Adrenaline: A Fall Away Series Bonus Content Collection (9 page)

BOOK: Adrenaline: A Fall Away Series Bonus Content Collection
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Juliet: *laughs* I’ll keep my man to myself, thanks.

Fallon: Is someone going to tell Tate?

Juliet: Who do you think nominated him in the first place?

Fallon: *gasps* She didn’t!

Juliet: Well, she knows how much he LOVES attention.




Me: You were nominated for the March Madness Book Boyfriend Battle against Mason Kade.

Jared: *eating, ignoring me

Me: *arms crossed, tapping foot

Jared: *eating

Me: *tapping foot louder

Madoc: *silently laughing at the table

Me: *clears throat* Jared?

Jared: *eating, ignoring

Me: *arch brow

Jax: *snort

Me: Jared, I’d REALLY like to win. You can prove that you are book boyfriend material, after all.

Jared: *arches brow

Me: *looks away, fuming* It doesn’t hurt your face to smile. Why do you have to be so stubborn?

Jared: ...

Me: You have a soft side. Just show it! The perfect book boyfriend is bad in all the right ways, and they know how to be vulnerable. I’m not asking you to shed tears or anything.

Jared: *eating, glaring

Madoc: *laughing

Jax: *smiling

Me: For me? Try? Please?

Jared: Do you remember the sixteen year old girl who was forced to go to confession and then refused to do penance, because she still wouldn’t admit she’d done anything wrong?

Me: *slouches, looks away

Jared: That was a long time ago. Have you done penance yet?

Me: *scowls*

Jared: *smiles* That’s the part of you I come from.

Me: *scowls

Jared: You want Book Boyfriend? That’s the Madoc part of you speaking.

Madoc: :D




Madoc: Fallon and I have more naughty business to share.

Me: No.

Madoc: But you didn’t tell them about us in the closet while our parents were sitting right out at the dinner table. That was hot. You should write about that!

Me: No.

Madoc: Why not?

Me: Because you were sixteen at the time. I can’t write about sixteen-year-olds having sex.

Fallon: *snort* I wouldn’t call it that. It was more like two minutes of Madoc groaning ‘Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.’

Madoc: Oh, really? That wasn’t you tearing off my belt and wrapping your damn legs around me like a rubber band.

Fallon: *shrugs* Might’ve been.

Me: You attacked him?

Fallon: He whispered in my ear. I just remembered it being kind of hot.

Madoc: *laughing

Me: What did you say to her?

Madoc: I said she was turning my two-by-four into a four-by-eight.

Me: Ew!

Fallon: You did not say that!

Madoc: I did. It didn’t take much to turn you on. The next day I told you that I wanted to wear your thighs as ear muffs on the way to school, and we were late! Like really late! That one definitely worked on you.

Fallon: I would never go for dumb ass lines like that!

Madoc: *looks her up and down* Mmmmm, I’m not a weatherman, but you can expect more than a few inches tonight, baby.

Fallon: *laughing* *wraps arms around him* You’re an idiot, you know that?

Madoc: *throws her over shoulder, takes her inside

Me: *creeps away, back to writing




Madoc: What are you doing?

Jax: Nothing.

Madoc: It looked like something.

Jax: *shuts computer off

Madoc: Are you accessing traffic cameras on your computer?

Jax: No.

Madoc: Are you lying?

Jax: Yes.

Madoc: Good. I prefer to believe you just watch porn in here, anyway.

Jax: Good man.

Madoc: *clears throat

Jax: *shifts eyes

Madoc: *shuffles feet

Jax:’s the
Vampire Diaries

Madoc: Dude, I’m so frustrated. No one ever really dies on that show.

Jax: Hmmmm....

Madoc: I don’t know if I’m supposed to feel worried or sad or just wait for them to come back the next episode.

Jax: Yeah...that must suck.




Madoc: I don’t think I’m ready to have kids. I just had to have a man-to-man with Lucas, and it was really uncomfortable.

Jared: When is anything too uncomfortable for you?

Madoc: Since I had to calm down a twelve-year-old whose mom just caught him in the bathroom.

Jax: Caught him doing what?

Madoc: What do you think he was doing? He was all bent out of shape, thinking there was something wrong with him, and I had to explain that that’s what happens to healthy men. What he was doing was normal, and he shouldn’t be ashamed.

Jared: You didn’t teach him about sex, did you?

Madoc: I’m not his parent, and it’s not like I gave him condoms. Relax. I just told him it’s normal, and every guy does it.

Jax: ...

Jared: ...

Madoc: You guys masturbate, right?

Jared: *swallows, walks away

Jax: *coughs, walks away

Madoc: Aw, come on! You bunch of babies. We can talk about this!




Fallon: Madoc, get off me.

Madoc: Shh...just let it happen.

Fallon: I’m sleeping.

Madoc: I’ll only be a minute. I promise.

Fallon: *laughing

Madoc: You know, my birthday is coming up soon.

Fallon: Duh, we’re hosting a party. Like I could forget.

Madoc: I’d really love to go where no man has gone before.

Fallon: My ass isn’t on your flight plan, James T. Kirk. Hands off.

Madoc: Don’t you wanna make me happy for my birthday?

Fallon: Like you did when I asked for a new drafting table for MY birthday and, instead, you installed a stripper pole in the theater room?

