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Please follow me,” she says in accented English. “Mr. and Mrs. Okura are expecting you.”

I bow back.

She brings me to a changing room with many lockers.

Is this a public bath?” I ask.

Yes. The Okuras prefer to take their baths in public, like many of the Tokyo people.”

She gives me a key and stands back, watching me.

Do you want me to strip?” I say.

Yes, please. Do not wear anything into the
. Your belongings will be safe here.”

This is right up my alley. I strip until there is nothing left on me but my own smooth bare skin. The woman observes my lovely, pert breasts and shaved pussy.

You are very beautiful, Ms. Devlin.”

Thank you.” I am used to the compliments by now. I’ve had them all my life. “And for your information, I’m a real blonde, just in case you can’t tell.”

The woman smiles. “Come this way.”

She leads me down a passageway. I can already feel the heat radiating from the wooden door at the end of it. She opens it and the hot, damp air immediately hits me.

The spa beyond is dimly lighted. A large pool bubbles with geysers of water which are shot from jet nozzles in the walls. Several naked people are in the pool – both men and women alike. Old and young. All Japanese. There is also a very wet area with a row of taps embedded into the wall and stools and wooden buckets with scoops.

The bathers all look up as I enter. It is a mixed public
, I realize.

Outside, a Japanese garden once again beckons. A pond surrounded by artistic rocks and shrubs is invaded by several naked people who are sunning under the shade of the overhanging cherry blossom trees. I follow the woman outside. The cool air immediately hits me after the warmth of the interior, as does the sound of trickling water. Steam rises from the surface of the pond.

She brings me to the edge of the pond. A white-haired Japanese gentleman and a beautiful young Japanese woman – both naked and immersed in the warm water – look up.

Okura-san,” she says as she bows deeply, “may I present Alice Devlin-san?”

We are honored to meet you.” The gentleman stands up and bows. His balls contract as he rises.

It feels funny to bow when you are completely naked, but I do so anyway. There are two other men in the pond, and their eyes covetously study my breasts and genitals.

The beautiful woman gets up too. There is a swagger in her bow towards me, as though she is a little contemptuous of me. She has a lithe, very slim body, with surprisingly large breasts and a smiling Caesarean scar on her lower abdomen.

You are very young, Alice-san,” she remarked in accented English.

As are you,” I say.

Kira gestures to the pond.

Please,” he says, “won’t you join us?”

The woman in the kimono bows and leaves us, walking backward. It’s all so polite here that I’m sure it’s only a matter of time I make a faux pas. I’m not usually the most polite person around, even when I was a slave.

Yes, I will. Thank you,” I say.

I step into the water. To my surprise, the water is very, very hot. So hot that I give a little squeal. I immediately withdraw my foot. The flesh which comes out is red.

One of the men watching us laughs out loud. I shoot him a glare, which quietens him instantly.

Kira and Kyo watch me. Their expressions are teasing and playful, and yet shrewd. I know I must pass this test, or I would lose face in front of them.

How hot is the water? Seventy degrees? Eighty? Kyo’s porcelain skin is not even red by any standard. If she can do it, how hard can it be?

I steel myself and put in a toe again. The steam flurries puff towards me, deceptively welcoming. It is very hot, but I compose myself not to flinch. I dip my entire foot in, followed by my calf.

Come on, you can do it

I grit my teeth so that I will not flinch. Then I plunge my whole leg into the water, followed by the other.

The heat is excruciating and shocking. Before I can think too much about it, I immerse my entire body in the pond.


The Okuras are smiling, enjoying my discomfiture. I decide they are not pleasant people.

Kira leans back against the rocky wall. “So tell me, Alice Devlin-san, why have you come all this way to meet with us?”

I am being boiled alive. My skin is flushed and heating up like a lobster’s carapace. My mind is screaming. But I force myself to smile pleasantly.

It’s entirely business, Kira-san.”

