Read A Vampire's Saving Embrace Online

Authors: Darlene Kuncytes

A Vampire's Saving Embrace (5 page)

BOOK: A Vampire's Saving Embrace
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“And you don’t?” “It’s a lonely life, Abby,” he answered honestly. “You watch as your loved ones grow old and die off, leaving you to grieve. I was fortunate enough to have Marcus, but he and I are very different. My brother has always been the easy-going, take all that life has to offer type – whereas I tend to be a bit more … serious. Marcus enjoys the clubs, the women - the power. Seeing the changes and discoveries as each year passes, whereas I…” He stopped, his eyes once again locking on her full mouth. “I tend to live a solitary existence. I have seen the darkness out there.”

“That’s tragic,” she whispered, but knowing full well what he was saying. Hadn’t she always locked herself away? Never getting close to anyone? She could completely understand where he was coming from.

She had barely known her mother. The woman had spent Abby’s entire life pining for a man who was long gone – comfortable in her depression, leaving Abby to fend for herself. The only person that she really even considered a friend was Kat.

Abby suddenly wondered if he had had a wife – children, and the thought of his having loved someone once caused a strange fluttering in her chest. She wanted to ask him how he had been turned and what his life had been like, but knew that she couldn’t. It was none of her business. “It is a long and very dark story,” he murmured as if reading her thoughts and she immediately blushed.

He smiled softly, his eyes studying her face. “Perhaps some time soon,” he finally said.

“Desmond?” she whispered, trying to curb her wayward thoughts.

“Yes, little one?”

“You asked me earlier about my ring.” He nodded, his gaze drifting down to her delicate hand. “Is there a reason? I mean - the only reason I ask is that guys don’t usually notice things like that.”

Desmond was silent for a long moment, his eyes moving from her hand back up to her face and his eyes locked on hers. “Abby, that ring belonged to Obelix, the king of the Fey. There have been rumors for years that he had fallen in love with a human and conceived a child – but never any solid proof.”

Abby tried to swallow the large lump that had formed in her throat. “So…so you really think I’m that child?”

Desmond nodded, his lips set in a grim line. “The fact that you wear a ring that was very important to him does. He would not have trusted that to just anyone. It would have been given to someone he cared for deeply,” he replied softly. “And the fact that I cannot read your thoughts…” He trailed off when he noticed her startled expression and smiled. “No need to worry, my pet,” he reassured her. “Your mind is completely hidden from me.” He chuckled when he saw her visibly relax, and a part of him was intrigued to know what exactly
going on behind those gorgeous green eyes of hers. “It would also explain why the demon sought you out.” His smile faded – a chill running up his spine as he realized the danger that she was actually in.


Desmond stood and began to pace the room, his body tense. “Abby, Obelix was a highly powerful deity that could do things no other fey could ever dream of - and he used that power to try and rid the world of bastards like the one that attacked you –demons from the pits of hell, that prey on anyone who is innocent and defenseless.” He paused, seemingly lost in his thoughts. “Obelix never took a wife, so when the rumors began that the reason he refused every possible opportunity to marry was because he had fallen in love with a human, and that a child could have been conceived of that union, the demon world went into a frenzy - especially after he died.” Abby watched him pace in confusion.

“Again,” she asked, “why?” She just couldn’t understand why
would think she was special. She didn’t feel special. She felt just like plain old Abigail Montgomery. So what if she was part fey. It wasn’t as if she had ever shown any special powers or anything. Although, now that she thought back, she couldn’t remember ever being ill as a child. No mumps, measles or such, she had never so much as had a cold that she could remember. So what? It didn’t mean anything – did it?

Desmond stopped in front of her and leaned down, his hands gripping the arms of the chair tightly and she could feel the tension crackling around him. His mouth was but a hairs breath away from hers and she could taste the wonderfully spicy scent of him when she quietly gasped at his sudden closeness. “Your blood, Abby,” he whispered fiercely.

“My… blood?” She repeated softly, her mouth suddenly going completely dry.

are the only link to a most powerful king -whose blood held great power, and legend implies that if such a powerful ruler were ever to fall in love and pro-create with a human…” he paused, his eyes locking and holding hers. “Their blood would be invaluable.”

