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Authors: Rika Lewis

Actions Speak Louder (3 page)

BOOK: Actions Speak Louder
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Ouch, Evander said as he chuckled even louder. I’m working on getting us back together. I think I’m wearing Arden down. All she keeps talking about is getting married and having a baby. I want that too but not until we settle this shit with the board members. I’ll be back at home soon though…I’m tired of staying at the cabin dude, that hour drive is killing me!

Just remember what I said Vander… family comes first no exceptions.

Look, who’s talking… practice what you preach Jax. You’re gone just as much as I am. We work together, club together and both of us has kept our women in the dark about a lot of shit we’re doing. So don’t tell me family comes first when you’re doing the same shit, besides they know just what to do to keep our asses in check.

“Yea, and what’s that I asked?”

“Taking the pussy away from us my boy… taking the pussy away.” There ain’t no other woman on this earth that cane make me leave Arden man. That woman has my ass wrapped around her damn finger.

“Yea, so does mine and I haven’t even gotten the pussy yet.” So what does that say about me?

Oh but you will, Sullen loves you she’s ain’t going anywhere and her birthday is in two days then we can work on getting our women back. Then you can tell the board members to kiss our ass and fire them all.

Evander was right, once I got the board members off my back my life would be a whole lot easier or so I hoped. I couldn’t wait to get deep inside Sullen, I knew how sweet she tasted and it would be fucking heaven once I was able to satisfy both our needs in the bedroom as well as out of it. I wanted Sullen barefoot and pregnant soon.  Hey, have talked to Arden today I asked?

No, she won’t answer my calls.

“Yea, same here I said, pissed.”  I’m going to shower and I’ll meet you at the club.

Bet that… see you there bro Vander groaned as he stood up and stretched.

I hung up and quickly dialed Sullen’s number again while walking to the shower but it went straight to voice mail again. Damn it! I hung up turned on the shower stepped under the spray quickly washed up then dressed and headed out to the club. I was tired as hell but since Sullen wasn’t home, I figured I might as well do something to keep my mind from going all caveman on Sullen for not answering her damn phone!

Sullen had done this before but not to this extent damn it! It was unlike her not to call or text at least a few times a day. Before I left I pulled up the tracking device on her car and saw that she was at the hotel. What in the hell was she doing at a hotel? I looked at my watch damn it I was going to be late. I knew she was mad as hell but I’ll be damned if I let her stay at a hotel and not in my bed especially without letting me know. When I was done at the club tonight, I was hauling her sweet ass back home where she belonged.


















Chapter Five


I pulled up to the club and as usual, the music was banging, and the place was live. Sullen and Arden would kick their ass if they really knew what kind of club Vander and I ran. Yes, we’re dominants, which was half the reason why I’d kept my hands off Sullen. I didn’t want her to know about what I was yet, let alone hurt her even more with my deep dark secrets. Before Sullen and I became official, I had indulged in a lot of sexual excursions. My uncles associate had turned Vander and I on to the bdsm lifestyle my first year in college. I’d dominated many women but never took one as a submissive. I hadn’t wanted to be tied down. Vander and I met Dizzle in New York during a business meeting that my uncle had asked us to attend with him. Afterwards we all had went out for drinks and somehow ended up at Dizzles BDSM club, soon after that Vander and I had ended up switching to a college in New York and worked at Dizzles club at night. Dizzle had taught us everything we need to know. Our parents had been pissed when they found out that we looked out for the women at the club while indulging in dark pleasures that my father liked to call Evil Sadism. Now, we mostly ran the club when Dizzle was out town, which was a lot, and step in to do demonstrations on occasions. Yea…Evander and I would eventually have to tell Sullen and Arden what we were doing eventually and pray that they wouldn’t kick their asses or worse… leave our sorry asses.

I walked into the camera room and sat down in the chair next to Vander. He was watching a demonstration on camera six. “What the hell is Slade doing I asked, chuckling?”

Vander yawned and said, doing a demonstration for some newbies. Blades is working Kat’s ass over ain’t he?

“Indeed he is I replied back.”

Oh and by the way Vander yawned again Dizzle is meeting with the crew as we speak when he’s done he’ll be in to speak with us and then we can get the up out of here, I’m tired as hell dude.

I feel you on that bro I grunted then leaned back in the chair to watch the show, trying not to think about Sullen at a damn hotel! I stared at the camera wishing that were me and Sullen.
Blade sent his lash across Kat’s ass CRACK!!!...Kat couldn’t hold back the scream as a strap of leather was lashed over her ass. Ahhh... Kat cried, the sting like nothing else. The instant burn she felt struck down deep into her pussy and within seconds the pain turned into a pleasurable throb…CRACK!!...This time a moan bubbled up from her throat – God help her, she loved it. She raised her ass inviting another harsh slap. Blades hand came down harder, his palm press into her ass to deepen the brutal caress. Kat was losing her Goddamn mind. Her pussy was sopping wet with each smack. Her nipples throbbed, their own pleasure. Blades fingers found her clit and rubbed hard and it was fucking over for her! She came in a gushing spray all over him and his hand. The crowd of onlookers clapped and cheered. Kat’s body sagged as she felt Blades assistants untie her. Blade picked her up and she curled into him as he carried her away.

Damn…Dizzle said from behind them, Blade tore her ass up didn’t he?

Vander and I looked nodded as Dizzle came around and took a seat.

All right let’s get down to it shall we. Dizzle slid them both a folder.

We opened it up and it was a deed to the club. We both jerked our heads up and stared at him. “What is this I said, wide eyed?”

