Read A Taste of Pleasure Online

Authors: Antoinette

A Taste of Pleasure (27 page)

BOOK: A Taste of Pleasure
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London was surprised to find the place jam-packed on a Monday night. She found Jon and Christopher already cozy in a booth across from the bar, and they both jumped up to hug and greet her. Jon selected a chardonnay and ordered for the three of them, including Caesar salad, seared scallops, and classic crème brûlée. Dinner was marvelous, and the conversation was even better. The Club was so fun, with toy mobiles dangling from the ceiling, and the atmosphere was playful and inspiring. They indulged in yet another bottle of wine and chatted freely over plans for the masquerade ball, decorations, hors d'oeuvres, wine selections, servers, and more.

Jon reminisced about London's grandmother and how London had inherited her excellent taste. Jon explained to Christopher that Grams had passed on just a few years back from breast cancer. London talked about significant donations she had made over the years to breast cancer research and how she remained hopeful that one day a cure might be found. Christopher sat listening as the two chatted. He was moved by their discussion and he finally spoke up.

“How about making the Saturday sneak-preview event a silent auction, with a portion of the proceeds going to benefit the foundation?”

“That's a wonderful idea, Christopher,” London replied.

He explained that he had been involved in many similar charity functions in the past and could assist with the arrangements. London was thrilled and felt even more excited knowing that she would be supporting a good cause in the process of opening her store. She was relieved to have their help, as they were both so talented and capable. Jon mentioned that he and Christopher had talked about how she needed an assistant,
someone to help her run the store. They suggested that Christopher take the job. It would help him supplement his income from his artwork, and he loved the way the loft had turned out.

After much discussion, London welcomed Christopher as her first employee. He would live in the loft and could use part of it for his studio, with the awesome view. She offered to even let him stage and sell his paintings in the store, which had lately begun to resemble artworks found in the royal palace as he'd been so inspired by the work he'd done on the walls and canopy bed. Christopher shared London's passions for France, French architecture and design, and he was quite knowledgeable. She was delighted to have him aboard and could certainly use the extra help at the grand opening. She'd been having such a great time she hadn't noticed how late it had become. She ordered a coffee to go, bid them adieu, and headed home to the château, exhausted and ready for a good night's sleep.

The next couple of days flew by as London worked feverishly planning, ordering, and researching. She was frequently called out to receive more deliveries and she directed the unloading at the barn, excited to inspect the quality of the various antique furnishings and amazing jewelry she had discovered. Max had been working at the store and was busy planning for his next projects.

Before she knew it, it was Thursday afternoon and London hadn't seen Max in what felt like forever. She was happy to finally see a text message from him:
Meet me at the store, 5:00 p.m. this evening. Can't wait to see you!
She dressed casually and headed out, stopping to pick up the invitations, which were already printed, then proceeded on to the store. On the way, she saw Max's truck at the park. She pulled into the parking lot and got out. There was commotion everywhere.
London snuck over to the concession stand at the edge of the field to watch, pulling her hoodie over her head in the hopes that Max wouldn't recognize her. She helped herself to a soft drink and a hot dog smothered in relish, then tried to blend into the crowd that had gathered as she observed Max surrounded by a number of little boys. They were little league toddlers, and he was patiently fitting them with their uniforms and coaching them. She moved closer and overheard him talking.

“Hey, this fits you perfectly,” he said as he opened up another box of shirts and pants. Max placed a baseball hat on the little guy, then patted him on the head. The boy ran out onto the baseball field, excited with his new outfit. He waved frantically at his mother to watch him. London's heart melted as she watched Max. She saw an expression she had never seen on his face before, a look of peaceful satisfaction. She puckered as she took another bite into the bitter relish, cringing as she realized her dreams were shattering. She knew Max could never be the one for her as she could never give him a child. She got back into her car, her eyes tearing. She sat watching the activities on the field, blissful children in the beautiful park, flowers blossoming, seedlings sprouting up, and nature coming to life all around her.

