Read All Bets Are On Online

Authors: Cynthia Cooke

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Demons & Devils, #Series

All Bets Are On (14 page)

BOOK: All Bets Are On
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Chapter Twenty-Three

erek pulled up in front of Jaclyn’s house to pick her up and take her to his home. Hopefully, she’d come with him willingly. He wanted to show her what life could be like if she’d just give them a chance. He knocked on the door.

No answer.

He rested his hand on her doorknob and a picture of her at the bank came to his mind. Trish was sitting next to her, signing papers, tears rolling down her cheeks. He blew out a sigh of relief.

She was fine. Taking care of her business and would be back soon. So, he’d wait. He sat in one of the chairs on her porch, and as he looked around at her rocking chairs, complete with floral pillows and the multitude of plants and flowers, he knew without a doubt she would love it at his house. All he had to do was get her there, and hope she’d give it a chance. Give him a chance.

He didn’t want to fight with her, and he didn’t want to persuade her. But, make no mistake, he’d do what he had to, to get her out to his house. Not long afterward, she pulled up. He stood, and she reluctantly got out of the car. She looked tired, her face strained. He felt an immediate rush of protectiveness, and stepped toward her.

“Derek, I thought you were going to—”

“Just give me a chance.”

“I’m tired.” She tried to walk past him.

“I know. Let me take care of you.” He took her by the shoulders, and looked down into her eyes. They were wary and guarded. “I know you’ll love my home. It’s just what you need to rest and relax. My people will pamper you. But more than that, you will be safe there. And your safety must come first and foremost.”

“I can’t do this now, Derek. I’ve had a rough day.”

“Come on.” He smiled. “I’ll bet you whatever you want, you’ll love it there.”

“Another bet?”

“How about a steak for Rufus.”

“A steak? No wonder he loves you.” She stepped past him. “I’m sorry, Derek.”

He hadn’t wanted to do this, but the woman was making his life way too difficult. He stepped forward and put his hand on her arm.

She turned back to him, her eyes wide with annoyance.

He stared into her eyes and mentally pushed.
You want to come home with me. You want to see my house.
Her eyes glazed over, and without saying a word, she let him lead her toward his car. He hated to coerce her that way, but the stubborn woman had left him no choice. She was carrying his child and she would see his doctor. She would let him take care of her.

He drove back to the car dealership, parked, and together they entered the building. As he passed his office, he saw that Deirdre still hadn’t returned from her little trip. He couldn’t help grinning as they walked down the hall and entered the back closet.

“You’re taking me to a closet?” It was the first words she’d spoken to him. The trance was already wearing off.

He reached forward and opened the door into his dominion, and they stepped through into the parking garage and toward his Austin Healy.

“Another car?” she sounded confused.


“Is this parking garage beneath the car dealership?”

“Something like that.”

They got into the car and drove out of the garage. She looked around her, seeming more confused by the minute.

“Where am I, Derek?”

“We’re going to see the doctor. Remember?”

“No. I…” She blinked. “Why doesn’t it look like we’re in Florida anymore?”

“What do you mean?”

“Rolling hills? The FL in Florida is for flat. And where is the ocean? The traffic? The palm trees?”

“You got me,” he admitted. “We’re not in Florida anymore.”

“Then where are we?”


Minutes later, he drove through the iron gates and into his estate. “This is where I live. Where I hope you’ll want to live with me.”

Jaclyn looked arou
nd her as the strange feeling of lethargy lifted. She didn’t remember agreeing to go with Derek anywhere, and yet here she was. These pregnancy hormones were really throwing her for a loop. But still, where was this? Wherever she was, it was beautiful, tranquil, and picture postcard perfect. She felt like she was in the middle of Kentucky or on a horse farm in Tennessee. Not that she’d ever been to either of those places, but if she had, this was how she imagined they would be. But she didn’t want to be here now, and she certainly didn’t want to be here with Derek.

“Derek, I don’t feel so well. Can you please take me home?”

