Authors: Brook Greene

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary


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“Leo will be there.” She wiggles her eyebrows.

I sigh, Leo he has not been very far from my thoughts, my dreams or the self-induced orgasms
. Which I have found are becoming more frequent in the past two days since I was introduced to the man and his body.

Trying to recover my sheen of nonchalance, ‘
Why would such a bit of information sway me?” I try to act coy but I immediately feel my body tense and I busy myself fiddling with the corner of the pillow case trying to avoid eye contact with her.

The statement has me on the receiving end of
a slap to the arm, ‘give me a break you liar, you went all Nell on us and I think you might have even drooled a little,’ she takes her finger and trails a line out of the corner of her mouth, ‘yep right down through here.”

I huff at her, then try to rack my brain, and was a little scared
. I actually might have, ‘you bitch, no I did not”.

She props herself up on her elbow and is looking down at me, ‘okay so then it is like this
, I already told him you were coming, and he is so not the kind of man who takes rejection really well.” She bounds off my bed and heads to my closet.

I sit up on the edge of my bed, ‘why would you
tell him yes before you even told me we were invited?”

She turns and puts her hand on her hip
and cocks it out to the side, I love her little sassy frame, ‘because it is the only way I could get an invite okay, Roman didn’t want me to come.” She flings herself back into the closet and starts to throw some of my more questionable attire at me.

Piper stop for a minute and explain this to me please.” I am a year older than she is but sometimes I feel like an old maid and she is my understudy. There are few things about which I am clueless this happens to be one of them because the little slut is being so vague and mysterious about it.

“I thought you
r brother was a member of this “Club” so doesn’t his membership give you instant access? Plus you are gorgeous, you can get in anywhere, I have seen it.” I continue as she has accumulated a large pile of some of the smuttiest clothes known to man.

She takes time away from wardrobe
choices to cross over to me, stopping at the edge of the bed, she puts those hands back up on her hips Which I am starting to see is her favorite way to stand, ‘okay listen this isn’t just a “Club” it is a CLUB.” She raises her eyebrows to accentuate the last time she uses the word club.

My mind begins to race as I
have recently been exploring the underworld of erotica on my Kindle.

“Oh god!” I exclaim shaking my head, ‘oh hell no honey
, there is no way you are getting me or my extremities anywhere near a place like that.” I can feel my face contort in horror; reading about it being done to someone else is one thing but actually letting a man, or men in some cases, no way. I cross my arms over my chest to show her my resolve.

Her face has cracked open into one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen and then it is accompanied by slide splitting laughter. She has fallen to the floor and is lying on her back kicking her feet in a bicycle motion as she shakes from laughter.

She is holding her belly when she stops, she leans over and slaps my leg, ‘no you dirty minded slut,’ pushing up back onto the bed, ‘it's an MC not an SM club.” She continues to snicker at my ignorance, ‘you really thought I would take you to that kind of club?”

My naivety is beginning to show, ‘they really have those
, I mean the S and M kinda clubs?”

Her face grows stoic and blushes a little, ‘Piper you have been to one of them?
!” I shriek in horror at her silent admission to the fact she knows they exist.

Exasperated she jumps to her feet, ‘what
, I read 50 Shades and got curious,’ she stops and has a wistful look about her rosy cheeks, ‘once was enough but dear Lord.” Her shoulders do a little shimmy at the memory, I on the other hand I don’t want to know.

I hold up my hand
stopping her as she opens her mouth to explain, ‘don’t want to know, ever.” I fumble with the hem of one of the shirts taken over by the pile, ‘so if I don’t go you can't get in?” I would so love to just sit around the house; yep I am an old maid I will be down at the shelter getting me about fifty cats in about five days.

She doesn’t turn, ‘nope but if you don’t show up he will come and get you.”
She says this as if it is like reciting a telephone number.

Laughing at her being all dramatic, ‘you say.” I roll to my side and bury my face in my pillow.

“No, he say.” Again she replies with the coolness of a cucumber.

I sit straight up, ‘Excuse me?”
Her comment has roused my attention and not in a good way, who the hell are these people?

Yeah,’ Piper pauses and turns to look at me with a little bit of regret in her eyes, ‘I should have never taken you down to Mayhem the other day, cause now you are on Leo’s radar and-“she stops as the anticipation is killing.

