Read Among Bright Stars... Online

Authors: Rodney C. Johnson

Tags: #robot, #science fiction, #robots, #blade runner, #artificial people, #artificial life, #artifical intelligence, #cylons, #artificial biosystem, #artificial human

Among Bright Stars... (9 page)

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Gaius Trajan remained respectful, and
neutral, not at all sure where Romulus intended to go with his line
of thought. He watched the Imperator hobble around his white
throne, supported on a cane capped by an eagle head. How frail he
had become these last few years. Romulus’s purple robes of office
hid the feeble sick frame of a once well-toned body. “I took this
nation from its rightful leader, left him to rot in a brig,”
lectured the Imperator while a fit of coughs overtook him. “Forged
it into something that could endure its enemies both externally and
on its own shores.” He pointedly added. “I will not let fool hardy
actions destroy what I have built.”

“Your reign has restored our greatness.” The
Praetorian praised, and hoped to regain ground. “We shall never
make the mistakes that brought down the United States my Imperator.
That’s why we must show these Falcanians our boot and crush them

“Where is the Shotar?” JR Giovanni
interrupted Trajan's tiresome tirade, and sat once more on the
Roman style chair, his throne.

“We’re not certain, but we think he is on
one of their new battleships. A small battle group has recently
achieved Earth orbit. The transmission looks to have originated

“Good, good.” JR Giovanni spoke almost
grandfatherly. “Send an envoy; I have a message for Sharr Khan
Mingh Drakonis.”



Mirrored-glass slanted at a hard right
angle, the art piece glistened with beads of water that spurted
upward and then cascaded over its smooth surface, to then fall back
into a fountain pool. Sharr thought it perfectly atrocious, likely
really expensive. Pretentious modern art was not his thing. He
waited for his girlfriend at the center of GenKon’s lavish lobby,
and contemplated his reflection in the shiny piece of art, arms
crossed over his chest.

Behind Sharr she came up, nuzzled him, put
her arms up under his angled Falcanian style trench coat.

They kissed.

Err you’re grumpy!” Nadia

Before Sharr responded, he took a moment to
admire his girlfriend’s attire: Short pinstriped pencil skirt, slit
up the right revealed a suggestion of tan thigh, crowning her head,
brown hair that had been pulled up and pinned back, and she wore
thick strappy-heels. Of course Nadia wasn’t without her black
rimmed glasses, the pools that were her almond blue eyes stared
into his soul as she pouted lovingly at him.

Maybe a little, yes.” Dryly admitted the
Phoenix Project leader.

Arching a brow Nadia said: “Then I take it
you quit.” This she thought to be good news, at least for her. Aria
wouldn’t be around to rub salt in Sharr’s wounds. Hopefully that
would in time make him a happy man.

Yes,” Sharr cleared his throat. “Very
little point working a job that I hate. Given my recent luck why
bother?” he put his arm around her waist. “ThunderHawk Enterprises
is a go!”

His monetary gain had done little to
brighten Sharr’s mood. The source of that income appeared to Nadia
to cause some resentment in her boyfriend, who suddenly found
himself rather well off. “Think of it like this, you’ll get to do
all those things you want thanks to that trust fund from your
Father.” She leaned against her boyfriend. “At least he made
provisions for you.”

Yet I feel like I’ve made a deal with
Shaitan himself.”

I was right, you are grumpy.” Nadia
patted his cheek. “You’ve given a chunk of that cash to Vance, to
let him set up his own lab, that’s a good thing.”

I did. He deserves it.” Things were
indeed inverted; Nadia and Vance Turner were in agreement.

My point is, now you’re on the road you
want to be, we all are.” Nadia hoped to place this windfall into
perspective for him.

Sharr took her chin, said: “Odd timing that
cheque, that letter. It talks about you and your parents.”

Having read it herself Nadia knew the
letters contents. True, strange her family should have been
mentioned, and as curious an event as it proved to be, there had
been no way to follow up on where either the cheque or letter had

It’s very weird, can’t help but think
I’m being manipulated.” Sharr’s instincts worked overtime in regard
to this matter. “Something just isn’t right.”

You’re being paranoid –“

Sorry to interrupt.” Oberon Kreis
stepped out of the shadow of the piece of glass artwork that
dominated GenKon’s lobby. “This must be the man who’s stolen our
young Dr. Korelia’s heart.”

