A Very Corporate Affair Book 2 (The Corporate Series) (17 page)

BOOK: A Very Corporate Affair Book 2 (The Corporate Series)
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        "I'll drink to that," he said, touching the edge of his glass to mine. I took a long sip of the champagne, and watched as Ivan dipped his finger in his, and let Tania lick it clean. "I know they shouldn't have alcohol, but she loves champagne." He turned to the dogs, "You're just a good time girl aren't you?" He said to Tania in his 'daddy' voice. She wagged her tail happily, her jealousy at Bella being on his lap temporarily assuaged.

         The flight to Nice took just under two hours. Ivan was uptight all the way, although I thought he hid it quite well. He told me about the villa, which he had bought about five years ago, and the village it was in, called Saint-John-Cap-Ferrat. I could tell he was excited at showing it to me. He told me he only ever managed two weeks there at a time, and his goal was to be able to spend a whole summer out there one day, when he wasn't so intent on building up his companies.

       He tensed as we began our descent into Nice airport, clinging onto my hand as if it was a life raft. He closed his eyes as we touched down, and I could see the sheen of sweat on his upper lip. Even his hands were shaking slightly. When we taxied to a halt, the tension seemed to leave his body. It was an extraordinary transformation from shuddering wreck back to my confident and assured Ivan.

      "That wasn't as bad as normal. Maybe because you're with me," he said, smiling widely. I wanted to laugh. If that was him 'not too bad', I wondered what he was like during a storm or turbulence.

       A Mercedes ML met us, and we were quickly whisked away. Ivan explained that the villa was only 16 kilometres from the airport, so it wouldn't take us long. He had shed his jacket and tie on the plane, and looked totally relaxed already. The Mercedes was air conditioned, which was a welcome respite from the blazing heat. The dogs sat between us as we drove along the coast road, the Cote D'Azure shimmering beside us, looking unbelievably inviting.

     Eventually, we pulled up at a set of gates on the other side of a pretty little town. Our driver wound down the window, and spoke to the guard on duty in what sounded like Russian. He went into a small hut, and the gates swung open. We drove on, through lush gardens, towards a sparkling white and taupe villa perched on the side of the hill. "It's beautiful," I breathed. Ivan smiled at me.

     "Glad you like it. I love it here. It's very private, but there are some great places nearby to visit." We stopped outside a large front door, which was already open, with Mrs Ballard waiting to welcome us.

     "Jo, I didn't know you'd be here." I was pleased to see her, knowing she would have taken care of the 'no luggage' thing perfectly.

     "I've been here a few days getting the place ready for you. Lovely to see you here. I hope you enjoy your stay." She took the two dogs from Ivan, and unclipped their leads. They immediately raced into the house. The entrance hall was extremely grand, with a stone staircase sweeping up in the centre. The walls were painted cream, and the furnishings were modern and stylish. It looked like something out of a interiors magazine. Ivan led me through to the large living area, past uber contemporary sectional sofas, and out to the terrace and pool. As the back of the property was effectively carved into the mountain, the view was stunning. An unbroken view of the sea in front, and the coastal villages to each side. The pool merged with the sea, making it look as though it was all one.

     "Infinity pool," said Ivan, as though he was reading my mind, "cool isn't it?"

     "Very. This whole place is gorgeous."

     "Like you. Come, let's shower." Ivan led me upstairs, and into the master bedroom, which was decorated in shades of white and pale grey. I checked the closet, and Jo had indeed done me proud with some pretty floaty dresses, a selection of bikinis, as well as shorts, vests and tops. There was way more than I needed for just two days. I closed the door, and followed Ivan into the bathroom, only to find Bella and Tania stretched out on the cool stone floor. "Go find Jo," Ivan said to them, shooing them out, "you can't watch daddy shower." Rather reluctantly they sloped off, looking a little disgruntled. Ivan switched on the jets in the wet area.