How am I going to speak when I am actually being poached and broiled at the same time? Still, I manage. Trying to ignore the watery inferno around me, I outline the plan I have for the takeover of my father’s company. Kira and Kyo listen with rapt attention. So do the two other men in the pond. I wonder if this is the wisest way to conduct business. After all, word of my plans may get back to my father. Then again, this is Kira’s chosen place of conduct, and who am I to question it, right?

Besides, neither of the men might understand what I am saying.

As I speak, I notice an illuminating thing. The water is getting less hot by the minute. Or else I am getting accustomed to it. All my body’s aches and pains drain away, along with my jetlag. The entire experience is immensely pleasurable. It is like BDSM. Once you get over the initial pain, you give yourself up to the infinitesimal pleasure.

At the end of it, Kira says, “I will have to think carefully on this. There are many things to consider. I have other shareholders.”

But it is a good plan, no?” I say eagerly. “My father has to be forced out. He is old and conservative. The company has grown top-heavy and bloated, and our profit margins have been sliced every year. We need new blood to run the company. We need new ideas and new management.”

Kira merely smiles. “You speak with the exuberance of the young. As I said, my board of directors and I have to vote on this.”

Of course. None of this must get back to my father.”

He nods. “I am a businessman, Alice-san. I keep my confidences when I have to.”

Great.” It is my turn to lean back and enjoy the soak.

Kira and Kyo study me, still smiling.  

Kyo says, “We should seal our discussion with a little dessert.” She eyes me slyly. “I have heard about your exploits in the bedroom, Alice-san. Perhaps you would care to give us a sample of your charms.”

My heart stops.

Of course it would come to this.

Part of me is peeved. Am I to be forever known for my sexual shenanigans? Will anyone take me seriously as a corporate figure? I know this is entirely my fault – and I am to be held accountable for my own sexual appetites. But I have a very sharp brain for business, and now I wish I can be taken seriously. My father has a humungous sexual appetite, and everyone takes him seriously after all. Then of course, he is a man.

I say carefully, “What do you have in mind, Kyo-san?”

I have been fucked by hundreds of men . . . and women. Two more wouldn’t make a difference. Besides, Kyo is extremely delectable, and I haven’t made love to many Asian women before. I hear they can be terribly kinky in bed, especially the Japanese.

She smiles benignly, and then claps her hands.

The woman in the kimono enters again. I realize she has been waiting outside all this while, waiting for her cue.

Kyo says, “Mika, bring me the bowl.”



There is a rocky ledge at the side of the pond. It is surrounded by shrubs and flowered bushes, but connected to the main terrace by a snaking path. Kyo pats upon this.

Climb up here, Alice.”

She has dropped the honorific ‘-san’. So I am degraded to a mere Alice now. I take note of my new status.

I drop my eyelashes, but do as she bids anyway. I am curious to see where this would lead, actually. I’d never turn down a good sexual interlude.

I get out of the water and climb onto the ledge. After the hot water, the air is suddenly very cold. Goose bumps pockmark my pink and glistening skin.

Open your legs and show us your holes,” Kyo commands. She is obviously the sexual master in their relationship.

I do as she tells me. I open my legs so that my pussy and asshole are displayed for everyone in the pond. So Kyo wants me to be an exhibitionist. I am fine with that. She swims to the ledge and pokes a lacquered finger into my pussy hole. I spread my legs wider to grant her better access.

Mika returns with a bowl.

I don’t know what I expected. Maybe they wanted to see me pee into the bowl. Maybe they wanted to put the bowl over my head while they fuck every orifice I have from behind. But it isn’t that sort of bowl. Not the kind you drink soup from at any rate.


It is a goldfish bowl. And there are little vibrating balls in it. They are all the size of ping pong balls and are brightly lit in many colors. I am amazed to see them. They seem to possess a life of their own. I am sure some battery powers them, but the way they buzz and wriggle in the bowl gives the impression that they are alive.

My eyes snap open as Mika daintily walks to the ledge, sidestepping the uneven rocks, and bends over to hand Kyo the bowl. Kyo dips her hand in and scoops up a vibrating ball.

Don’t move,” she tells me.

