Read After the Crux Online

Authors: Dani Worth

After the Crux (7 page)

BOOK: After the Crux
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“Oh no, Boss,” Dorian whispered. “I didn’t shake my head in response to your request.” He kissed him again, making sure Ross felt every hard and possessive second of it. “I was just a bit overwhelmed for a second. This means so much—you, Ross, mean so much. To both of us—Jenna and me. We want you so badly.”

Ross’s eyes flared wide and he lifted some of Dorian’s hair out of the way to look at Jenna. Dorian turned as well. Stark emotion making her cheeks nearly as red as her robe, Jenna’s eyes glittered. “Please don’t stop,” she whispered.

Dorian grinned and turned back to lift his eyebrow at Ross. He reached with one hand to anchor Ross’s head in place. He wanted to watch every single thing on Ross’s face as he did this.

Dorian slowly slid his hand down Ross’s chest, over tight, well-shaped muscles covered by a sprinkling of silky chest hair. He followed the hair down, down and just like that, wrapped his hand around Ross’s dick.

Blue eyes flared wide before they closed. Ross’s head went back, his mouth open, baring that long throat to Dorian. It was an offering Dorian didn’t—couldn’t—resist. He opened his mouth over Ross’s warm throat, licking once before coming back up to watch his face.

He felt Jenna touch his back. Looked at her as she stared at his hand on Ross’s cock. Ross couldn’t see her from this angle so when she grinned and held one finger over her lips, Dorian knew what she was about to do.

Ross was gonna love this.

Dorian let go, watched Ross frown, before his eyes went wide again as Jenna slid her mouth around his cock.

Ross came up off the bed. “Fuck!”

It took Dorian about two seconds to decide he didn’t know which one of them he wanted to watch most. The utter eroticism of Jenna’s lips wrapped around Ross’s dick, the way she moved up and down, her silky, blonde hair sliding over masculine hips—the glistening moisture on skin Dorian knew was feverishly hot and sensitive. The only thing that could have ripped his gaze from that sight was the play of emotions that crossed Ross’s face. His eyes were at first closed, his mouth tight as he bent his head back and groaned. Then his ice-blue eyes were wide open and staring up at him, at first glazed, then clearing as he grabbed handfuls of Dorian’s hair and pulled him back to his mouth.

Fire. The man had fire behind his lips and he ravaged Dorian’s before pulling back to gasp and push his head just enough to the side so he could watch Jenna. Dorian gently pried one hand out of his hair and turned to watch too.

Ross loved this, but so did Jenna. Her stunning green eyes slowly opened and she met Ross’s gaze, slowing her movements…the sight so incredible, Dorian groaned as if his own dick was inside that talented mouth. Ross reached his free hand down and slid his fingers into Jenna’s hair and she smiled at him with her eyes. Dorian thought Ross was about to stop her and he guessed Jenna did too because she started moving her mouth faster. Up and down. Ross’s eyes rolled back in his head as another of those sexy, rumbling growls ripped from his throat. “Wait,” he muttered. “I’m gonna—”

“Trust me,” Dorian whispered. “You don’t want her to stop. She’s just warming up.”

Ross’s eyes flew back open. He started to grin, then his mouth went slack, a strangled noise escaping his throat.

She did it. Did that thing that turned Dorian into a gibberish-speaking, brain-dead pile of pleasure. He watched as Jenna opened her throat, took Ross in deep and hummed.

Ross jackknifed, hissed and came.

Dorian couldn’t stand it. He reached into his pants, grabbed himself and stroked. It only took two tugs to make him lose it. Groaning, he leaned over the bed, his cheek on Ross’s chest, barely noticing when Ross tightened the hand he still had in Dorian’s hair.

“Holy shit,” Ross whispered.

“Yeah,” Dorian said, trying to catch his breath.

Chapter Six

Jenna hadn’t known she could get this wet. Watching her two men kiss had touched her in ways she hadn’t expected. None of her fantasies had even come close to how hot that had been. The noises Ross made echoed in her head. She sat back, barely paying attention to the fact her robe had come untied, and just stared at Dorian lying across Ross—looking for any hint of upset in Ross’s expression.

