Read At One's Pleasure Online

Authors: Kelly Lucille

At One's Pleasure (4 page)

BOOK: At One's Pleasure
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“What am I
becoming?”  She whispered it, but he heard.  He licked the mark on her
shoulder, his tongue longer and rougher.


inside her was screaming.

“Push out.” 
He said and she felt him trying to tunnel his way into her ass.  She shook her
head and tried to get away, but claws dug into her hips to hold her in place. 
“Push out or I’m coming in anyway.”  She pushed out, and suddenly she was open enough
for him to lodge the head of his cock in.  He pushed and she whimpered and
writhed until he was fully seated with his hips pressed against the spread
globes of her ass.  He shuddered in pleasure.  A pleasure she was not sharing.

“It hurts.”

“It’s supposed
to.”  He said with dark satisfaction.  Then he pulled out in a slow glide that
had Becca gasping at the dark pleasure so different from anything he’d made her
feel before.  She was trying to decide if she liked it when he got to the head
and then slammed back in.

“Damn it!” 
She shouted.  He pulled back out to the tip, adjusted and then speared back
in.  He did that a few more times while Becca dealt with the pleasure of
withdrawal and the pain of the return.  Then on the last adjustment, he thrust
in and hit something that had her gasping in pleasure rather than pain.  From
then on he withdrew as slow as possible only to pound back in on that same spot
over and over again.  Before Becca realized what was happening the pain had
melded with the pleasure and she was on the way to yet another climax.  Only
this time he stopped right when she would have tumbled over and held himself

 “Who do you

Son of a fucking bitch!”  So much for not being able to curse.

He actually
laughed.  She wanted to bite him really hard and couldn’t reach anything, nor
could she get him to move.

“Let me

“Give me
what’s mine and I’ll give you what’s yours.”

“I am not

He reached
between them and found her cunt.  He buried his fingers in her long enough to
get them nice and wet then he rubbed her clit until she was once more on the
edge of pleasure and he stopped.  “Are you mine?”

“No!”  She
screamed it at the top of her lungs.  This time when he took her back to the
floor his dick was embedded in her ass and she struggled and fought until he
bit down on the back of her neck.  Suddenly it was over.  She lost all control
of her muscles and just lay limp.  He had flipped some kind of switch and she
had no idea how to turn it back off.  He knew it.  The sadistic bastard knew
the second it happened. 

This time
his voice was soft in her ear.  “Who do you serve?”

“You.”  She
was crying, her voice filled with her defeat as she buried her face in her
arms.  He pulled her back to her knees and pulled nearly all the way out of her
ass.  Then he proceeded to pound that spot until she screamed and blacked out
from the pleasure spiraling hot through her.  The last thing she felt was his
release deep inside her, and then nothing. 

She woke up
when he lifted her from the floor and carried her to the shower.  It was a
large glass block shower that could have held a good five more people between
its walls.  He stood her up and held on until her knees started working again.

there.”  He said his voice soft and deep with no sign of his beast peaking
out.  As to that, besides feeling jittery she felt more like herself again.  He
led her hands to the wall and pressed them there, kissing the mark on her
shoulder softly then preceded to wash her. 

He was
gentle and thorough and then moved away to wash himself.  Becca turned and
leaned back against the wall watching him as he finished.  She was numb.  Her
brain had shut off at some point and she was utterly blank inside her own
head.  It was...  peaceful.

When he had
finished washing himself he stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel.  He
dried himself quickly and then pulled Becca out and patted her down.  He stood
her at the double vanity and brushed and blow-dried her hair, then his own, and
she let him, even bending over and flipping it so he could get underneath.

When he had
their hair mostly dried he pulled her into the bedroom where she did not even
blink at the huge bed that had a bottom sheet and no blankets.  He pulled her
over to the middle and spooned up behind her, his naked front to her naked
back.  He hugged her to him and buried his face in the crook of her shoulder. 

She didn’t
know when she started to cry or why, but he held her tight petting down her
body repeatedly while she cried herself to sleep.

Chapter 4

The moon was
a bright ball of light in the sky when she awoke.  She was alone in the bed and
thankful for it.  No blankets on a bed was just a little weird in her opinion
even if there were werewolves in the tropics.  She felt like she was on display
so she got up and had to look around before she found the door leading to the
walk in closet. 

calling it a closet seemed a bit like calling the
Taj Mahal
a hut.  It
was huge.  With four walls of built-ins and a giant center island of drawers
along with a grouping of chairs.  In the closet?  Maybe for putting on shoes
and socks?  It still seemed decadent.  Three walls had male clothes, and the
fourth was bare except for where someone had unpacked her suitcase from the
hotel.  She had her own side of the closet
.  Crap.

