An Education for Amy [Men of Kinsey 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (6 page)

BOOK: An Education for Amy [Men of Kinsey 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“Damn, Amy, that was some good morning kiss,” he said as she tightened her legs around him. They all had her so fucking horny and on edge that if one of them didn’t fuck her real soon she was going to go insane.

“Master Jordon,” she moaned into his ear, “When are you going to fuck me, sir?”

Walking over to sit in one of the chairs while she straddled his lap, Jordon said, “We’ll all give you what you need after we have our talk and go to the diner in town for lunch. We need to go to your place and pick up some clothes for you to wear, too. As much as I’d love to keep you naked, none of us would get a lick of work done around the ranch if we did.”

Amy sighed and rested her head on his shoulder, dreading having to wait another few hours before they gave her any kind of relief, she didn’t know if she’d be able to stand it. The quiet in the kitchen was interrupted by the grumbling of her stomach. She hadn’t eaten anything since early the previous morning and was starving.

Lifting her up and placing a quick kiss on her lips, Jordon deposited her on the chair next to him.

“We need to get some food into you before you waste away to nothing, little bit!” He smiled and kissed the top of her head as he filled her plate with the scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon that he had warming in the oven.

“Yeah, I’m really gonna waste away. It would do me good to miss a few meals, I think.”

The moment it was out of her mouth, she realized what she had said. She always felt lacking around them, but saying it out loud only solidified it in her head, for her.

Adam quickly took the fork from her and lifted her, moving to lay her across his lap as he lifted the robe to her waist, showing her ass.

Smack. Smack. Smack

“Ouch, dammit, sir, that hurts.” She yelled, squirming, trying to free herself from his grip.

“You’ve been told, baby girl, that speaking poorly about yourself is not going to be tolerated,” Adam said holding her firmly, with one hand across her back and one on her upturned butt.

“We love you just as you are. You’re beautiful and fiery and just an all-around pain in the ass sometimes.” Slowly, Adam ran his hand over her red, naked ass.

“You have the best ass I’ve ever seen,” he said looking to his brothers.

Ethan, who had been sitting across the table, his arms crossed over his chest, leaned forward. “Adam’s right, little bit, you have the greatest ass I’ve ever seen, too, and it’s even more spectacular all pink from your spanking.”

When Adam helped her up off his lap, Amy could feel her face was about as red as her ass. Ignoring all of them, she sat gently back on her chair and resumed eating.


* * * *


Ethan tried to hide a smile at the grimace on Amy’s face each time she moved on the chair. She was absolutely adorable. They were going to have to make sure that one of them was with her at all times because, knowing Amy as he did, he wouldn’t put it past her to try to talk one of the ranch hands into taking her back to the club. They’d finally got her on the ranch, and they were going to show her just how much she meant to all of them. Keeping the little firecracker in line was going to mean using all the control he had. Just watching her walk across the room had his dick so hard he could drive a stake into solid stone with it. He wanted her tied to their bed so badly, but he knew that it would have to wait until she developed more trust in them.

“Aren’t you hungry, Master Ethan?” Amy looked at him questioningly.

Looking down at his plate, he realized he’d hardly touched it. Scooping up a forkful of eggs, he shoved them in his mouth before he said something that would get them all into hot water, because he was hungry all right, just not for food, at the moment.

“As soon as we’ve finished, we’ll head into town to pick up some clothes for you and to check in with the sheriff,” Adam said.

Amy almost choked on her eggs. “Why do you have to go to see the sheriff?”

“We need to let him know about Jasper and his threats to you,” Adam said, depositing his dishes in the dishwasher.

“He didn’t do anything the last time, so what makes you think he’ll do anything thing this time?” Amy yelled, her frustration evident on her face. “You guys just don’t get it, do you! Jasper’s dad is the
! There is no way that that fucking asshole of a sheriff is going to do anything to piss the mayor off. The last time, he just patted me on the head and said,
‘There, there, little girl, maybe if you just listened to Jasper, he wouldn’t get so riled up.’
So what makes you think he’s gonna give a shit now?”

Throwing her fork on the table, Amy pushed her chair back as she stood. She would have left the room if Adam hadn’t grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back against him.

“The difference is, little bit,” he said softly into her ear, “we’re involved now, and whether or not you believe it, we
protect you, even if it means going to the state police and hiring extra security.”

Jordan came and stood in front of her and lifted her face so that he could look in her eyes. “Sheriff Danvers may not have done anything the last time, but he knows that you’re under our protection, and he’s not a stupid man. He is well aware that facing off against us is not in his best interest, either as sheriff or as a resident of the town of Kinsey.”

Shaking her head, Amy sighed and leaned back against Adam.

“All this trouble I’ve brought you, it isn’t your fight.”


* * * *


Ethan was starting to understand why she was so reluctant for them to get involved and why she was so sure that they would end up just walking away from her.

She had never had anyone to rely on or to fight for her before now. From what they had gleaned from their cousins, Amy had not had a great childhood. Her mom was more interested in raising her status in society than she was in spending time with her daughter. And her father was so far in the bottle that he wouldn’t have been much good to her anyway. Her mother had been the one to encourage the relationship between Jasper and Amy, and when it was obvious that he was abusing her, instead of getting her away from him, her mother blamed Amy for not being a better woman.

“Baby girl,” Ethan said to her as he pulled her out of his brothers’ arms and back onto his lap.
God, she feels so good on my lap
. “I want you to think about something for me. I don’t want an answer now, but I really want you to think about it.”

Turning to look at him, Amy sighed, “Think about what?”

