A Sticky Situation (Xcite Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: A Sticky Situation (Xcite Romance)
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There was no rushing Cameron though, as oblivious to the constant moans coming from the woman beneath him and her frantic clawing at his body, he continued gouging and slurping until every piece of noodle had been cleaned from Sally’s peachy globe.

The second he’d swallowed the last strand, the need for some attention to his shaft became too much. The memory of Sally’s skilled blow job loomed large, and as he shuffled up her body Cameron didn’t even have to ask. Sally’s eager mouth was already open and ready for him.

Sally suckled and swirled at him as her head sank back against the pillows, her fingers busy with Cameron’s balls. Savouring the flavour of his rigid length, she relaxed her throat as Cameron pushed his hips forwards, easing more of himself between her plump lips.

Hooking a hand between his legs, Sally reached up to his anus, massaging a single digit over the sensitive opening. Immediately, Cameron let out an animal growl of longing. Encouraged, Sally dipped a finger into her pussy juice, before returning it to his backside, edging it just inside his opening as another centimetre of dick claimed the back of her throat.

Revelling in the switch of control as she slowly delved her finger deeper into him, Sally enjoyed the journey of his palms as they travelled across every part of her body they could reach.

As Sally continued to play him, she detected a subtle change in Cameron’s murmured words of encouragement, and sensed he was close to coming. Easing out her arse-fucking finger, Sally gave a final suck to the penis in her mouth, before dropping it and wiping saliva from her lips. ‘I need you inside me.’

Cameron moved with a speed that made Sally smile broadly. Leaping from the bed, he extracted a condom from the inside pocket of his jacket. He winked at her as he rolled it in place. ‘I’ve been living in hope all week!’

‘To be with me?’

‘Oh yes,’ He tore the knickers from her, laughing at the sucking sound the fabric made as it came away from her sodden snatch, ‘so you don’t have to be covered in water to get soaked through then!’

‘And once again, the fact I’m wet through is entirely your fault; you are just so ...’ Sally’s words morphed into a sigh of mingled contentment and relief as Cameron’s penis nudged against her channel.

His weight, as he disappeared inside her without effort, felt incredible. Sally’s gaze fixed on to his, as she allowed the feeling of being completely full to overwhelm her.

Cameron kissed her greedily: her lips; eyes; ears and neck, as his hips rocked and he pumped relentlessly into her. His hand slipped between them and flicked her clit in time with each thrust. With his whisper of, ‘I’m so close, sweetheart,’ Sally clenched her pussy around him, holding his thrusting dick firmly. Then, attaching her mouth to his, she felt the glorious intensity of his climax echo through his hungry kiss.

Chapter Ten

‘I CAN’T BELIEVE NO one has ever brought you breakfast in bed.’ Cameron slid the room service delivered tray onto Sally’s waiting knees, admiring the curve of her breasts as they peeked provocatively out from the top of the bedclothes.

She smiled at him, but at the same time peered warily at the tray as it landed on her, trapping the bed sheet between its wooden base and her naked flesh. ‘No one has ever wanted to risk it. Anyway, it stresses me out, what if I spill coffee all over your bed?’

Laughing, Cameron removed the piping hot cup of black coffee from the tray, but left the two rounds of brown toast, butter, and a small pot of marmalade in place. He didn’t mind getting crumbs all over himself or the bed, but he wasn’t so keen on getting third degree coffee burns.

As the cup and saucer was relocated to the bedside table, Sally relaxed her leg muscles and, holding the tray securely with both hands, dared to wriggle into a more comfortable position. ‘It’s perfect, thank you. Where’s yours? Aren’t you going to join me?’

‘I thought we might share.’ Sally could see Cameron’s dick, barely hidden within his black boxers, straining to be released. Her eyes felt as though they were permanently being drawn to his crotch as if there was some magnetic force at work. Her memory had replayed her future boss’s confession that he longed to kiss her clean whenever she’d spilt food on herself almost constantly throughout the night, something their actions the previous evening had certainly underlined. As the thrill of recollection shot through Sally, Cameron sat over her feet, holding the far side of the tray.

Unconvinced that Cameron still had breakfast on his mind, Sally began to spread butter on the first triangle of toast. Determined not to get grease on the bed, she carefully put down the butter knife, and, grateful for Cameron’s steadying hand on the tray, gathered up a tiny globule of marmalade. Balancing it on the teaspoon provided, Sally gingerly took it the short distance from the glass bowl to the neighbouring plate.

Just as she was about to spread the sticky orange substance onto the toast, Cameron deliberately jarred the tray. The lump of marmalade separated itself from the spoon, flew though the air, and landed with a quiet splat directly between her breasts. ‘Cameron!’ Sally’s eyes narrowed, but her tone was playful, ‘You’ll ruin the hotel sheets!’

‘Sod the hotel sheets! Do it again. Spill more.’

