Alien Redemption [Clans of Kalquor 06] (9 page)

BOOK: Alien Redemption [Clans of Kalquor 06]
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“Still good, my lovely?”

So good, you big, strong beast of a man. Don’t you dare stop
. She tried to communicate the message with her eyes.

Some of it must have gotten through, because his expression warmed. “Could you be any more perfect, Ray-Ray?” he whispered.

Conyod moved up to catch her lips with his. The shift brought her butt completely off the sleeping mat, putting her weight on her upper back. The Imdiko’s hard lengths settled against her pussy, and she groaned to feel him right there. She tried to wriggle against him in an effort to rub her needy flesh all over his, but she couldn’t move.

His kiss was demanding, hungry. Rachel moaned at the assertive, almost aggressive way he devoured her mouth, his tongue sweeping in to declare her his. She was being claimed.

Conyod broke the kiss and stared into her eyes. “Are you ready for me, my love?”

His cocks throbbed with his pulse, hot and eager against her. Rachel thought of how endowed he was and how ruthless he’d already been. Her lower parts convulsed in nervous anticipation. She nodded.

Conyod’s gaze never left her face as he reached down. He shifted slightly, not enough to let Rachel move from her vulnerable position, but enough so that he could arrange his cocks to enter her pussy and anus. The tapered tips slid inside her just a bit, and her breath caught.

At last. He was finally going to fuck her.

“Relax. Deep breaths. Let me in,” he said.

Pressure built against her openings as Conyod pushed against her. His cocks slipped in, aided by their combined wetness. Both Rachel’s sheaths started to ache as the Kalquorian grew thicker towards the base of his organs. He was so big!

“Almost, Ray-Ray. Just a bit more. Take it, lovely. Take it all.”

She clenched her fists, trying to channel all the tension there, forcing her lower parts to remain soft and accepting. Conyod pressed in steadily, not too fast but not letting up for an instant either. Pushing her to surrender to him.

“Don’t fight it. Give yourself over. Submit to me.”

Rachel wanted to and battled to make herself pliant. She groaned as the ache of accepting him grew. It was almost pain, but he was rubbing really sensitive parts too, parts that felt as good as taking that incredible girth hurt.

An excruciating blast of sensation burst through Rachel’s belly, and she seized up. That brought real pain, particularly from her stretched anus, and she cried out. Conyod stroked her cheek gently.

“Easy, Ray-Ray. I bumped your cervix. Relax, pretty girl. Relax and let yourself adjust to me.”

Rachel whimpered, but she tried to make her body go limp. It wasn’t easy to do so, but by degrees the tension slid away. The blast of agony dulled to a throb.

Conyod held absolutely still as she recovered. “Deep breaths. That’s my girl.”

Discomfort eased to where desire returned. Rachel breathed as she was told and considered the situation.

Conyod still held her wrists over her head. Her knees were at her ears. Her ass was in the air with the weight of the big Kalquorian pinning her down. She had a huge cock buried in her pussy and a smaller, but still sizeable one up her ass. All things considered, it had turned into a pretty good day.

Rachel nodded to her lover. She was okay again. Better than okay.

The corner of his lips twitched up. “You feel amazing to me. So tight and warm. I love being inside you. It’s better than I ever imagined.”

She smiled at him. She wished more than ever she was able to tell him what was in her heart … if she even had the words for the enormity of her emotions.

Conyod planted his free hand next to her shoulder. He shifted and slowly eased his hips back. Her passages gave up his cocks grudgingly, and a growl trickled from his lips.

“By the ancestors, you’re snug! I don’t know how I’m supposed to last.” He shook his head. “You’ve got me as ready to come as if I were a virgin with his first.”

Rachel was glad to know he found her so exciting. It gave her a rush of badly needed confidence. And it raised her own level of arousal.

Conyod pushed into her again. Rachel was ready for that heady bump of him finding her end this time, but she still tightened when that splash of ecstasy cascaded through her belly. She was getting stretched however, and the smart she got from reacting this time added to the excitement rather than killing her groove. Oh yes, this was very, very wonderful.

