Read Alpha Mine (The Alpha Council Chronicles) Online

Authors: Brenda Sparks

Tags: #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Suspense

Alpha Mine (The Alpha Council Chronicles) (3 page)

BOOK: Alpha Mine (The Alpha Council Chronicles)
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“Yes,” Marcus readily admitted, knowing his sire could take the information from his mind with or without his consent. “We are occasional bed partners, but not lovers. Our relationship is…complicated, but it works for us. Over the past seven years we tried to become a couple, but it never seemed quite right, so our relationship grew into a strong friendship instead.”

Marcus had proven he could be trusted with her life and Kat gave him the love and companionship he so desperately wanted. Now content for the first time in centuries, he wanted Kat with him forever. Of course he knew forever would not come to be.

Humans were like beautiful butterflies, flying with delicate gossamer wings, full of beauty and color. But their lives were short, gone forever in the blink of an immortal eye. Marcus only hoped he could help Kat reach a ripe old age. He hated the thought of her flying away one day, but had resigned himself to the fact that day would eventually come. Until that time, he had vowed to do everything within his power to keep her safe, protected, and loved.

And that included making sure no one ever drank from her again.

“So drinking from her is off limits,” Stephan mused, easing back in his chair and crossing his thick arms over his chest. “I will respect that because of your promise to her. Are there any other promises I should know about?”

Stephan arched a dark eyebrow and smirked.

“If you are talking about sex, no. She is free to…um…see who she pleases. I have no claims on her. She can bring anyone here she wants to share her bed.”

“Bring anyone here,” his sire repeated. “You mean she’s living here?”

Stephan’s calm demeanor was replaced by a suspicious look on his face.

“Yes.” Marcus shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

Stephan leaned forward, bunched his hands into fists on the table. “Let me get this straight. I’m gone for a few decades and come back to find that you have a human female living with you. A beautiful woman, who you do not drink from. Not only is she off limits to you, but you have promised that none of our kind will drink from her either. And to top it off, she knows about the vampire breed. Do I have this right?”

“That about sums it up.” Marcus braced for the reaction he knew would come.

Anger lit Stephan’s eyes. “Have you lost your mind?” he bellowed. “Marcus, I realize I have not been here to guide you, but you were under my tutelage for over two hundred years. You know that keeping knowledge of our existence from humans is vital to the survival of our breed, and yet you have a pet human living with you who knows about us.”

“We can trust her. She would never betray us!” Marcus banged his fist on the table to emphasize his point. “I trust her with my life.”

“You certainly have.” Stephan leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath. His voice was softer when next he spoke, but Marcus could feel the tension radiating from Stephan’s body. “I hope she lives up to that trust.”

“She will,” Marcus said with conviction as he went to the refrigerator and withdrew two bags of blood. Casually switching the subject, Marcus shook the bags of blood and said, “O negative, your favorite. Want some?”

Stephan nodded and leaned back in his chair watching Marcus thoughtfully. “I will capitulate to your arrangement with the human for now. But I will observe the woman, watching for any sign of betrayal. If I find any threat, she can be taken care of easily enough.”

Marcus stilled, knowing Stephan did not make threats, he made promises. He turned to pin his mentor with a hard stare. “Kat is not a threat, Stephan. You will see. We can trust her.”

The vampires stared at one another in an old-fashioned game of bet-you’ll-blink-before-I-do. Both of them statue still, the air thickened between them. It was Stephan who broke the strained silence.

“I believe you said something about a drink.”

Marcus took the hint. The subject of Kat was closed—for now.

Emptying the bags into two glasses and adding some whisky, he handed one to Stephan and inquired about Stephan’s time in Europe. The two males drank their fill as Stephan shared his European exploits. With their hunger sated, they headed off to rest when dawn approached.

Marcus pushed a button on the remote, sending the special UV shades down over the windows. “What are you doing?” Stephan asked, his feet stilling on the stairs that led to his bedroom.

“Drawing the blinds,” Marcus explained. “They are made from special protectant material that will keep the sun from the room.”

“Only in Vegas,” Stephan murmured, shaking his head. “There have been so many changes to this town.”

Marcus smiled mischievously. “You have no idea.”