They’d double-teamed him in a way that really wasn’t fair.

Yet, she didn’t regret one second of it.

Dorian slowly turned his head and looked at her and his eyes darkened, his mouth falling open. “You look…oh my God, Jenna, you look so damned sexy.”

Ross peeked around Dorian’s head, his own eyes narrowing, his nostrils flaring. She knew her hair was tangled, knew her cheeks were probably flushed. She probably looked like she’d just been fucked. Ross didn’t say anything and a part of her wished he would, wished he would reassure her that she and Dorian hadn’t screwed everything up.

Her concern must have shown in her expression because Dorian straightened and Ross sat up so fast, he winced and fell back. She hurriedly crawled over him. “Are you okay? Did we hurt you?”

Blue eyes glittered at her, then dropped before he reached up to cup her right breast. She looked down, realized her robe was hanging all the way open and didn’t care, because the reverent look on Ross’s face chased her worry away and sent heat to pool in her belly.

He cupped and stroked before placing his other hand on her left breast. He brushed his thumbs over her nipples, then slid his hand down her side to touch her stomach. The arms she’d braced around his head began to tremble, her stomach quivered. And just over her head, she heard Dorian make a strangled noise. She slowly turned, met his gaze and saw the heat she felt to her core reflected back at her.

Dorian moved toward her and slowly pulled the robe off her shoulders. She sat up to free her arms, a small smile twisting her lips when Ross didn’t take his hands from her breast and waist. The robe slid off her arms and Ross’s groan reverberated in her chest. He didn’t wince this time when he sat up and put his mouth on her shoulder, tasted her with his tongue. And then it was as if he couldn’t get enough. He opened his mouth on her collarbone, her neck and Jenna closed her eyes, tilted her head back.

She loved kisses on her neck and in the next instant, her second favorite place to be kissed felt the touch of Dorian’s mouth as he crawled up on the bed behind her and opened his mouth at the top of her spine.

“Ahhh,” she breathed, reaching her fingers down to touch herself.

“No,” Ross whispered.

She opened her eyes and found him looking at her there before he raised his gaze back to hers.

“Let me.”

Jenna bit her lip, fearing sensation overload as Dorian pushed aside her hair and nuzzled her neck, then leaned over her shoulder to watch as Ross put his hand between her legs.

The moan that came out of her mouth echoed Ross’s as he slid his fingers between her folds and explored.

“Soft. So lovely. Damn, Jenna.”

She’d always wondered if he’d ever had sex with some nameless woman while out on his supply runs and now she burned with the question. Was this the first time he’d touched a woman there?

Dorian’s breathing had picked up, too. She felt it against her back. He wrapped one hand around her upper arm, still watching Ross touch her. “There’s nothing like it, is there?” he murmured.

Ross looked back up at Dorian. “I had no idea, none. I’d imagined, but this is…this is…” He broke off, blue eyes turning to her as he slid his finger inside her.

Jenna cried out.

He slid another finger inside her, groaned, the sound hoarse with need.

She tilted her head, met Dorian’s gaze and saw that he was loving this as much as she was. There wasn’t a hint of jealousy, his generous spirit including Ross into their intimate world just as he said—like Ross belonged to them in this way, too.

She came up higher on her knees until Ross’s fingers slid out of her. She placed her hands on his chest and gently pushed until he lay back on the bed. Straddling him, she leaned over and put her mouth on his, inhaling his air as it whooshed out of him before his tongue slid into her mouth, strong, sure. She slanted her mouth for a better fit and had her first taste of Ross, feeling Dorian’s hands on her hips as she positioned herself over Ross.

Before she slid that beautiful cock of his inside her, she pulled back.

Jenna wanted to see his face when she did this.


Ross was so bombarded with feelings and emotions, his brain barely functioned. All he could do was feel the velvet of Jenna’s skin just as he’d relished the taste of Dorian. His hand had never felt anything like that. She was hot, and silky, soft and tight. And wet. So wet.

Her taste fired his blood in the same way Dorian’s taste had. Each of them unique and perfect.

She sat with her legs on either side of his hips, the soft hair at the notch of her legs drawing his hand. He stroked her and wanted to put his fingers back inside her, wanted to put his dick inside her.