London pondered a recent discussion she'd had with her doctor regarding children. She'd explained the horror stories her grandmother had shared. London's mother had severe issues with high blood pressure, seizures, and toxemia, or preeclampsia as it was now known. The condition had advanced to eclampsia and London's mother had nearly died several times during the pregnancy and childbirth. Her mother spent weeks in a coma after giving birth. Everyone had been concerned for the two of them, especially for London because she had missed out on critical bonding time with her mother in
the first weeks of her life. Thankfully, her mother had recovered well, but many relatives had experienced the condition in London's family, and some of the women had even died giving birth decades ago. It was undoubtedly hereditary, and the family history made it probable that London would experience the same complications.

London was never sure if she even wanted children in the first place since much of her own childhood had been so horrific and traumatic. She didn't feel confident about her own ability to raise a child and wasn't sure she wanted to risk her life to have one. After learning of the hereditary condition, she had all but written having a family right out of her mind. She recalled how very professional the doctor was, informing her of many options such as surgery, in vitro fertilization, adoption, and more, but London glazed over, hearing only bits and pieces of the information. She felt that the condition was simply confirmation from a divine source that she was not meant to have children, a fact that she had pretty much already come to terms with quite some time ago. She had thanked the doctor and let her know that she would follow up for further consultation if she ever changed her mind.

Despite her strong internal coping mechanisms, London still felt tears forming in her eyes as she watched Max on the distant field.
Damn useless hormones
, she thought. She knew she would have to set him free soon, but she didn't know exactly how. She looked at the clock. It was 4:30 p.m. She started the Beemer and drove to the store.

The building was almost ready, and she reveled in the beauty and the spaciousness of the rooms. So much had been accomplished since she had been there on Monday. Max arrived shortly after her and was watching her admire the wonder of his work.

“Like it?” he asked as he moved closer to her, massaging her neck and shoulders, sending chills up her spine

“Yes, Max, it's wonderful.” She smiled as she turned around and kissed him.

“Mmm,” he whispered. “I'd love more of you right here.” He cupped her face and kissed her on the mouth. She responded with a warm, tender kiss in return. He reached down under her buttocks and pushed them toward him with such strength that it took her breath away.

“Let's try to stay focused,” she said in a scolding tone as she smiled and gently pulled away. She was busy visualizing her furniture in the building and he was simply distracting. She continued to walk the floors, pointing to where she was going to put everything. Max followed closely behind and whispered in her ear.

“I want you tonight.”

She just smirked as they wrapped up their review of what remained to be done. After they'd finished, he followed her to the château. On the way, she drove past the Sweat Shop, a private exercise club, and she smiled, remembering when she'd had had quite an affair with her kickboxing trainer from the club. That affair had lasted about a year and the sex was wonderful, but he got serious and she backed away. He just wasn't what she wanted. He was too into himself, always primping and preening, and it bothered her after a while. Once the passion had subsided, there was nothing left. He was all brawn with no brains or romance.

She smiled and shook her head at how promiscuous she had been and the lifestyle she used to live. Thankfully, she had matured and finally realized that many men were not her answer to finding happiness. Only the right man would make the difference. She thought,
You choose your own happiness
and the path you choose is the one you live
, another quote from Catherine's
Life Lessons
. She had now chosen a path that was leading her to a more stable lifestyle.

London pulled into the driveway as those memories drifted away. Those days were gone. She was feeling contented with Max, but still thought of Deacon, the love of her life, every day and how much she missed him. She still clung to the hope that he would somehow find his way back into her life. She also worried about how serious Max seemed to be getting, especially with the invite to his family gathering.
How can I ever tell him that we would never have a family of our own? He adores kids and it would break his heart.

