Read A Very Lusty Christmas Online

Authors: Cara Covington

Tags: #Romance

A Very Lusty Christmas (18 page)

BOOK: A Very Lusty Christmas
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It hadn’t taken a great deal of thought on her part, however, to understand that Miranda had likely said something about the latest letter Kate’s mother sent. Truthfully, had her new friend not shown up just as Kate was reading that letter, she likely never would have told her about it. Kate had grown accustomed to the way her mother thought and behaved, but on this particular occasion, Kate had been furious. Miranda had arrived just as Kate had needed to vent.

Her mother’s words had both hurt and offended her. As far as Kate was concerned, Mildred Wesley’s attitudes were outdated and lacked any evidence of a mother’s love.

Kate pulled herself out of her unpleasant thoughts and smiled at the Benedicts who’d come to spell her. The truth was, she
sleep better knowing others were here and alert. So far there’d only been a couple of instances of men awaking in the night in screams—nightmares were not uncommon for men returning from battle and they could be devastating. Since none of her patients were considered “acute” care, there shouldn’t be any medical emergencies in the wee hours—but if there were she could, of course, be awakened.

Still, it was good to know there were others at hand to help share in the burden of care.

But she’d forgotten to tell her men about this development.

“You’re exhausted,” Rose said now. She reached out and hugged Kate, something the women of all the families seemed to do often. “Off you go. And you’re to sleep in tomorrow, young lady. You haven’t truly had a day off since your patients arrived. You’re to have one tomorrow. Sarah’s orders. You know the boys are here on a forty-eight-hour leave, so you can spend the day with them, if you’ve a mind to.”

The twinkle in Rose’s eyes alerted Kate to the fact the woman knew very well that she’d be spending the night with her nephews.

Kate felt her cheeks burn. “Thank you, Rose.”

“Sweetheart, time is
short for y’all. Now go. James and I have everything under control here.”

James, in fact, had excused himself to go to the kitchen a few minutes before, leaving the two women alone—likely, Kate thought, so that Rose could deliver her edict.

“Off with you, now.” Rose smiled, then winked, and turned to follow her husband’s path.

Kate’s hands flew to her cheeks, hoping to cool the fires burning there. She wondered if those two Benedicts who should, by now, be waiting for her in her bedroom knew about their family’s machinations.

She didn’t really get a chance to ask them, because the moment she stepped into her bedroom, Patrick hauled her into his arms.

“Katie. My angel.” He lowered his mouth to hers and she was lost. The heat from his body and the passion of his kiss wiped every concern from her mind. She wound her arms around his neck, and returned his kiss full measure.

The slide of his lips on hers and the dancing of their tongues drew her into a sanctuary of sensation. Arousal bloomed, and she felt her nipples harden and her sex become damp.

“Oh, God.” Kate clung to him when he lifted his lips from hers. She couldn’t believe how much she’d missed them, and how much she’d really needed them in the last month.

“Come here, love.”

Gerald turned her into his embrace. He gathered her in so completely, that Kate felt sheltered and safe and cosseted all at the same time. Patrick pressed against her back, enclosing her between them.
. Yes, that was exactly what they were. They were connected, together…whole.

Gerald lifted her chin with his hand, and his gaze communicated his emotions far better than words ever could.

“Sweet Kate, you’re the most fascinating, arousing, and desirable woman in the world. How did we ever get through a single day without you?”

“I feel the same way about the two of you. I never needed before I met you, and now I can’t imagine not having you.” Tears threatened, and Kate blinked them away, and then turned her head to look at Patrick. “I can’t imagine doing without
of you.”

“We won’t ask you, not yet. But we want you to think about staying here, with us.” Gerald bent close and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

“We want you to think about staying with us,” Patrick said. “Nothing would make us happier than to call you wife. Don’t answer yet, baby. Just think about it.”