“What’s wrong?” He continued driving, following the small country road through a grove of giant oaks and around a good-sized lake. In the distance there was a large barn with horses grazing in a nearby pasture. He parked in front of a stunning two story Southern home with double verandah’s stretching across both floors. “Nauseous?”

“No. I’m just lightheaded.”

“Come inside. I’ll get you some hot tea and something to eat.”

Not having the strength or the inclination to fight him, she got out of the car. “This is your house?”

“Are you surprised?”


“Why? What did you expect?”

She looked at him, one brow cocked. “You? An ultra modern penthouse in the center of Miami.”

“That’s where Deirdre and my mother live. I like fresh air. Animals. Nature. And most of all, being able to see the stars at night.”

Nature did look good on him. He seemed at home here, relaxed, comfortable. She could easily picture him in boots and jeans with a cowboy hat on his head. She sighed. “Well, I must admit, you are a surprise a minute.”

“You have no idea.” He smiled, an intimate smile that made her feel it was only for her. But she knew better, even if her heart didn’t. She couldn’t understand why she wasn’t more upset with him. Or how she even agreed to come here. The last thing she remembered was telling him she wanted to rest. Somehow he’d gotten her to do exactly what he’d wanted.

“And what exactly is that supposed to mean?” she asked.

“It means I never want to be too predictable.”

“You certainly aren’t.”

He looked pleased and led her through the massive doors and into the house that was both grand and welcoming at the same time. “I consider that part of my charm.”

She couldn’t help smiling at that. Yes, he was oozing charm.

As they quickly walked through, she looked around the house; it was warm and decorated exactly to her tastes. Masculine, yet feminine at the same time. Elegant, but not untouchable. Yes, she could love it here. Not that she’d let him know that. “I’m not sure exactly how I got here, but I really should get going. Your house is beautiful. Thanks for showing it to me.”

“Just give me ten minutes. We need to talk and you need to eat.”

She supposed he was right about that. “All right.” Reluctantly, she followed him out onto the back terrace where a table was set up for them. Next to the table was a sideboard overflowing with fruit, pastries, cheeses and rolls, and an assortment of meats.

“Are you having a party? She asked.


“This is all for us?”

“My staff was very excited by your visit.”

She looked around her. “Your staff? I haven’t even seen anyone.”

“Would you like to meet them?”

She shook her head. “No, let’s get to it. I should get home.”

Her mouth watered as she loaded up her plate. She couldn’t believe she was going to eat all this after feeling so sick all day. Suddenly, she was starving and food never looked so good. There was a quiche, exotic meats and cheeses, shrimp and grits, and banana pudding. Devine. She sat and watched the sunlight sparkle off the blue water of a large saltwater pool surrounded by intricate boulders piled high to form an enticing waterfall.

“I think that is the most beautiful pool I’ve ever seen,” she said.

“Perhaps later we can go for a swim.”

“Tempting, but I didn’t bring a suit.”

He winked. “You don’t need one. I won’t mind.”

Images of warm water, slick skin, and her hands on his incredible body pushed into her mind. Immediately she closed her eyes, hoping to block them, but to no avail. Whether she liked it or not, he’d awakened something in her. Something she couldn’t turn off. “Perhaps you should just say what you brought me here to say.”

“All right. I’d like to know how you feel about the baby.”

She immediately stiffened. She was still having a hard time believing there even was a baby. “What do you mean?”

“Do you want it?”

“Yes, of course.” Her answer was automatic. She didn’t even have to think about it. Yes, if it was true, it wasn’t planned. Yes, it would be hard. But this child, any child, was a blessing and she would love it with all her heart. His face, filling with relief, surprised her even more. “I know the timing’s not right and the circumstances aren’t…ideal. But I love children, and I’ve always wanted to have some, someday.” She leaned forward catching his eye. “And I want you to know, I’m not after your money. I didn’t plan this.”

“My money? I never thought you were.”

“Your sister suggested—”

He blew out an annoyed breath. “My sister loves nothing more than to make my life miserable. Do both of us a favor and ignore her.”

