At Peace (The War Trilogy #3) (11 page)

BOOK: At Peace (The War Trilogy #3)
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I shrug. “I’ve changed my mind.”

“What made you change your mind?”

I stop at a red light and turn to look at him, my gaze locked on his. “You.” He gives me a confused look, so I elaborate. “I want a family with you. I’ve never had the urge to have that with anyone else. That’s why I haven’t wanted kids before. But now, that’s something I want to share with you.”

Dennis rolls his lips in and nods, his gaze swinging away again. I reach over and take his hand, lacing my fingers together with his. He looks down at our hands.

“I can’t promise you that I’ll ever want kids,” he says quietly.

“I know.” I squeeze his fingers then bring our linked hands up so I can kiss the back of his. “Either way, I’ll still have you.”

Dennis smiles slightly. “True.”

“You did great today, by the way. Lizette really needed you and you had her back.”


“And that’s one of the reasons I love you so much.”

Dennis smiles at me. “For the record, I think you’d make a pretty awesome dad.”

I can’t help but grin like an idiot. “Thanks.”







~ Chapter Eleven ~


~ Six Months Later ~


~ Dennis ~


“Quit fidgeting with it, you’re going to mess it up,” Lizette scolds and smacks my hands away from my tie.

“I feel like I’m suffocating. I can’t remember the last time I wore a tie,” I grumble as I slide my finger behind the knot of my tie and tug at it.

Lizette smiles knowingly up at me as she loosens my tie a smidge. “You’re not suffocating, you’re just nervous.”

I scoff at the ridiculousness of that statement. “I’m not nervous. It’s Tucker.”

“It’s perfectly normal to be nervous on your wedding day,” she states and smooths my tie down so she can pin the tie tack to it.

I glare down at my beautiful sister. She just gives me a shit-eating grin. Her recently-dyed-back-to-blonde-hair is in a gorgeous up-do, her makeup is subtle and accentuates her already pretty face, and she’s wearing a stunning lavender gown. She’s already lost almost all of the baby weight and looks fantastic in the dress. 

“Everything is going to be fine, I promise,” she says sweetly then reaches up to give me a peck on the cheek.

She rubs away her lipstick before cupping my jaw in her hands.

“You look so handsome.” Her eyes well up but she holds back the tears.

“Thanks, Lizzie. I’m glad you’re here with me,” I tell her then give her forearms a squeeze.

“Me, too.”

“Now, let’s go, it’s almost time,” I murmur, taking a turn to give her a kiss on the cheek before taking her hand and leading her downstairs.

Tucker and I decided to have our wedding in West Virginia on Beau’s mother’s ranch. She was thrilled when we asked if we could have it there. We wanted a small, intimate wedding with only our closest friends and family. Beau’s mom, Regina, asked if she could help with the planning, which was a relief for Tucker and me, because we don’t know the first thing about planning a wedding. Regina became our wedding planner and she has done a magnificent job. Arianna made our cake right out of Regina’s kitchen and Duke went online and got ordained as a minister so that he could legally marry us. He is also Tucker’s best man and Lizette is my best woman - matron of honor, my person - whatever the hell you want to call her…

When I walk downstairs and into the kitchen, Duke and Arianna are there, along with Regina. I glance around, looking for Tucker. I haven’t seen him all morning. We didn’t do the traditional sleep separately the night before or anything like that, but he did want to spend the day apart and get ready separately. He said it would build the anticipation. It wasn’t too hard to do because the ranch is enormous and Beau took him out for a ride on the horses for a good part of the day. I just hope his ass isn’t too sore for tonight because I have plans for it.

“Dennis, you look great,” Arianna says, drawing my attention away from my thoughts of Tucker’s ass.

She comes over and gives me a hug and a kiss.

“Thanks.” I give her a warm smile.

Duke steps up next to give me a hug. “I’m so happy for you two,” he murmurs softly in my ear.

“Thanks, man. Where’s Tucker?”

“He’s out back, talking to his dad and Selene.”

The back door opens and the photographer we hired walks in. She smiles warmly at me. “Hey, Dennis, do you and Tucker want to get some shots before the ceremony?”

“Yeah, sure,” I reply. Shit, I’ll take any excuse to see Tucker right now.