Dorian’s dark hands slid around Jenna’s hips and Ross reached up with his other hand to touch Dorian’s fingers. Dark, dark eyes looked at him over Jenna’s shoulder and the heat Ross saw there, mirrored in Jenna’s green eyes, made his breath catch.

Then Jenna reached down and guided his cock inside her.

Engulfed in silken heat, he held his breath, threaded his fingers with Dorian’s and held on. She slid up and down, rubbing, caressing with that slippery warmth that gripped him tight. He ground his teeth and tried to pull his hand out of Dorian’s, afraid he’d break the man’s fingers, but Dorian wouldn’t let go. He had his open mouth on the place where Jenna’s neck met her shoulder, his hair spilling over her pale, beautiful skin. Jenna tilted her head back and brought one arm up and around Dorian, spearing her fingers in his hair. Cries tore from her throat as she moved on Ross. Her breasts, full and rosy-tipped, bobbed slightly with her movements.

A sleek layer of sweat shone on her skin.

He had never seen anything so beautiful in his life.

He gritted his teeth harder, feeling the heat building like wildfire in his groin. He didn’t want this to stop. He wanted to watch her come before he did. He wanted his fingers on her clit, so he slid his fingers back into slippery folds, groaning at the feel of his dick sliding inside her. He found the small nub and pressed until she gasped, then he stroked, changing the pressure and the angles with the sounds of pleasure she made. Dorian let go of his other hand and cupped Jenna’s breasts.

Jenna suddenly went rigid, her head tilting down so their gazes snapped together, and he watched as pleasure flushed through her expression. The cry that wrenched from her throat seeped inside him. He didn’t want to miss a second of her pleasure. Her channel tightened around his dick and that was enough to send him over the edge again. He gripped her hips, thrust deep inside her and shouted as his release poured out of him in one powerful wave.

Jenna gently rested on his chest, her breasts plumping against him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, smelling her mixed scents of jasmine, sweat and sex. Dorian crashed onto the bed next to them. Ross blew Jenna’s hair off his face and turned a sleepy smile on Dorian. “If you can figure out a way to bottle the smell of her in that oil of yours, I’ll be yours forever.”

“You’re already mine forever,” Dorian murmured before chuckling. “And I bottled that jasmine you’re smelling.”

“Yeah, I know, but you have to get this sex smell mixed in with it.” He felt Jenna shake with laughter against him and he stroked the silky skin of her back. “Wait, never mind. She’d put that scent on and poor Jake wouldn’t know what hit him.”

“So we’ll just keep this secret scent to ourselves then?”

Ross smiled. “Just you.” Jenna slowly sat up and he was amazed at the faint stirring of his groin at the contact with her soft folds. He’d come twice in a short amount of time and new experience or not, he knew he wouldn’t be getting it up again, at least for an hour.

“Just for Dorian?” she whispered, the importance of her question shadowing her green eyes.

“And for me.” He tightened his fingers. “The both of you. Just for me.”

Her smile lit up her face. “And the both of you are just for me.” She tilted her head, looked at Dorian. “I think it’s time I took care of you.”

He shook his head. “No need. I came in my pants. Twice. Like a damned teenager. But in my defense, I’ve never seen anything as hot as the two of you together. Hell, the second time I didn’t even have to touch myself.”

Laughter bubbled from Jenna’s throat and she slid off Ross to snuggle between them. She rested her hand on Ross’s stomach. “So, Boss, you okay with all this?”

“What brought it on?”

“We love you,” she whispered. “So much, Ross. Your loneliness hurt us.”

“So you did this because I’m lonely?” He wasn’t sure he liked that.

She sat up. “Oh no, not only because of that. We both wanted you but we didn’t talk about it, not until recently. I’ve wanted you for years and it turns out Dorian has too. This is how it should have been from the beginning.”

Ross grimaced. “We were a bit young.”

She rolled her eyes, shoved blonde hair out of her face. “Not that far in the beginning. Yuck. I meant later. Remember that time we were hiding in that place in Oregon, the house in the woods with the lake?”

BOOK: After the Crux
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