Conyod’s movements started slow but steady, moving in and out, sending mighty waves of excitement through her body. The darts of him bumping the end of her made her insides seem to swell with the most excruciating delights she’d known. The Imdiko’s pace quickened as she continued to adjust to him. Rachel’s every breath came in a high-pitched cry.

“That’s it, Ray-Ray. That’s right, my lovely.” Conyod gasped with every breath. His hips pounded against hers, the sound whip-cracking loud. Rachel’s head swam with the feel of him moving through her flesh, driving into her over and over, plunging against all the best places in both passages.

“Feel me ... inside you. Feel ... me taking ... you.” He spoke in bestial grunts. His eyes were nearly black with the pupils overwhelming the blue-purple irises. His fangs were out again, making him more animal than man. The look of carnal need on his face brought Rachel right to the brink of orgasm. Conyod was beastlike in his lust and she turned primal in her response to him. She strained against the hands pinning her, against his weight holding her to the sleeping mat like an anchor. He slammed into her, and she felt the climax breaking loose. Almost there.

Almost there. Rachel’s teeth ground together, and her lips pulled away from them in a snarl. A feral, grating sound scraped through her throat.

Conyod answered with his own growl. “Yes. Come. Come right now!”

As if his command was what she’d been waiting for, Rachel’s orgasm unraveled in fraying streams, flying apart from her belly. She voiced a strangled scream from between her clenched teeth.

Conyod’s mouth flew wide open. His eyes closed and his back bowed, plunging him deep inside her. His hands tightened on her wrists. A groan rumbled his entire body, and Rachel felt a strong pulse within her sheaths. He was coming, filling her with his seed, pouring his essence inside to become part of her. Another climax ripped through her, and she cried out again.

Conyod strained against her for several moments before slowly collapsing. He carefully brought Rachel’s legs down to straddle his waist before rolling over onto his side and taking her with him. He rained gentle kisses all over her face.

“What have you done?” he groaned. “There is no way I can live without you now. I will do everything possible to make you part of my clan and pray neither of us regrets it.”

Rachel smiled. Conyod was back to being complicated, exhibiting both euphoria and worry all at once. Nevertheless, she’d made the right choice in pushing her want for him. And she’d make sure there were no regrets this time. Conyod would learn soon enough she’d move Heaven and Kalquor for him.

Chapter 4

Erybet hurried into the greeting room to answer the door. He couldn’t imagine who might be calling. He and Sletran hadn’t been very sociable since their return from the war, outside of being tapped for official functions and chasing disinterested Mataras.

He reached the door and said, “Identify?”

A polite voice answered. “Officers Breft and Raxstad of Global Security.”

Global Security? Something must have happened in the complex. On the heels of that thought came a nagging familiarity of the two names spoken.

“Please enter,” Erybet said.

The door slid open, and indeed he had two Nobeks wearing red-trimmed Global Security formsuits on his doorstep. Their stances were casual, but Erybet didn’t miss that their hands rested on their belts, where blades and blasters were holstered.

What was going on? Did it have something to do with New Bethlehem?

Erybet stepped back and indicated they should enter. They did so, the smaller of the two coming in first. He wore the insignia of high rank, though Erybet wasn’t familiar enough with Global Security to know the man’s title. He was slightly shorter than Conyod, and absolutely dwarfed by his thickly muscled, dreadlocked companion. Still there was barely restrained ferocity in the lead officer’s demeanor. Erybet had no doubt the lean-framed Nobek was extremely dangerous to his foes. And he knew he’d seen both men’s faces before, though he still couldn’t place either of them.

“Officers, how may I be of service?”

Sletran chose that moment to enter the room, his hair damp from his shower. Erybet’s clanmate looked not the least refreshed, the shadows under his eyes pronounced. Still, Sletran’s protectiveness came to the fore seeing two unknown Nobeks in the room, and four steps had him between them and Erybet. With him wearing a sleeveless top and short pants nearly identical to Erybet’s, it was apparent Sletran’s muscles had tensed. “Erybet?” he said.

The officers eyed Sletran carefully, though they didn’t react to his response to them. He was a Nobek, after all, and he had come upon them confronting his Dramok in his home.

The smaller officer bowed his head slightly. “You are Dramok Erybet and Nobek Sletran?”

