Read AslansDesire-ARE-epub Online

Authors: JenniferKacey

AslansDesire-ARE-epub (4 page)

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“I don’t think I’m ever going to look at the kitchen the same again.” His voice shook just enough to let her know he was as shaken as she was.

“I should hope not,” she responded as he released her arms and gently put them beside her. Trying to push herself to standing wasn’t gonna happen for a bit so she tucked her arms beneath her instead. Moving reinforced that the marks on her hips from the counter were definitely there to stay for a while.

Zeke kissed her back, then licked her neck right beneath where the apron tied.

“That was an awesome fantasy.” She couldn’t help but say how amazing it was. ‘Cause dayum.

“You say it as if it’s over.” He opened a drawer and turned on the water in the sink.

Opening her eyes, she tried to blink and focus her fuzzy brain. “Isn’t it?”

“For today, maybe. But I distinctly remember you giving me several other possible scenarios that really worked for you. I’ve had a few thoughts of my own lately.”

Pushing herself up on shaky arms. She looked over her shoulder at him as he pressed a warm washcloth between her thighs to clean her. “You have? You’re willing to try?”

“More than willing, my love. Especially after today. You are so fucking hot.”

Tears stung her eyes again and she hung her head as if she were exhausted in order to hide them. It wasn’t a lie exactly.

The raw emotion he pulled from her scared her sometimes.

Her need for him was huge.

That he was willing to fulfill her fantasy, even when he was so uncertain of the outcome?


“Oh my gawd,” she gasped as something wet and cold hit her spine. “What are you doing?”

“I’ve always wanted to lick cookie dough off of you.” His tongue lapped at the sticky mixture he’d apparently painted her with. “Guess today is my lucky day. You know I like the dough more than the cookies anyways.”

She jerked again as he continued to lick her sensitive flesh. “You’re going to kill me.”

“Possibly. But what a way to go.”




Chapter Four


“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe we’re going to see a movie!” Excitement bubbled inside her as she kissed Zeke on the mouth. Could she say “low maintenance,” much?

Zeke smiled down at her. “It’s been what? Probably two years since we’d seen something here?”

Aslan scrunched up her nose and looked around at the lobby as they waited in line for popcorn. “At least. It’s been so long I don’t even remember what we saw last time.” She looked around again. “And now they have reclining seats, too. I sure hope I don’t fall asleep.”

“I’ll make sure and keep you awake.” His sideways grin, really should have been made illegal. Talk about a panty soaker.

They stepped up to the counter when it was their turn. The comforting weight of Zeke’s hand at her waist as he pulled her closer to him sent butterflies dancing in her system. “We’d like a medium popcorn and whatever lemon-lime soda you have on tap,” she ordered.

Zeke added, “And Peanut M&M’S.” He looked at her and bobbed his eyebrows. “Can’t resist.” Then he looked her up and down.

“Let me grab that for you. Butter on your popcorn?”

“No, thanks,” Aslan mumbled as Zeke continued to stare at her.

Things had been different between them in the days since the most epic kitchen sex ever. Neither one of them had ever really shied away from PDA but even out in the world, Zeke was just…different. He was more covetous about her. Held her closer.

Watched her.

His gaze?

It had become proprietary.

As if she really did belong to him.

As in owned by him.

He hadn’t said it as much, not since that one time in the kitchen. She shivered when she remembered him saying her holes were his.


He pulled her closer as she trembled again and he tipped up her chin. “Cold?”

“A little bit. I always forget how cold movie theaters are. By the end of the movie I’m going to be an Aslansicle.” She smiled and he kissed her.

“We can’t have that.” He turned to the employee behind the counter as she walked up and put his candy next to Aslan’s drink and popcorn.

“That’ll be $13.50.”

Zeke paid and then tucked his box of M&M’S into his back pocket as they walked away toward the entrance to the individual theaters. Pulling her off to one side, he freed one of the movie tickets from his front pocket and held it up. “Take this and go grab us seats. I’m gonna go snag a blanket out of the car. Meant to grab it but I was so blown away by your flippy skirt, I lost my train of thought on the drive over here. Can’t have my best girl getting cold during the movie, now, can I?” He tucked her ticket between two of her fingers, holding the bag of popcorn.

