Read An Indecent Proposition Online

Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Sports & Outdoors

An Indecent Proposition (3 page)

BOOK: An Indecent Proposition
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My God, that voice. That accent did things to her that should be illegal. Shouldn’t be possible. Every nerve ending in her body tingled with anticipation.

Her clit swelled, her sex tightened into a hot, throbbing ache.

Had he put something in her drink? She didn’t feel drugged. She felt…overheated. Overwhelmed. Like a vast pit of sexual need had been tapped deep within her and she needed to be fucked. Now. Right now. Hard and fast. Forced to submit. Forced to give over control.


“Yes, that’s right.” He spoke as if he’d read her mind. But he was only praising her for following his orders, which she hadn’t realized she’d done. “Fucking hell, you’re beautiful.”

Other men had said the same words to her. She’d believed it from some of them.

Now, as this stranger walked with her toward the fireplace, she wanted to believe him.

When he laid her out on a chaise lounge big enough for two people, she almost did.

“No. Stay there.” His voice held a note of command as she moved to sit up, to reach for him.

She stilled, though she couldn’t seem to catch her breath and her chest rose and fell so fast she thought she might hyperventilate.

Standing beside the chaise, his groin was just above her eye level and the bulge there made her mouth water.

Big and bold and she couldn’t wait to uncover it.

She reached for him—

He grabbed her hand, stopping her short of her prize. “No touching. Not yet. I’ll let you know when. Right now, I want you to do exactly what I say. Can you do that for me, Jules?”

She liked the nickname. It sounded exotic, intimate coming from his mouth.

She nodded, not sure she could form a coherent reply. Not even one word.

How the hell had he done this to her in such a short time?

Probably because when he smiled at her like that, lust pulsed through her body and short-circuited every one of her rational brain cells.

“I want you to play with your breasts. Pull your top down and stroke your nipples.”

A flush suddenly burned her cheeks, which was ridiculous. Why should her own hands on her breasts make her embarrassed?

Maybe because it was almost too intimate. And this was not a lover she’d chosen for herself.

He’d bought her.

But she’d had to give her consent so technically, this
her choice.

She shrugged and the corset’s spaghetti straps dropped off her shoulders, causing the front to dip.

She reached for the middle and pulled the material beneath her breasts, plumping them into overflowing mounds. She had great tits, full and firm. Men liked them, fixated on them. And she appreciated their appreciation.

Watching Keegan, she saw his chest rise and fall in a faster rhythm, saw his gaze narrow as he followed her hands.

Slowly, she cupped her breasts, massaging them. They felt heavy, sensitive. And when she pinched the nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, she groaned from the pleasure.

As she worked them into even harder points, that pleasure sank through her body.

Straight to her clit.

The heat in Keegan’s eyes made that tiny organ between her legs throb. She let one hand fall from her breast to trail down her stomach—

“No. I didn’t say you could touch your pussy. Not yet.”

Keegan’s voice sounded almost an octave deeper now and it resonated through her, causing her thighs to clench. She moved her hand back to her breast. Her lungs labored for air, her heart pounded against her ribs.

Could she make herself come with just her hands on her breasts? She wouldn’t have thought it was possible but now…

Her eyes closed as she fondled her nipples harder, pinching the tips with more force. Eliciting more of a response.

She could smell her response, smell the scent of her arousal as it coated her pussy and slicked her thighs.

Did he notice?

He’d retreated to a chair not far from where she lay. He had full view of her.

And so would anyone sitting in the farthest corners of the room, where the shadows hid everything.

Was there someone else in the room? She swore she felt another pair of eyes on her from somewhere.

“Jules, look at me. I don’t want you to take your eyes off of me, Beautiful. Good. Now take off your panties.”

The panties were actually tap pants but she wouldn’t expect a man to know that. She almost didn’t want to leave her breasts but, right now, she wanted whatever he wanted.

She disobeyed for several seconds before she dragged her hands down her body to the elastic waistband of the pants. Lifting her ass off the chaise, she shimmied them down her thighs then lowered her ass back down and rolled her torso just enough so she could push the pants past her knees.

When they hung around her ankles, she leaned back into the cushion and worked the pants off with her feet.

Then she tossed them at him.

He caught them in one hand and held them, staring at her for several seconds, before he brought them close to his face and took a deep breath. He didn’t actually rub them against his nose but he made sure she knew that he liked what he had in his hand.

After a few seconds, he dropped the pants into his lap, where it draped over the bulge of his erection.

Her mouth dried at the thought of what was beneath.

