Alien Guardian's Baby (Scifi Alien Romance) (Zoran Warriors) (2 page)

BOOK: Alien Guardian's Baby (Scifi Alien Romance) (Zoran Warriors)
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xcuse me
? This is my bed! Hey!”

The large, blob-like alien groans as he rolls over in his sleep, and I have to jump out of my bed to avoid being crushed underneath all his fat.

Silly me. Here I thought the
was crowded. That was pure luxury compared to the cargo bay the Zoran have dumped us in. Those alien warriors rescued us – and I suppose it beats being enslaved by raiders – but they stashed all of us in the same cramped space, all races and species mixed together, with nothing but a few mattresses on the floor for us to use!

The scent of them all mixed together is hard to describe, but impossible to forget.

I’m in desperate need of a long, hot shower.

At least the Suricats had the foresight to keep the Silverbacks and Terulians separated in different compartments of the ship. Here, they keep growling and hissing at one another, and it’s giving me a pounding headache. The Zorans think their dominating presence is enough to keep everyone in line.

They’re so stubborn, with their tall, broad-shouldered, heavily-muscled bodies.

Especially that general. I have no idea what his name is, but I can’t shake the thought of his azure-colored skin, and those piercing, sunflower-yellow eyes. He seemed surprised to see me, as if a human doesn’t belong on this side of the galaxy.

I admit, I am an anomaly. I could very well be the first human who has come this way – I don’t know, and frankly, I don’t really care either. I’m on a quest, and I’m not letting anything get in my way.

Not even a seven foot tall, brooding Zoran general. The fact that he’s one of the most feared warriors in the galaxy doesn’t impress me… much.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I tiptoe across the cargo-bay, making sure not to step on any sleeping aliens as I do so.

“Can I get something to drink?” I ask the Zoran guard at the door. His skin is a deep silver, and while he’s nearly as tall as his general, he lacks the general’s chiseled jaw and his steely gaze. I admit these Zorans are all attractive, but there’s something
about that ocean-colored general.

He just had this air of confidence; of total control. I could see the shock in his eyes when I refused to answer his question. He’s not a man that’s used to being ignored.

I hate how much I liked the way he looked at me. I could feel his eyes burn into my back as I walked away, and for reasons I don’t quite understand, it made my stomach flutter.

“No,” the guard says briskly. “Go to sleep.”

“I can’t sleep like this,” I say.

The Zoran guard looks at me with contempt, as if to say
is that my problem?

Behind me, the Terulian hissing turns into barking, and each loud snap of their jaws makes my head throb.

“See?” I say. “How can I sleep through this racket?”

“Keep it down!” the Zoran guard says, but his message is lost on the Terulians. The Silverbacks respond with squawking and screaming, and suddenly, the cargo bay turns into a giant brawl. The Suricats scatter as the large beasts attack one another, the air filled with grunts and screams. The apelike Silverbacks outnumber the reptilian Terulians three-to-one, but the reptilians are remarkably tough. They shrug off blows that would have felled any human like they’re nothing.

Note to self: Don’t get in a fist-fight with either of these two species. Or any other alien, for that matter.

I’m happy I already made my way over to the door, or I would have been smackdab in the middle of the action! I press my back against the cargo bay door, doing my best to stay out of it. One punch from those gorillas and I’d be out cold – permanently.

I tumble backwards when the door opens and a squad of Zoran warriors enter. They’re armed with what appear to be electrical nightsticks, and they pounce upon the fighting aliens, restoring the order.

A perfect opportunity for me to sneak out.

With everyone distracted by the fight, no one notices when I sneak out the cargo bay. I tiptoe down the long halls of the ship, trying to find the cantina. The ship is so big that I quickly lose my way – all the halls look alike!

The sounds of marching feet jolt my senses, and I quickly duck into a room, pressing myself against the wall, closing my eyes and holding my breath. I don’t dare to exhale until I hear the sounds die off in the distance.

If the Zorans find me sneaking around, who knows what they’d do with me? They’re not exactly renowned for their hospitality… It’s like I said: I do stupid things when I’m hungry.

I open my eyes, and my heart leaps into my throat when I realize I stumbled upon a stockroom.


There’s sausages made of creatures I have never even seen before, cheeses that smell so strong that I can finally forget the alien stench that clings to my clothes, and plants of all shapes and sizes that I’d never heard of.

I can’t control myself. After the food-replica dreck I’ve been living off for the past month, this is too good to pass up. I stuff my face with as much food as humanly possible, sampling every ware.