“You’d do that for me?”

The smolder in his eyes as he pulled her close, nearly bowled her over. “I’d do anything for you, my love. Anything. Making sure you are safe, happy, and comfortable? Nothing makes me happier. No joke.” He pulled her close and kissed her. Before he was done, he licked her bottom lip. “Salty. You’ve already been in the popcorn.”

“Maybe.” Glancing down at his crotch and back up, she smiled and bit her bottom lip, trying not to laugh. “I was a bit…busy on the way over here.”

His nostrils flared. Bending his head down beside her, he whispered in her ear. “Your mouth on me, my cock between your lips.” He looked up as another couple passed, and pulled Aslan a bit farther over to the side away from people. “I thought about fucking you here. Especially since we’re seeing a scary movie. Especially after I saw how easy the access would be with that skirt you have on. You sitting on my lap, if you got scared wouldn’t be so out of the ordinary. But…”

“But?” she prompted as he eyed her mouth.

“Getting arrested wouldn’t do anything for me.”

“Worried you’ll drop the soap?” she whispered.

“Hell no,” he chuckled. “Worried I’d go mad without you with me. Not being able to fuck you? Everyday? I’ll never risk that. Ever.” His rough thumb traced her bottom lip. He stared at her. Inside her. Then he shook his head. “Fuck, I get so lost in you. Better go get the blanket before the movie starts.” He picked a piece of popcorn off the top of her bag and held it. “Open up.”

Staring at him, she opened her mouth and he set it on her tongue.

“I like that your arms are full. It reminds me of when they’re bound in other ways,” he whispered. He kissed her one more time. “I’ll be right back. Be safe, beautiful.”

Floating to her seat seemed incredibly plausible as she watched him walk away.

Several other people gave her a knowing grin as they moved past her.

Luckiest woman alive. That’s what she was.






The movie wasn’t just scary. It was gory, too. Aslan loved it.

She’d eaten some popcorn as she’d waited for Zeke to meet her. They’d chosen seats at the back of the theater. Just two seats together and no one behind them did it for both of them.

Thankful for the blanket was the understatement of the year. The theater was freezing and she raised it higher to make sure every inch of skin that she could wrap up was covered. She’d even taken off her shoes so she could sit cross-legged in her seat to keep her feet tucked in, too. “How are you not cold?” she whispered to Zeke.

“Hot blooded,” he answered back at a barely audible volume.

“There’s no way your hands aren’t ice cold.”

“Sure there is.” He untucked a tiny spot on the blanket closest to him and grabbed her arm.

“Soooo warm.” She placed her other hand on it, which was still much cooler than his.

He acted like he was going to take it back.

“No, no, no,” she begged. “Stay a while. I love you touching me.” She moved her head a tiny bit closer to him. “It’s the only reason I wasn’t completely enjoying the blanket. Kept wanting to touch you.”

Leaning over, he kissed her forehead. “As you wish.”

Her sigh was probably too quiet for him to hear but he left his hand on her arm.

Aslan focused back on the movie and tried, not so surreptitiously, to steal more warmth from Zeke.

A couple minutes later, Zeke leaned a bit closer to her. “Tuck your hands beneath you,” he told her in a low murmur.

“Why?” She gasped when she looked to the side at him. Thankfully, the entire theater jumped and a couple people screamed at something on the screen. But, Aslan? She inhaled because of the look on Zeke’s face.

The intensity. The need.

The last time she’d seen him look like that was in the kitchen when she had on her little black apron.

“But I thought you said you weren’t going to
fuck me
?” She mouthed the last two words and looked around.

“I’m not. But I didn’t say other activities were off the menu.”

“Activities?” she asked as she sat on her hands.

“Face the movie, eyes open as long as you can. And spread your legs. Wide. Just like that, my wife.”

The slide of her skirt material up her thighs made her clit tremble. “Is this why you didn’t want me to wear panties when we left the house?”

His grin said it all. “Now watch the movie, Aslan. I’m going to make sure you’re nice and toasty.”

She stared at him for a few more seconds, wondering what in the world she’d done to get so lucky to be loved by the man she sat next to.

