All In: Playing the Fool (Gambling With Love) (10 page)

BOOK: All In: Playing the Fool (Gambling With Love)
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Chapter Eight




After a long, boring Friday of doing service calls for idiot customers one right after another, I was beat. I headed over to Dylan and Jules's apartment since they'd invited me to have dinner with them. I also wanted to vent a little about the injustices of the world. Since when is a man told who he can and can't fuck? To say I was pissed after the long week since I last saw Lacy would be an understatement.

Imagine my surprise when I walked in and found her at my sister and Dylan's place.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, maybe a tad too harshly, after Jules let me into their apartment. "What the fuck is wrong with you two? You know Jess and Joe could lose their jobs!" I yelled. My best friend and sister had apparently decided to play matchmaker, despite the consequences. 

"Hi to you too, cranky ass," Jules said when she headed back to the living room, where Dylan and Lacy still sat.

"Will, we had
no idea
that you would be here when Lacy was stopping by," Dylan lied unconvincingly.

"Bullshit! Are you that set on getting Jess to come work for you that you want to get her fired?" I asked him.

"I need an assistant, and I can pay her a shitload more. We could use general counsel too, if Joe's interested," Dylan replied coolly.                        

Lacy just sat quietly on the couch, looking equally surprised to see me there.

"Does Jules know what happened between you and Jess at the strip club?" I asked Dylan, trying to shut down his crazy fucking idea. By the way he paled I was guessing the answer was a big fat no.

"What happened with him and Jess?" Jules asked.

"Oh, so you
told her. Well, please let me fill you in!" I flopped down on the empty side of their black leather L-shaped couch to get comfy for story time. "So back when Tyler and Jess
were dating
, Dylan and I stopped by the strip club to see her.  She'd invited us, and well, we couldn’t resist seeing her naked."

Jules scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Jess was a stripper?” Lacy asked with a gaping mouth.

"Yep. So, there we are in a back room, getting a private lap dance from Jess when things…heated up."

"Will, don't," Dylan warned me, then stood up and started pacing nervously.

? What happened?" Jules asked. Dylan cursed and I smiled. Payback was a bitch.

"Jess was sprawled out naked on Dylan's lap. He'd been feeling her up,
g that she was seeing Tyler …"

"You felt her up too," Dylan interrupted.

"Not like you did. Dylan had both of his hands full of her breasts," I told them, making Jules gasp. "Then when Jess sat up, his dick and her bare pussy became closely acquainted. The two tongue fucked each other until they both got off on the dry humping. Although, if I remember correctly, it wasn’t all that dry for either of you was it?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jules jumped up and asked in her husband's face.

"Because that was a year before we even started dating. It was before Tyler and Jess were even seriously dating. He was just fucking her. I didn't find out until after it was over that she was pregnant with the twins."

"She was
when you did
!" Jules exclaimed.

"Yes, but I didn't
. She was only a few weeks along, so it wasn't like she had a huge belly or anything."

"What did Tyler say when he found out? He does know, right?" Jules turned and asked me.

"Oh yeah," I assured her. "The day he found out he came over and slammed Dylan against my apartment wall, threatening serious bodily harm if he ever looked at Jess naked again," I told her. "A few weeks later, Tyler and Jess got married, and somehow Dylan still got invited to their wedding."

"Wow," Jules said, shaking her head. "I can't believe you didn't tell me. And now you want her to be your assistant!?" she yelled the question.

"Yes, but seeing her naked that one time has nothing to do with it," Dylan replied. "I love you, baby and I married you because I know I'll never want anyone else. You and Jess are friends now, and you know Jess would never even think of cheating on Tyler."

"I can't believe you failed to inform me of that little fact," Jules said, before she stormed off for their bedroom.

"Thanks a lot, you jackass! You just initiated our first fight as a married couple," Dylan said, throwing his hands up in annoyance.