     "You know, I can't actually believe you're here, and about to get naked and wet with me," he purred, "I've thought about nothing else for the past three days." He unzipped my dress, and planted little kisses on my shoulder as he peeled it off me, before unclipping my bra, letting everything fall to the floor. He caressed my breasts briefly before hooking his thumbs into the waistband of my knickers, and sliding them down my legs. I turned to face him, and began to undo the little buttons of his shirt. Impatient, he undid his trousers himself, and kicked his shoes, socks and the rest of his clothes off quickly. Finally we were both gloriously nude.

      We stood under the giant shower head, washing the stickiness of the day away together. I shampooed Ivan's hair, and washed him all over, massaging the tension of the flight out of him. As I moved to wash his legs, his erection twitched in front of my face. I caught it between my lips, and swirled my tongue over the taut skin of the tip. Ivan groaned.

      "I feel like I'm on a hair trigger Elle, I might not last too long."

     "That's fine," I said before turning my attention to his balls, kissing and licking them gently. I glanced up to see Ivan watching me intently, his eyes filled with pure lust. I ran my tongue slowly over the silky smooth shaft of his dick, teasing it by avoiding the sensitive tip.

      "Oh god Elle, that feels so good," he gasped. I cupped his balls with the palm of my hand, rubbing my index finger gently and rhythmically over his perineum. At the same time, I took his cock deep into my mouth, and with my other hand holding the shaft, licked and sucked the wide crest. His voice sounded almost panicked as he garbled, "Elle I'm gonna come, baby I'll end up coming in your mouth, Elle, Elle, now," before he spurted hotly into my mouth. I didn't miss a beat, swallowing every drop he could give me. I watched his beautiful face as he came, from the moment of panic about coming in my mouth, to the moment of vulnerability as he let go, and found his release.

      He pulled me up onto my feet, and wrapped me in a tight embrace. "That was so damn good it should be illegal. Now, your turn." He grabbed the shampoo and squirted some in his hand, before lathering up my hair, massaging my scalp with his strong hands. I stood under the water to rinse, and he poured some expensively scented shower gel into hands, rubbing them together to create a lather. He washed every inch of my body, caressing and kneading me all over, in a sensual assault. Just his touch alone was enough to make me feel wanton and horny. "I want you on the bed, not standing up in the shower," he muttered. He shut off the shower, and grabbed a large towel. He wrapped it round me, and quickly dried me off, before towelling my hair, and finally, himself.

      In the bedroom, he yanked the covers off the bed, and pushed me down onto the mattress, pulling my legs apart. Within seconds, he was kissing and licking me intimately, sucking lightly on my clit. His warm hand stroked its way up my body to tease a nipple, and caress my breast. When he inserted two fingers inside me, I arched off the bed, my orgasm beginning to brew. "Please, I need to feel you inside me," I begged. I wanted to feel his big cock stretching me. He climbed up my body, and carefully nudged inside me.

      "Oh god, you feel amazing, it feels so different," he gasped, as he began to move at a deliciously slow pace. He propped himself up on one hand, and with the other, reached between us to play with my clitoris. The combination of his cock rubbing my g spot and his fingers flicking my clit, caused an enormous orgasm that took over my entire body. I cried out as I came, and could only lay helpless as I pulsed around his cock.

         He began to pump hard, hammering into me, causing my orgasm to go on and on, making me so horny, that all it took was his hot mouth around my nipple to launch me into another shattering climax. He watched me intently as I came, his laser eyes boring into me, as if he was trying to see inside me. As my orgasm began to subside, he pressed in deep, and let go, giving me a fleeting glimpse of his vulnerability as he poured himself into me.

       He collapsed onto his elbows as he recovered, and kissed me deeply, before lifting his head up to gaze into my eyes. "We are so good together, don't you think?" Ivan whispered.

      "Definitely," I replied, smiling at him. "So was it different without the condom?"

      "Oh god, yeah. I'm spoilt for life now," he said, smiling widely, before pulling out of me. He grabbed some tissues from the bedside table and gently dried me off in an intimate and tender gesture. Satisfied, he lay down beside me, and pulled me into an embrace. His body felt soft and warm, his strong arms, safe and secure as they held me tightly to his chest.

