Read Addictive Lunacy Online

Authors: N. Isabelle Blanco

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic Fiction, #Erotic Romance, #Contemporary Romance, #older man younger woman, #dominant male

Addictive Lunacy (12 page)

BOOK: Addictive Lunacy
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“I...I...” Her voice stuttered and her huge eyes clashed with mine. The black framed glasses she was wearing only made it harder for me to stare at her.

I didn’t
realize that I was silent and staring intently. All I could do was watch while her cheeks blossomed with the most delicious shade of pink that I had ever seen. And just like that, I was hit with lustful curiosity. The tentative image of what she must’ve looked like naked.



“I...I’m sorry, Mr. Sorenson,” Demi’s voice was no more than a whisper, her small body trembling in front of mine.

Was she afraid of me? Could she really tell what was going through my mind?

Damn it, I must’ve disgusted her. The older perv who was lusting after her, wanting what he had no right to want.

But I did, I wanted her in a way that frightened and exhilarated me. I told myself to pull back. I was so close that
I could see my slight reflection in her lenses.  I could see the dark look in my blue eyes.

I managed to speak, hearing how heavy my voice was. “No, I’m the one who’s sorry.”

But still, I didn’t let her go.

I simply couldn’t.

And suddenly, my hands tightened and my fingers started caressing the soft skin I could feel. She was wearing a dark blue button down with short puffy sleeves. The material stretched too tight across her breasts and I swear I was amazed the buttons managed to hang on.

Are you as innocent as you seem?
I wanted to ask.
Do you have any idea what you do to me with those clothes? Do you do it on purpose? Do you do it to tempt others? Has someone else already shown you physical pleasure?

I wanted to demand. Knew I had no right.

I swallowed back the words, the unspoken questions burning me like acid.  However, there was one question that needed to
be asked.

It was probably not the best time considering I hadn't let her go and I was feeling up on her arms like the perv she had turned me into, but I couldn’t stop myself.

“Why are you always so shaky around me?”

Demitra’s little mouth fell open into an ‘O’ and, if possible, her eyes got wider. She didn’t seem to be blinking as she stared into my eyes. I watched her inhale, her movements still shaky, and her throat jumping.

The sight fixated me.
My hands tightened more, even though I was shooting commands at my body. I was telling it to let go of her, to step away from her.

My commands were being promptly overridden, especially when Demitra inhaled again and then nervously licked her lips. “Answer me,” I half-demanded, half-pleaded, actually taking a step closer to her.

“I...I can’t,” she whispered and God help me, I couldn’t have mistaken what I had seen:
the fact that her eyes had fallen to my lips.

My tone dropped an octave lower.  “Why not?” I wanted to soothe her, promise that I wouldn’t hurt her.

But it would all be lies.

If she so much as looked at my lips one more time, I was going to slam her against my desk and ruin a century of my family’s good reputation.

“Mr. Sorenson...I...”

“You used to call me Dorian,” I reminded her, pulling her an inch closer. She actually let me. This would be bad.


“You used to call me Demi.” This time it was her tone that dropped, the husky cadence of it sending small shudders through my body. 

I could tell that she was
still nervous but either I was on a testosterone overdose that was causing me to hallucinate, or there was heat reflected in her tone.  I could hear it as well as physically sense it.

“But that was all a long time ago,” Demitra elaborated.

I pulled her towards me. I didn’t mean to. It was like a knee-jerk reaction, I couldn't help it.
I pulled her to me, my body aching for a physical connection with her.  And with another small gasp, the girl stumbled, landing against my chest, her hands pressed to my racing heart.

We both froze but there was no mistaking that her chest was racing.

Her heart was beating just as hard as my own.

You’re probably scaring her, you fuck!

True. But I couldn’t pull away. My body was
starved for her and it had been more than three months since I had a woman
of her. Every time I came close to even inviting another woman to sleep with me, Demi’s image was there.

Haunting me.  Laughing at me.

“I’m sorry,” I heard myself repeat just as Demitra pushed herself up enough to raise her head and lock eyes mouth.

She was staring at my fucking mouth again.

I rasped, suddenly latching onto the back of her neck and holding her still.  “I’m so fucking sorry.” I dove for her mouth, screaming at myself to stop but knowing it was futile.


t all happened so fast. I pressed my lips to hers and raw, agonizing sensation exploded. Carnal sensations rose up and mixed with the sweetest and muskiest flavor I’d ever tasted. I heard an animalistic growl leave me as I all but swallowed her bottom lip, sucked it in and got lost in the juicy feeling of it.

As lost as I was in the sharp stabs of lust that were assaulting my lower abs and cock, I was still expecting her to pull back. Still expecting her to attack me, shove me away, hurt me and run screaming bloody-murder out of the office.

She didn’t.

Demitra was panting against my mouth and she hadn’t moved as I continued to suck her bottom lip. I grabbed it between my teeth, my hands now cupping her small face. I pulled back and bit slightly harder, then soothed where my teeth had just been with my tongue.

What happened next floored me and ensnared me.

Demitra finally moved, a harsh breath leaving her and sliding into me. Her small hands gripped my dress shirt and a sound left her that nearly pushed me to my knees. Next thing I knew, we were stumbling, I was pressing her against the desk, and one of her tiny hands had wrapped around my neck.

Lord help me, she brought me closer. And...her tongue. I felt her tongue.