This must be the general’s private stash – no grunt eats food as good as this. I feel a little guilty stealing all this food – but not enough to stop eating, of course. I’ll make it up to him, somehow. There’s more than enough of it all, anyway.

When I’m absolutely stuffed, I sit down against the wall. With my appetite sated, my common sense returns to me, and I realize I screwed up. Big time. If the Zorans find me here, they’ll lock me up – or worse. I have to make my way back to the cargo bay, and
. I open the door but duck back in immediately when I see more warriors marching down the hall.

Did they see me?

I slink back down against the wall, weighing my options. I could just turn myself in… but if I do that, I’ll never
make it to Vortex in time. My eyes land on the service elevator across the room.

If my suspicion that this is the general’s private stockroom is correct, than that elevator will lead straight to his personal quarters!

I’d rather him find me than one of his grunts. The soldiers look at me like I’m not even there, but the general
me. I could see it in his sunset-colored eyes.

Before giving myself another moment to consider my options I hop into the service elevator and send myself up. It’s quite a comfortable place, as Zoran meals are as oversized as the Zoran themselves, compared to humans.

The door opens with a ping and my hunch is confirmed. I have to pinch my arm to see if I’m not dreaming.
I’m standing in the private quarters of a Zoran general!
Barb is never going to believe me!

The room is spacious and round, with jet-black walls. In the middle of the room is a round bed, large enough to fit a dozen humans. The sheets look so soft and inviting – I can’t stop myself. I hop onto the bed, and it’s every bit as soft and pleasant as I had hoped.

I look up to see the stars fly by me. Right above the bed is a skylight, the light of the stars illuminating the dark room. I lie there for a second, savoring the feeling while it lasts. After a whole month in that crappy seat on the
, I deserve a little luxury.

I sit up and survey my surroundings. The general doesn’t have too many personal belongings -- but I do see a door that catches my attention. Could it be…?


The bathroom is nearly as big as his bedroom! I hesitate for a second, but the prospect of having a hot shower is too good to pass up. I’ve already gotten this far, might as well go all the way! I strip off all my clothing and hang them on the towel rack. Hopefully the steam will get some of the Silverback stench out of my clothes.

I’m happy to see the shower doesn’t have some strange, alien design, but two perfectly normal levers. I turn the one on the right, and I’m doused in gloriously warm water. The shower head is absolutely
– I’m sure it can fit several Zoran if the general were so inclined, so that’s like ten of me.

I hold my arms out wide and spin around, enjoying the warm water as it washes all the stress away. For just a second I can shake all the worries from my mind, and enjoy just being in the moment.

Then, I see something blue in the corner of my eye and stop dead in my tracks, my arms still opened wide.

“Enjoying yourself?”

Standing in the doorway is the absolutely naked, and absolutely perfect, figure of the Zoran general. His skin is azure blue, but a dash of color down below is what really draws my attention.

His head of his cock is yellow, like a bright, shiny topaz. His cock is also
. Long and thick.

I swallow the lump in my throat, unable to tear my eyes away from his massive cock – and it’s still growing.

Warmth pools in my lap and unconsciously I lick my bottom lip.

What the hell is wrong with me? This is a Zoran general I’m staring at the most dangerous… and most perfect male in the universe…


need a hot shower

Vukota has been second-guessing me all day, fighting me on every decision. As my second-in-command, he’s the only one I allow to criticize my orders, but there is a limit, and he’s dangerously close to reaching it.

I’m not happy about taking on a cargo-load of hitchhikers either. In fact, it’s an absolute disaster. It’s costing me man-hours and resources I’d rather pour into the search for Bogdan. And just when everyone seemed settled in, the Terulians and Prymetas turn my cargo bay into an outer-planet bar brawl.

I’ve ordered Vukota to segregate the different species. Worst of all: the human female is missing. According to the
roster her name is Isabella Parker, but it doesn’t contain any more information than that.

What’s a human female doing on this side of the galaxy? And why in Zora’s name does she want to go to Vortex Station? I can’t think of a more dangerous place in the entire universe for a single, unprotected human female. She’ll be sold off into slavery before she’s even left the docks…

I can’t seem to stop thinking about the shapely human, despite the many other concerns pressing on my mind. The strange traveler should be at the bottom of my list, but she occupies my every waking thought.

The way her blue eyes stared so defiantly at me… it was as if she feared nothing.

Every creature in the universe knows fear, and all who meet us know to fear the Zoran; how is she so calm? She’s a mystery to me.

Hopefully a warm shower will free me from these thoughts. Tomorrow we’ll drop our unwanted guests off, and we can go back to our primary mission.