Chapter 3

Stephan put on his cotton pajama bottoms and lay between the smooth sheets on his bed, surrounded by the smell of honeysuckle. Obviously, Katrina had stayed in this bedroom. He found the redecorated master suite to be a grand room. The black lacquer king size bed boasted an ornately carved headrest adorned with silver accents. Covered with a white down comforter over yellow silk sheets, it was flanked on either side by identical lacquer nightstands. Across from the bed sat a matching chest of drawers that Stephan discovered contained a large plasma TV which rose out of the smooth shiny chest with the touch of a button. Marcus had offered the room to him out of respect, partially because it was customary for a younger vampire to offer his sire the best room in the house and because this was
place after all. Of course, that meant Kat now slept in Marcus’ room, as his was the only other bedroom in the penthouse.

And for some unfathomable reason, that bothered him. Stephan crossed his hands behind his head and settled into the bed ready for a long rest. When his eyes closed, his thoughts turned to the past, in an attempt to block the woman from his mind.

Centuries ago, Stephan and his comrade, Demetri Romanoff, two of the oldest living vampires known to their kind, had become aware of the traitorous plan of a rogue vampire with designs on world domination. They formed the Alpha Council to stop Eldrich and his group of rogues called the Miscreants.

At that time, the Council, with Stephan as their leader, consisted of fifty powerful warriors, who were stationed throughout the world to fight against each of the numerous factions of the Miscreants. As the Alphas took down the Miscreant fighters in each country, Eldrich disappeared, and the world had become more stable. Team by team, the Council membership dwindled. Some left to start families; others were recruited by the policing agency for their kind. Now the Council only numbered seven. Referred to as simply the Alphas, they were the Special Forces for the vampire breed, and they dealt with those who became too violent, abusive, or demented to remain in civilized society.

Stephan smiled at the memory of when he brought Marcus to the Alphas. The young vampire learned to fight well, impressing the other members of the team. During a fight, he was somber, all business, someone Stephan could count on to follow orders. In stark contrast, during his down time Marcus blew off steam by acting outlandish and indulging his inner desires. Yes, Marcus might be what Vegas would call a playboy, but he could always be counted on. He’d proven that over the years.

A soft knock on the door pulled Stephan from his reverie. Perturbed by the interruption, a soft sigh escaped his pursed lips. His preternatural senses told him who was beyond the door. “Come in,” he spit out between clenched teeth.

Marcus opened the door. “Excuse me, Stephan, but Kat has a headache. I need to get her pills from the medicine cabinet in the bathroom.”

“It’s a bit early for her to have a hangover, isn’t it?”

“It’s not a hangover.” Marcus’ clipped tone matched the insulted look on his face. “She has a migraine. It’s a particularly bad one. She’s in my bathroom vomiting as we speak.”

Stephan knew pain, especially the kind that made you ill to your stomach. But the woman needn’t suffer. He could do something to help.

Marcus grabbed the medicine from the cabinet and headed out of the room, Stephan on his heels. At the base of the stairs, they parted like the Red Sea, Marcus heading for the kitchen probably to retrieve a glass of water for Kat and Stephan heading for Marcus’ bedroom.

Without knocking, Stephan opened the bedroom door and treaded purposely across the space to the bathroom. Kat lay whimpering, curled in the fetal position on the marble floor beside the toilet, wrapped only in a shiny robe. He could feel the waves of pain radiating from her. “I can help you,” Stephan stated in his deep baritone voice as he scooped her up in his arms.

“Only if you don’t talk so loud, please.” Kat covered her ears with her hands.

Stephan softly placed her on Marcus’ black leather Viking bed. She moaned and tucked back in on herself.

Stephan sat crossed legged on the bed and whispered, “Put your head in my lap.” He cradled her head in his hands, helping Kat turn over, and guided her head onto his legs. Her robe fell to one side when she turned, exposing a long, lean leg.

Stephan rubbed his hands together, channeling his healing energy, then placed two fingers on each of Kat’s temples. He began to rub tiny circles.

“That feels nice,” she whispered, closing her eyes.