“So these demons want my blood?” she questioned, shaking her head in disbelief. It was shock enough to discover that her
– a man that she had never even met - was king of the Fey, but because of this - demons wanted her blood. Her freaking blood! “This is completely insane. I mean – how did they discover that I even exist?”

Desmond shook his head in frustration, his eyes snapping fire. “I don’t know, but that is something that I intend to find out,” he promised solemnly. Suddenly her eyes widened as a thought hit her.

“Desmond, do you think that’s why my mother moved us around so much? That she knew I was in danger?”

“It’s quite possible,” he replied honestly. Abby found herself wondering if her mother’s accident had been an accident at all and her eyes locked with Desmond’s. She couldn’t let him risk his life for her. She wouldn’t!

“Desmond,” She whispered, placing her hand on his arm. She felt him tense slightly at her touch and silently wondered why. Did her touch annoy him? She removed her hand from his arm and sighed. “You don’t even know me,” she said softly. “I can’t let you put yourself in danger for me.”

His hand came up and cupped her chin, his gaze locking and holding hers. “I can and I will,” he breathed- his eyes holding hers for a long, earth shattering moment before he leaned in and lightly feathered his full, perfect lips across hers. Abby felt a heat shoot through her that sent a wave of pleasure across her entire body in a rushing onslaught of sensation. It was as if she had been struck by lightning. The feel of his full, perfect mouth on hers was like nothing she had ever felt before. My God, she thought - it was mind blowing! And when his tongue ever so gently swept across her lips, urging them to open for him, she was sure she would combust. Never had a kiss felt so all-consuming and erotic. Cripes!

She complied with his silent demand and their tongues met in a tantalizing game of tag – swirling and meshing together in a heated promise and Abby couldn’t help the moan that escaped her. This was beyond anything she had ever experienced before. It was earth-shattering! Desmond leaned in closer to Abby as his kiss deepened with the need coursing through his body. Never before had he felt such utter desire sweep over him and his only thought was that he couldn’t get close enough to her. He tilted his head slightly so that he could delve deeper into her sweet mouth as his hand came up to cradle the back of her head. He was suddenly aflame with the deep need to possess and claim, and he felt his fangs descend slightly. Willing them back with every ounce of willpower that he had - he plunged deeper into her honeyed sweetness– a groan coming from him.

“I’m sorry to interrupt,” a deep, husky voice broke through and Desmond swiftly took a step away from her.

“What is it Marcus?” he asked, his voice carrying an edge of what she believed was anger.

“I really need to speak with you Des,” the lumbering man said from the doorway. Abby’s eyes widened in shock at the sight of Desmond’s brother - he was a huge hulk of a man with deep brown wavy hair and twinkling brown eyes the color of fine milk chocolate - so different from the muscular, dark - utterly delectable brother of his.

He graced Abby with a friendly smile and winked. “So, I finally get to meet the mysterious woman that my ornery brother has kept squirreled away from me.” He walked over to her and extended his hand, which Abby swore was the size of a small ham. “I’m Marcus.”

Abby’s tiny hand was lost in his massive one - but his hold was surprisingly gentle. “Abby,” she replied with a smile, instantly warming to Desmond’s brother. He had the ultimate teddy bear thing going on and exuded an aura of warmth and trust that she found compelling. It was as if he were instantly a protective big brother.

“Wow, you really
a stunner.” He said, his eyes scanning every inch of her. Abby thought she heard Desmond growl softly but quickly dismissed it as her imagination. “My brother wouldn’t let me near you,” he explained with a grin. “Now I can see why.”

“What is it that you need Marcus,” Desmond bit out - the tension in his voice permeating the room like a toxic cloud.

Desmond glared at his brother, his entire body rigid at the close scrutiny in which Marcus was devoting to Abby’s considerable assets. A possessiveness was washing over him that he was far from comfortable with and because of it, his mood only darkened.

Marcus gave his brother a mischievous smile and shrugged his shoulders good-naturedly. “I have some information for you. I figured you would want to hear it as soon as possible.”

“Whatever you have to say, you may say it in front of Abby.”

