Abandoned (Book Two of the Castle Coven Series): A Witch and Warlock Romance Novel (7 page)

BOOK: Abandoned (Book Two of the Castle Coven Series): A Witch and Warlock Romance Novel
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“Yes, yes please. I want more.”

“There’s a condom in the chest in front of you. I want you to go get it.”

It was only a couple of feet in front of her. She didn’t stand up. Instead she crawled to it, feeling decadently sexual, exhilarated to be following his orders. When she returned with the condom, he stroked her face in approval, making her purr.

“Put it on me.”

Piers was the master of the Castle. She could hear the command in his voice, and it thrilled her. This was the man who had created a fortress for her, something that was meant to keep her safe. She felt a tide of feeling wash over her. She wanted him, was half crazy with it.

She tore the foil package and carefully extracted the condom. Pinching the tip, she drew the slippery skin down his cock. It gave her a chance to feel that hard flesh leap in her hands. When she smoothed the condom all the way down, she squeezed the shaft briefly. It made Piers groan before catching up her hand.

“Tell me that you want this,” he murmured, his dark eyes fierce.

“I do.”

Her voice was soft and needy. She did want him. She thought she might die of wanting him.

“All right then. I want you as you were before. Down in front of me, facing away.”

She leaped to comply, assuming the position he had described. Once again, she felt exposed, more naked than she had a moment before, but then his hands were between her legs again. Instead of lapping at her as he had, he slowly slid one finger into her sex, pumping it back and forth until she thought she would go mad.

Hailey mewled with need, rocking back against his fingers.

“Impatient sweetheart,” he muttered. Nothing would make him speed up.

When she felt his cock brush against the back of her bare thigh, she whined. She didn’t understand why he was denying her, why he was waiting.

His hands smoothed down her sides and her back again, and this time, he grasped her hips firmly with his hands. Hailey held her breath when he brushed the length of his cock along her slit. It was hard and blunt. Even with the condom in place, she could feel how hot his skin was.

“Please,” she whimpered brokenly. “I need more.”

His hiss was gratifying. It told her that despite his iron control, he was as aroused as she was, and he took one hand from her hip to wrap it around his cock. Slowly, she felt the large head part her sex. It was broad enough that she felt a momentary sting, but even that sensation was wrapped with the pleasure he was giving her. He moved slowly, and by the time he was fully seated inside her, she was arching and mewling for more. When he filled her, there was something right about it.

“You’re awfully loud,” he said teasingly. “Do you want more?”

“Yes…yes, I do, give it to me!”

“You didn’t say please, sweetheart. Do you know what happens to pretty women who don’t say please?”

She gasped as he thrust into her.

“I don’t know,” she responded when she found her voice.

“A lot of different things,” was the response. “Sometimes, they get scolded. Sometimes I stop because its obvious they’re being ungrateful. Sometimes they get spanked.”

Hailey’s whine was immediate and insistent, but he stroked her back comfortingly.

“I wouldn’t do that without talking to you about it.”

“About the spanking?”

Something about the position, about being so exposed, about having her ass up so that anyone could see, turned her on. Even simply talking about it with someone like Piers felt electric. She rolled her hips, making Piers hiss.

“Well, you know, good girls and bad girls get spankings. If you want, I could show you.”

Hailey bit her lip, and then nodded.

“I… Will it hurt?”

“No, I promise. If you want it to stop, simply say the word no. Otherwise, I will continue to do exactly as I please. Remember that whimpering and sobbing won’t stop me; only saying no will.”

Hailey nodded into her forearms. She couldn’t help lifting her rear a little higher. Being this open and ready for him was amazing. Knowing she was going to get her first spanking was even more incredible.

The first blow was nearly a pat on her rear. There was no strength to it, and Hailey realized that Piers was simply warming up and testing her. She spread her legs a little more widely, something that made her a little more stable.

The second strike was harder, and the third one was harder yet. He was right. When the blows were still as light as they were and with Piers’s restraint, there was absolutely no pain at all. Instead her rear got warmer as he peppered it with soft spanks.

He paused, and when she turned to look over her shoulder, there was a fierce grin on his face.

“This is making you wetter,” he told her, and she clenched his cock with her inner muscles.

He had stayed hard throughout her spanking. Now he started to move again. The long strokes took her breath away. They rocked back and forth against each other.

Hailey felt the slow sinking in her belly that told her an orgasm was building inside her. She didn’t want this experience to be over, but with a soft sigh, she gave up the last bit of her control. She felt her thighs tremble and the pit of her belly grow warm and tense.

“I want you to come,” Piers murmured, low and urgent, and that was it.

Her orgasm rolled through her body like a wave through the ocean. There was something inevitable about it. She knew that her body and her pleasure had been worked beyond her control, and that was what it took for her to a reach a kind of pleasure she had never felt before. The power of her climax left her shaking and clenching. Distantly, she was aware that Piers was thrusting into her harder and harder, his hands tight on her slender hips.

He’s holding me in place,
she thought dreamily, and her body convulsed again.

Her climax left her replete, drained. She sank down on the ground, the only thing holding her up were his hands. She realized he was talking. He was telling her how beautiful she was, how good she felt around his cock.

Her climax was done but there was a certain intense kind of pleasure to this as well. There was something amazing about the way he slid inside her, the way he filled her completely. She concentrated on squeezing her inner muscles around his cock, gratified to hear him moan.

Piers’s thrusts picked up in intensity until he was nearly shoving her forward, and then with a deep groan, he thrust into her one last time. It was primal, and in a way, it was a kind of sex that some part of her had always craved.

Slowly, he drew back from her, settling her on her side on the ground as she did so. Hailey murmured with pleasure when he stroked her back soothingly, long slow touches that made her smile. She could hear him disposing of the condom before he came back to her side.