“If Adam, Jordon, and I didn’t have really strong feelings for you, and if we didn’t know our own minds, would we have spent every free night that we had at the club, watching over you, our cocks so hard that it became painful to walk sometimes? Since the first moment we saw you, none of us has been able to take another sub. It’s not like we haven’t been asked, but we can’t do it. You are the only one that we want, and we will do anything, go through anyone, and spend any amount of money it takes to make sure that you are safe and happy.”

She leaned her forehead against his, tears threatening to fall. “I wouldn’t survive if anything happened to any of you because of me,” she whispered shyly.

Ethan quickly dug his hand into her hair and pulled her head back so that he could look into her eyes. “Remember who you belong to, baby girl. We’re not boys. We are grown men who know how to take care of what is ours. We all have military backgrounds, and should it become necessary, we can have backup within minutes. Ryder, Sam, and Dan are more than willing to help if we need them.” His kiss was not a tender one, it was one of possession. Forcing her lips open, his tongue speared into her mouth and sought out hers, his one free hand holding hers on her lap.


* * * *


Amy wanted to touch him. She wanted to run her hands over his hard muscles and feel them move against her body, but as much as she struggled, Ethan wouldn’t release her hands. Breathing heavily, she pulled back from his kiss.

“Ethan, sir, let me touch you,” she moaned, still trying to free her hands from his grip.

“No, baby girl. If you touch me, I’m going to take you upstairs and fuck your brains out, and you’re not ready for that yet. You need to learn to trust us. You need to let us show you that you can count on us to protect you and love you. And you are still being punished for throwing our gifts at us last night.”

Amy sighed and leaned her head on his shoulder. She hadn’t been able to trust anyone in a very long time. Let alone a man. She knew that they cared for her, that they wanted to protect her from Jasper, but they didn’t know the type of people that Jasper associated with. She knew she had to find a way to get Jasper out of the picture without involving her three men.
Her three men,
that was how she thought of them, and that would get them hurt. She needed to get into town and make sure Jasper wasn’t aware of their involvement with her because if he found out, he wouldn’t come after her, he’d go after them, and that was something that she couldn’t allow.

Ethan, once again, set her back on her chair. Her ass still smarted from the spanking, but that only gave Amy the incentive to form a plan to get away from them. She loved what they did to her, and she knew that only once Jasper was dead or behind bars for good, would they be safe. Somehow she had to find a way back into town…

Chapter 4


As the week progressed, Adam knew that it was only a matter of time before Amy tried to make a break for it into town. They had all made sure to stay out of her bed. As hard as it had been, they all knew that she needed to trust them, not only with her body but with her heart as well. None of them would accept anything less than her all.

Over the past few days, they’d each spent time with her. Adam had taken her riding. They’d gone to the west pasture and had a picnic lunch by the small lake there.

Ethan had taken her out on the four wheeler, and they’d come back covered in mud but both with wide smiles on their faces.

Jordon had spent a whole day with her just walking around the ranch explaining the workings of it. Amy seemed fascinated by this, and when asked if she had any suggestions, she came up with a number of really great ideas on time management for the ranch office and paperwork.

Everything seemed to be going well until the day that Adam received a phone call from Ryder.

“He’s out, cous, and he’s back in town already,” Ryder told him.

The fury that went through him at that one sentence surprised him.

“Does he know where she is?” he asked angrily.

“Yeah, he does, one of his fucking friends was asking around town, and Ginny, over at the diner, told him that she was staying with the three of you.”

“Fuck,” Adam shouted into the phone. “Have you seen him around town yet?”

“He tried to come into the club last night, but Bear was at the door and wouldn’t let him in. He was with some of his ‘friends,’ and they were asking about Amy. Bear told them to take a hike, but he didn’t think that that would hold them for long.”

“Thanks for the heads-up, Ryder. I’ll let everyone know to be on guard, and I’ll call you if I need your help.” Adam sighed.

“You call the minute that fucker shows his face, do you hear me? He’s hanging with some real nasty pieces of work, and there are more of them than there are of you. If you want, you can bring her to the club and stay in the guest suite upstairs. I don’t want anything happening to any of you.” Adam thanked Ryder again and slowly hung the phone up. Turning to head back outside, he saw Amy standing in the doorway. He could tell by the paleness of her face that she’d heard at least part of his conversation with Ryder. She just stood there and shook as tears welled up in her eyes.

“He knows I’m here, doesn’t he?”

Moving across the room, Adam took her in his arms and said, “Yes, baby. He knows you’re here with us.” He wouldn’t lie to her. They wanted her to trust them, and that meant not hiding things from her no matter how much he wanted to.

“I need to leave here, today!” she cried.

“I don’t think so, sweetie.” Ethan was coming through the door along with Jordon just as she had made her declaration. Pulling out of Adam’s arms, she walked past both of them and headed for her room.


* * * *


Her only thought was to pack and get as far away from them as she could. Maybe that would draw Jasper’s attention away from them, and he would come after her.

Once in the bedroom, she started grabbing what little she had brought with her, stuffing it into the knapsack she had always carried. Tears started to roll down her face with each item she shoved in. Amy picked it up and turned to head back downstairs and came face to face with three very angry men.

“Just where in the hell do you think you’re going?” Jordon asked, his voice just a little too calm.

“I’m going to hitch a ride into town, and then I’m going to pack up a few things and get as far away from the three of you as possible,” she said just as calmly, her hand tightening on the strap that hung over her shoulder.

Ethan walked toward her and pulled the knapsack out of her grip and threw it on the bed. Taking her face in between both of his hands, he snarled, “You’re not going to do any such thing, little one, and if you think any of our ranch hands are going to give you a ride into town, then you’re mistaken. Every one of them has been told that, if they help you into town, it would cost them their job.”

BOOK: An Education for Amy [Men of Kinsey 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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