‘And what
Piper and what?” I have started to grip the comforter on my bed to keep from tackling her onto the floor choking the information out of her.

“Let's just say he is kind of
use to getting any woman he wants and at the moment that would be you, sweetie.” She turns back around to face the mirror, which is not safe for her to show her back to me at this point in time.

I am so confused I just met the man and acted like a stark raving lunatic and now he has
me on his “radar”. Making up my mind, I am not going and Piper will just have to make my apologies.

“I am not
going. You go and tell him sorry the caveman type is not for me.” I get up and go to the living room plopping down on the sofa and grab the remote.

Running into the room she is almost out of breath from panic,
“You have to go.” Piper shrieks.

“No I don’t Piper. You go, have a great time and if you need a sober driver call me.”

Her face is shocked and worried, ‘no Avery you don’t understand you have to go.”

“No Piper you don’t understand
, I am not going. Is Roman picking you up?” I quickly change the subject and hope she gets the hint I am not leaving this house under any circumstance even if hot guy is on the other end of the reasoning.

She turns green and her hand is pressed into her stomach, ‘I think I am going to be sick.” She ru
shes into the bathroom and an hour later reemerges in a so short blue jean skirt if she were to bend over, anyone standing behind her could see her tonsils, the shirt isn’t any better.

Piper, the idea is you leave a little for the imagination.” She tugs down the skirt only to succeed in showing off more of her midriff. I hear the familiar rumble of a Harley coming down the street and snicker at myself, I had been so flaky; I had not put any of it together. Roman rides a bike, he is tattooed and he works with other large bike riders, Motorcycle club, duh.

I look over at Piper, ‘so is Roman an
officer in the club?” Not really sure on how the whole cast system in a MC works.

“Um he is the VP, Vice President, he will be President one day I am sure of it.”
She pauses at the door turning back to me, ‘Please Avery just go get ready and come with us.”

Shaking my head fervently
, ‘no Piper, I don’t want to,’ I stand to shoo her out the door and wave at Roman, ‘go have fun and call me if you need me.” I give her a kiss on the cheek and follow her out the door.

She snorts, ‘sooner rather than later
, probably.” She retorts as she takes the stairs slowly as if heading down for her beheading.

Roman is sitting on his
bike and has removed his helmet. When Piper reaches his side they exchange some words, which has Roman leaning the bike on the kickstand and crossing the yard to me.

Roman, what up?” I casually greet him; I am comfortable enough with his beauty, seeing as he has passed out on our couch numerous times and sometimes in Piper’s bed when she was with one of her fixer up projects.

“Um Piper said you weren’t coming?”
He nods his head back over his shoulder in the direction of his sister.

Smiling, ‘She is right
, I’m not.” I lean into the post and cross my arms over my chest.

’re sure?” He hesitancy and Piper’s persistence is starting to grade on my nerves.

been over this with Piper and now going over it with you, not going.” I turn for the front door hoping they both get the message.

I hear R
oman kick the porch, ‘Okay, see ya later Avery.” I hear him give a slight chuckle as he descends the porch steps. I peek out of the curtains to see him say something to a disappointed Piper. I watch as they pull away and head down the street as the rumble from the pipes of his bike shakes the windows of all the houses lining the street.



I was sitting
at the bar draining my second beer when Piper practically skipped through the door, I felt my chest tighten with anticipation as she held it open talking to someone behind her. I could actually feel my mood lighten, somewhat, at the thought of Avery. Standing I started toward the door only to have the wind knocked completely out of my sails as Roman, not Avery, strolled in behind Piper.

Shit! I stormed across the floor and stopped right at her
almost knocking her down with my momentum, “where the fuck is Avery?” I hate being lied to and stood up, Avery had done both.

Piper looking anywhere but in my direction, ‘well about that-
, “ she stuttered over her words.

My patients were wearing thin, but I needed to get a hold on my temper or it wouldn’t be just Roman I would have to deal with anymore where Piper was concerned. Dalton would have my nuts if I don’t reign it in.

Waving her hands in the air, ‘okay, okay look
, maybe I fibbed a little when I told you Avery said she would come, I only told her about the party like literally an hour ago. So you can guess, she was not happy about the fact nor did she really want to come.” Piper laced her fingers together in front of her eyeing me through her lashes giving me a sheepish grin.