“Just relax,” Stephan instructed as the pain left her head through his fingers. He absorbed the stabbing ache into his body. It traveled up his arms, over his shoulders, and lodged in his own head, drumming a harsh beat. The warrior visualized the pain being destroyed and leaving his body through the top of his head.

Marcus entered the room and immediately stilled in the doorway. Noting the look of wonder on his face, Stephan asked, “What is it?”

Kat moaned softly, a combination of exasperation and relief. The sound drew the warrior’s attention.

“She looks like an angel laying there in her white robe, with the golden light from your hands bathing her face and blonde hair,” Marcus whispered, awe quieting his voice.

Stephan smiled.
You sound like a woman. Going a bit soft in your old age?

Marcus scoffed.

Stephan refocused on the woman lying in his lap. “How do you feel now?” The Alpha leader eased his ministrations.

“Um, better. Much better, thanks to you,” Kat answered sleepily, looking at him from beneath her hooded eyes.

His heart raced from the look of gratitude in her eyes. Her face softened, the pain obviously easing. He couldn’t disagree with Marcus’ declaration that she looked angelic lying on the bed. It was enough to make him want to kiss her. Run his tongue over her pulse, taste her smooth skin once more.

Desire warred with his self-restraint. Touching her had driven the logic from his mind. His inner beast roared in frustration. She was temptation incarnate. Her blood and body called to him, but he’d promised Marcus.

Dammit, what was it about this woman that drew him to her?

“Good, then I’ll be going.” He got up to leave, gently placing Kat’s head on a pillow before he gave into the temptation she presented.

Kat flinched as soon as their contact was broken. “It’s back,” she cried. “The pain is coming back.” She reached for Stephan, and he sensed her pain start to subside when her fingers touched his arm. “Never mind. It’s getting better again.”

Katrina’s hand fell to the bed. Seconds later her face contorted in pain. He pushed into her mind to discover what was happening. Her head thumped in time with her pulse. Through the pain, her muddy mind struggled to process what was happening. Her hand snaked out to touch his arm.

“It’s you,” she whispered, clutching his arm once more. “When I touch you the pain goes away. Don’t leave me!”

The glass of water Marcus had been holding slipped from his hand. Using his preternatural speed and agility he caught it before it hit the floor. Marcus’ concern for his female friend showed on his face.

As Stephan stared down at her delicate hand on his arm, the sound of Marcus’ voice came over their mindlink.
I have seen you do many things over the years. I’ve seen you heal before, but never have I seen your mere touch take pain away. That is amazing!

Stephan looked pensively over Kat, debating about what to do. She obviously needed him, and his honor would have him do no less than help her. But he was tired, more so now that his strength had waned from use of his ability to heal.

Decision made, he scooped her into his arms, saying simply, “You’ll sleep with me tonight.”

Marcus’ eyebrows shot up. “Don’t you think…” The rest of the protest died in his throat, cut off by a sharp look from Stephan.

Marcus moved to one side so the two could exit the room.
Stephan don’t you think she should remain here for tonight?

Their eyes locked.
No. My decision is made.

The younger vampire knew there would be no arguing. Stephan was used to being in charge, in control. He was older, stronger than Marcus. And Marcus was not powerful enough to stop him from doing what he wanted, so the younger vampire did the only thing he could. He watched as Stephan left the room with Kat.

Take care of her, Stephan.

As if he needed that advice. Why else was he taking her to his room?

Her weight was no more consequential to him than that of a small child. Stephan carried her up the stairs and placed her on the bed under the yellow satiny sheets. When his hands left her, a painful look twisted the pretty features of Kat’s face and a whimper escaped her pouty lips.

Stephan crawled in beside her, bone tired. Katrina reached for his hand, holding it tightly, as if she was drowning and he was her life preserver. When she placed her other hand on his arm, the tension in her body eased. Obviously wanting more relief, she rolled over his arm onto her side, spooning against his chest.

Stephan sensed her pain ebbing the more she touched him. He swept her legs back so they were against his and placed one of his muscular thighs over her limbs. Next, he took his free arm and draped it around her waist, effectively hugging her tight against him. She relaxed into him.

“The pain’s gone. Thank you,” she murmured as she burrowed against him, wrapping her arms around his.

BOOK: Alpha Mine (The Alpha Council Chronicles)
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