Her skirt cleared her thighs as she faced the screen again. A waft of cold air moved across the damp flesh between her legs as he adjusted the blanket and positioned his body both closer to her and in such a way that he blocked more of what he was doing to her from the people sitting closest to him on that side.

“Someone’s pussy is completely bare. So smooth. Someone did a very good job shaving it this morning. Don’t you think?”

Aslan smiled. “Very good,” she agreed.

Zeke had shaved her that morning. He’d done it off and on during their marriage but lately he’d started doing it every time. That morning he’d climbed in the shower with her and sat her down on the bench by the wall. He’d grabbed everything he needed and shaved her bare. When he was done, he’d rinsed her off, then licked her off.

Remembering coming on his mouth made Aslan grit her teeth together.

Zeke slid one of his fingers inside her, paying particular attention to the ridged area of her G-spot. When she got turned on, she knew it was almost as if it stood up for him, became more pronounced. Something. It was as if her body was changing for him. Adapting. Evolving.

Fuck, he turned her on.

Slowly, his thick digit filled her and then retreated as he skimmed his thumb over her clit. But just once. It wouldn’t take much to make her cum. As he filled her again with the same wet finger, he had to feel the walls of her pussy fluttering around him.

Yet he didn’t hurry. Didn’t rush.

Not at all.

He took his time.

Each agonizingly delicious moment of it seemed calculated to keep her on the razor-sharp edge of an orgasm.

With the tips of his fingers, he traced the outer lips of her sex. Up and down, slow, gently. Sometimes a whisper of a touch and the next time rougher, demanding. Gathering wetness from her core, he moved it to the tight hole of her ass. Dipping inside with tiny thrusts of one of his fingers, he shallowly fucked her.

What was on the movie screen?

Something? Maybe.

Some baddie was chasing the last couple still alive.

Aslan couldn’t remember why.

Didn’t matter.

Nothing mattered but the man beside her and how he was fulfilling her fantasy.

But it wasn’t how she expected.

She’d thought for years that she needed him to be rough with her, harsh even, for her to feel his need for her.

Talk about being wrong.

In the dim movie theater, being forceful wouldn’t have been right at all. It would have been so incorrect.

What he was doing, how he was using her? It was perfect.

And just as devastating as the limo and the kitchen.

Each time she glanced at him, his eyes were glued to her face. Riveted. She nibbled her bottom lip and tried so hard to watch the movie.

Down her right lip.

Up the left.

Around her clit.

Around and around, in ever-tightening circles.

But there wasn’t enough pressure. His touch wasn’t strong enough to get her off. It was just enough to push her one step closer to the edge.

Her breathing kept hitching in her chest and she understood why he wanted her to sit on her hands. It wasn’t just to warm them. Not even for the sole purpose of getting them out of his way so he could have access to her.

He didn’t want her to have the ability to do anything to get herself off.


His legendary control.

But now he was turning it on her.


A wall between them crumbled. One Aslan wasn’t even sure she’d known existed. It fell at their feet as he pumped a finger inside her pussy again. And one in her ass. Quick, quick, slow.

she mouthed as a dawning realization swamped her.

He was completely in control of her orgasm. Until he was ready to let her come, she wasn’t going to get there.

A flash of intense pleasure zipped down her spine, terminating in her pelvis. Her sex milked his fingers as he slipped two inside her and her ass contracted around his other slick digit.

She opened her mouth to come, unable to stop it, when he clamped her clit between his thumb and forefinger. Hard.

Her entire torso jerked as her orgasm simply paused.

“Not yet, wife. Not yet. I’m not done playing with you yet.” He kept his fingers tight on the nub of her clit for who knows how long. Seconds? Weeks?

Aslan certainly didn’t know as she clawed at the seat beneath her.

“Shh, shh, shh,” he whispered. Releasing her clit, he pulled his fingers free, but instead of completely abandoning her channel he pressed circles around her pussy and ass. He drew almost a figure eight as he kissed her shoulder on top of the blanket. “Tell me what I’ve missed in the movie.” His order caught her off guard, sucking her back off the precipice she desperately wanted to fly from.

BOOK: AslansDesire-ARE-epub
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