Taking a deep breath trying to assess the situation, I tilted the beer in my hand back draining it of the remaining liquid. I
hold out my arm handing the bottle to Piper, “here take this and call Avery to let her know I am on my way over to get her and give me your house keys.” I stormed out of the door. Reaching my bike I throw my leg over and begin to buckle my helmet, I look up to find Roman standing at my handle bars.

What?” The gruffness of my voice is heavy with aggravation.

Man,’ he rubs the back of his neck looking a little uncomfortable to be confronting me, ‘listen, Avery isn’t like most of the girls you “hang out” with.” He does the air quotes to make the statement more dramatic, I guess.

Looking at him, ‘I know she isn’t and I
will not treat her like one of them either, so get off my fucking back about it.” I lean the bike up kicking the stand back, turning the key I notice Roman has made no effort to vacate the area in front my bike, ‘what?”

Okay she wouldn’t come with me so what makes you think she is going to willing jump on the back of your bike, Avery is not a push over.” I see a glint of it in his eyes, he really cares for Avery. And if I were someone else I would put my ever growing fascination with her aside but I am not and I want Avery all to myself. For the past few days since I met her I have been unable to get her out of my head.

“I will
convince her, ‘ I smile up at him as I kick start the engine, ‘I can be very charming when I want to be.” Roman kicks my front tire shoving his hands down into his pocket he begins to walk and then turns.

Be nice you jackass, Avery is a good girl.” He casts his eyes down as he stumbles back to club house and disappears into the door letting it thump closed behind him. Smiling, ‘and I am counting on finding out just how good of a girl she can be.” I think as I push the bike off.

Turning the bike out of the fence
, I point it in her direction. It shouldn’t take me long to drive the short distance from the garage to her apartment complex. Her closeness is a shocker to me as to how we have been so close all this time and never once run into each other, anywhere.



Feeling good about my victory
, I head into the kitchen for a glass of wine and to my room for my fuzzy blanket. Settling into the couch it had been around twenty minutes since Piper had left and my cell phone started ringing.

Picking it up and looking at the screen, ‘Piper are you drun-“

She cuts me off, ‘okay listen, and don’t say I didn’t warn you but....” She didn’t need to say anymore I heard the roar of the loud pipes from about two miles away. The frog forming in my throat began to gag me.

“Hey remember how I told you he doesn’t do rejection well and I would see you later well surprise you have a date tonight, see you in a few babe.” She disconnects the call before I can cuss her for everything she is worth.

I sit looking at my phone shifting back and forth between being pissed and then being overcome by shock.

A stiff knock on the door brings me out
, ‘Avery, open the door.” I sit silent as a mouse with my mouth hanging open. When I don’t immediately move to open the door I am shocked to hear a set of keys jingle and then the tumblers in the lock opening. Piper had given him our house keys.

I sit in horror as the door flies open and Leo strolls in as if he owns the place. My face is pretty much in the same expression as the last time he met me.

He lifts his eyebrows, ‘Hey babe.” He gives me a sexy smile.

“Hey babe?
Who are you?” I don’t move like I am stuck to the couch in shock and awe of this man, the air is being successfully sucked out of the room as his presence makes my furniture look like it all belongs in a tiny doll house.

“I’m Leo, you’re
Avery, we went over this the other day at the garage.” He is standing in the middle of the living room surveying his surroundings with his hands propped up on his hips, ‘nice place.”

“No , no, no” I stand and march over to him and give him a
stiff shove but he doesn’t move. So I do the next best thing I point at the door, ‘Get out.” I demand giving my foot a soft stomp as I point at the door.

He doesn’t move, ‘did you hear me?” I yell.

“The whole fuckin’ neighborhood heard you Avery.” He turns and shuts the door behind him. Turning back to me he gives me a once over taking in my lounging attire, ‘is that what you are going to wear?”

Crossing my arms over my chest, ‘yes and,’ I turn and point at the couch, ‘right over there is where I am going to
be sitting.”

“No sweetie,’
he points out the window to his bike, ‘out there is where you will be sitting in about five minutes. And I think I would prefer you wear what you got on so I don’t have to kill any of the other patches.” The naughty look he has in his eye is doing something funny to my girly parts, I hug my oversized t-shirt closer to my body and give him a disgusted face to match how I feel as my retched body betrays me at the site of this man yet again.