    "I will make you love me Elle, I promise," he murmured, "I will be the man you fall in love with. I just hope that you will love me as much as I love you, because I love you with every fibre in my body."

     I pondered his words. I felt a closeness to Ivan that I'd never had with anyone else, as if we were kindred spirits. I loved how he made love, seemingly totally in sync with my body, riding my orgasms as though they were his own. I loved his complexity, and his sudden, and unexpected vulnerabilities.
I love him. Bugger.

    "I think I'm in love with you too. It scares me," I blurted out. He pulled away to scan my face.

    "Baby, don't ever let it scare you. What we have, we should enjoy. We have to grab this happiness and hold onto it." He smiled tentatively at me. I smiled back, and kissed the tip of his nose.   "Now, what do you say we get dressed, and go out to eat? There's the most fabulous little restaurant just on the way to the village."

     "That sounds wonderful."

























Chapter 13






       We drove down to a tiny little restaurant, hidden off a small courtyard. Ivan was relaxed enough to let his security wait outside. The owner was a smiley, and rather rotund Frenchman called Pierre. He seemed to know Ivan quite well, and recommended some dishes that he assured us used the freshest, and best fish from the market that day. We both decided to let him choose, and we were delighted at our fillet en papillote. Ivan was relaxed and chatty during our meal, it seemed as though a great weight had been lifted from him. As we sat and drank our wine. I noticed that Ivan looked thoughtful.

      "Elle, what's your ambition in life?"

      I thought for a moment, "to make partner in a top law firm. To be comfortably off. Beyond that, I don't really know. What about you?"

      "I want to own the world, then lay it all at your feet."

      "You seem to own a lot of it already. Do you really need more?"

     "Yes," he said without hesitation, "I'm not the richest man in the world."

    "Is that your goal?"

    "Yes." As he said it, I caught a glimpse of the peasant boy from the slums of Moscow, so scared of returning to that life, he would dedicate the rest of his days to the pursuit of the security of wealth.

    "We are both a million miles away from poverty already," I said, "neither of us will ever go back to those terrible times."

     "I'm not ashamed of it," he said, "I just don't want to return to it. Sometimes I feel as though I'm not as cultured as the people around me, but I just try and learn as much as I can, so I can fit in."

     "I think you're very urbane. I didn't realise you started out a poor immigrant until you told me."

     He smiled, "that's kind of you to say. I'm trying to learn about fine wines at the moment, to keep up with Oscar."

     "The cellars at Conniscliffe are amazing. It all seems a little pointless though, to own more wine than you could ever possibly drink."

      "A valid point, but Oscar is all about legacy. Building for the next generation." I nodded in agreement. "Do you think you'll ever have children?"

      "I don't know," I admitted, "I'm afraid to lose or damage my career, it's my fear, ending up like my mum, a single mother, and poor, scraping around to keep a child fed. I would have to be very sure."

      Ivan changed the subject. "Shall we head back? I have an inexplicable urge to make wild, passionate love to you again."

      "Great, let’s go," I said brightly, which made him laugh. He paid the bill, and tipped Pierre generously. As soon as we were in the car, he pulled me onto his lap for a kiss.

      "I want to taste you tonight, lick and suck you, until you come on my face," he murmured quietly in his phone sex voice.

      "Hmm, sounds good," I whispered, "but I do love it when that big cock of yours makes me come." I could feel him harden underneath me. He groaned.

      "How am I going to get out of the car with a big erection?"

      I shifted off his lap, "It'll have gone down by the time we get there. Otherwise just carry my clutch in front."

      "It's your fault. I feel like a sixteen year old boy again when you're around. It's not funny having uncontrollable erections and an obsession with your tits. I'm a grown man, I should be over such things."

       "I'm rather glad you're not. I love how sexual you are, as long as it's aimed at me of course."