My stomach flutters, my heart starts pounding, and my palms start to sweat. Damn, maybe I am nervous. I’m sure once I see Tucker, I’ll be fine. I turn to Regina.

“How much time do we have?”

“You have about twenty minutes before we start,” she assures me.

“Okay, good. See you all then.”

I follow the photographer out the back door and onto the porch. The scene I’m met with takes my breath away. At the bottom of the stairs is the start of the aisle. On either side, white folding chairs are set up, just a few rows on each side. At the beginning of each row is a post with a lantern on top of it with a lit candle inside. At the end of the aisle is a large, white, wooden arbor decorated with white lights and colorful flowers. Behind the arbor is a huge tree, which is also decorated with lights and hanging baskets of cascading flowers. It’s absolutely stunning and nothing I ever would’ve picked out. Regina did an amazing job.

The people are milling around in small groups, talking and laughing with each other, and each one holds a special place in my heart. All of Beau’s band mates are here, along with Ace’s wife, Nicole, and their daughter, Lola. Tucker’s Dad, Selene, and Max are here. Then of course Beau, who is holding six month old, Gia. Plus Beau’s brother Kaden and his sister, Leila, are here, too.

“Denny?” Tucker’s voice pulls my gaze down to the bottom of the steps.

My breath catches again. Holy shit does he look gorgeous. He’s wearing the same tux as I am, but I swear, he looks better in it. His face has a light, neatly trimmed scruff going on and his hair is gelled, parted on the side, and swept over. I’ve never seen him look so dashing since I’ve known him. I can’t stop the huge smile that takes over my face. His bright blue eyes are locked on mine as if he’s unable to look away.

“Hey,” I reply, a little breathier than I would have liked, but whatever, he knows how I feel about him.

I start down the steps and come to a stop in front of him.

“You look incredible,” Tucker says to me before leaning in for a tender kiss on the lips.

“So do you.”

“Alright, guys, I want to head over to that wooden fence over there and get some shots of the two of you,” the photographer says.

We agree and the three of us walk the short distance to the fence. As she starts taking shots of us in different poses, the sun slowly starts to set. After a final shot of us kissing, she sends us on our way so we can get this show on the road. We want our ceremony to be at sunset.

As Regina herds all of the guests to take a seat, Tucker and I meet up with Duke and Lizette at the bottom of the porch stairs. We decided that Tucker and Duke will walk down together and Lizette and I will walk down right behind them. We opted out of having music as we walk down the aisle; it just seemed too traditional and this is anything but. So when Regina gives us the thumbs up, Duke hooks his arm in Tucker’s and starts them down the aisle. I fight back a laugh as Lizette covers her giggles with her hand. I can see Tucker’s shoulders shaking as he’s walking. Lizette takes my elbow and we follow them. I don’t know what the hell we were thinking letting Duke officiate.

We get to the arbor and Duke takes his place in the center of it. Lizette gives my arm a squeeze and moves off to stand beside the arbor behind me. Tucker and I turn to face each other in front of Duke. I can’t help but smile at him; he sends me a reassuring wink. Yep, we are actually doing this, we are getting married. Never in a million years did I ever think that I would 1.) Get married again after losing Zara, and 2.) Be marrying my best friend who is also a man.

“Deeeeaaaarly beloved.” Duke starts in an overly exaggerated voice that you would most likely hear on a cartoon.
Here we go.
“It’s about damn time that we’re standing here with these two jackasses,” he finishes with a huff that has a crowd - and us - cracking up.

“No, but in all honestly, these two guys were made for each other,” he says, his tone turning sincere and genuine. “Never have I ever seen such love, understanding, friendship, and adoration pass between two people like I have seen in these two. I’ve watched their relationship grow from the very beginning, and believe me when I say that they were meant to be together for the rest of their lives.”

Fucking Duke. I can see Tucker getting choked up already, which is making me get choked up.

“I’m not even asking if anyone has any objection to them getting married because it’s a stupid question.” The crowd chuckles. “So, let’s get right down to the good part. Dennis and Tucker have both written a little something that they wanted to say to each other, so at this time, I will ask Tucker to read his.”

Tucker sends me a small smile before reaching into his breast pocket for the folded piece of paper where he wrote his letter. He sniffs and wipes at his eyes as he unfolds the paper. Dammit, I’m never going to make it through this without crying. Tucker clears his throat and reads what he wrote.