"Hey, this is all your fault for keeping it from
your wife
while you were plotting."

"Get the fuck out of my apartment," he barked. "Now I'm probably not going to get laid tonight!"

"Don't say that shit around me! She might be your wife, but she's still my little sister, asshole," I told him on the way to the door. Lacy quickly followed, clearly trying to get away from the drama.

We'd barely stepped out of the apartment before the door slammed shut behind us. 

"So, how'd they lure you over here?" I asked Lacy, after I pushed the button to call the elevator.

"I asked if I could do a story on Dylan, about the brewery's success that started locally, and building Safe Haven for his wife. I thought it might have the potential to go national, you know with all their factories across the country, and help me get a job. Dylan and Jules thought it would be great publicity for the brewery, and for Safe Haven."


"Did you know they're already building Safe Haven facilities in New York and Chicago? Dylan really loves your sister," she said.

"Yeah, I know," I muttered. 

The elevator doors opened. After we climbed in I hit the button for the first floor parking lot. I couldn't help but smile as I remembered what we'd done on here that first night.

"Stop it," Lacy said.

"What?" I glanced over her and asked innocently. She looked just as gorgeous as ever in a tight fitting, sleeveless lemon colored shirt and low-rise dark denim shorts. Her matching bright yellow heels made her long, tan, legs even sexier.

"I know what you're thinking about."

"Because it's what you're thinking about too. Have you destroyed that video yet?" I asked curiously.

"No," she said, and her stunning face turned bright red.  

"Why not?" I asked in surprise.

"Because, well…it's pretty hot, you know," she said with a smile.

"Oh, I know." I may not have a copy of it, but I could never forget it.

"My dad thinks I'm seeing Zack again," she said.


"So, he shouldn't be worried about where I am or what I'm doing."

"That's good for you, I guess," I said, wondering if she was trying to make me jealous. She didn't have to even try.

"You don't want to get naked with me?" she asked. I just stared at her, thinking I had to be hallucinating.

"What was that?"

"God, Will. You don't make it easy, do you? Do you want me to go home with you or not?"

"Yes! Of course that’s what I
, but it's not worth the risk."

"I'm not worth the risk, you mean," she said, as she looked away with a scowl.

"This isn't just about my job. Jess and Tyler have twins, and her brother is getting ready to go off to college. I can't be responsible for her losing her job and insurance, or doing the same to Joe. So no, it's not worth the risk."

"But Dylan's offered her a job working for him?"

I laughed. "Yeah, Dylan tries to throw money at all of us. He offered Jess double what's she's making now, and all the time off she wants."

"That sounds like a pretty good deal."

"Right. He doesn't need an assistant, he's just trying to come up with a way to get rid of his fortune."

"Sounds like a nice thing for him to want to do for her. Using all that wealth to help out a friend...what better way to spend it?"

"Yeah, but some people like to actually earn things for themselves, not have it handed to them."

"Unlike me, you mean?" she asked, her face red with anger.

"If the ridiculously expensive, designer shoe fits …" I replied, looking down at the shiny ones currently on her perfectly manicured feet.

"You bastard," she said, taking a step towards me. Then all hell broke loose.

Lacy pushed my chest with both her palms, slamming my back against the elevator wall, then she was on me. Her mouth crashed down onto mine as she grabbed me around my neck. My hands went down to both of her ass cheeks while our tongues locked, frantic and desperate against each other's. At least until the elevator dinged, opening on the first floor. I looked around her and saw several people staring at us, waiting for us to get off the elevator. Lacy jerked away from me, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and then stalked off in the direction of the parking lot.

Finally, I was able to make my feet follow. After the incredible kiss I couldn’t think clearly, and decided this must be what it feels like to completely lose your mind.

"Eighteen-thirteen Bridford Parkway, apartment 2-D," I called out to Lacy's retreating back. She came to a stop beside a brand new black Mercedes convertible, and glanced over her shoulder at me. Giving me a nod she climbed into her car and I jumped into my truck, wondering if she'd actually show up at my place.                 