Erybet stepped a little to one side so he could see them over Sletran’s shoulder. “We are.”

The bigger one with the massive shoulders spoke next. His tone was a touch less formal than his superior’s, almost friendly. “And your Imdiko I take it is at work at the hospital?”

“Yes.” Erybet had a sudden stab of fear. Had something happened to Conyod?

The big Nobek offered a slight smile. “My Dramok is Govi. He has the highest praise for Dr. Conyod.”

Erybet’s tension fled, and his clanmate visibly relaxed. Sletran said, “Nobek Raxstad.” He looked at the other officer. “And you are Breft, Nobek of Councilman Rajhir. We attended the diplomatic affair for the Joshadan ambassador several months ago. You were there.”

Breft nodded. “Yes. It is good to see you both again.” His tone was still formal, but less so.

Sletran moved aside, no longer on alert. Erybet moved to stand beside him. He felt a little better now that he had a handle on who his unexpected guests were. But why they were here still had him on edge. “Is there a problem at the hospital? Has something happened to my Imdiko?”

“Not at all, at least not to my knowledge. I apologize if our appearance gave you that concern.”

All right, so maybe it was something to do with New Bethlehem. Erybet felt better that Conyod was all right, at least.

“Please sit down, officers,” he invited, gesturing to the seating. “Something to drink?

Water, a protein juice—”

“No, thank you, Dramok.” Breft settled himself on the lounger, and Raxstad perched a couple of feet beside him.

Erybet and Sletran took the raised chairs across from them. The Dramok looked at the officers questioningly.

Breft said, “We have a few questions for your clan regarding a Matara named Maria Byrne.”

Erybet blinked in surprise. “Matara Maria? We had an appointment with her last night.

We’ve come up on the lottery, and she was our third prospect.”

“Did she stay here with you for any length of time following your appointment?”

Erybet’s face heated. Keeping his voice steady, he answered, “No. I am sad to say she felt my clan was not compatible with her requirements. Our meeting started and ended with dinner at the Taste of Home establishment.” He just managed to keep the bitterness out of his voice, but his gaze drifted to the table between him and the officers. The gift box with the necklace Maria had given back sat there like an accusation.

He looked back at Breft and Raxstad in time to see them exchange a glance. He asked, “I trust she is well?”

The two men considered him for a few silent seconds. It was Raxstad who answered.

“That’s hard to say, Dramok. She is missing. There is evidence she was taken from her apartment last night by a person or persons unknown.”

Erybet gasped. Sletran leaned forward in his seat, his expression sharp. “Another abduction by the resistance?”

Breft shrugged. “Perhaps. How did you feel about her rejection of your clan?”

Erybet was stunned at the question. They thought his clan had kidnapped a Matara? Then he relaxed. They were only investigating Maria’s whereabouts, trying to look at it from every possible angle. He and his clanmates had nothing to hide where the missing Matara was concerned.

“We were disappointed, of course. I thought she had potential for our clan. I assure you, we had nothing to do with her disappearance.”

Sletran added, “You are more than welcome to search our home, officers.”

Raxstad held up a hand and shook his head. “I doubt that’s necessary at this point. We are simply trying to cover all ground in our attempts to find her. As you know, these abductions are a very high priority for Global Security.”

His gaze still sharp on them, Breft asked, “What have you heard about the rebellion?”

Erybet shrugged. “Just what the news vids report. Something like two dozen Earther women kidnapped or missing, that someone calling himself The Boot may be behind the disappearances.”

Raxstad’s voice was very soft. “What if we were to tell you some of the missing have been found dead?”

Erybet’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped open in a stunned gasp. Sletran, too much of a Nobek to give his emotions away that overtly, went completely still beside him. Neither of them said a word. They only stared at the two officers in horror.

All the tension bled from Breft’s body. He nodded. “I’m sorry I had to tell you that, but I needed to see how you would react. We were only able to mention it to you because of your high security clearances with the military. You are not to repeat that information.”

Feeling unreal, Erybet whispered, “Of course. You have our complete cooperation.”

Raxstad asked, “Where did you go after your appointment with Matara Maria?”

BOOK: Alien Redemption [Clans of Kalquor 06]
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