“Sweetheart, will you come here? It’s a bit softer.”

He had pulled a thin foam mattress from the depths of the chest, and spread it out. It was just large enough for the two of them if they cuddled close. Making a soft, pleased sound, Hailey burrowed close to Piers’s chest.

“How are you doing? Do you need some water?”

Hailey laughed softly.

“What funny questions to ask.”

“Not funny at all. That got a little intense there, and I wanted to make sure that you were comfortable with all of it.”

Hailey looked up at him, squinting just a little.

“You’re really worried.”

“Hmm, maybe a little bit. A lot of what we did usually requires at least a quick talk before.”

Hailey grinned smugly.

“Well, consider me a quick study then.”

Piers’s laugh was soft, but it had a slight degree of menace that made her shiver.

“What happens when you’ve got a gag in your mouth? What happens if I want you to service me?”

“Then I guess we talk about it,” she murmured, burying her burning face in Piers’s chest.

“What a very good idea.”

Hailey yawned, so much more tired than she had been after a simple flight. Piers cupped the back of her head with his broad hand.

“You need to get some sleep. If you bed down now, perhaps you’ll catch up with the rest of us.”

Hailey nodded her agreement, and before she knew it, she was nodding off.


IN THE FOREST far below, the thing paced with trackless, barbed feet. It could smell prey above, but it could not catch it, not today. They were nested high above, and it was on foot. Perhaps it would not always be such. Perhaps it would not always be confined as it was.

The thing reared up anyway, and the ancient weight of the pine tree shook under its bulk. It sniffed delicately. There was fear in the pine. Something distant and old. The animals had long since fled the immediate area, dreading the thing’s smell and its power. All that was left were the trees, which were rooted in place. Plants communicated with each other however, releasing simple pheromones that translated to even simpler messages.

The thing was an expert at fear, and these woods were afraid.

The thing dropped to the ground again. There were other scents in the forest. There were other things that could be found. Could be taken, could be eaten. The thing’s head came up to sniff the night air.

The body that it inhabited was that of a bear, a large and shaggy grizzly that had recently been delivered of a pair of pink naked cubs. The cubs were dead. Though the bear’s heart still beat, the warm memories of those cubs, of milk, of the darkness of the den, were only shadows haunting the domed skull.

There was a fresh scent on the air, and the thing cataloged the information that the bear brain gave it. There was fire and metal. There was the smell of meat being cooked. There was the smell of a man’s body. There was something else that the bear had no name and no use for, but the thing knew it quite well indeed.

It was hate.

The bear’s face could not grin, but the thing made it do so anyway.

Perhaps there would be better quarry than the bear today. Perhaps not all the prey would be so clever to hide in tall nests.

Dropping down to four rotting paws, the thing lumbered into the night, each step cursing the ground as it went.


IT WASN’T A natural darkness. Hailey knew that right away. If it were natural, her eyes would eventually have adjusted, eventually sought out the barest bits of light in order to see. As it was, her sight never adjusted. She had to wander through the endless night with her hands in front of her.

There was something in the darkness with her. She knew it was there. Sometimes she could hear it breathing, and sometimes, she swore she heard it
It was somewhere behind her, then somewhere in front of her, and she knew that it was searching for her.

She could feel that old panic rise up in the back of her throat. She had been afraid before. She had been taken by a Templar that wanted nothing more than her pain and her destruction. Her hand went to her side. She knew what it was like to be afraid, but this felt like more than that. This felt like a world-ending terror. This felt like the last moments of a prey animal’s life.

She couldn’t even turn to face the thing that was hunting her. It had no name, and it had no face. There was just that sense of fury and rage. Hailey knew she had to get away from it. She was running now, terrified she would trip. She did stumble, but every time she managed to catch herself. But every time she slowed, she could feel the thing chasing her get closer.

Suddenly, her grasping hand found a door handle. When she turned it, Hailey fell forward through the open door. She slammed the door just in time to halt the slavering, burning thing behind her. Now she could breathe. For several long minutes, she knelt at the doorway, grateful to have its thickness between her and the thing pursuing her.

When she had caught her breath, she could look around at her surroundings. She realized that she was in a stone room. Behind her was the flickering of a torch. She turned around, letting her eyes adjust to the light, and then she gasped.

The room was barely larger than a cell, and directly behind her was a man chained to the wall. He was naked, and from the bruises and welts that covered his body, it was obvious that he had been badly beaten. He was an enormous man with a thatch of midnight black hair. When he lifted his face to look at her, he had the bluest eyes she had ever seen.

“Oh Kieran,” she whispered, and she fell down by his side.

To her grief, he turned his head from her. When she tentatively laid her hand against his cheek, he flinched.

“Kieran, look at me please?” Finally, moving so slowly and crookedly that she was afraid that something was broken, he turned. She cradled his face. “What are you doing here, love?”

“You…forgot me.”

Hailey sat up straight, the covers falling down around her. She couldn’t tell how long she had slept. She couldn’t tell where she was, but the words from her dream followed her into the waking world. Like a ghostly hitchhiker, they clung to her, rolling around in her head until she thought she was going to scream.

You forgot me.

You forgot me.

You forgot me.

She was only aware that she was crying when tears started running down her cheeks. She was breathing hard, her breath coming in silent gasps. She knew that if she continued like this that she was going to hyperventilate, so she slowed herself as much as she could.

Hailey told herself that she hadn’t forgotten Kieran. She hadn’t. How could she forget someone who was so important to her? How could she forget the man who had seen her for what she was? More than anyone else in the world, he had changed her mind about what she could do, what she was capable of. He had touched her without fear. He had been the first to do so while completely aware of her powers.

BOOK: Abandoned (Book Two of the Castle Coven Series): A Witch and Warlock Romance Novel
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