Marcus looked at his brother in shock, his mouth falling open. “She knows everything?” He asked, completely taken aback. Desmond was a very private man - always had been, and for him to have shared everything with this beautiful little sprite was a shock to say the least. “About us? About…everything?” He questioned, still not quite believing what he was hearing.

Desmond nodded curtly, his eyes still fixed on Abby - and Marcus couldn’t help but notice her cheeks flush as her eyes met his brothers- which only caused his smile to widen. By the look of things when he had walked into the room, the two were getting quite close.

“And you haven’t run screaming from the house?” Marcus asked, his mouth set in a grin much like his brothers - but one that didn’t leave her short of breath as Desmond’s did. Marcus was extremely handsome, but he definitely was not Desmond. She didn’t feel that magnetic pull that she felt when she was near his brother, and she frowned slightly as the thought that her theory that his effect on her was just a vampire thing was completely blown out of the water. No, it was definitely just Desmond who did that to her.

“I haven’t felt the need to as of yet,” she said as sweetly as possible, “
the night is still young.”

Marcus burst out laughing. “Yes, I can see how you would feel like that. My brother can be quite dark and brooding – he’s a real joy to be around, believe me. I swear- he gives even the scariest of trolls’ nightmares.”

“Good Lord,” Abby replied, groaning over dramatically - only to burst out into a beautiful, light, musical laughter a moment later that caused a tingling to run up Desmond’s spine and he clenched his fists at his sides. Not liking the effect this woman had on him at all. He was a killer for Christ’s sake! Yet whenever he was near her – his body cried out for release. Shit!

“You mean to tell me that there are
running around out in the world too? Wow, I just don’t know how much more of this I can take. What’s next, bigfoot?”

“Don’t worry, there aren’t any bigfoot in the area,” Marcus said, returning her laughter whole-heartedly. “And as for the trolls, well, Des has pretty much scared most of the really nasty ones away with his smile and winning personality.”

“Marcus,” Desmond ground out, the playful banter between the two was causing him to feel…what?

He took a deep breath that he didn’t even need and questioned - was he jealous? He angrily pushed the thought from his mind and glared at his brother, “the information please,” he finished, sounding completely exasperated.

“Oh, yes. Sorry. It seems that the demon world is all abuzz with news that the daughter of Obelix
in fact exist, and are stopping at nothing to be the first to…” he glanced at Abby who was listening intently, her brows knit together in concentration. “To be the first to obtain her,” he finished grimly – his look apologetic.

“Shit!” Desmond ground out- fury surging through him. “Marcus, please call Luke and ask him to come to the house. I am going to have need of he and his pack to patrol the grounds, and I would prefer to speak with him in person.”

“Do we really need a pack of mangy…?” Marcus began, but Desmond’s ice cold stare stopped him.

“Now. Please.”

Marcus nodded and turned to look at Abby. He took her hand in his once again and placed a quick kiss on the back of it - his brown eyes twinkling with warmth. “I will hopefully be seeing much more of you Abby,” he said with a grin before turning and leaving the room- leaving his brother to glare at his receding his back. His fists clenching and un-clenching at his sides.

“Who’s Luke?” she questioned.

Desmond turned and looked at Abby, his anger instantly ebbing at the sight of her perfect face. For all that was holy, he silently seethed, one look from her had him melting in a puddle at her feet. What in the hell was wrong with him. He was a monster – not some enamored school boy! Maybe he had just been too long without a woman, he reasoned with a frustrated growl. That had to be It. There was no other reason for his body’s reaction to being near her. It was as if he was a tightly coiled spring that was about to snap.

“He is the Alpha of the nearby wolf pack…and a friend,” he offered, his gaze locking on, as it always seemed to do- and much too often for his own sanity- her lips. A current of awareness ran up his spine at the memory of that soft mouth beneath his, and of the unbelievable taste of her. My God, she tasted of spring, fresh and sweet – and he wanted nothing more at that moment than to taste her again - but he fought the urge with every ounce of will-power that he possessed.

“Wolf-pack?” she questioned softly, her eyes growing wide. “As in, like…

BOOK: A Vampire's Saving Embrace
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