“Now show me how you get yourself off, Jules. Make yourself come.”

“Is that all this will be? You and…” she let her pause drag for a second, wanted him to know she suspected there was other person in the room, but he showed no outward response, “me and no contact between us?”

His mouth pulled up at one corner. Sexy as hell. “Oh, I definitely plan to have contact, Jules. But not yet. Not until you show me what I want to see.”

“And what’s that?”

“I want to watch you come.”

Damn, she wanted that too but she wasn’t sure she could do it like this. Usually she needed a vibrator. “I don’t know that…”

His eyes narrowed. “What?”

“I need a vibrator.”

He didn’t respond right away. She thought she might have lost him. Then he leaned forward. “Internal or external?”


Nodding, he rose and walked into the shadows behind his chair. As her eyes became more adjusted to the light level, she followed him farther into the shadows but then she lost him.

The room was
bigger than she realized.

Seconds later, he returned holding something in his hands.

“Will this work?”

He held out a palm-sized piece of green silicon, shaped like a curved leaf with a circular handle on one end and a rounded tip on the other.

She smiled into his eyes. “Yes.”

His gaze held hers for several seconds before he let it wander. Down to her breasts, still naked and heaving from before, to her stomach and, finally, between her legs.

She kept the hair on her mound trimmed close and her pussy waxed bare. The lack of hair made her skin that much more sensitive.

He startled a quick gasp out of her when he reached down to stroke his fingertips over that hair. Her sex clenched, aching to be filled, and heat rolled over her like a wave, searing her from the tips of her toes to the top of her head.

“Use the vibrator, Jules. I want to see you come.”

If he stood there the entire time, it wouldn’t take her long. She couldn’t believe how much she was turned on by all of this.

It didn’t make any sense. She’d never been an exhibitionist or a hedonist. She loved sex, loved how it made her feel when she was with the right person. But this…

She didn’t know Keegan and yet this was turning into the most intense sexual experience of her life.

And he hadn’t done more than watch and let his fingertips brush over her.

Dragging her gaze away from his for a moment, she located the button that activated the vibrator then looked back at him. His gaze had transferred to the toy.

Pressing the button, she felt the subtle buzz ricochet through her body. The sound pricked at her ears and made her chest feel like a two-ton weight lay on it.

His fingers froze for a second before continuing up her leg. Curling his hand around her thigh, he pulled her leg out, opening her.

Slightly cooler air brushed against her exposed pussy, teasing and tormenting. She automatically tried to close her legs, ease the ache, but he held her open.

“Put it on your clit.” Keegan voice sounded almost like a growl.

Her hand moved before her brain made sense of his words and she moaned as the vibrating tip made contact. Sensation ripped through her, sending pulses of ecstasy to her womb. Her eyes closed as she absorbed the sensation, let it course through her body.

Her orgasm gathered strength with each second. She knew it wouldn’t be long before it broke and she welcomed it.

Opening her eyes, she saw Keegan’s had narrowed to slits, his lips parted and his chest heaving.

His erection straining.

She wanted him to fill her with that thick shaft. From this angle, she could tell the guy was well hung, and damn if she didn’t appreciate a man with a huge cock as much as the next girl.

Deliberately backing off the vibrator just a bit, she placed her free hand directly over that bulge.

And smiled when he bit back a groan.

She stroked him through the jeans, squeezed and fondled. Through slitted eyes, she watched his expression tighten into a mask of pure lust. His free hand, the one not gripping her thigh hard enough to leave marks, grabbed her and smashed her palm against his groin.

He ground his cock against her until she thought it had to hurt. And he did look to be in pain. But not the kind that made him want her to stop.

“Ah, fuck me. That’s fucking—Christ almighty.”

He ripped her hand away, startling her into pulling the vibrator away. Her body missed the stimulation and wanted to curl into a ball in denied lust.

She moaned, already reaching for him again when she realized what he was doing.

Ripping at the top button of his jeans, he dragged the zipper down then shoved his jeans and underwear down his hips, freeing his cock. It was just as wonderful as she’d imagined. Thick and long and standing at attention. The head was a ruddy red nearly two shades darker than the shaft. It pulsed with blood and one pearly drop of liquid sat on the tip.

“Suck me while you get yourself off, Jules. I can’t wait any longer. I promise to return the favor.”

Hell, yes

She sat up and wrapped her free hand around the vividly hot shaft. So silky soft. And iron stiff.

Rubbing her thumb against the tip, she spread that little bit of moisture around the head, her mouth watering to taste him.

BOOK: An Indecent Proposition
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