Kate reached up and caressed both men’s faces. “That could be a problem. I would have to resign from the army—and from nursing—in order to marry you.”

She could see by their expressions neither of her lovers had known that. So she explained, and felt her spirits soar when both men became incensed over those particular rules.

“Of all the asinine, shortsighted…” Gerald obviously couldn’t or wouldn’t find words to finish that sentiment.

“Darling, I think being raised in Lusty has spoiled you to the way things should be as opposed to the way things are,” Kate said.

“You’re right, love.” Gerald sighed. “Then we’ll wait to ask you officially until after this damned war. We both know how much your work here means to you, and we would never dream of asking you to choose.” He ran his hands over her shoulders and down her arms. “In our hearts, you’ve been ours since that first night in Washington. In our hearts, you’re our wife already.” Gerald shook his head, and then cupped her face with both hands. He used his thumbs to caress her cheeks as his gaze met and held hers. “I can no longer wait. I have to tell you
. I love you. There were times over the past couple of years when I despaired of ever finding you. But here you are, and I don’t want to waste a single minute, not a single opportunity to tell you. I love you, Katherine Wesley. And that’s forever.”

“I love you, too.” Without taking her gaze from Gerald’s, she reached her hand toward Patrick. When that man took her hand, she drew him closer, so that the three of them formed a single unit—together. “I love you both and I don’t know how that happened to me. But it has happened, and I’m not one to deny my emotions, or my thoughts.” She looked over her shoulder at Patrick.

“I love you, Katie, and yes, forever
just be long enough.” Patrick’s voice shook with emotion.

“It better be forever,” Kate said, “or you’ll answer to me.”

Both men chuckled at that. Kate understood so much more and so much better than she had that first night. She knew, now, that falling in love at first sight seemed to be a trait for the men of the Benedict family. It had taken her longer, but she knew she loved them no less than they loved her. “I’m yours, and you’re mine. Now why don’t you two majors
take me to bed?” Kate didn’t care if they thought her the shameless hoyden her mother had always inferred her to be. She wanted their hands on her, not to mention their mouths and their cocks.

“Why don’t we?” Gerald reached for the buttons on her uniform shirt and began to open them. His smile turned somber. “I’ve
for you, Kate.”

She felt his hands tremble, and wondered if maybe it wasn’t just herself who was shaking with need. But then he stopped and cupped her face. His thumbs stroked her cheeks once more.

“I was afraid today, Kate. I saw that smoke billowing out from the engine of my plane, and I felt the damn machine fighting me, and I was afraid that now that I finally had someone to live for, I wouldn’t be allowed to.”

“My darling.” Kate stretched up and gently kissed Gerald’s lips. She would likely never tell him of the fear that had clutched her belly earlier as he’d told her about that crisis. He didn’t need her fears. He needed her faith. “I love you. And I know, beyond doubt, that we’ll have many, many years together, the three of us. We’ll share children, and grandchildren, and grow old together.”

“Is that right?” His smile did things to her she couldn’t explain. She matched it, and felt more than saw Patrick smiling, too.

“That is right, we will,” she said, “or there’ll be hell to pay.”

“God, Kate. You’re such a fierce little thing, but I wouldn’t change you for the world.” He bent down and kissed her, a hard, fast, full-tongue caress that ended after only an instant. “I need you naked, woman.

“I’m not stopping you from achieving that goal.” She wasn’t playing games, but she loved the way these men undressed her.

“Vixen.” Gerald made quick work of finishing the chore of opening her buttons.

Patrick pulled the shirt from her, and Gerald very quickly swept her vest up and away. She wondered if she hadn’t raised her arms so quickly if he would have torn the thin garment from her.
Judging from the heat I see in his eyes, very likely he would have.

When the back clasp of her bra released, Gerald plucked it from her, and cupped her breasts in his palms.

“Your breasts as so pretty, Kate.” He lifted them and stroked his thumbs over her nipples. “Do you like it when we suck on your nipples?” He lowered his head and began to do just that.