“Well you don’t have to worry about
killing anybody ‘cause I am not going anywhere near a patch, what every one of those are,’ I wave my hand in the air above my head, ‘or with you.”

I give him a
bland smile and go to move to the couch but before I can I am swept off my feet and thrown over his shoulder. My body bounces up and down with each of his steps, his shoulder digs into my belly as he comes to an abrupt stop at the end of the hallway, ‘which one is yours?”

I stay regrettably silent, as he gives me a swift smack
on my exposed posterior, ‘I asked you a question woman.”

, damn it.” I reach around to rub my sore ass cheek, ‘don’t do it again, you hear me?”

“Then answer my question.”
His tone is stern but the hint of restrained laughter isn’t far from the surface.

I once again garner the wrath of being
silent but this time it is the other side of my ass and it is starting to sting from all the abuse, ‘it's not hard Avery, just tell me which one is yours or we can carry on this little game right here in the floor.” He shifts his crotch with one of his big hands, ‘speaking of hard.”

“Oh My god!” I shriek.

“All this spanking is starting get me excited.” He exhales and shifts himself again.

I throw my hand in the direction of my room, ‘that one
, that one is mine now put me down.” I start to struggle, but I make zero progress against his firm grasp. Leo saunters over and throws me back on the bed, my box springs whine under the sudden movements. Flopping down beside me, he leans up against the head board lacing his fingers behind his head, starching his long legs out and crossing them at the ankles.

“Now get ready, I will wait.”
He closes his eyes as if to take a nap.

I bound from the bed and stand beside him, ‘well you will be waiting a long fuckin’ time then.” My arms are crossed over my chest again.

His eyes pop open and are laced with heat, ‘language Avery, I like a woman with a dirty mouth, only in the bedroom though, when we are in public do not talk like that understand?”

“I understand
fine, because a public thing with us much less a bedroom thing is never going to
happen, did you get that?” I even throw in the jersey girl head bob for good measure.

In one swift movement he has me pinned up against the wall, I can feel his hot breath on my neck as he trails
his lips up to my ear, ‘Please get ready.” His face contorts with actual pain as the word please rolls off his tongue.

His sudden change of angle throws me off and makes me rethink my strategy. He slowly releases me and goes back over to the bed, ‘still waitin’ babe.” And then he is back to himself, which is what I think is his normal personality because it is the only way I have seen him act, demanding.

‘Leo I don’t want to go.” I stand board straight still up against the wall.

He leans forward resting his elbows on his knees, ‘so what is it going to take to get you on the back of my bike?” His coal black eyes drift up me in my ratty attire, ‘hell
, I said please.”

I had never been a push over and just because hot biker man is sitting on my bed begging me to go to a party with him I wasn’t going to start a bad habit now, ‘there is
n’t anything you can do.”

He stands again but
doesn’t move, ‘the faster you figure out how this works the easier it will be on you.”

“How what works?” My lips are dripping with sarcasti
c juices and I am feeling sassy.

He stalks the distance between us
backing me up against the wall, gently pulling my arms by the wrists up over my head grinding his hips into mine. His lips flutter over my ear, ‘how when I want something I get it. And right now, you and your little fucking attitude are turning me on so much I could drive a ten penny nail through a two by four with my dick.” His breath ruffles the lose hair hanging from my ponytail tickling my ear, making a quiver run through my body.

I try
to swallow the lump slowly forming in my throat. It is only matched by the pressure I am feeling between my legs. The heat radiating off this man could start a five alarm fire with no sign of rescue for me in sight.

My eyes study his
face only inches away from mine. My mouth waters as I fix my gaze on his full lips. I fight the urge to raise my head and take them with mine. I am stunned into sheer silence at his retort to my derisive comeback.

“So what you are going to do is get one of those skimpy little outfits on and met me in the living room.”
He drops my hands back down to my sides and strolls out of my bedroom leaving me struggling for air and swallowing the excess amount of saliva pooling in my mouth. Man, he is bossy and I think I kinda like it, wait no he is infuriating and I hate him.

Stepping up to the door frame, I can’t believe what I am getting ready to do, ‘okay fine
, I will go with you tonight, but that is it. You will bring me home by twelve and leave me alone, deal?”

