Absolution of Fate (Fate Series Book 3) (27 page)

BOOK: Absolution of Fate (Fate Series Book 3)
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“Returning them to their families is our only option. It’s the right thing to do and it will advance the human integration protocols by leaps and bounds, as will our victory here; but there is still the issue of Chloe’s blood. She could continue to live on the compound under the protection of The Elite, but she will always be a temptation for many, even those as noble as The Elite.”

“There is another solution,” Chloe said with an uncertain smile. “Asana had a vision. If I was to complete the mate bond, the power in my blood will be lost.”

“If that’s true, of course it would solve the problem; but it could be a great many years before you find your mate,” William replied.

Chloe’s eyes cut to Alexa, then Ethan who was already shaking his head. Chloe flashed away around the corner and returned with a rather nervous Kaleb in tow.

“She can’t be serious,” Ethan said in exasperation. Alexa placed a hand on his cheek. “My love, it would seem that fate has brought them together. You, of all people, should know better than to fight fate.”


“I’m gonna get you!” Chloe shouted as she ran around the corner. Little Jackson squealed with delight and fell down on the ground to be tickled, a desire his favorite babysitter happily obliged.

“Don’t let him wear you out too much,” Kaleb said, walking up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the side of her neck. “You’re going to need your energy when I get you home,” he whispered, running his nose up the edge of her ear.

“Knock it off, you two,” Rachel said, walking up from the main area of the compound with Cami.

“Mama,” Jackson said, running up to Rachel with his arms out. She scooped him up and tossed him up into the air, earning a fit of giggles in response.

“I can’t get over how much he looks like Jackson,” Cami said with a sad smile.

“I know, it almost makes me think twice about the concept of reincarnation,” she said, planting a big kiss on her son’s cheek as she tried to fight back the tears. It had been fifteen months since her twin brother had been killed in the battle at the Adam’s factory, but it never seemed to get any easier.

“Dada?” Jackson said, his tone asking a question he didn’t quite have the vocabulary for yet. “Dada is still at work, but he’ll be home soon.” Jackson squirmed in her arms to get down. “Oh, no you don’t,” she said, snatching him back up as he tried to make a run for it. “I keep telling the Commander that we need to fence off the family housing from the rest of the compound. Jackson has already figured out how to open doors. One of these days he’s going to sneak over there and get his mommy into big trouble with daddy,” she said, her voice melting down to baby talk by the end.

“I don’t know how you do it,” Cami said. “It’s great that they built the family housing so that you and Martinez didn’t have to live separately when he decided to stay; but you staying, too, with this little monster to chase around every minute you’re not running drills or helping with training…”

“It’s not so bad; Chloe is a huge help, especially when John and I need a little time alone,” she said with a wink.

“Yeah, speaking of time alone, I think your babysitter and her husband snuck off.”

“He better make it quick; Claesson is expecting him back to work with Jester on that presentation they’re giving with the humans next week.”

“Who’d better make what quick?” Alexa asked with a yawn as she waddled out into the garden.

“You don’t want to know,” Cami replied with a laugh. “I wish you would hurry up and let my nephews out of there already. You’ve looked like you’re ready to pop for at least two months.”

“Thanks, Cami. That’s what happens with twins, but I absolutely love hearing how huge I am,” Alexa replied, sticking her tongue out at her sister-in-law as she settled on a bench in the shade.

“Damnit, Cami, what did I tell you about teasing my beautiful wife?” Ethan challenged, coming up the path with Martinez and Jared. He didn’t wait for a response; instead he ran straight to Alexa and leaned down to kiss her as if no one was watching, while Jackson ran straight into his father’s arms.

“You know, sis, if you keep that up you’re going to spend the rest of your life waddling around in this garden,” Jared teased as he pulled Cami out of her seat and pressed a more family-friendly kiss to her lips.

“And what would be wrong with that? Have you ever seen a woman more beautiful than my wife is right now?” Ethan said, dropping to his knees to pepper Alexa’s belly with kisses.

“Seriously, it’s hard to be around you guys sometimes,” Jared said with a laugh.

“Pretty soon this will be you,” Alexa said pointing to Cami, “and then I’ll be the one laughing.”

“No way!” Cami said immediately. “We’ll leave it to all the rest of you to have the babies and maybe we’ll babysit once in a while if we need to be reminded of why we don’t want kids,” she teased. Alexa just smiled as she studied her brother’s face. Cami might have thought they were on the same page about not wanting children, but Jared’s eyes and thoughts told a very different story. At least he had a really, really long time to persuade her to change her mind.

“We should get going,” Jared said, taking Cami’s hand. “The new group of soldiers from the integration program are coming in soon and it’s our turn to do the tour.”

“Oh, yay,” Cami said sarcastically.

“Oh, come on; at least they’ve all started to get past being star-struck every time they see a confirmed vampire.”

“Yes, if I had one more person ask to see my fangs I was going to end up using them,” Cami said in irritation as they walked away.

“Hey, your dad will be here at seven for my check up; will you be back in time to see him? I think your mom is coming, too,” Alexa called after them.

“Sure, we’ll make it back,” Jared answered over his shoulder.

“We should head inside, too,” Rachel said softly. “Someone is overdue for his nap.” Martinez turned to reveal Jackson’s sleeping face lying against his shoulder.

Alexa smiled and waved as the family made their way to their cottage.

“So, Amor, how are you and my sons feeling today?” Ethan asked, sliding onto the bench to sit beside her ,while keeping one hand resting on her stomach.

“We feel amazing, Mr. Kellar. I don’t think life could be any better than it is right now.”

“I have to disagree with you. I know that it can be,” he said, his tone serious as he ran his finger down her cheek. She looked at him curiously, wondering where he was going with that. “Every day I get with you is better than the last,” he added with a wide grin that earned him a long kiss.

Alexa pulled back and looked up into his eyes that were staring back at her with so much love and admiration. In such a short time, they’d been through hell and back, through sickness and health, and were even parted by death; yet there they were, together and stronger than ever. As she’d moved aimlessly through her lonely human life, Alexa had always believed that fate was working against her, but in the end, with her new life full of love, family, and happiness, it seemed that fate had always been on her side.

The Fate Series

Choices of Fate - Book 1 -

Redemption of Fate - Book 2 -

Absolution of Fate - Book 3 -

The Complete Fate Series Box Set -

For more information on titles by S. Simone Chavous please visit


About the Author


S. Simone Chavous spent seven years as a tax accountant before deciding to pursue her true passion as an author. She lives in northern Indiana with her boyfriend, two beautiful daughters, and their rambunctious vizsla, Lily.

To learn more about S. Simone, please visit:


or connect with her on Facebook at


BOOK: Absolution of Fate (Fate Series Book 3)
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