“Demi.” I moaned biting her lower lip and using the hold I had on her jaw to coax her mouth open. That delicious sound left her mouth
again and she tilted her head, allowing me access and even sliding out her tongue to meet mine as it slid in.

This time my knees did jerk. I let go of her face and grabbed her hips hard, moaning into her mouth at the feel of her.

I’d been unwillingly fantasizing about her for months, touching her now was debilitating. I swirled my tongue around hers, my hands tightening and my fingers sliding an inch back. The curve of her ass called to me but a part of me was afraid to move too fast.

Hell, I was already going too fast. But again, she was allowing me to and her taste was sheer intoxication. The way her tongue slid against mine, the movements wet and slightly shy... 

“Fuck,” I gasped, realizing that while delicious, her movements seemed unpracticed.


I breathed deeply, nipping lightly at her bottom lip because I couldn’t bring myself to fully pull away. “Don’t...God, girl. Don’t tell me I just stole your first kiss.”

Demitra shook her head, her eyes focused on my mouth with an intensity that made me twitch. “No, I just haven’t...” then she pulled away, a look of embarrassment crossing her face. “Is it that obvious?” Her voice was small when she asked, her cheeks darkening and her stare dropping.

“What?” I replied, cupping her chin and forcing her to look back up at me. “What are you talking about?”

Demitra pulled her face away from me and adjusted her glasses in a move that made my cock impossibly harder. A move I’ve seen so many times over the last few months and one that got me every time.

“I’ve only been with one guy...for a little while...”


“Stop.” I actually growled, my vision flaring red at the images that her admission caused. My hips thrust into her and my hands became vicious. My chest was still vibrating with remnants of that growl as I pressed my lips to her jaw, exhaled roughly and tried to bring the irrational and unprecedented jealousy pounding through me under control.

Suddenly, my brain was twisting with curiosity that my dick was backing up. After all, he rationalized, we needed to know what we were getting into if we were going to get into it.

Jesus, I really am sick.

And hard. So hard and aching deep down in my bones. I was anxious to claim the little trembling body against me.

“Tell me,” I panted, my teeth grazing her jaw. The sound that left her was a bomb, made specifically to turn the walls of my control
into ash.  “How far have you gone?...Are you a virgin?”

I knew those questions were me taking it
far. I knew it was tactless of me to ask about her sexual history when we were nothing more than employee and employer. Old family acquaintances, at best.

I’d completely crossed the border of ‘sexual harassment’ and if she so choose, I was entering the territory of ‘attempted rape’.

Demi mumbled, tilting her head and giving me more access. “No. Only once. It was...painful. Short.”

“How old was that fucker?” I snapped, part of me enraged that someone could have access to her body and not treat it right.

Another part of me, I won’t lie, was thrilled as much as it was infuriated. Thrilled because my body was gung-ho to show her pleasure. Infuriated because someone else had the nerve to touch her
to pleasure her first.

“My age. It was around six months ago. Why?”

Her reply should’ve doused the fires eradicating my thought processes. The reminder of her age should’ve forced me away from her, but her skin was so mouth-watering that I couldn’t stop licking her.

I licked my way down her jaw. Nibbled. Kept going until I was forced to move her hair back so I could bite lightly at her ear.

“Oh, God.” Demi gasped her own mouth landing hot against my neck. “Dorian,” she moaned.

I choked, my name leaving her mouth like that -breathless, hot, and throaty- nearly bringing me to my knees.

She keened, her face looking like she was
in me. The sensation literally made me leak in my pants.

I hadn’t
been this hard in ages.

I’d thought that just looking and fantasizing about her had forced me back to teenaged hard-ons. But the fact that just tasting her and pressing against her has me about to come in my pants just
blew all that out of the water.

“Demi...I want you,” I finally admitted out loud, my hips rotating against her and pressing my cock into her stomach.

I could hear the desperation in my voice, the heavy breaths that were torturing my windpipe.

“God, Dorian. Kiss me.”

I obeyed. I fucking obeyed because I had no control left over myself and she was now in full command. I pulled back and slammed my lips onto her mouth, sliding my tongue right in and finding hers.


She tasted like pure sex and something sweet, something fruity, and I wanted nothing more than to fall to my knees and eat her.


Demi’s arms came around my neck, pulling me hard into her and every muscle in my body coiled tight.

I was primed.

More than ready.

I lost control of my hands. They slid down her back, the tiny curve of her waist making me groan into her mouth. I slid them lower, moaning when I felt the curve of her ass. I thrust my hips into her as soon as I had her ass cupped tightly in my hands. 

“You’re so sexy.” I could barely breath as I tongued her lips and tickled her tongue with my own.

“ I’m...”

“You’re what, baby?” I heard myself ask, but I already knew. She was arching into me, her back a delicious curve. Her legs moved restlessly, thighs clenching, and there was no mistaking the heavy lidded stare she was giving me.

I wanted the girl. Needed to be deep inside her
before I lost the last of my sanity.

“I’m achy...I...”

I didn’t let her finish. My tongue turned brutal, thrusting in and out of her mouth exactly like my dick was dying to thrust in and out of her little body. I was being wrecked just imagining how tight she
had to be.

She was so much smaller than me and there had only been one time before me...

I lifted her, heart thundering inside me and blood punishing my cock. I set her on the desk, thankful it was obnoxiously large and that my computer wasn’t in her way.

Demi let me have my way with her, leaning back and pulling me along with her. She spread her legs, causing her skirt to rise way above her knees.

BOOK: Addictive Lunacy
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