Alexis and the Robin Hood - A Sexy Interracial BWWM Romance Novelette from Steam Books (Romantica) (5 page)

BOOK: Alexis and the Robin Hood - A Sexy Interracial BWWM Romance Novelette from Steam Books (Romantica)
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Alexis laid her ebony hand on Jack's white stomach. “You better believe that I'm never going to let you go,” she said as she snuggled up to Jack's chest.

Jack was a thief, alright. This time he’d stolen Alexis’s heart.



About Annette Archer

Annette Archer's humble beginnings working retail brought her two things: a strong work ethic and an insatiable desire for escapism.  Utilizing these traits as well as her degree in English and her natural power of the pen, Annette Archer has emerged as an exciting voice in the realm of romance fiction.

Annette has published independently as well as teamed with publishers such as 
Steam Books
 Erotica & Romance. Her "Penny's Choice" series has earned her the attention of romance and fantasy readers alike.

And more from Annette Archer:

At the age of eighteen, Christina is living a life of misery with her aunt.  She knows she won't ever amount to anything.  Her aunt has told her so, many times.  She does all the chores in the house and the cooking and the shopping and everything else that needs doing.  She has no friends.  Her boyfriend just dumped her.  But that's life.  That's the way it's always been for her, and that's the way it always will be.
Or so she thought.
Into her life comes a tall, handsome rich man.  Immediately, Christina's view of her world and herself changes.  Is it possible that she could find love?  Is it possible that she might have more than what her aunt has given her for all these years?
Hired as a dogsitter for one of the richest men in town, Christina begins to see a world that she has been denied.  And more than that, she begins to see the value inside herself?

Check out these and much more at


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available for your favorite e-Reader from Steam Books

Intersect. Interchange. Interplay.  INTERRACIAL LOVE STORIES consists of three amazingly sensual and sexy short stories from three masters of the form: Sandra Sinclair, Marcus Williams, and Shanika Patrice.  You will feel the heat between black women and white men in this lovely collection.

This bundle includes (stories also available separately):
 by Sandra Sinclair.  
When Lance first met Denisha at a bar, he already knew she was extraordinary, her sparkling wit and her gorgeous looks holding him captive. She managed to get away from him, though, and just when he thought they would never meet again, he sees her again in front of his camera as one of the models he’s supposed to take a picture of, and this time, he fully intends to capture her not just with his lens, but with his arms, and never let her go.
 by Marcus Williams.  
Nickie and Mark are what some would call star-crossed lovers, people who have always and will always be in each other’s lives. Childhood friends once separated by great distance, they both reunite in college at Yale, and they endeavor to start a future together. However, something seems to be stirring with Mark and Nickie begins to get suspicious…
 by Shanika Patrice.
Finding it hard for an African-American woman to find love in Grand Rapids, Sharon tries her hand at online dating. Not finding a lot of luck there, either, a friend of hers persuades her to open her horizons and see what the white men of Michigan have to offer her, and Sharon finds out when Joe contacts her online. What type of relationship awaits Sharon and Joe?
WARNING: This 12,118-word compilation is a steamy read that features passionate lovemaking, explicit scenes of sexuality and might be too much for timid readers!


Please enjoy a tease from another hot novella,


by Sandra Sinclair


Yolanda walked past the other tables towards the sliding door at the end of a small corridor, knowing that led to the gardens where the restrooms where also located. Apart from the great food and the exquisite ambience inside the restaurant, Yolanda adored the French gardens, though she had little time to admire them as she walked quickly towards the women’s restroom, the considerable amount of wine she had drunken taking its toll on her.

Minutes later, when she walked out of the bathroom, she felt both relieved and refreshed. She decided to take just a short stroll, unable to resist the lure of the beautiful gardens, but had only taken a few steps down the cobblestone path when she smelled the scent of cigarette smoke.

Wrinkling her nose and not wanting to get the smell on her hair, she was about to turn away, but stopped as she recognized one of the men standing a few feet from her.

Roy Carmichael, the newest CEO of Basix, the leading software company in the country.

And one of the guests on her next show.

She thought about introducing herself, but as her instinct as a former investigative journalist kicked in, she had a better idea. Carefully, she took a seat on a bench behind a tall hedge, covered her nose and listened in, thinking now was a good opportunity for her to get to know Roy Carmichael with his guard down and maybe learn something interesting which she could use in her next show.

