at every turn?" He asked. His voice
completely serious. All traces of his earlier playfulness was gone,
replaced by a thirst for understanding.

I sighed
and moved to climb off his lap, but David's strong hands pinned me
down, holding me in place.

talk to me. After everything? You still fight me? I just don't
understand it."

"I just
don't want to do that here..." I gestured to the cabin of the
private jet. Although it was quiet and the air hostess was in the
back room it still didn't feel private enough. I enjoyed the safety
of our bedroom... Even the kitchen and the living room was secluded
and we didn't run the risk of someone barging in.

stared at me hard. His dark eyes boring into mine in an attempt to
see into my depths. He blinked once and seemed satisfied. His grip
lightening until he was holding me gently on his lap.

As you wish."

I could
tell from the stiffness in his body that he wasn't particularly
pleased. David wasn't the type of man that anyone turned down.
Particularly not women. In fact most women seemed to do the exact
opposite. Throwing themselves at him in the hopes that he would
glance their way. I had watched it happen to many times before in
the short number of months we had been together.

never even entertained them, usually behaving cold and
disinterested and once I had seen him be downright rude. That
particular woman had left in tears and part of me had felt sorry
for her. David was incredibly handsome and the type of man that
every woman wanted. When they looked at the two of us together I
could practically hear the thoughts in their minds wondering why
the hell I was with someone like him and how had I managed

I pushed
my fingers under his chin and turned his face until he was looking
me directly in the eyes. Swallowing hard I gazed at him for a few
minutes before finally speaking.

"I do
want you... And I want you now but not here... Not like this when
just anyone could walk in and see... What we share is special to me
and I want to keep it that way."

shoulders slowly relaxed and he gripped my hand tightly in his. "I
don't push you on anything. And I wouldn't dream of doing something
that you found uncomfortable... Well unless I thought you would
enjoy it... But you do things to me... Make me feel things I've
never felt before and when I'm around you. Well I can't really help
myself. I want to ravage you and claim you as mine. I don't care
who catches us because to me it's all about owning you, body and
soul..." He grinned at me and I returned his look with a small
curve of my lips.

"If you
were any other man, a stranger, and you made that speech... I'd
have the cops after you for stalking."

grinned, it made him look younger than he was, more boyish. "Then I
guess I'll just have to make sure you stay mine. It can't be
stalking if you agree to it."

started to laugh and the plane lurched, flipping my stomach. I
gripped onto David, my hands digging into him as the plane
continued to lurch up and down.

we've hit a little turbulence on the descent. Please take your
seats and fasten your seat belts." The captain's voice droned over
the loud speaker telling me what I already knew.


hands tightened on me as he slid me over into a free seat beside
him. They lingered on me longer than was needed as he fastened the
belt across my waist, his fingers brushing up under the bottom of
my blouse. The touch of his skin on mine was electric and I shut my
eyes. The plane continued to jerk but I didn't take any more notice
of it. All I was interested in was the movement of David's fingers
across my stomach and up to the edge of my lace bra.

When he
withdrew his touch I let out a disappointed sigh. David chuckled
beside me as he fastened his own belt and sat back against the
seat. His dark eyes watching me.

minute you don't want me touching you and the next your
disappointed when I stop. You give me a lot of mixed

normally you're better at reading them." I shot back.

pretended to look wounded but I could see the ghost of a smile
hovering around his lips. I turned and watched out the window as
the plane slowly and carefully descended. As we came down as I
wasn't sure when we had properly left the cloud cover. Everything
below and above seemed white and it wasn't until I started to make
out the few houses dotted across the countryside that I realised
everything below us was snow.

It made
perfect sense, but I had never in my life seen so much of it in one
place. The landscape was picture perfect and I could imagine
photographers coming out here specifically to shoot Christmas

"Do you
like it?" David asked, his warm breath tickling against my


didn't answer. He didn't need to. Everything around us spoke
volumes. It was perfect.




moment the plane touched down I practically cried with relief.
Although the scenery had been beautiful to look at. The turbulence
was not. I wasn't even sure why there had been turbulence. Looking
up at the white fluffy clouds over head they didn't seem to look
like they would cause that much of a problem.

As we
made our way to the waiting car I sucked in a deep breath. The cold
crisp air bringing a tear to my eye as I felt it race down my
throat. I imagined the air forming little ice crystals down in my
throat but it was worth it.

we had snow back home it was always short lived. The air was never
this fresh and clean and no sooner had the snow hit the ground, it
was turning to brown mushy sludge. There was nothing attractive
about that.

As I
stepped closer to the car my foot slid across an unseen patch of
ice. My balance disappearing as I careened towards the open door.
David's strong arms wrapped around my waist holding me upright and
preventing my fall from going any further.

"You can
tell that you don't have that much interaction with real snow and
ice." He said, smiling, the corners of his eyes

helped me into the car and slipped in beside me. His hand
automatically going to my knee in a possessive gesture and one that
I was happy to have.

I was
glued to the car window as the large four by four car ploughed
through the ice and snow on the road. It threw up soft white snow
on each side, pushing it up into thick piles that lined the narrow

We wound
up through the hillside, the car constantly climbing. I shivered a
little as we passed a particularly steep drop on the side of one
hill. The snow disappeared over the edge falling like powder into
the whiteness below.

"Are you
cold?" David asked, his hand stroking down the length of my

"No, I'm
fine... It's just... Everything is so clear and stark and white...
I can almost feel the cold through the window."

"Do you
like it?"

it?" I stared out the window some more. All the while taking in
every inch of the landscape that I could. "I love it... I could
happily get lost here and never want to go home."

laughed and pulled me back from the window, his lips caressing mine
softly. "I would never let you get lost. No matter where you go, I
will always find you and bring you home, to me." He kissed me again
and I let him. His tongue parting my lips and stealing my breath as
he tasted me. My hands wound their way around his neck, curling
into his hair and tugging him closer to me.

BOOK: At the Billionaire's Pleasure Christmas Stocking
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