“Dennis. When we met, we were both struggling with our pasts; you, with the loss of your wife, and me, with the loss of my hearing. Everyday that we have spent together has shaped me into the man I am today, and without you, I would still be struggling and unable to hear all of the beautiful things this world has to offer. Our journey here hasn’t always been easy, but we’ve made it because we did it together. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you with everything that I am and I always will.”

His voice is trembling by the end and the tears are now flowing freely down his cheeks. He gives me a watery smile as I brush the tears away with my thumb. I want to kiss him so badly, but I know it’s not the time for that yet. My nerves have finally calmed and the only thing I can feel right now is all of the love I have for the man standing in front of me.

“That was beautiful, Tucker,” Duke says then turns to me. I can see the emotion in Duke’s eyes, but he’s keeping it in check. “Dennis, please read your letter.”

I pull my paper out from my pocket and unfold it. I take a deep breath before I begin to read. “Tucker, words could never express the gratitude I feel for you coming into my life. I most likely would not be here if it weren’t for you. You stopped me from drowning and you pieced my broken heart back together when I thought there was no hope of that ever happening. You loved me when I didn’t even love myself. You fought for me when I had given up. We have been through so much together and I believe that is what makes our relationship so strong. Three years ago, I was at war, but now, I’m at peace. I love you more than life itself and I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life without you. You are my everything.” My throat is tight as I fight back the tears that threaten to consume me.

When I look up from reading, Tucker is freely crying and Duke is brushing away tears. I hear sniffles from Lizette behind me and when I look out into the crowd, I find that almost everyone is tearing up or crying. Fuck it, everyone else is crying, I might as well join in. I let some of the tears roll down my face, wiping them away with a tissue that Lizette has passed to me. Arianna snuck up and took care of Duke and Tucker in the tissue department. Once we’re all back under control, Duke starts again.

“Okay, now that we’ve all had a nice cleansing cry, let get to the vows. Dennis and Tucker have decided on the traditional vows and the exchange of rings.”

Duke pulls the matching white gold bands out from his pocket and hands one to Tucker. “Take Dennis’ left hand, place the ring on his finger and repeat after me.” Tucker does as he’s told, holding the ring on my finger. “
I, Tucker, take you Dennis.”

“I, Tucker, take you Dennis,” Tucker repeats.

“To be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward.”

Again, Tucker repeats, his eyes never leaving mine.

“For better or for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health.”

My heart pounds as Tucker repeats the words that will bind us together. 

“To love and to cherish from this day forward until death do us part.”

When Tucker finishes, Duke hands me Tucker’s ring and reiterates what he had said to Tucker, so I place the ring on his left ring finger and hold it there while I recite my vows.

With a huge grin on his face, Duke says, “By the power vested in me by the internet, I now pronounce you husbands! You may kiss the shit out of each other!”

Tucker and I laugh as we wrap our arms around each other and try to kiss around our smiles. It’s kind of difficult.

“I am proud to present to you, Mr. & Mr. Parrish-McCoy!” Duke exclaims as we turn to face the crowd for the first time as a married couple. And yeah, we hyphenated our names.

The crowd erupts, whistling and hollering and throwing rice at us as we walk back down the aisle hand in hand. I can’t stop the pure joy pouring out of me right now. We make our way up onto the back porch. I grab Tucker by the face and kiss him again, this time with tongue. The catcalls are immediate. We’re interrupted by an ecstatic Duke, who crashes into us, wrapping his arms around both of us in a group hug. He lets out a whoop then declares that it’s time to party. Everyone cheers and I shake my head, we’re all screwed.




~ Tucker ~


The catering crew that Regina hired takes over after the ceremony to move around chairs and set up the table. Everyone hangs out on the back porch while waiters walk around with
hors d’oeuvres and champagne. One long rectangular table is set up and given a centerpiece, which consists of multi-tiered glass cylinders with lit candles down the middle of the entire table. When we are all called to sit, everyone makes their way to the table. There are no assigned seats since it’s such a small crowd. Dennis and I sit in the middle of the table, right in front of the arbor. The DJ also gets set up on the porch and turns on some nice dinner music while we eat.

BOOK: At Peace (The War Trilogy #3)
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