“Oh, yes!” It felt as if a wire of pure, thrilling arousal ran from her nipple to her clitoris. She could have sworn that tiny little nerve center above her pussy throbbed in time with each draw of Gerald’s mouth. She arched her back, and Patrick nuzzled her, turned her head toward him, and laid his lips on hers.

She drank from Patrick, her tongue sliding and twining with his. The flavor of the coffee he must have enjoyed earlier became hers. She sipped his essence, and steeped herself in the heat of both lovers. They held her between them, their mouths on her, and they worked together to strip the remainder of the clothes from her body.

“You, too, please.” She’d weaned her lips from Patrick’s, and stroked a hand across Gerald’s head. He released her nipple and looked up, meeting her gaze. She stepped from between them. “I need you both naked, too.”

Here in this wonderful sanctuary, with only a small bedside lamp glowing, Kate felt a sense of being in an almost magical place. Here, the world contained only the three of them. There was no war, and there were no worries.

There was just this moment, just this
moment, and these incredibly special men.

Feeling free and daring, Kate took herself to the bed, grabbed the top of the counterpane and the blanket beneath it, and jerked them down to the foot of the bed.

She turned and smiled because her men just stood there, watching her—drinking in the sight of her nude body. So she gave them something more to look at. She crawled onto the bed and arranged herself on it, with her head resting on her hand, and her legs slightly parted. Their gazes shot straight to her pussy, the looks on their faces rapt.

“Hurry, please.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Patrick grinned and began to open the buttons of his shirt.

Gerald, too, set to work and Kate thoroughly enjoyed watching the brothers strip. “Miranda told me that her husbands are sometimes both inside her body at the same time. I had never heard of such a thing, but apparently, it is possible.”

Gerald froze for just a moment while Patrick seemed to jolt at that bit of information. The brothers looked at each other, and then resumed undressing.

“Yes, sweet Kate. There are actually two ways you can have us both inside you at the same time. The first, I believe you will recall, we already accomplished, when you sucked my cock while Patrick fucked your cunt. But that’s not what you’re referring to, is it, sweetheart?”

Kate’s heart hammered in her chest, and she felt certain that she was so wet between her legs that they couldn’t help but see her juices dripping from her. Had she thought to get them hot and bothered with her daring talk? Clearly she was a rank amateur compared to them. Gerald had just upped the ante. Was she going to see him, or raise him?

She felt parched, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her. She licked her lips and said, “No, I was talking about having one of your cocks in my cunt and the other in my ass.”

Gerald’s eyes glittered and he nodded, his approval plain on his face. “Good girl. There’s no such thing as a taboo subject between us, woman. We will always want you to tell us what you want, or ask anything, anything at all.”

“Is that what you want, baby? Do you want to have us both fucking you at the same time?”

“Yes. I…I never knew that people did such a thing, but as soon as she told me about it, as soon as I began to envision the three of us…I knew that’s what I wanted. It would be the ultimate joining, wouldn’t it? It would be like we were

“It would, love.” Naked, Gerald came to her, stretched out on her right side.

Patrick joined them on the bed, lying close to her on her left. “It’s something we have to work toward, baby. We have to stretch your anus so that you can take our cocks, first, and fuck you that way a few times before we can both be inside you at the same time.”

“No, I want that tonight. I want to be connected that way to you both tonight.
.” She met each of her lovers’ gazes in turn, willing for them to see in her eyes how very serious she was.

Gerald stroked the side of her face. She turned to him and he held her chin with his right hand. “Sweetheart, you understand that what you’re asking us to do might prove difficult for us? Even if we had the time to prepare you properly, taking a cock anally is going to hurt you. Without sufficient preparation, it may hurt you a
.” Gerald placed a sweet kiss on her lips. “Hurting you is something neither of us wants to do,

BOOK: A Very Lusty Christmas
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