A sly smile splits his lip
s, lighting up his eyes and bringing my attention to his sexy lip ring. He saunters over to me, placing a hand on either side of the door frame, giving me the full view of his toned arms, ‘I can't promise you anything,’ he leans in closer to me, ‘but a good time Avery,” My body liquefies at the sound of my name and the way it rolls off his tongue.

He is making my head spin as he stands tempting me to sample his goods
, his hands are still firmly placed on either side of the door frame, ‘and why twelve, do you turn into a pumpkin?” He laughs as he leans back out of my space, propping up on the opposite wall leaving me shell shocked.

Gently c
losing the door, I put a much needed barrier between me and him. I rush over to my bed and absentmindedly throw on the first few items of clothing I find, I am not even sure if the ensemble matches. Scooting my feet into a pair of flip-flops, I whirl myself around and head for the door. Jerking it open, I see Leo is standing leaning against the wall with his arms casually crossed over is chest.

He snorts a laugh then pushes forward, ‘not exactly what I had in mind.” He brushes past me and starts to sort through the stack of clothing Piper had pulled from my closet earlier. I look down and notice
I am wearing a Mickey Mouse club t-shirt, which is not really something one would wear to an actual Motorcycle club.

He fishes thr
ough the assorted pile throwing a few articles of very suggestive clothing to the side, ‘here try these.” His gruff tone crawls across my skin, ‘and hurry, I am already running late.” He steps around me and goes back to his original waiting spot.

skeptically eye the clothing choices and know it is not something I would wear in public these days, ten years ago maybe, but not now. I push the door closed behind me and make a more conservative choice but not Mickey Mouse this time.

Ten minutes later
I step through the door and Leo’s eyes nearly roll back in his head, ‘shit babe, you are going to be the death of me, and I barely know ya.” I had chosen a black halter-top setting right at the top of my navel exposing a portion of my stomach. The low-slung bell-bottom jeans looked great with the pair of heeled sandals made of the same material as the top.

Taking my hand
he literally drags me outside, I barely had a chance to grab my purse on the way through the living room to the door. We stop at his bike and I watch as he slings his long leg over the seat straddling the leather. It is a flat black monster but Leo has the ability to make is seem like a tricycle with his size.

nods his head at the vacant space behind him, ‘get on.’ Handing me the only helmet he had hanging from the handle bars.

I hesitate
, ‘what about you, want you get a ticket or something for not wearing one of these?” I ask holding up the helmet.

Shaking his head, ‘no
, we are not going far anyway.” He leans the bike up and waits for me to climb on behind him. I shift my weight between my feet and stare blankly at the helmet, not sure where to begin strapping it on.

He turns to see the confusion on my face
, ‘never rode before have you?” I nod no, ‘ah hell.” He mutters as he leans the bike back on the stand and gets off. Placing the helmet on my head, he adjusts the straps so it fits snug under my chin, ‘to tight?” He raises his eyebrows with the question. Again nodding my head no.

Finishing with me he swats my ass again, ‘now
, get on.” As he climbs back on, I jump as the engine roars to life under us. Reaching back, he takes my knees and pulls them into his sides and then grabs my hands pulling them around his waist, ‘hold on, I will have to put the bitch seat back on later for you.” I can barely hear him over the roar of the engine and the output of the pipes.

He pulls from the drive out onto the street
, as we pass the neighbors are glaring at us, which only spurs Leo on. He gives the engine a few revs making the pipes roar, the loud rumble echoes off the houses on each side of the street. I shake my head and lean my forehead against his back hiding my face from the judgmental eyes of all my neighbors. I will have to go door to door making apologies for my very rude guest.

As the bike tears down the road
, I hold on so tight I can feel him breathing. His stomach expands and falls with each movement of his lungs. My knees are in a death grip at his hips and I think I swallowed a few bugs. But he smells wonderful and having my arms around him is heaven. I tuck my nose into the center of his overly large back, taking in his cologne and the slight scent of detergent, not the flowery kind either, his is all male smelling. My stomach, for about the millionth time since I have met this man, is doing that little flipping thing. The rumble of the bike is tap dancing on long neglected nerves running to the sweet spot between my legs. I press my knees in drawing out the tingle for as long as I can.

Looking back over his shoulder
, his hair is whipping with the wind flowing around the wind shield, ‘I want wreck you baby, I have plans for you later.” A wicked smile splits his face, only adding to the flutters flying over me.

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