It’s the deed to the club Dizzle grinned, it’s time I pass this club on to the both of you. I’m ready to settle down back in New York and to be honest I’m tired of traveling back and forth from here to there. You boys have showed me that you can handle the club without me and I feel like I can trust the both of you to do what’s right with the club. My wife wants me home more and I feel after years of running five different clubs it’s time to settle down. The meeting I just had with the crew was to let them know that the “New Owners” would talk to them in a few days about any rules or regulations that will change as far as how they want to run the club. Oh, I also gave them all a slight raise to lighten the blow. They all wanted to know who the new owners were of course but I kept that under wraps although I think they have a good idea of who it is.

Wholly shit I said surprised! “Are you fucking kidding me Diz?”

Do I look like I’m fucking kidding Dizzle chuckled. The club is yours if the both of you want it. Which I’m hoping it is.

It's one thing to buy a club, now we would really have to run it Vander replied! That’s a whole different ballgame.

Look Dizzle said, scrubbing his hands down his face, the first few days after you close on a business purchase will prove to be the most critical time. Hell, you boys should know this already due to the fact that you already own your own fucking businesses.

Yea, but this is a BSDM club Diz, the rules and regs are different from the corporate world I argued!

There are several key factors that if done right, will set the foundation for you boys success in this industry. It’s very important for you to lay out your plan for post-closing before you take over so to ensure the smoothest transition possible. My advice to the both of you is don't change anything yet, and don’t jump in full-steam ahead and implement to many changes either believe me I learned that the hard way. You two sit down for a few days and give it some thought first. Everyone here pretty much is down with ya’ll start running it, I don’t expect any downturn once ya’ll take over so you won’t have any problems there. I know ya’ll have had some great idea’s to change the clubs look so now’s your chance to spread your wings so to speak.

I looked at Vander then back at Diz, give us a few days to think about it okay? I’ve got some personal issues to deal with first before I take on this one. If my woman is down with it after I tell her about it then I’m in, if she’s not then I out because I won’t risk losing the woman I love over a club. Can you feel me on that bro?

I totally understand Axle. Handle your business and holler at me once you make up your mind. Diz looked at Vander and asked, “Do you feel the same the way your boy does?

Hell yea, Vander said, nodded his head. I won’t risk my girl kicking my ass for buying a club without her knowing about it. It’s bad enough that we haven’t told either one of them about what we do here so yea, we need some time to think about it.

All right then get at me once you’ve talked with your women Diz snickered I would hate for the both of you to become the subs in this situation although it would be funny as hell to see both women kick ya asses.

Vander and I both gave Diz the finger then stood up and left. Damn what a fucking day and it still wasn’t over because now I had to go grovel to my pissed off woman and beg her to come back home.  Fuck, just one more day until I could make her mine! He sent up a silent prayer asking the lord to have mercy on him.








Chapter Six


I was mentally tired and all I wanted to do was take a long hot bath and lay down when I arrived at the hotel. I wasn’t stupid I knew Jaxsin had a tracker on my car and he would be able to find me but I had teach him a lesson and if leaving would get his attention then so be it. This would be my last ditch effort to getting my man back.

I pulled up at the hotel, grabbed my bags and went to check in. I opened the door to the room and a sense of peace washed over me. It would be the first time in a year that I would go to bed and not have to worry about what time Jaxsin was coming in. I unpacked my bags and put everything in its place. I went into the bathroom turned on the shower shed my clothes and stepped in. I let the hot water run down my face and hair and it felt so damn good. I thought about Jaxsin and everything that he had said. Each word was pain to my heart. Tears started to stream down my face and I wondered if my parents were still alive what they would think if they saw me like this? I leaned against the shower wall and wrapped my arms around myself; I had loved Jaxsin for so long, even saved myself for him, I hadn’t wanted anyone else. I closed my eyes and thoughts of Jaxsin making love to Kyla ran through my mind. I turned and beat my fist against the shower wall and yelled out “Damn you Jaxsin, Damn you!” Taking a deep breath, I finished my shower dried off, slipped into a white plush robe, sat by the window, and stared out of it trying to figure out what in the hell did I do to deserve what was happening to me. Shaking my head I picked up the phone and called my best friend Arden to let her know what was going on. Arden’s boyfriend Evander and Jaxsin had been best friends since high school and so had Arden and I. Evander and Arden were having problems as well and Arden had put him out of their house. It seemed to be an epidemic of that going on. Arden’s cell phone rang a few times before she answered with a groggy sounding voice.

Hey, Arden said, “I thought you were sleeping in this morning?” 

I was but Jaxsin and I had some words this morning along with me catching him and Kyla at his office about to get it on. I packed my shit and left. I’m at a hotel for now.

What Arden said, jerking upright and throwing the covers back. Did you kick their asses…Please tell me you RKO’ed that bitch and dropped kicked Jax in his fucking face because that’s exactly what I would have done if that was Vander’s Ass! Why did you leave that big ass house Sullen and why the hell are you at a hotel? You know you could have come here and stayed with me!

My friend was damn fool; my mood immediately lightened a little as I laughed at Arden. She loved her some wrestling. No I didn’t do either one. You I are going through the same thing and I just felt like this was a last ditch effort to make Jaxsin wake the hell up and as far as staying with you when I know good and damn well you and Evander are still having sex with each other even though you’ve put him out. I would be a third wheel at your house and you know it.

Your just pissed because Jaxsin hasn’t sexed you up yet. Sullen did you ever think that he was trying to give you more time? As much as Jaxsin and I have our disagreements, I know loves you but damn what the fuck was thinking today? I never saw that coming!

I could say the same for you Arden. I know Evander loves you, but why can’t either one of them tell us why they come with home smelling like females every other night. I won’t be a doormat for Jaxsin anymore I’m tired of it, and I damn for sure didn’t expect to walk into his office to see Kyla’s skank ass kneeling in front of my man preparing to suck his dick!

BOOK: Actions Speak Louder
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