She went inside and distracted her thoughts by starting to cook dinner while Max showered. She smiled as she sat down at the table, feeling a tingle in the pit of her tummy. Max dressed and went back down to the garage. When he reemerged in the kitchen, he was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands. He gave her a light kiss as she thanked him, then she turned to finish preparing dinner. He grabbed her, turning her back around to kiss her again, more passionately this time.

“No little peck kisses for me, sexy lady,” he said.

She smiled. “But what about the dinner?” She tried to turn away again, but he held her tightly as he kissed her again and again. She succumbed to his advances. He carried her upstairs, where he placed her on the bed.

“The stove is still on,” she pleaded, dazed from his intoxicating kisses. He put his finger on her lips to shush her, then left the room. Upon returning, he continued his sexual advances on her, as her body reached out for his in return. He slowly undressed her, then pulled his clothes off and carried her to the shower, where they both enjoyed the warm water on their bodies. He knelt down and opened her legs as his tongue
found its place. He licked her intensely as she pulled his head toward her breasts. She felt uncomfortable not having his hardness in her hands, but he soon returned to her lips with wet, warm kisses. They engulfed her to the point of her not caring about anything else but the desire between her legs. He pulled her to him, grabbed her ass, and lifted her up.

As her legs went around him his maleness entered her and she screamed with delight. He held her there as he pumped into her hard, slow strokes, his hands holding her up in the air and his hardness penetrating her to the depths of her body. She was in another world, one she so enjoyed as he continued to take her this way. He finally sped up as she felt herself submitting to him. Her body shook from the passion and the climax she was feeling. This was the part she loved so much . . . these feelings . . . she did not want to come again right now, her nipples—her button—her body all ready for another explosion that was oh so close.

She finally let go as she yelled, “Yes . . . oh my God!” Her body shook as he shot into her. She could feel it as her muscles tightened and relaxed, milking his maleness for all it had. He held her tight, their juices mixing and trickling down her legs. The warm water touched her sensitive skin, his kisses calming her down, while his hands were massaging her butt and her back. Her body responded by relaxing in his strong arms. He gently set her down and held her close as they stood in the warm mist. He opened the shower door and placed a terry cloth robe around her and grabbed one for himself. He pulled her to him and kissed her again. They left the bathroom together and walked down the stairs.

“How about ordering pizza for dinner?” he said as he looked at the cold, half-cooked food on the stove. He picked up the phone as she smiled and nodded yes with a wink.

She snuggled in his arms, eating pizza and drinking red wine while watching the blazing fire. He finally carried her up to bed, and together they collapsed with exhaustion into the coziness.

London woke up on Good Friday to Max's whistling coming from the kitchen. She put on her robe and found him standing by the stove making scrambled eggs with ham and cheese, toast, and bold Brazilian brew. He had cleaned up the mess from last night and everything looked sparkling clean. He served her, kissed her warmly on the lips, and joined her at the table, all set with place mats and the flowers he had bought last night.

“This is wonderful,” she said as she took her first bite. He smiled. It had been a long few days without him. She watched him eat with great gusto as a nagging feeling crept over her. Her mind revisited the little league game from the day before and her heart ached. She knew that his love for children would eventually come between them. She admired his features, so strong, yet he was so kind and gentle. He was not a very complicated person at all. He was confident, he knew what he wanted, and he knew how to get it. She smiled to herself as she realized she was also becoming very confident in herself, with much thanks to him.

She browsed through some photos she had on her cell phone of the merchandise she'd ordered. “Look, Max,” she said as she shared the pictures with him of the articles that were stored in the pole barn.

“Most of them are here,” she said. “I'm just waiting for a few more pieces, and then I'll have them all.” He looked at the many beautiful purchases and nodded approvingly.

“You know, we can start to move most of these articles and furniture in by the end of the month.” As he spoke, London's
eyes sparkled as if he had turned on a light inside her. She could hardly wait! “Would you like me to install the chandelier today?” he asked.

BOOK: A Taste of Pleasure
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