She instantly relaxed. “Gladly.”

He took a long drink of his coffee. Sunlight glistened off his hair and highlighted his eyes. No one should have eyes that beautiful. No one she’d ever met had. She hoped their child would have his eyes. His smile. His laugh… She immediately pushed the thoughts away. She had to take this slow. Very slow.

“I thought after seeing my home, you might consider moving in here with me. You could have your own suite upstairs. There is no pressure. I just want to make sure you are both safe and well cared for.”

“I appreciate that, but like you said, we don’t know each other very well.”

“What better way to get to know each other than to live together?”

“What’s the hurry? We have nine months to get to know each other. Don’t we?”

A shadow passed through his eyes. “Perhaps. But time moves quicker than you think.”

“And once the baby is born? Am I to stay here, locked away in my suite upstairs for the rest of my life?”

His mouth opened, but nothing came out.

“Obviously you haven’t thought that far ahead.”

He pushed his plate away. “Listen, I come from a very wealthy and privileged family, and there are people out there who could want to hurt you or the baby. I’m just worried about your safety in Miami. There have been…problems in the past.”

His words sent a chill to her heart.

“There must be a different way, Derek. A better way. I can’t stay here.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

After they finished eating, Derek could see Jaclyn was starting to get antsy, boxed in. And he didn’t blame her. “Would you like to go see the horses?” he asked.

“You have horses?” Her eyes instantly lit up.

“I do, and I haven’t been spending enough time with them lately. I’d like to stop in and check on them.”

Her smile was instant and genuine. Finally, he hit the mark. Now to capitalize on it. They walked, sided by side, off the back deck and around the front of the house toward the stables. “I have a golf cart we can take if you don’t feel up to the walk.”

“That’s all right. I’m feeling better,” she said, looking out over the pond as they passed it. He’d stocked it with fish, and there was a wooden pier that jutted out over the water where a lawn chair sat waiting for him. “Your home is truly amazing.”

“Thank you,” he answered, taking it slow and easy, afraid of spooking her. He wanted her to love it there, too. To choose to stay with him.

The stables were state of the art, large and roomy and clean. There were eight stalls, but only three of them were housing horses. He wanted more, but didn’t have enough time to spend with them. She walked straight toward his favorite stallion and stroked its long white-streaked nose. “Hey there, big guy.”

The horse immediately pushed against her hand.

“That’s Comet. He likes you.”

“He’s beautiful.”

“Do you ride?” he asked, walking forward to give Comet a carrot.

“I learned when I was a kid, for the short time my mother was around. Once she took off, the lessons stopped, along with everything else.”

“I’m sorry.” He gave carrots to the other two horses that were anxious for attention.

“Don’t be. At least my stepfather kept me. He could have tossed me out along with all her stuff.”

He heard the pain in her voice, and took the chance of stepping up next to her in front of Comet’s stall. Shoulder to shoulder, he, too, stroked the horse.

“After she left with the horse trainer?”

“Yep. And then she died. Car accident. Both of them, not six months later.”

His eyes narrowed. “You don’t think…”

“That my rich and powerful stepfather had something to do with it? I don’t know and frankly, I don’t care. She left me. She left us both.”

Her pain and bitterness, still close to the surface, trembled in her voice.

She turned to him then. “It’s why I could never leave my baby. You understand that, don’t you?”

“Yes.” Taking a chance, he encircled her waist with his arms. “And I would never want you to.”


Fear swam in her eyes; he felt it in her touch. She was terrified he was going to take the baby from her, that he was going to destroy her life. He leaned forward and touched his forehead to hers. “I absolutely promise, with every fiber of my being. Every child needs its mother. Even a controlling Nazi-mom like mine. She drives me nuts, but I wouldn’t want to lose her. You will always be the most important person in this child’s life, and I know you’ll make a wonderful mother.”

Unshed tears glistened in her eyes.

He took her hands in his. “I’d really like to start over. To spend time and really get to know each other. I can do that now that Deirdre has taken over my duties at the company. Perhaps you’d like to just stay here and visit for a while, see how you like it.”

