Read All of My Soul Online

Authors: Jenni Wilder

Tags: #love, #revenge, #hockey, #romance and relationship, #romance adult erotica contemporary

All of My Soul (36 page)

BOOK: All of My Soul
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“Thank God,” he said with exaggerated relief,
making me smile. Both of us were well healed from our injuries by
now. Lincoln’s cast had come off a few weeks ago, and the Hawks’
medical team thought that with some work, he’d be as good as new
when the season started. But by the time he was healed enough for…
physical activity… I was bruised and battered. Believe me, it had
been a long two and a half months. To be honest, we probably could
have been intimate a few weeks ago, but it seemed appropriate to
wait a little longer until our wedding night.

Kennedy hugged me tightly as Lincoln and I
tried to escape to our waiting vehicle. It wasn’t much of an
escape. Of course, everyone saw us trying to leave and wanted to
offer their congratulations one more time. Normally I would have
been fine with that, but I was anxious to start our honeymoon.

Most of our friends and family were returning
to the mainland the next day, but Lincoln and I were spending one
more week here. And after that? We weren’t sure. We had a few more
weeks before Lincoln had to report to training camp, so as long as
he had access to a gym to keep him in shape, we could do whatever
we wanted. For the first time in my life, I wasn’t going to worry
about schedules, deadlines, or anything other than making my
husband happy.

Kennedy clung to me as Lincoln tried to pull
me toward our rented convertible. “You need to call me at least
twice before you come home. I can’t go that long without talking to
my new sister.”

I pulled my hand out of Lincoln’s and wrapped
my arms around Kennedy. “I will! I love you, Kenny. Thank you for

She squeezed me tight before letting go and
held me at arm’s length. She smiled through the few tears in her
eyes. “Thank you, Jillian. Thank you for being such an amazing
person. I was always secretly worried that my two idiot brothers
would end up marrying women I hated, and we’d all be miserable.
Thank God Lincoln ended up smarter than that.”

I laughed and hugged her again until Lincoln
had had enough and scooped me up into his arms. Happiness bubbled
out of me as he carried me to the car. I laughed and waved good-bye
to our family and friends as they threw flower petals at us while
my mother and Tabitha blew us kisses.

We drove for a little while in our rented
convertible along the coast until we reached a secluded resort.
Lincoln parked the car and took my hand as we walked along the
beach toward our private bungalow. The moon was so bright, and I
could see whales spouting in the ocean in the distance.

“God, you’re so beautiful,” Lincoln said as
he turned to stand in front of me. The ocean water felt so warm as
it lapped around our feet. He brought his face down close to mine.
“I’m going to kiss every single inch of your beautiful body.”

“Maybe start with my lips?”

“Mm… It would be my pleasure, wife.”

His lips met mine, gently at first, but
becoming more intense the longer we stood on the beach, bathed in
the moonlight. We had kept our hands off each other for too many
long weeks, and now that we were allowing ourselves to indulge it
was like a floodgate had been opened. I moaned when his hands moved
over my dress, down the small of my back to my butt, and I arched
into him, pressing against him until no space was allowed between

Our mouths moved in sync, our tongues
colliding, and I clutched at the buttons on his vest, desperately
trying to undo them. I wound my arms around his waist and pulled on
his dress shirt, untucking it from the back of his pants. Needing
to feel his warm skin against mine, I ran my hands up his muscular
back under his shirt and whimpered with desire.

Lincoln pulled his mouth away and rested his
forehead against mine. Both of us were breathing hard. He slowly
ran the tip of his finger across the sweetheart neckline of my
dress. “Let’s take this inside, hmm? Before we end up naked on the

The next thing I knew, I was in his arms
again as he carried me the short distance from the shore to our
little hut. It was meant to look rustic and tropical, but it was
still ultra modern and comfortable on the inside.

I fished the key card out of Lincoln’s breast
pocket and swiped it in the door lock while he cradled me in his
arms. The door beeped, and we were inside and in the bedroom in a
matter of seconds.

Lincoln laid me down on the satin sheets of
the king-sized bed. He stood over me and watched as I pointed my
toes, bent one knee, and rolled one hip, trying to look sexy. I
swooped one hand up against my neck and flipped my hair out so it
fanned out against the bed and across one shoulder. My other hand
slowly traced down the thin shoulder strap of my dress and across
the top edge by my breast.

I watched Lincoln’s eyes follow the path my
hand took until he reached out and ran his hands up my thighs,
bunching my dress up. He crawled on top of me, hovering over me,
and kissed me sweetly.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered as he
slowly started his descent. His lips moved over my cheek to the
edge of my jaw. Tingles spread out across my skin as he kissed down
my neck to my collarbone. He slipped two fingers under the small
strap of my dress and pushed it off my shoulder before repeating
the action on the other side with the other strap.

I moaned as his hands smoothly moved up my
body, over my hips and stomach, until he cupped my breasts and
began pulling down on the top of my dress. He took his time
undressing me, kissing all over my body. I arched my back and
lifted my hips to help him remove my gown as he kissed lower and
lower down my body. He kissed the tips of my toes before completely
removing my dress and throwing it on the floor next to the bed.

His eyes flared as they roamed over my
wedding lingerie. The simple white lace teddy was nothing fancy,
but his reaction made me feel like I was wearing a priceless gown.
He reached out and caressed the sheer material at my hip in an
adoring way.