I walk into my private quarters and strip my obsidian armor off. Underneath the thin layer of protective materials, I am naked. I prefer maximum flexibility. The sound of running water reaches my ears, and I realize I may have found the stowaway. The human female is spinning in my shower, her arms opened wide, providing me with an excellent view of her naked, wet body. The water glistens invitingly on her pale skin, gliding down her many curves. I watch a drop slide between her round, full breasts, and I feel my cock grow.

I’ve never felt attraction like this before – it’s like a powerful force is drawing us closer together.

“Enjoying yourself?”

She stops spinning and stares at me, open mouthed, her cheeks instantly flushed bright red. Her nipples harden, and my perceptive senses pick up the scent of her wetness.

The human is attracted to me.

Her blue eyes drop down to my waist, locking onto my growing erection. I give her a moment to drink in my perfect form. Her heartbeat rises and her breath quickens – she wants to mate.

“Were you waiting for me?” I ask as I take a step forward.

The female regains her senses and, to my dismay, covers her naked body with her hands.

“N-no,” she stammers. “I, I w-was, uhm, I w-was…”

I smirk when I see her falter before my greatness. I can’t fault her. I stop a foot away from her, looking down at her. If I were to move even an inch forward, my throbbing, hard cock would brush against her. Her eyes are locked on my member, her mouth hanging open.

I brush a strand of her golden-blonde hair out of her face, running my thumb across her cheek. Her skin is warm and soft. Pleasant.

“Lift your hands,” I growl. “I want to see you.”

She looks up at me, her big blue eyes filled with fear, surprise, and arousal. Slowly, a smirk spreads across her beautiful face, and she moves her hands to the side. Instantly my hands fly up and grab her full, round breasts. My fingers dig into her soft skin, and a moan escapes her lips.

“G-gentle,” she says, the mischievous smirk still fixed on her lips. “They’re sensitive.”

They feel so good in my hands. I want to feel them in my mouth.

I grab her by her waist and lift her up effortlessly, so that her chest is level with my face. She cries out in surprise, but her hands rest on my shoulders for support, betraying her willingness. I lean in and suck her breast into my mouth, my tongue circling her stiff nipple. She moans and writhes under my skilled tongue, her fingernails digging into the back of my neck as I kiss one breast, and then the other.

I slide her down, her legs slipping around my waist, and my mouth finds hers. Her lips are soft and warm to the touch, and I savor the incredible, previously unknown feeling. Our tongues intertwine, and the head of my cock brushes against her mound.

I have never mated – my life is dedicated to the hunt, and my kind mates for life – but every inch of my being is yearning for the pleasure of being all the way inside the human female. I’ve never felt a hunger, a
this great.

Have I found my lifemate?

I lean back to take a good look at the female. I want to savor the moment, to commit it to my memory. She is panting, her chest rising with every breath, a wild, lustful look in her blue eyes. I grab her wrists and pin them above her head using only one hand, making her body completely available to me.

My hands travel up her frame, from her round hips to her full breasts, up to the… glowing mark on her wrist?

“What’s that?” I ask, my brow furrowing. It seems familiar, but I can’t place it.

“Oh shit,” she curses, the lustful look on her face disappearing instantly. Instead, she looks petrified. She wiggles free from my grasp and takes a few steps back, her hand covering the mark.

“It— it’s nothing,” she says, avoiding my gaze. “Forget it.”

She turns to leave, and I reach out and grab her wrist.

“Stay,” I growl. “I’m not done with you yet.”

Her eyes burn into mine, but there’s no lust or fear there now – only anger.

done with you,” she says, pulling away from me. “I don’t even know your name!”



“My name is Drax.”

“That’s a start,” she says, her arms crossed over her chest.

I don’t understand. One moment she was ready to mate, and now she’s furious with me?

“You are Isabella Parker,” I say.

Her blue eyes light up. “How did you know that? What else do you know?”

“I know how your naked body feels against mine.”

The blush returns to her pale cheeks.

“I know I want more of it,” I growl, taking another step forward. I see her anger slip away again as her eyes find my cock once more.

I may not fully understand this human female, with her secrets, her strange mark, her nebulous journey, her sudden appearance in my shower, naked and wet… but I do know my cock mesmerizes her.

Just as I’m about to lean in and kiss her once more, the com crackles with activity.

“General?” the familiar voice of my pilot says. “You’re going to want to see this.”

BOOK: Alien Guardian's Baby (Scifi Alien Romance) (Zoran Warriors)
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