       "Oh, it's aimed at you, I promise you that. I love how you go from buttoned up lawyer to such a tiger in bed. It's very sexy you know. When I see you at work in your smart suits, toe to toe with the men, you are a different person to when you're wet and naked, with those perky tits rubbing up against me.....fuck, I'm hard again."

      I sniggered, "it's all your own fault this time, and we're back at the villa. Here, hold my bag." I handed him my clutch, which he held in front of his trousers as we scuttled to the front door. He made a brief fuss of Bella and Tania, before pulling me upstairs to our room.

      "Baby, tell me what you want, what's your deepest desire? I want to make you scream tonight."

      "I paused, "I've got no idea, I liked the swing though."

      "Can I try something with you? I want you to tell me straightaway if you're not enjoying it though." Ivan's eyes glittered with desire.

      "Ok, I'll try." I was so horny for him, I'd give anything a go. Plus I'd liked everything we'd done before.

     He closed the bedroom door, and sat on the bed. "Take your clothes off." I stood in front of him, and began to strip slowly, teasing him, giving him glimpses, then turning away. I was only wearing a dress and knickers, so had to work at slowing it down. Eventually I was naked, hot and slick, revelling under his heated gaze. He beckoned me over to him, and I stood directly in front of him. He captured a nipple in his mouth, and sucked hard, causing a spike of pleasure that ran straight to my groin. His hands stroked up my legs, one slipping round to the base of my spine, while the other stroked between my legs. "You're soaked, I really like that." His voice was hoarse. "I want you on all fours on the bed. I won't be a moment."

       I did as he requested, moving the covers out of the way. As I perched in position, I wondered where he'd gone, and what he was planning. A shiver of anticipation ran through me. I strained my ears to listen for any clues as to his return, but heard nothing.

      Eventually the door opened, and Ivan padded in. I turned to look at him. He was naked, and holding a tray of what looked like sex toys. "Now darling, I think you shouldn't be peeking. I'm going to blindfold you so that you just feel. Now if anything makes you uncomfortable, I want you to say straightaway."

     "Ok." He placed the tray down on the bed beside my foot, and kneeled beside me to put the blindfold on. As soon as I couldn't see, all my senses of sound, touch and smell seemed heightened. I jumped slightly as he stroked my behind.

      "You are so very lovely Elle, and tonight, I want to possess every inch of you. Would you like that?" He stroked my clit with a featherlight touch as he spoke. I barely managed a garbled noise in reply. I felt the bed dip as he got off, and felt it move behind me.

      His tongue on my clitoris made me jump again, before I relaxed into its satin caress. His index finger stroked between my buttocks, rubbing my anus as he worked on my clit. I shivered slightly as his tongue slid upwards to lick the puckered opening where no man had gone before. It felt alien and naughty, but totally erotic and intimate.  I felt bereft when he stopped, and shifted slightly, until I felt his cock nudge into me. He held it still for a moment, which puzzled me, until I felt something cool and hard press against my anus. I gasped as he pushed it inside me, in that forbidden place. With his large cock inside me too, I felt overwhelmingly full.

      He began to move at a gentle pace, keeping an even rhythm, as I got used to the sensation of having something in my bum. I heard a click and a buzz of a vibrator, before Ivan reached round, and pressed it onto my clitoris, while keeping his steady thrusts. With his other hand, he tweaked and pulled at whatever was in my anus. The surfeit of stimulation was intense, and the orgasm brewing threatened to rip me apart.

      "Does that feel good baby?" He purred.

     "Hmmmmm yeah, mmmph," I couldn't even speak, I was so overtaken by the sensations in my body.

     "Rest your neck on the pillows, and squeeze your nipples for me." I managed to do as he asked, trying to absorb the pleasure building up inside, as every erogenous zone was assaulted.

      I actually screamed when I came, feeling as though my entire body was orgasming. Ivan kept up his sensual assault, supporting my body with the arm holding the vibrator as I shook uncontrollably around him. As I came again, he dropped the vibrator, and began to power into me with forceful, and deep thrusts, that wrung every drop of pleasure out of me. As my orgasm subsided, he stilled, and grunted as he came, pressing himself fully inside me.

