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Authors: Tiana Johnson

Anticipation (3 page)

BOOK: Anticipation
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She stammered into the phone when he parted her labia and licked her clit slowly. A tingle etched up her spine, and she knew that within seconds, she was going to come. And the last person who deserved to hear that was her ex. “I have to go.” She powered off her phone and tossed it to the carpet.

“Later?” Colin asked, taking a condom off the nightstand and ripping it open.

“Probably never.”

“Good,” he said, slipping the condom on and twisting to pin her arms over her head. “But I should thank him for letting you wait again.”

“I know,” Kalinda said, closing her sighing as he slid inside her.

“Kalinda, I will never keep you waiting.”

“You don’t have to make promises to me, Colin. I’m not fragile. I can say goodbye easily.”

“It’s not—“

“Do you think that you can have chemistry with someone you just met?”

“Of course. Otherwise one-night stands not fueled by alcohol wouldn’t exist.”

“God, it’s been one night.” He checked his watch. “Not even a full 12 hours and I already miss you.”

“I’m here now.”

* * *

Kalinda tapped her pen against her grade book as she looked at the grades of the student sitting across from her. She hated the students who took her classes expecting something easy because of who they were and what they knew. “This is calculus. It’s a required course for business school majors. You can’t slack off.”

“Prof, how did I do?”

“Average...if I curve generously.” She opened a drawer and pulled out a stack of papers. “Mr. Williams, you have a 78. Congratulations. You passed the class barely, and you can play in the bowl game.”

Her last student raced out of the room, excitedly talking on the phone with his tutor.

Her office intercom beeped, and Kalinda grabbed her phone. “Kalinda.”

The receptionist’s voice cackled over the line. “Dr. Gregory, you have one more student who wants to see you.”

“Lynn, I can’t. My office hours are over.”

“It’s an emergency, according to him. You know how they are at this time of year.”

Kalinda dropped her book bag on the floor. “Fine, send him up. I’ll give him a few minutes.”

Lynn harrumphed into the phone. “The old Dr. Gregory wouldn’t have taken this student. What’s happened to you?”

Memphis is what happened to her. How long had it been? A week, a month? Time melted together since she got back. The spaces between his texts and phone calls had sped up, knowing that they had another excursion planned.

The knock on the door alerted her that she was daydreaming in the office again. “One minute,” she called out, dropping the phone and checking herself in the tiny mirror on her desk.

At the exact minute mark, the door opened. “Doc. Can I beg for a better grade?”

Only one person called her that. Kalinda turned to the door and burst into a smile. “You wish you were taking my class.”

Colin pointed to the sign on her door announcing her office hours for the week. “Office hours during exam week?”

“I have to be accessible for the students,” Kalinda said. “And I was, until ten minutes ago. It’s now time to go home and grade final exams.”

“You know, I’ve always wanted to seduce a professor in her office.”

Kalinda swore under her breath. If she was pale enough to blush, she would be lollipop red all over. “Stop, Colin. I thought you hated Oklahoma.”

“I may have found something that I like here.”

Kalinda bit her lip. I shouldn’t do this. I should make him stop. The office door was unlocked. Someone could walk in. But this...felt so good. “Something?”


“I wasn’t expecting you.”

“That’s the thrill of a surprise.”

“You came.”

“I told you I would. I don’t welch on my promises.”

“So does that mean we’re just friends? I’m sorry—I need parameters, defined lines, because friends don’t typically do what we just did.”

“You remember what I said to you the morning after?”

Kalinda cherished those words. It wasn’t poetic, but it was powerful and centered in his heart. “I do. You said we were connected.”

“It wasn’t game I was throwing out to you. I meant it.”

“I know.” The words bubbled up in her throat, but she couldn’t speak them, give life to them. She couldn’t let him know.

“I’m not your ex.”

Kalinda blushed. He remembered the words she said to him after seeing his real scars and wounds. Now he mimicked them back to her as she revealed her battered psyche and her emotional wounds. “I won’t keep you waiting for me ever.”

“You’re in the military and travel…”

“When I met you, I was debating whether or not re-up. You won that debate.”

“Don’t make decisions for me. We don’t know—“

“I made the decision because of you, not for you.”

He was waiting for an answer, and “stop talking and fuck me again” wasn’t the best response, Kalinda thought. She had to be open. She snapped her eyes shut and let the words and thoughts process. When her lids fluttered open, she was looking at the same intense gray eyes. His gaze never left her face, searching for answers then and now. Trust him, trust this, trust the process. Take the leap, and she did.

Kalinda sat on top of the rich brown cherry desk, and Colin moved to her. His hand was on her thigh, burning a hole through her resolve. “You want to fuck me here, don’t you? You can’t wait.”

“I can wait as long as you want me to. But I’ve always had a thing for desks, women with glasses, and lots of books.” Each word was punctuated by his hand slipping higher and his lips kissing the skin his hands had set on fire. “I’ve never said some things to a woman, hell anyone. But you, I trust. I feel comfortable with you. I want to be with you, and I am willing to be whatever you want me or need me to be or do for you.”

Kalinda cocked an eyebrow and nodded. She knew just what she wanted him to do. Her. “Close the door,” she said. “I’ve always wanted to break in this desk with the right person.”


This story is part of the Dog Tags and Camouflage anthology. For more stories in this anthology, please visit our webpage at

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BOOK: Anticipation
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