‘Come off it, Cam, we were lucky we didn’t stain the duvet with the Chinese last night. Anyway, I need food!’

‘Me too.’ Raising the tray, he yanked the sheet away from her chest and stomach, before replacing the breakfast. He started lapping up the spilt spread, the vigour of his mouth returning Sally to the wanton state she’d been in last night.

As Cameron shifted his weight, a few crumbs scattered off the plate, skittering from the safety of the tray onto her stomach. Wetting a finger, he dabbed up each one, sending small shockwaves of pleasure through Sally’s skin, causing the tray to vibrate with each exhalation of her shortening breath. Then, Cameron took up the buttered triangle of bread, and placed it between Sally’s teeth. She bit into it and chewed hungrily, not worrying about spraying crumbs as Cameron fed her mouthful after mouthful.

Once she had consumed a whole slice, Cameron said, ‘I want you to stay as still as you can again. OK?’ Sally nodded as he picked up a second segment of toast, took a bite out of it himself, and then drew a finger across the bitten edge, sprinkling yet more crumbs over Sally’s torso. She watched in silence as he re-licked his fingers, and pressed them over the fallen bread, moving his palm in a circular motion, exfoliating Sally with her own breakfast.

Statue-like, experiencing a wealth of new sensations, Sally’s lifelong curse of frequently spilling her food, turned into a temptation to upturn the tray’s entire contents all over herself, just to see what Cameron would do. For the first time in her life, she actually liked the fact that she was clumsy.

Cameron had obviously been having similar thoughts. Sitting back up, he buttered the two remaining triangles of brown toast, lifted the tray to the floor, ripped the crumpled sheet from Sally’s legs, and held the bread high above her. Sally gasped as the two pieces of toast glided towards her, in what seemed to be slow motion, before landing butter side down on her stomach. She had expected Cameron to start eating the food off her straight away, but instead he collected the teaspoon from the tray and laid it below her naval, causing her to tremble at the combination of cool cutlery, warm toast, and sticky marmalade residue.

Taking up the spoon, Cameron began to glide its bowl side across Sally’s globes. Her hips rose in surprise at the delicate sparks that the polished metal was producing against her flesh. As he moved the spoon around her tits, using it to daub the fallen marmalade all over her, Sally’s hands came to Cameron’s face, running them across his chin and cheeks, her soft green eyes shining at him. Cameron, however, remained stoically focused on passing the spoon across every inch of her front, spreading as much breakfast over her as he could.

The butter from the toast that had adhered to Sally’s stomach began to melt with the heat of her aroused body, and her muscles clenched as a tiny trickle of sticky yellow liquid leaked down her right side. ‘Cam, please ...’ Sally, fighting the urge to wipe it away herself, gestured to the greasy slick that was heading with growing speed towards the sheets.

Virtually diving onto her, his tongue drank up the rich butter just before it hit the linen, making Sally’s whole being tense further. Taking languid licks, Cameron carried on working across her chest long after he’d removed the butter. Her skin quivered as his morning stubble scraped at her like light sandpaper.

Stopping abruptly, Cameron looked up and pointedly regarded the glass bowl of marmalade.

‘Oh come on, Cameron, I’m messy enough.’ Sally squirmed against her pillows. She knew exactly what he was about to do, and the tension of anticipation as she observed him privately deciding exactly where he was going to deposit the remaining orange substance, was driving her to distraction, her nipples hardening more with every passing second.

Peeling the slices of toast off Sally, Cameron ran his fingers through the buttery imprint they had left behind, smearing it, connecting it with the marmalade on her breasts, before putting his finger between Sally’s lips. Instantly she treated his finger as though it was a mini cock.

While Sally was concentrating on his hand, sending intense flutters of lust through both of them, Cameron took hold of each of her legs, one at a time, widening and bending them up at the knee.

Extracting his finger, Cameron took up the remaining slick of marmalade from the bowl, and placed it in his mouth. Kneeling at the foot of the bed, he brought his lips to Sally’s clammy nub. The rush of gratification that shot from his colleague’s throat made Cameron smile as he swirled his marmalade coated tongue up inside her.

Feeling as though she was melting into the bed beneath her, Sally could imagine exactly what was happening between her legs, as Cameron manoeuvred the marmalade in and around her pussy, until he finally placed a dollop onto the very tip of her pulsating clit.

Barely even breathing, Sally’s moans turned to a mew as his tongue continued to travel. Lifting his head a fraction, Cameron glanced at Sally’s big round eyes, ‘Don’t move, honey. Don’t move an inch. I’m going to finish my breakfast now.’

Sally twisted the cotton of the sheet below her into peaks in her palms; flexing her toes in an attempt to distract herself from the sudden desperate need to move; something she hadn’t felt like doing until she was told she couldn’t.