Chapter Nine




Stupid. What I was doing was beyond stupid, but even knowing that, for some reason I was doing it anyway. Maybe because Joe's flirting all week long had me strung out, or more likely because I just simply couldn't resist being with Will.

It was dark, but I still parked several buildings away before heading to Will's apartment, not wanting to chance anyone seeing me. I texted Kylie and told her not to wait up for me. I didn't want to be presumptuous, but I was hoping Will wanted me to spend the whole night. I mean, why half-ass it if we were taking such a crazy chance of getting caught together?

I knocked on the door of apartment 2-D, and a second later Will opened it. 

"Hey," he said, almost shyly.


"Come on in. It's not much …" he trailed off and stepped aside for me to enter the foyer.

His words made my chest tighten. He thought he wasn't good enough for me because he wasn’t rich, and I didn't want him to have those insecurities. Other than initially lying to me when we first met, he was a great guy and had a very nice apartment. From the hardwood floors, to the vaulted ceilings and cream colored furniture, it was amazing. But most importantly, I knew he had worked hard to be able to live on his own and pay his own bills. I envied him. I didn't want to have to depend on my father, especially when he was acting like a complete ass. I wanted to find my own way too.

"Wow, you live here alone?" I asked.

"Ah, yeah."

"It's really nice. No sports team memorabilia or beer cans sitting around."

"I put my framed Zack Bradford jersey away before you got here," he said with a smile.

"Ha-ha," I said, before wandering further into the apartment.

The white walls were mostly bare, with a few decorations and photos scattered around. The kitchen was spotless, making me think he never used it. There were two bedrooms, and I headed for the one with a king bed covered by a thick green and brown microfiber comforter. It looked so comfortable that I couldn't wait to feel it against my bare skin.

I pulled my blouse over my head and tossed it to the floor, figuring there was no point in tap dancing around the reason he'd invited me over. Well…the reason I'd asked him if I could come over.

"Damn, Lacy," Will laughed when he came up behind me. "You don't waste any time, do you?"

I turned around to face him as my fingers worked the back clasp of my bra. "Did you
want me to get naked?" I asked, as my black bra gave way and I eased the straps down my arms until it also fell to the floor.

"Hell yes, I want you naked," he said as he took a few steps closer to me, his eyes on my breasts. "Were you serious about letting me…what was it, 'gag you, tie you up and spank you'?"

I swallowed nervously at his naughty words. I wasn't expecting that, although, I did say those things. He couldn't really be serious, could he? "You-you want to do that?" I asked.

"Only if you do."

"Have you … done that sort of thing before?"

Will's cheeks reddened when he reached up to rub a hand over the back of his neck like he was embarrassed. "Yes. Does that freak you out?"

I shook my head, unable to make my mouth work at first. "No. That sounds pretty … hot."

"Have you ever been restrained before?" he asked.

I nodded. "Pretend handcuffs a few times, but that's all."

"So you're going to let me have my way with you tonight?" he asked.

My mouth went dry from the surge of arousal, and I had to lick my lips. "Yes."

He smiled and closed the distance between us. "Wrist and ankle restraints?" he asked, while his hands went to work on the zipper of my jean shorts.

"That sounds okay, I think."


"Yes, I'm okay with that."

"Alright, but we'll skip the gag tonight in case you get uncomfortable. Just let me know, no safe words. All you have to say is 'no' or 'stop.'"

I nodded again. In one motion he pushed my shorts and panties down my legs, then helped me step out of my heels to discard my clothing.

"How do you feel about being spanked?" he asked, as I sat down on the foot of his bed naked. Suddenly I was feeling a little out of my element.

"Never been spanked before, so I don't know. I'm not opposed to trying," I told him honestly. I felt my cheeks warm at the admission, and my nipples harden.