I’m not moving. She pushes the ball into my wet pussy hole and cups my aperture so that the ball will not roll out. I cry out. The little ball shudders and wriggles and moves like mad quicksilver. It traverses the tunnel of my vagina – rolling, dancing, turning, rotating, and generally performing every motion known to aquatics.

I can’t help squealing and crying out.

After about a minute of this, Kyo leans over and seals her mouth over my pussy hole. She then sucks the little ball out.

She spits it out onto her palm and places it back into the bowl. Then she scoops up another ball. This time, she presses it into my asshole. I am assailed once again with the strange and delightful sensations brought on by that little tumbling thing. Then, once again, she sucks it out and returns it to its origins.

Did you like that?” she asks me. Her lashes are lowered coquettishly.

Yes,” I gasp.

She darts her tongue out and licks my clit. She is very good at this. Her little pink tongue twists and twirls everywhere, so that my most secret recesses are thoroughly plowed and explored. She flicks my clit back and forth, as if it is a boxing ball. She circles the triangle between my labia, and then she dips her tongue into my pussy hole.

I open my legs wider.

Ohhhhh,” I moan.

She augments her expert licking with her fingers, which pump in and out of my vaginal hole. The men in my audience are staring at every move she makes. Their hands are in the water, stroking their cocks.

Then she says to the waiting Mika, “Bring me the machine.”

Mika hastens to do her bidding. As she exits, Kyo smiles at me.

Come over here, Alice.”

She gestures towards another part of the rock garden. There are two ledges here, divided by a little rivulet of steaming water.

Squat over there,” she tells me.

I make my way over there. The men watch my ass lasciviously. Mika returns with a large vibrator and an electrical box with dials and buttons. She makes her way to me. The machine is a little primitive, I decide. But maybe that is what makes it so unique, like I’m being thrown back to a sexual experiment in the Frankenstein era.

I squat. My two feet are posited on the two ledges, with my groin atop the rivulet.

Mika plugs in the machine in a wall socket behind the bushes. I didn’t know there was even one there. She hands Kyo the vibrator, and she turns it on. Kyo presses the bulbous head onto my clit, and my nerve fibers explode.

I scream. The sensation and the pleasure are too intense. My clit has always been very sensitive, and I barrel straight into orgasm.

Don’t move,” Kyo warns me.

My squatting legs shudder, and it is all I can do to keep them open. The vibration spreads throughout my groin and to my inner thighs, and up my belly to my quivering breasts. My orgasm goes on and on, and I can barely maintain my position. My mind is a livewire circuit of vivid colors and sensations.

But Kyo does not abate her relentless pressure. Soon, my entire body is a piece of Jell-O. The vibrator head runs up and down my clit, compressing it, mowing it down against my recesses, gathering my creams and spreading them around. Then she presses it against my vulva and slowly burrows it in.

In it goes.


And deeper.

The whirr of the mechanism is an aberration of sound above the quietly trickling waters. The men remark to one another in Japanese. I assume they are speaking about me. The vibrator cores deeply into my vaginal tunnel, rendering my nerves alight.

Ahhhh!” I moan.

The vibrator goes deep, until it can go no more. My entire pussy is a fiery smorgasbord of (literally) electric sensations. My legs wobble as they try to hold me up, but I’m on the verge of collapse.

Then Kyo says, “Clench your pussy.”

I clench it around the vibrator, holding it up – impaled inside me. Kyo lets it go. My pussy is now the only thing keeping the vibrator in place. The ancient thing is connected to the box by a thin wire, and the box in turn is connected to the mains.

Kyo says, “Our fate is in your hands . . . or pussy. Drop that vibrator in the water . . . and we are all electrocuted.”

The realization dawns on me. Dropping that ancient vibrator in the water will be akin to dropping a hairdryer into a filled bathtub.

The faces of Kira and the two men are rapt, watching me. They are clearly in for the haul. No one makes a move to get out of the water. Their lives were truly in my hands. In the water, I can see their hands massaging their erect cocks. This is obviously what gets them off.

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