Through with waiting to taste his intimate meal, Cameron launched upon Sally’s crotch with his mouth. His hands spread the butter and marmalade on her torso up and around her breasts, as he lapped the orange stickiness from her channel, which fast began to blend with the secret liquid Sally was quietly oozing.

With eyes tightly shut, colours flashing behind her closed eyelids as her orgasm raced toward her, Sally had a desperate urge to have her own mouth filled. ‘Cam, Cameron, I’m hungry too!’

He didn’t need telling twice, and with a chin spotted with marmalade glaze and cunt juice, Cameron swivelled around. Taking the final minute scrapings of orange, he rubbed it onto the head of his dick, before joining her in a succulent 69.

Sally gobbled at his sticky rod, purring in delight as he kissed her opening. Wrapping her hands around his left leg to keep him steady, she ran her free hand to the snake on his right buttock, swirling her butter-coated fingers over its coils in time to the massaging of Cameron’s palms against her breakfast smudged chest.

Moving her head back and forth a fraction against the pillow, she savoured the sweetly tangy combination of Cameron and the marmalade, as his lips abruptly changed direction and he hit her clit with precision timing.

Sally yelped, her hips rising as he did it again and again, each flick at her nub forcing his cock further into her throat. As Cameron’s finger slid unexpectedly into her channel, the climax that had been bubbling in the pit of Sally’s stomach, consumed her. Crying out, unable to keep Cameron within her throat as the intensity of her emotions and the wracking joy that hit her, Sally spasmed violently between her new boss’s tongue and the bed.

Easing off the pressure at her mound, as Sally screamed out words of pleasure, Cameron turned to look at her, his face a picture of loving happiness. Sally grinned back at him as she grabbed his length, angling him so his cock was pointing directly at her chest.

‘Oh, babe ...’ Cameron said no more as he spunked right across her; his fountain of thick seed adding to their intensely sticky situation.

Much later, reluctantly leaving the heat of the shower, Sally wrapped herself in a warm towel. She had already bathed with Cameron, but despite his gorgeously vigorous scrubbing, a layer of ingrained tackiness from their breakfast romp had remained.

Once she’d dried herself off, Sally put on her robe and sat on the end of the bed. Her head was a complex tangle of everything that had happened during the past few days. She had come to the conference full of dread, hating the idea of working with Cameron instead of Graham, and now the thought of going their separate ways was appalling. Her pulse sped up as a wave of anxiety hit her. Being away in Oxford with Cameron was one thing; albeit totally unexpected and rather sticky! But what about once they were home, back in the office routine? Especially now that Cameron was to be her boss.

Years of habitual insecurity began to surface within her. Is Cameron feeling the same as me, or is he regretting every minute of it? Worse still, was he feeling smug that he’d got what he wanted? Will he simply move me to a different department so he doesn’t have to be inconvenienced by my presence?

Yet, it had felt so good, and as soon as Sally forced herself to focus on everything that had happened: the romantic notes that hadn’t worked; his jealousy of David; his engineering of her second dousing ... just her thoughts lit her face into a smile, and made her pussy ache with desire.

Rising to her feet, Sally was aware that, despite her fears, she was grinning. She also had the strangest feeling that she wasn’t going to be able to stop. ‘God knows what Carol will say when I tell her what’s happened,’ Sally muttered as she began to dress, thoughts of Cameron dancing through her head. ‘She’ll probably tell me she was right all along. Cameron has turned out to be a very smooth-looking bit of rough.’

Fastening her bra, Sally couldn’t prevent herself from picturing Cameron sucking on her nipples as though they were cherries on a cake. Fighting off the desire to dash up to his room to see him one more time ahead of leaving the hotel, Sally forced herself to double check that she hadn’t left her toothbrush in the bathroom. She was stuffing her shoes into the top of her holdall when her mobile buzzed into life.

‘Hello, you.’ It was Cameron. Sally’s smile widened.

‘Hello, yourself. You all ready to head back to reality?’

‘Afraid so. Are you sure I can’t give you a lift?’

Sally was so tempted to accept, but she’d already promised her parents she would visit them in Bath on the way back to Bristol, and knew if she even put a toe into Cameron’s car, she would never have the strength to get out again. ‘I’d love to, but I promised my folks.’

‘I could meet them with you.’

Sally laughed, ‘Hang fire, Mr James; I want to keep you all to myself for a while first if you don’t mind!’

‘But I’m bound to see them eventually, Sal. Though I suppose you might be right; we don’t have to rush things, do we?’ Cameron put on a fake sulk, before laughing as well, ‘I’ll see you at work on Monday then.’

Privately digesting the fact that Cameron was obviously thinking long term, Sally felt a happy buzz fill every inch of her as she replied, ‘You certainly will, boss. I trust the coffee and cake will be on you next week?’

Sally could hear the playfulness in her new lover’s voice as he replied, ‘No, Sally – they will most definitely be on you. Literally!’

BOOK: A Sticky Situation (Xcite Romance)
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