Will went to the walk-in closet and brought out some sort of long bar with several cuffs attached. When he was back and standing in front of me at the edge of the bed, I noticed he was still fully clothed in his t-shirt and jeans while I sat here naked and exposed. He was in control...and I liked it.

"These go around your ankles," he said pointing to the cuffs on the far end of the bar. "And these go on your wrists," he explained, motioning to the two cuffs in the center. I nodded my agreement. "If you're sure you want to do this, climb up on the bed and get on your hands and knees."

I did as he asked and felt him behind me, fastening the soft velcro cuffs to my ankles. Then he reached for my wrists, one at a time to restrain them. The results left my thighs spread, ass in the air, and completely at his mercy. While I was still trying to get used to the position with my face resting on the mattress, Will pulled a smooth, satin blindfold over my eyes, putting me in total darkness.

"You okay?" he asked, his voice sounding deeper and huskier.  


"You look so fucking hot like this, Lacy. I can't wait to do all sorts of naughty things to you," he said, rubbing a hand over my ass and making me smile.

I felt the mattress shift with what felt like Will's weight, then without warning his tongue licked my exposed pussy, making my body tremble as I cried out. His hands on my bottom spread me wider for his mouth, as he continued his sensual assault.

My thighs shook while I moaned and thrashed from the pleasure, as much as the restraints allowed. It didn't take long before I screamed with my incredible release.

I was still panting while recovering when I heard Will laugh. "I may have to break out the gag after all," he said.

"Mmm," was all I was capable of responding.

I heard what sounded like the clang of a belt being undone, then his zipper and the whoosh of what was probably his clothing being removed. It was incredibly erotic not being able to see or move, to just be at Will's mercy. I wanted him to touch me, to give me more pleasure. I was greedy for it.

I felt something cool and smooth between my legs, grazing my pussy and making me moan before it was removed. A sting across my ass came with the sudden
sound. I cried out in surprise, and a little at the unexpected burn. Was that his belt? Before I could figure it out, it was once again rubbed along my slit. I was hit again, then the same rhythm again and again. My thighs began shaking as another orgasm built. I didn't tell him to stop, and the thought didn't even cross my mind. The pain alternating with the pleasure was too good. One more smack followed by a caress along my wet entrance and I came again, the pleasure traveling so intensely through my body that it had to burst from my lips in cries of ecstasy.

"You are so fucking sexy," Will groaned. "And I love making you scream my name."

He moved off the bed, and then I felt something cool like lotion spread over my burning cheeks, his hand rubbing and soothing. When his finger dipped between my crease I gasped, not exactly in discomfort.

"How do you feel about ass play?" he asked. 

"I-I've had anal sex before," I forced out through the pants. "And I, um, liked it," I admitted. Zack had definitely been an ass man.                                           

"Fuck, Lacy," Will groaned. I felt the mattress move and then what sounded like a drawer open before he came back.

Cold lube ran down my crease before Will's finger pushed all the way into my tight opening.

"Oh God," I moaned into the bed, as he teased and stretched first one finger, then added another, until I was panting with need. "Please, Will," I begged, needing more.

His hand reached around underneath me and rubbed the magic spot between my legs, right when I felt the tip of his cock push against me. Slowly, too slowly, he entered me while his fingers stroked my clit.

"Harder. Fuck me, Will," I told him, and he picked up the pace.

"Damn, Lacy. You are…so fucking tight…and feel…so good," Will said as he thrust into me, holding tightly to my hips and riding me, dominating me as I stayed restrained and unable to move underneath him.

My legs tensed as an overwhelming orgasm built and then exploded from me in another series of screams. Above me Will stilled, and I felt the warmth of his release pour into me when he cursed.

"Lacy. Shit. Are you okay?" he asked. I could only nod in response. I was exhausted, spent and incredibly sated. "Let me undo the restraints before I pass out."