She dressed
quickly pulling on her plainest white lace bra and panties and her most
comfortable jeans and t-shirt.  She didn’t see her purse, and consequently her
passport and money, anywhere.  When she wandered into the bathroom she saw
things she had missed before.  There was a double sink vanity and whirlpool
tub, very nice. 

Besides the
shower she had already seen the vanity had four rows of drawers, one had a
drawer open and contained her toothbrush and the make-up she’d brought with her
for the wedding.  There was a line of drawers empty beneath it. 

I cannot
think about this now.
  She brushed her teeth, pulled her hair back in a
ponytail, and skipped everything else.

When she
just stood there staring at her own reflection, she realized she was stalling. 
She was okay, with that.  More time alone would be good right now.  She headed
out the open deck and took a deep breath at the beauty of moonlight over
water.  There was a cool breeze and she tipped her head to catch all of it. 
She wondered if they were missing her at the bachelorette party.  

She heard
movement down below, and she caught the smell of grilling meat and barbeque

“Why doesn’t
she come down?” 
  “I feel like I’m coming out of my skin.”

“She’ll come
when she’s ready.”  That was definitely Griffin’s voice and the sound sent a
shiver of need through her.  She had to close her eyes against the draw of

“I can smell
her.”  Linc was on the back porch. 

Becca took a
deep breath and headed down the outside stairs.  By the time she got to the
bottom Jacob was there.  That was when she realized she had never really looked
him in the eye before because she felt the hit as a clench in her womb.

  He was
incredible, all tawny skin and blue eyes.  She had seen a husky with eyes like
that once, glacier blue and feral with it.  A strong jaw, luscious bitable
lips, and all on that ripped body.  He was in another pair or board shorts and
she was able to see what she hadn’t before.  He was way, way,
young.  He couldn’t have been older than twenty, if that. 

“How old are
you?”  She couldn’t keep the panic out of her voice so she didn’t even try.

His study of
her was just as thorough, then he smiled a slow sexy smile way beyond his
years.  She tightened up, she couldn’t help it, the look in his eyes was
downright scary.  Scary sexy.  He dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms
around her waist.  Her shirt slipped up so when he buried his face in her soft
belly it was against bare skin.  He shuddered, pulling her closer as he
breathed in her scent.

She had no
idea what to do so held her hands up while he clung to her waist like a
barnacle.  “What’s going on?”

It was Linc
who answered.  “He’s bound to you.  There can be no other for him, ever, and
he’ll need your touch and scent often.”

Griffin came
out on the porch while Jacob was still nuzzling her belly.  She looked up
expecting jealously or anger.  But instead he gave great blank face.  “What do
I do?”

Again, it
was Linc that answered.  “Fuck him.”

“Huh?”  He
could not have said what it sounded like.

Linc looked
at Griffin and then back at her.  “You are our Alpha female.”

“Our?”  Her
hands dropped with a snap to Jacob’s shoulder.  “Please tell me I’m not
expected to sleep with everybody.”  Jacob nuzzled higher until his head was
bumping the bottom of her breasts.  She tried to push him back down but he
clung tighter while Linc kept talking. 

“An Alpha
female is a rare thing.  With the ability to call more than one mate.  You call
to us all so we will share, but only the Alpha males of the pack... if they are
lucky enough to find her in their lifetime.”

“I thought
there was only one Alpha.”

“One Alpha
leader yes, but as enforcers we are alphas who have sworn to serve a stronger

“Who are the
alphas of this Pack?”

“You see the
pack alphas before you.  We are all alphas.”


Including you.”  Griffin’s voice was uncompromising.  Her eyes slipped to his,
away, then back again.

“So I’m
supposed to sleep with all three of you?”  She shook her head.  “I don’t think
so.”  Jacob growled low and it reverberated through her exposed belly.  “No
offense Jacob but I am just not made that way.”

He looked up
at her, his face still pressed against her and his eyes seemed to shimmer bluer
and bluer, until it was like light was shining from behind them. 

“You are our
Alpha female.  You are made exactly that way.”  Then he bit down at the bottom
side of her lace-covered breast and his scent hit her senses.  Her body acted
like that switch had been thrown.  Her knees collapsed and she dropped into Jacob’s
waiting arms.

Similar to
the position that had started this mess, she was straddled across his lap, this
time facing him rather than away.  That wicked smile was back, and everything reckless
and sexy was blatant in that smile. 

She was in
so much trouble.  Then he kissed her. 

It was the
first kiss they had shared and his lips were warm and lush.  Gentle, not at all
what she had been expecting.  She had no defense against it.  Her mouth opened
under his gentle coaxing and his tongue surged inside slippery and hot to rub
against hers.  His hands cupped her face to hold her at the angle he wanted and
he delved deeper, thoroughly befuddling her.