Nadia turned and said: “Oberon, I’d like you
to meet Roderik Visal.” Her head on Sharr’s arm, Nadia told him.
“Oberon Kreis is Chief of Security here at GenKon.”

The young Shotar offered his hand, said:
“Nice to meet you Oberon.” He examined the dueling scar that stood
out on Kreis’s left cheek, it was he knew, a mark of a German

Und great to at last meet you Roderik,”
Kreis smiled his wolfish grin, took his brothers hand. “I’ve heard
so much about you.” He winked. “Nadia can’t stop telling her lab
partners how wonderful her boyfriend is.”

Oh.” Sharr had no idea his girlfriend
talked him up so much. “Usually I hear about all the wonderful
things she and her lab are developing, I suspect though Nadia’s not
telling me half the good stuff, corporate secrets and all.”

Our little corporate secret is Dr. Nadia
Korelia; we expect great things to come from her rather… Unique
mind.” Very likely that the Korelias had shared Nadia’s unique
nature with this man. “To be sure, a special girl.” He tossed back
his head and let out a belly laugh. “Treat her well.”

We’ve got to go see my parents before
lunch.” Nadia tugged on her boyfriend.

Enjoy your meal.” Oberon gave them a
respectful military type bow, and snapped his heels with a clack
that echoed in the marble lobby. All part of the carriage of an
expert fencer.

As the Security Chief walked away Sharr
laughed: “Interesting fellow.”

Nadia shrugged, glad Kreis had at last gone.
“So are we taking your car to lunch or mine?” She much preferred to
take her own.

Arms on her shoulders Sharr and Nadia waited
for the elevator that would lead to the downstairs lab where the
Korelia’s worked and said: “We can go in the Hummer, but I don’t
think you want the driver hanging around for the after meal
activities.” He smiled and patted her on the bottom.

Does that mean you’re not going to flip
out if I drive?” Nadia teased.

Sure, just don’t act like we’re on the
autobahn.” Sharr kissed her cheek.

But speed is fun!” Nadia purred. “It’s
so funny; you own a car, but don’t have a clue how to drive it.”
They got into the elevator.

Hasn’t Oswald recounted for you how he
tried to teach me?”

Yeah, I hear it didn’t go well. We can
go in the Maserati, I promise to behave.”


Nadia opened her eyes, grinned at the
memory. Sharr never did master the whole idea of an automobile. If
they'd only known then, what they did now. Oberon must have been
pulling strings for quite awhile. A fact which did not endear the
one-eyed Prussian to her. How much of their lives had been
orchestrated at GenKon’s bidding? The Queen resolved to find

Priyanka went about the tiny cruisers cabin,
readied for the immanent return to Vorkrür as the pilot informed
over the intercom that the Queen's personal transport would soon
make its touchdown. Nadia got off her settee, fixed herself up, and
checked her lipstick in a mirror. Adjusted her hair, brushed a
delinquent curl aside, bangles jingled.

“Are you all right my Lady?”

Nadia sat back down, and pulled on her
boots. Automatically the tri-claws sealed up, conformed to her
shapely leg and interfaced with her neural system. “Perfect.” She
affected a soothing smile. “Glad to be home. This junket has been

Soon the small transport came to land in the
Island’s docking facility where an official welcome party waited,
assembled on the deck. Greeted by the Chancellor, her son, and
Talik, along with detachments of Valküri and Drakorian all stood at
attention, Nadia walked down the gangway.

Blue eyes locked with her mate’s single-eyed
brother, Nadia considered: Why did she trust this man? She could
not telepathically scan him, which bothered her greatly. Given his
history, she was sure that Oberon kept many secrets from her. Yet
he had been totally faithful thus far. When Shikar had been born he
had taken to the boy like any adoring uncle. None of which changed
that he had manipulated his way onto this island, and that stuck
with her.

“Welcome home Queen T'Kara.” Chancellor
Trakan said.

“Any news from the Imperium?” Nadia

“Maa!” Crown Prince Shikar broke away from
his mentor.

“Shikar I’ve missed you.” Nadia kissed her

“Chancellor,” Nadia presented “Allow me to
introduce Darius Noorani, a child of Project Morningstar, ruler of
the Caliphate of Lions.” She gestured toward Darius, who waited
beside Ariel. “Darius has elected to side with us in the coming
conflict. The same deal applies which we offered to Arshira and
Talik. It too shall be sealed with a wedding.”

“Very good,” said the Chancellor, not
missing the affection between Darius, and Princess Ariel. “I shall
make sure that all the legalities are seen to.”