Besides, she could not deny that she was curious about the man who had been hailed as the most successful businessman of his generation.

“That was cracking under pressure right there,” Roy was saying. “He knew the clock was winding down and he panicked.”

“He should have just given up that ball,” the man with him said.

Yolanda furrowed her eyebrows. Were they talking about basketball?

“Well, not everyone can make the right decisions at the crucial moments,” Roy said. “It’s what separates the men from the boys.”

“Now you’re boasting.”

“I’m not. I’m just saying.”

“So I guess you’ve already made up your mind about what to do with Wilbur.”

“I have a few modes of actions I’m leaning towards,” Roy said. “I’m not going to let him off easy, of course.”

“Smart and ruthless,” the other man said. “A deadly combination.”

They fell silent for a moment, letting Yolanda think they were probably stopping to take a puff. 

“So, have you found your next target?” the other man asked when he spoke again.

“I have.”

The other man chuckled. “What is it with you and black women?”

“I don’t know. They just astound me. This next one, in particular, is quite fascinating. I can’t wait to have her squirming beneath me, though I imagine she’ll put up a fight. She seems quite feisty, after all, but that’ll only make things more fun. You can’t call it conquering if the other side doesn’t put up a fight, can you now?”

“And you pride yourself on conquering. So tell me, who’s the lucky lady?”

There was a pause before Roy answered. “Yolanda Gray.”

Yolanda’s hand moved from her nose to her mouth to stifle a gasp, the blood draining from her cheeks. Did she hear him right?

“I’m going to charm her when I get on her show next week,” Roy went on. “That way, she won’t be able to stop thinking of me.”

“Thought you didn’t go after celebrities.”

“Celebrity my ass, she’s not even D-list. Besides, she has these really nice curves.”

Yolanda blushed as the other man gave another chuckle. So Roy Carmichael really was planning to seduce her.

“This I’d like to see,” the other man said.

“Oh, you will,” Roy promised.

At that point, Yolanda got up and walked away, not wanting to hear anymore.

How dare he?
she thought, her fists clenched at her sides and her brows furrowed in indignation. How dare he think he could be on her show and then just get into her pants?

Well, he was wrong.

She would prove him wrong.

~ ~ ~

“What do you mean my appearance on Yolanda Gray’s show has been cancelled?” Roy asked as he set down his cup of coffee angrily. 

He had woken up late that Saturday morning after going to bed late last night and was looking forward to a relaxing morning, only to find a disturbing message on his phone.

“I’m afraid that’s exactly what it means, Mr. Carmichael,” his assistant, Miranda, said on the other end of the line. “I received a message from the show this morning, saying they have decided to invite someone else to guest on the show next week.”

“Did they say who?”


Roy frowned. “You said the show sent you a message?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Was it the producer who sent you the message?”

“It was Yolanda Gray herself. Apparently, she is also the assistant producer of her talk show.”

“I’m well aware of that,” Roy said through gritted teeth. 

“Would you like me to call her and insist that you guest on the show?” Miranda asked. “They were the ones who invited you to guest in the first place, after all, so it’s quite rude to…”

“I’ll handle this myself,” Roy interrupted. “Thank you, Miranda.”


Roy hung up, tossing his phone on the table so that it slid across the surface. Then, he banged his fists on the table, still seething in frustration, though he tried his best to take deep breaths and calm down, knowing letting his emotions get the better off him was never a good thing.

What in the fuck had just happened?

Just as Miranda had said, the staff of the show were the ones who had invited him to be their guest, and it was both rude and unconventional for them to cancel, which meant there was a reason why. And since it was Yolanda Gray who cancelled, he had an idea what that reason was.

She must have found out about his plans. 

He sat on his chair, deep in thought as he wondered how Yolanda could have found out. In the end, he simply shrugged.

So what if Yolanda now knew about his plans? He was not about to change them, much less stop them.

He was a man who was used to getting his way, who never gave up easily, and he was definitely not going to give up on Yolanda Gray. He would just have to give a little more effort, which was no problem for him at all. He had known she would be an elusive prey, after all, and it would have been disappointing if she had allowed herself to be easily caught.

He grinned as he leaned back on his chair.

So she thought she could dissuade him just like that, did she?

He would see about that.

To be continued....

BOOK: Alexis and the Robin Hood - A Sexy Interracial BWWM Romance Novelette from Steam Books (Romantica)
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