“What about my foundation?”

“Let the lawyer’s handle it. You have enough to concentrate on right now.”

She looked up at Comet, who lifted his nose in a long mournful whinny.

“See, I think he wants you to stay, too.”

She laughed, and wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him to her and kissing his lips. She’d never tasted so sweet. Her warmth stole into him, and he swept his tongue into her mouth. Absorbing her. Loving her.

She responded with an ardor that surprised him. It was all the invitation he needed. He picked her up, carried her into the nearest empty stall, and deposited her in the clean hay.

His kiss deepened, as his hands slipped under her shirt, beneath her bra, to feel the sweet tips of her breasts. He fondled them until her nipples tightened and she moaned her pleasure.

“Derek,” she whispered, her voice husky with her need.

He slipped first his shirt up over his head, and then hers. As her hands moved up his chest, he removed her bra. He loved the way she touched him like she couldn’t keep her hands off him, that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stop herself from giving in to the temptation to feel him. The way he was feeling her now.

His lips found her breasts, and he sucked eagerly, his tongue sweeping across her nipples. Loving the way she hardened beneath his touch, loving the little sounds she made as she gave in to him. His hand moved down her belly to slip beneath the waistband of her skirt, and down beneath her panties. Moist heat greeted him as he reached for her clitoris, rubbing the little nub, twisting it between his fingers and enjoying the way her breath caught.

He continued to kiss her nipples, sucking them the way he wanted to be sucking her sweet spot. He was about to move, to run his tongue down her tight belly, when she grabbed hold of his erection, cupping it through his pants. But he couldn’t have that. He pulled back and yanked off his pants then moved up over her so she could take him in her exquisite mouth.

She took him all in, sucking him hard, making sweet little moaning sounds as she pulled him in and out of her mouth, licking him with the same relish as the hot fudge sundae she’d had at Serendipity’s that first night. He almost came right there in her mouth, but he quickly pulled away. “Not yet, darlin’,” he whispered and reached between her legs, inserting a finger into her moistness.

“You want me?” he asked.

She pulled him down and kissed his mouth, drawing him close and moaning her agreement.

“Are you sure?” he teased.

“Yes,” she breathed, her voice hot and husky.

He dropped his face to her belly and kissed her gently.

“How much?”

“Enough that if you don’t give it to me now, I’m going to scream.”

He grinned. “But I want to hear you scream.” He leaned up, rocking forward and running his tongue up the column of her neck, drawing her sweet earlobe into his mouth and flicking it with his tongue.

“Oh, what game are you playing now?” she cried.

“I just love the way you want me,” he confessed.

“Yes, I want you.”

“Say it again. Where do you want me?”

“Here!” she grabbed hold of him then, circling her fingers around his hot shaft, and pulled him to her.

He slipped inside her heat, burying himself to the hilt, and then he started to move. He bucked his hips, matching her thrust for thrust, feeling her move and tighten around him. Shifting, she took him in as deeply as he could go, and then he’d pull out with agonizing slowness until she was practically pawing at him to get him back inside. He smiled, giving her what she wanted and driving it home over and over, relishing in her deep throaty sighs.

She finally screamed her passion, grabbing hold of him as she lifted her back up off the ground, and keeping him right where she wanted him as she climaxed, her internal muscles clenching around him, pulsating and sending him with her straight over the edge.

Overcome with his own passion, he stiffened, then exploded inside her, riding wave upon wave of ecstasy until finally he collapsed on top of her. She held him tight and close, and he wanted nothing more than to hold her back and not let go. He loved the feel of her beneath him, her musky scent and sweet softness. But most of all, he loved the way she clung to him. As if he were everything, the very air she breathed. How had she managed to burrow so completely under his skin? He didn’t know, except this was where he wanted her to be. In his life, his house, his bed.

Now if only he could convince her she wanted that as badly as he did. Before she discovered he wasn’t human, because once that happened she’d run as far and as fast as she could, and he’d never see her again.

BOOK: All Bets Are On
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