       We both collapsed onto the bed, panting, and slicked with sweat. He pulled off my blindfold before kissing me deeply. I lay boneless in his arms, as he slipped out of me, and removed whatever it was from my bottom. He cleaned me up tenderly, before pulling the covers over me, and getting up to dispose of everything in the bathroom, and open the door for the girls. They raced in, and hopped onto the bed, waiting for Ivan to join us. They immediately snuggled into him, possessively laying between us.

       I woke up to bright sunshine streaming in through the large windows looking out to sea. Ivan and the girls were still fast asleep, with Bella so stretched out that I was perched on the very edge of the bed. I swung my legs out, and after brushing my teeth and hair, picked out a bikini, and put a pair of shorts on over the top.

       I headed down to the kitchen area, which was one of those glossy, white kitchens that doesn't have door handles. It took me a while to work out how to use the coffee maker, and where to find a mug. Eventually I had a cup of steaming coffee, which I took outside to drink on the terrace. I sat on one of the comfy outdoor sofas while I sipped it, looking out to sea, and watching the yachts in the harbour, just along the bay. It was....perfect.

       I sat mulling my perfect life, perfect job, my perfect boyfriend, and this perfect place, and a sob broke free as I thought of my poor mum, who had never been anywhere like this in her life. She had thought that a hundred quid in her knicker drawer made her rich, and had settled for Ray, figuring that any man who didn't hit her was a decent catch. My heart broke for her, and a few tears began to roll down my face.

       "Baby what's wrong?" Ivan asked, looking concerned. I'd been so wrapped up in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed him coming outside. "Did I do something to upset you?"

       "No, oh definitely not. I was just having a moment over my mum. She never experienced anything like this place. It's just so lovely, and so perfect. I feel so sad for her." Ivan stroked my hair, and bent down to kiss my cheek, before sitting down next to me.

       "I still get like that sometimes over my parents. When I bought this place, I sat exactly where you are now, and did the same thing. Cried that they would never experience the things that I had, that I could never show them this whole other life. My father would have loved it here."

      "My mum would have been intimidated, asking nervously if we were 'allowed' to make our own coffee."

      "My mum would have washing hanging over the balcony by now, and be wanting to help the staff with the cleaning. She would be horrified at how much I spend on a weekly basis." He smiled as he thought of her.

    "You are quite profligate," I mused.

    "So what? I make it so that I can live well. No point being one of those rich people who live like paupers and leave it all to the cats home. Plus I'm a nouveau riche Russian, I'm meant to be flashy, it's the law I think." He winked, making me laugh.

     "So, what's the agenda for today?"

     "Relaxation, maybe a little shopping, some swimming, and lots of sex." Ivan took my coffee out of my hand, and took a gulp, wincing because it didn't have sugar in it.

     "Hey, took me half hour to work out how to make that."

     "I haven't worked out that coffee maker yet, and Mrs Ballard isn't in for another ten minutes."

     I got up, and took the last swig of coffee, "I'll make us both fresh ones." As I busied myself in the kitchen, Jo arrived with a basket of pastries and breads. We chatted easily as she laid a large tray with breakfast things for us. I carried the coffees, and she took the tray, laying it on the low table on the terrace, in front of Ivan. Bella and Tania eyed it covetously.

      We had a simple meal of warm, fresh bread, locally made cheese, pastries and fruit, sharing with the dogs. I felt fat and replete. "Come, the suns starting to blaze, we need to cover ourselves in lotion, and I need to cool down in the pool," said Ivan, taking my hand to pull me up. We wandered down to the pool, where lotion, towels, and bottles of iced water were waiting. I slipped off my shorts, and stood while Ivan patiently coated me in sunscreen in long, firm strokes. "You chose the bikini I bought for you," he said, as he moved the straps to the side to make sure I was well covered.

BOOK: A Very Corporate Affair Book 2 (The Corporate Series)
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