Madoc: :D

Fallon: Or last Christmas when I wanted Green Day tickets and you made me play Marco Polo with you in a pitch black house at night to find them?! I nearly broke my nose walking into an upstairs door!

Madoc: :D

Fallon: Or how about last Valentine’s Day, I wanted a kinky little getaway to a bed & breakfast, but you talked me into some schoolgirl outfit and broke us into your old high school at night to have sex in the locker room?!

Madoc: :D

Fallon: This year, I think we’ll try something I want for your birthday. How do you feel about...strap-ons?

Madoc: :O




Madoc: You know you’re my best friends, right? I will always be there for you guys. I mean it. We’ll be together forever.

Jared: *rolls eyes

Madoc: I’m not just saying that because I’m drunk. I really do love you guys. Like REALLY love you.

Jax: *snort

Madoc: And the fact that our parents are having sex is so awesome. I mean it wasn’t really awesome when I found out, but I’m totally cool with it now.

Jared: *arches brow

Jax: *facepalm

Madoc: And your mom’s hot! And she must be pretty good in bed if my dad kept her around all those years.

Jared: >:(

Jax: Oh, shit....




Jared: Shit.

Madoc: What’s wrong?

Jared: Tate just texted me. Apparently, Fallon convinced her that she needs a motorcycle. Awesome.

Madoc: What’s wrong with that? Have you seen Fallon on a motorcycle? It’s pretty hot.

Jared: Tate rides with me on mine. That’s it.

Jax: *snort* Apparently your woman needs more to ride than what you give her to ride.

Jared: >:(


And hopefully Jax survives that comment.

Character Q&A


***JARED, MADOC, and JAX Interview!


You asked! They answered!!

1. Jared, if Tate and Fallon weren’t in the picture, would you and Madoc have ended up together?

Jared: Are you high?


2. Jared, we learned why Madoc has your loyalty...Why are you loyal to him? Why did you befriend him in the first place?

Jared: After I pushed Tate away, Madoc was a good distraction. He was a hellraiser and lots of fun. We teamed up and both weren’t interested in sharing too much about ourselves. It was a good arrangement. Madoc was like the one place in my life where there weren’t any complications. Just easy fun. Now, I’m loyal to him, because he’s with me through thick and thin. We can rely on each other.


3. Jared, have you and Tate discussed a future with little Tates and Jareds running around?

Jared: We’ve talked about college plans, but no—we haven’t gone as far as marriage and kids. Tate and I just want to enjoy being happy without changing anything right now. It’s good the way it is. We just want to be calm.


4. Jared, are we ever going to find out if there will be a little brown haired girl with storm-blue eyes riding on your shoulders and how did you know that Tate was your IT girl?

Jared: Yes, Penelope has plans to show you more after
Falling Away.
And I knew Tate was my IT girl the moment I pushed her away at fourteen. I never obsessed over anyone else from then on. She was always in my thoughts and tearing up my heart.


5. Jax, will you be reaching out to your birth mother’s side of the family and and why/how will K.C. be your IT girl?

Jax: I don’t know about my mother. I don’t feel like I need much closure as far as she’s concerned. Now, my father, on the other hand…

And K.C.’s not my IT girl. She’s a mouthy brat, and I’d like to shut her up. And I’m having lots of fun thinking of ways to do that.


6. Jared, when do you plan on asking Tate to marry you?

Jared: When I damn well feel like it. And Tate will damn well know before you do.


7. Jared: you briefly mentioned that your mom managed to provide a comfortable enough life style for you but you couldn’t understand how since she didn’t make much money...did you ever figure that out? And what exactly does she do?

Jared: Yes. I found out. And so will you.


8. Jared, what would you and Tate do if, for whatever reason, your mom and Tate’s dad started dating?

Jared: Great. Then Tate and I can have my house, and my mom can move into the Brandts’.


9. Jared, how do u really feel about Tate’s study date with Stevie?

Jared: Stevie’s a good guy. As long as she comes home to me…


10. For Jax, did you ever have hard feelings toward Jared for leaving you behind?

Jax: I love my brother, and I don’t blame him for getting out. But I also realized how very different we are.


11. Jared did you actually watch Tate drive away to Paris? And did you wonder what guys’ she was doing?

Jared: Yeah, I watched her leave. I hated that that was the last time I was going to see her for a long time. Tate was my home, regardless of how I felt about her. I looked for her every day, and I thought about her every day. Watching her leave made me feel sick. And yes, I wondered who she was dating. When her dad talked to her on the phone when I was at the house, I’d leave, because I knew I’d obsess over it if I overheard things. I didn’t want to know who she kissed or who might be making her smile. I didn’t want to think about her forgetting me.


12. Jared, what’s your favorite position? Do you cuddle afterwards or are you a hug and roll kinda guy?

Jared: Um, well… probably doggy style, although I do love looking into her eyes. Maybe up against the wall, too, as long as I have control.


13. Jax and Jared where would you want to live and why:

Jared: any place with lots of room to drive.

Jax: Here. Shelburne Falls.


14. For Jared, is he going to or has he raced Tate yet?

Jared: Yes. We bet on it. You’ll find out all about it.


15. Jax why didn’t you leave with Jared when you had the chance?

Jax: When you live a certain way for so long, it becomes your normal. You don’t feel like you have choices.


16. Jared, when will you have a child with Tate and what would you do if she/he would behave more like their mother and less like their father?

BOOK: Adrenaline: A Fall Away Series Bonus Content Collection
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