I felt his hands work the velcro cuffs. When my wrists and ankles were released I collapsed onto my stomach in a heap on the bed. Will's body pressed down on top of mine, both of us sweaty and breathing heavily.

"I could fuck you all day, every day, and I'd never get enough," he said as his lips brushed over my neck and shoulder.

"Mmm," I replied in agreement. The man was unbelievable.

"Can you stay tonight?" he asked.


"I'll take that as a yes. I'd probably restrain you again before I let you just up and leave," he laughed.

After we laid there a while slowing our breathing and recovering, Will said, "I'm starting to think jobs are overrated. Who really needs food and shelter and all that other shit?"

I smiled, knowing he meant the no contact order my dad had put on us. Even though he didn't mean it, I wished it were true.

"I’m sure my sister would take me in at Safe Haven to keep me off the streets," he added, making me laugh.

Finally I had enough strength in my limbs to push myself up on my arms and roll over onto my back. Will stayed above me wearing a lazy, double dimpled smile, his beautiful lime green eyes unobstructed by glasses. The color reminded me of smooth, delicious sherbet. Great, now I had a craving for the shit.

"You don't have any lime sherbet do you?" I asked. He laughed and shook his head.

"Um, no. Why? Is that your after sex snack?"

"No, it's my after seeing Will's eyes snack," I told him. He raised an eyebrow in question. "Okay, maybe I'm still somewhat high on endorphins."

"My eyes remind you of … sherbet?"

"Uh-huh. Lime sherbet. Mmm."

"Sweetheart, after what we just did, I'd gladly drive to every store in town, just to find you sherbet if that's what you want."

"Aw, you're so sweet."

"And you are so damn gorgeous," he said, quickly kissing my lips then rolling off the bed. I watched him dress, unable to move a muscle.

"Why are you putting clothes on? Come back to bed."

"I'll be back in like, ten minutes," he said, grabbing his glasses and putting them back on before pulling his keys from his pocket.

I laughed. "You're not really leaving, are you? I was just joking."

"I'm dressed and I'm going to the store. I need beer anyways. Anything else I can get you?"

"Ah, well, maybe some Sprite? Then I can make a float!" The idea of the cool lemon lime ice cream sounded incredible after the hot day and even hotter sex.

Will laughed and nodded. "Got it. Don't go anywhere. Should I restrain you to make sure you'll be here when I get back?" he teased.

I shook my head and smiled. "Couldn't if I wanted to. My body is exhausted, thanks to you."

"Good. I'll be right back," he replied, and after leaning down for a quick kiss he was gone.

I laid in his comfy bed looking around his room. There was one dresser with a TV on it, and a closet where he apparently kept his kinky toys. Ah, a bathroom. I forced my body into action and stumbled my way in that direction. I needed a shower. No, a bath would be even better, since I didn't want to get my hair wet. It was so long it was just too much trouble to try to dry it all.

I turned on the faucet in the tub and started letting it fill with warm water. Not seeing any bubble bath, because Will was, you know, a guy and all, I grabbed his body wash and poured it in the flowing water. Yum, it smelled woodsy-clean, like him, when it foamed.

I looked in the mirror over the sink, shocked to see what a mess I was. Thoroughly fucked, that's how I looked. My hair was a rat's nest, my eye makeup was running like I'd been crying. Well, yeah, I had been crying out in ecstasy. I looked down at my wrists that still had red circular indentions from the restraints. Damn that'd been hot. Every time I turned around Will was surprising the shit out of me.

I finger combed my hair then tied it into a loose topknot with the elastic hair tie I always kept on my wrist, before stepping into the rising water. Oh, and sitting down it was nice and soothing on my sore thighs and bottom. I was a little tender after being whipped and fucked back there, but my pussy felt empty and neglected. I moaned when arousal pooled between my legs at the thought of my unfulfilled fantasy - being with two guys at the same time, filling me up.

BOOK: All In: Playing the Fool (Gambling With Love)
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