The night air had gotten colder, and as I lay
on the bed, a slight chill ran through my body, causing my nipples
to pebble under my nightie. Or maybe the look of love and lust in
Lincoln’s eyes had caused that. His gaze was fixed on my body as I
watched him discard his vest and slowly peel out of his dress
shirt. His muscles bulged and rippled as he discarded his pants and
climbed on top of me, kissing his way back up my body.

By the time he reached my breasts, I was a
ball of need. I loved his kisses, but I needed more. “Lincoln,” I
whimpered and threaded my fingers through his short hair.

“So beautiful,” he whispered as he pulled my
negligee over my head in one easy move and threw it on top of the
pile of clothes on the floor.

He immediately placed a light kiss on my firm
nipple before swirling his tongue around it. I groaned so loudly,
and I was grateful not to have to worry about our neighbors. If
that one small move could make me react that intensely, it was
probably a good thing no one was anywhere near us.

I ran my hands over every inch of his skin I
could reach. I loved feeling his warm skin against mine. His biceps
were hard as he held himself over my body, licking and sucking at
my breast. When he rolled his hips against mine, I could feel he
was just as impatient as I was.

Normally I loved our foreplay. I loved how
gentle and considerate he was. He always made sure I enjoyed myself
before things really got intense. But since we had both waited so
long, at that moment, all I wanted was to feel him inside me and
know that we were one. Tonight would be the release of almost three
months’ worth of sexual tension, and I couldn’t wait.

“Lincoln,” I whimpered again and wrapped my
legs around his hips, opening to him, letting him know I needed

Pausing for a moment, he lifted his head and
looked into my eyes. I think he wanted to object. He wanted to make
this last, but I knew we had all night. This first time didn’t need
to be long and intense. I just needed to be complete with him.

He must have seen the desperation in my eyes,
because he shifted forward, captured my lips with his and slowly
sank into me. I clutched at his shoulders as his hardness filled me
completely, and I cried out with overwhelming pleasure.

Lincoln’s eyes locked on mine as he began
moving his hips. “My. Beautiful. Wife.” Each word was staccatoed
and emphasized with each thrust of his hips.

“I love you,” I whispered back to him. “My

He moaned and sped up his pace. His control
broke, instinct took over, and he began pushing into me harder and
faster. Over and over, he hit the sweet spot inside me until I
couldn’t contain it any longer. My eyes rolled back and my hands
clutched at the bedsheet underneath us.

“Look at me,” he pleaded.

Pleasure built inside me, but I opened my
eyes and peered up at him as he moved above me. The look of
absolute adoration in his eyes tipped me over the edge. My back
arched and my thighs shook as the nerves deep inside me exploded,
but I never broke our connection as we stared into each other’s
eyes. Pleasure surged through me, and I cried out and clutched at
my husband as I came.

Lincoln’s cries drowned out my own as he
thrust one last time, and I felt him erupt inside me. He trembled
for a few seconds before his arms gave out, and he collapsed on top
of me.

His weight was heavy, but I didn’t mind. This
was what I loved. This was what I wanted. In that moment, I felt
like we were one soul, and nothing would ever separate us.

Eventually he shifted and propped up on his
elbows to peer down at me. “I’m sorry,” he said, looking sheepish.
“I meant for that to last longer. I wanted to give you three months
worth of orgasms.”

I giggled and cupped his face with my hands.
“Don’t worry. We have all night.”

His face turned serious. “We have

He lowered his lips to mine and kissed me
like he never wanted to stop, and I was happy with that.




Note from the Author

A million and one thank-yous for downloading and
reading my book. I can’t tell you how humbling it is to have you
choose my book out of all of them available to you. I want to thank
each and every one of you, especially those who read my first book
and begged for the sequel and then had patience while I wrote it! I
hope it lived up to your expectations. If you enjoyed it, please
take a moment and leave a review at your favorite retailer. I’d be
forever grateful! And stay tuned for Emily and Carter, and Rebecca
and Deacon’s stories!


Thank you!

Jenni Wilder



To my family – I’m so blessed to be part of this
family. Your support means the world to me. From my cousins who
discovered through Facebook that I wrote a book and then
immediately bought it to my parents who didn’t judge me when I told
them I wrote a trashy romance novel. And my sister – you’re my best
friend. I couldn’t have done this without you. I love you all!


To my friends – Wow, you guys have been so great!
Thank you for all the great times we’ve shared (including some that
have ended up in my books)! May we all have many tropical vacations
in our future.


To my beta readers, Betsy, Heidi, and Sarah – Thank
you for (repeatedly) asking for the sequel! Your honest feedback is
invaluable to me, and I appreciate it so much!


Most importantly, to my readers – I wrote these
stories hoping someday someone would read them, and now you have! I
cannot thank you enough for taking a chance and purchasing my book.
Much love!



About the Author

Jenni Wilder is an avid reader who decided to take
the stories in her head, write them down, and send them out into
the world. She had no idea what a crazy adventure she was in for
when she hit the publish button for the first time but could not be
more grateful for it.

She lives in a small town in southern Minnesota with
her sister and her fat orange tabby cat, Pacino. She loves hearing
from her readers on
or on

BOOK: All of My Soul
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