Becca heard
the hot little moans seeping between them but was too busy wrapping herself
tight around Jacob to figure out they were coming from her.  She had to get
closer.  Then she felt someone lift her arms and pull her t-shirt over her
head.  Jacob let go to allow it and his hands went to her back and slid inside
the loose waistband of her jeans and panties to cup the globes of her ass and
pull her closer, rubbing her across his cock through their clothes.  The
friction only made her want more.  She gasped into his mouth and bucked against

He never
stopped exploring her mouth and she melted into him wild with the taste of
him.  Someone else unhooked her bra and kissed up her spine to bite the back of
her neck.  She arched her back coming out of the kiss and gasping for breath. 
Jacob took the invitation she unknowingly made and his mouth clasped onto a
newly bared breast as the bra was thrown away. 

The mystery
hands came between them and unhooked her jeans.  The pull and tug on her breast
was enough of a distraction she didn’t even notice it until the hand slid
farther down and cupped her naked pussy, the thumb rubbing against her clit
while a finger separated her folds and thrust into her.  She came, hiding her
face against Jacob’s shoulder.  She bit down while she shuddered out her climax. 

The bite
must have been the catalyst Jacob needed because he used the hands on her ass
to pull her tighter as he thrust up against her in hard jabs until he was
coming in his shorts.

“Jesus that
was hot.”  Jacob's voice was a satisfied purr against her ear.  Becca was too
replete to do anything but agree.  She tasted blood on her lips and lifted her
head to study the bite marks she had made.  She turned to catch him watching
her from a kiss away.  His eyes had bled back to ice blue but the look in them
was anything but cold.

“I didn’t
mean to hurt you,” she said.  Placing her hand on the bite that had already
stopped bleeding.

He laughed,
kissing her briefly on the lips, licking away the blood and cuddling her closer
in his lap.

“Anytime you
want to mark me as yours, feel free.”

His voice
was a satisfied purr and it made her laugh, which in these circumstances was a
gift beyond price, so in gratitude she did what came naturally and rubbed her
cheek against his with affection.  He responded by burying his nose beneath her
ear and rumbling out a playful growl.  It made her laugh again.

This should
be freaking her out.  Instead, she felt...  safe.  Since that was something she
really needed after everything that had happened she sank into the feeling. 
She let Jacob hold her and he seemed content to do that as long as she allowed
it.  She heard others walking around behind them but it meant little as she was
lulled by Jacob’s heart beat. 

her stomach rumbled and he set her aside with a final soft kiss to her reddened
lips.  He stood her up and helped her pull on her t-shirt.

“My bra?”
she said.  Her voice a trifle gruff with embarrassment now that she was
standing on her own again.

“You won’t
need it,” he said.  Pulling her forward for another quick kiss.  Becca buttoned
up her pants with her head ducked.  She was blushing again, and it made him
laugh.  She harrumphed, taking her hair out of the listing ponytail and
re-doing it, not quite as neat as before.  Jacob whipped the band back off
before she could stop him. 


“You won’t
need that either.”  He turned her towards the entrance, swatting her butt to
get her started.

“Watch it

“Oh I am,” he
said, his cheerfully lecherous gaze glued to her ass.  “Believe me, I am.”

It shouldn’t
have made her laugh, but it did, until she was in the kitchen and caught sight
of Griffin leaning against the island watching them.  That brought home more
than anything else that she was in way over her head.  Jacob came in behind her
pressing her forward until she was nearly in Griffin’s arms, then he kissed her
on the back of her head and pushed around her.  She watched him walk across the
great room to the stairs and disappear up them, presumably to get cleaned up. 
Then when she had no other choice, she looked up into Griffin’s eyes.

“We’ve never
kissed,” he said, his whiskey voice soft.  It was so distracting she had to
focus to understand what he said.  Then she blushed.  No, they had done a lot
but kissing was not on the list.  His thumb wiped across her plump lower lip. 
“I think after Linc has taken you I’m going to kiss you for an hour straight.”

“Linc?”  Her
voice came out on a squeak.

 He ignored
it leaning down to nuzzle her under her slack jaw.  “Maybe, I’ll start while
he’s still inside you.”  His mouth was a fiery trail down her jaw line to her
ear where he bit down on the lobe then licked away the sting.  “I think you
like that idea.  You can scream your release into my mouth while Linc pounds
into you.  While he binds himself to you.”  She was gasping for breath even
before he scraped his teeth over the hot spot on her neck.  “It’ll be a good
reminder, don’t you think?  Of who
belong to.”  Then he laid a
gentle kiss against the spot and stepped back.

Becca was
left blinking in confusion while he led her to the table and another man
waiting there for them.

BOOK: At One's Pleasure
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