“Thank you.” Nadia walked ahead. “Has my
mate sent any word?”

“None as yet my Maharani, he’s still aboard
IFV Arshira Ascension
.” Shreik, always serious
explained. “I suspect he waits for a response from the

Nadia sighed. “Don’t we all.” Political
milieu aside for the moment, which threatened to submerge her, the
Queen turned her attention to more motherly worries. “Tell me what
you and Uncle Talik have been up do these last few days

“Just learning.”

“What has Talik taught you?” Nadia eyed
Talik, who joined the Queen and her son.

“We’ve dueled with blunt knives, read, lots
of reading.” Told the Crown Prince happy and enthused to have his
mother at last back home.

“What have you read then?”

Thus Spoke

“Nice.” Nadia grinned. “Interesting choice
of books, one of my favorites.”

“You like Nietzsche?” Asked the Crown

“Yes, though I much prefer Ayn Rand and her
Atlas Shrugged
.” Nadia explained. It always
shocked people that she enjoyed that particular book. Asimov's
Robot books were however a guilty pleasure. “Her ideas have a
grounded practicality The sort which can help our people prosper.
Certainly the Guilthari could learn some good ideas from Ayn Rand.
Keep that in mind when you inherit the Claw-Throne.”

“Your son’s an excellent student my
Maharani.” Talik complemented, Nadia did not turn her attention
however away from her son. “Shikar’s one of the finest young people
I’ve tutored. Sharp, clear mind. No surprise that, given his
singular heritage.”

“Have you been to temple lately?”

“Only once Maa.” Shikar admitted.

“Well then, we can do puja together



[IFV Arshira's Ascension: Earth Orbit]

Out onto the bridge, Sharr Khan stepped.
“Report Arodsur.”

Grand Admiral Krag swiveled his command
chair amidst a blaring alarm, said. “A small cruiser, registered to
the Imperium is on approach.” He pointed out the window toward
where a boxy shuttle thrust in the direction of the Starblade.
“They're asking permission to send over an envoy.”

“Funny, I’d expected an attack.” Sharr told
his admiral.

Arodsur Krag agreed. “Honestly, so did I.
But, that one little atmosphere shuttle couldn’t last against

The Shotar said, peered at the single tiny
cruiser that slowly made its way upward from Earth to meet the
battle group. “JR Giovanni no doubt is going to demand that we

Later, in the conference room located off of
IFV Arshira's Ascension
, command deck, Ch’Kran Trakan
dutifully announced. “My Shotar, allow me to present Imperator
Romulus’s emissary, Kasumi 9.” The envoy happened to be a
Synthicon, a cybernetic humanoid being. Under a V-shaped black silk
leotard, her neckline plunged and advertised her voluptuous,
literally sculpted form. Pale white skin glistened as if it were
fine ivory. Vaguely Asian features gave her the illusion of the
classic geisha. Styled as Oriental dragons, red tattoos decorated
Kasumi 9’s exposed neck and arms, they glowed with power. Despite
her coy appearance, Sharr could be most certain that this Synthicon
woman likely must be a swift killer.

Bowing at her waste, Kasumi 9 said: “I bring
greetings from his Honor, Imperator Julius Romulus Giovanni.”

Did the Imperator attempt to sway him with
this exotic sex object? He had the expected reactions to her
appearance, which she had noticed. Sharr nodded, crossed his arms
over his chest. His armored tail swayed.

Kasumi 9 placed a holocube on the conference
table, pressed an activation button then she stood back so as not
to intrude on Sharr’s interaction with it. “I salute you Sharr
Khan!” Said the holographic image of Romulus, which depicted him on
a Roman style chair. “You were expecting me to try to blow you out
of the stars, eh?” Romulus coughed. “A bold move on your part, you
should be commended. I can understand why you did what you did,
even respect it. Bishop Styx often has encouraged our opposition to
you and your people. He pushed me to see you as my foe rather than
as a potential friend.” The Imperator chuckled. “Yes, I am aware of
your history with Styx. I think he's got a frayed wire! I’ve used
him and he me. He’s off building his mission on a terraformed
planet. It will keep him out of both of our hair for awhile.” A new
fit of coughs overwhelmed the Imperator “I am dying Sharr; I know
you’re aware of this. I cannot leave this world without ensuring
that I do the right thing for my people. They were once your
people. It is a new age Sharr Khan, let us build a friendship. My
desire is for a peace summit.”

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