Read A Stainless Steel Cat Online

Authors: Michael Erickston

A Stainless Steel Cat (24 page)

BOOK: A Stainless Steel Cat
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Wallace, surprised that this kid would talk to him in such a way, yet unwilling to confront him, decided that this whole situation wasn't worth it. "Sorry, I didn't mean to presume." He nearly ran away, walking very quickly, much to Tam's amusement.

Royce smiled as he watched the man leave, and Tam put her arm around his waist while his slipped around hers. He turned to her and kissed her lovingly. "What did he say to you, Baby Girl?"

"His exact words were 'That kid doesn't have what it takes to make you feel like a real woman. I do.'" She laughed outright at that, and Royce just grinned. She then leaned close and whispered in his ear. "You're ALL the man I need, Baby."

"Good, because you're the only woman I want." He whispered back and held her close, his hands straying down to her exposed butt cheeks. The thong she wore made his caresses possible with his palms on her soft smooth cocoa skin.

"Mmm, as much as I'd love to, Baby, we probably shouldn't here in public." She whispered with a little giggle.

Royce raised his hands up to the small of her back. "Sorry, Honey." He replied with a chuckle. "I can barely keep my hands off you as it is."

"I know." She whispered and kissed him sweetly. "In case you hadn't noticed, I have the same problem with you."

"Oh, I noticed." He winked at her. Her arms were up around his neck, and her breasts were jutting into his chest. He could tell her nipples were hard.

"Let's get out of here." Tam said.

"Oh God, yes." He agreed readily.

Royce put his t-shirt back on and Tam put her top and shorts back on, along with their shoes, and made the rounds saying their goodbyes. As they were leaving, Lisa called them back for a moment.

"Are you really retired from being the Steel Cat?" Lisa asked.

At their surprised looks, she smiled. "Natalie told me. She figured out who you were, and was surprised to find out that I already knew."

"She almost arrested me, mom." Royce shrugged. "But yes, if we're going to be married and raising a family, we're going to need a bit more stability. I'm really going into the freelance security business, and Mr. Wolfe is my first client."

Lisa gawked at him. "You know he's a Mafia Boss, right?"

"He's a good man, Lisa." Tam said, defending her sister's boss's boss. "You heard about what happened to Liam Prescott and his goons?"

Lisa looked around, then pulled them into her office. She shut and locked the door, then turned to them, crossing her arms over her breasts. "Yes, I heard about that. While I don't condone what happened, I'm glad he went down. From what I heard, he was pointing his finger at you, Royce."

"I was there, but I didn't kill anyone, mom." He replied evenly.

"It's true. Royce wasn't in any position to kill anyone. He took a bullet for me." Tam said.

"So that's what caused the scars on your chest and back." Lisa nodded. "Well, from what Natalie has told me, he kept ranting that you were The Steel Cat, and Tam was your accomplice."

"I was the Steel Cat, mom. Now I'm not." He shrugged.

"And my cyber vigilante days are gone too." Tam smiled at her future mother-in-law.

Lisa laughed at that. "My kids are criminals." Her amusement belied the severity of her words. "But since I've done some questionable things in the past, I have no right to judge, and you've probably done quite a bit more good in such a short time than I did."

"Mom, you've done a lot of good over the years. Why do you think I gave you that chance to do the right thing?" He asked. "It's NOT just because you're my mom. It was also because you're a good person inside."

Lisa was nearly in tears as she hugged her son and future daughter-in-law. "Thank you both. By the way, your wedding will be held here, and I'm going to take care of everything. When did you want to do it?" Lisa said it all rapid-fire, not giving either of them a chance to say no.

Royce looked at Tam, who smiled and looked at Lisa. "In four months, if that's ok. We want Justin back so he can bring my sister. Besides, I'm pretty sure that Royce wants him to be his best man."

Royce nodded. He'd gotten to know Justin Wolfe pretty well while he had been home on Leave, and liked as well as respected the US Army Officer.

"Yes, I do." He said. "He's going to finish his tour over in Afghanistan, and then he's resigning his commission."

"Done." Lisa said. "We'll get together in a couple of weeks to hash out some more details. My schedule is going to be pretty booked up for a while, though."

"Sounds good, Lisa." Tam smiled and hugged Royce's mom. She saw them out, and smiled to herself. She couldn't wait to see her oldest son married. She wanted to be a grandma.

When they got home that afternoon, Royce took Tam in his arms and kissed her lovingly. She returned the kiss just as passionately, then broke it and looked at him with a smile on her face.

"Baby, I have something to give you." She said sultrily.

"What's that?" Royce asked with a smile in return.

"Come with me." She kissed him and led him to the bedroom, where they undressed each other quickly. "I want to give you something I never gave to another man." She leaned forward and whispered in his ear. "I want you to fuck my ass, Baby."

Royce was already hard, but now his cock was threatening to explode. He knew she loved it when he played with and licked her ass, but this... 'Wow!' He thought as he had never been back there before, but had been unwilling to even bring the subject up with her.

"I've been reading up on it, and while KY would make it easier, I'm not a fan of artificial lube. So we'll just have to use my pussy juice, your pre cum, and go slow. Ok, Baby?" She said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"God yes, Honey." Royce said, moaning in anticipation.

In answer, she pulled him onto the bed with her, and they kissed like it was their last day on Earth.

She reached down and guided him into her, wrapping her arms around his back and her legs around his waist. He thrust into her tight hot wet pussy a few times, getting his cock good and slick with her juices and his pre cum that was nearly gushing from his cock.

"Ok, that... should be... good, Baby." Tam panted, loving the feel of his cock inside her cunt. "But I really want to feel you in my ass."

Royce remembered reading about anal in the Kama Sutra, and knew that she would have to be loosened up first. He sucked two of his fingers, then turned her over and slipped those fingers into Tam's pussy. She moaned as he fingered her for a minute, then pulled them out and began to work one into her tight backdoor.

"Oooooh, Baby. That feels sooo good!" She exclaimed softly as he worked first one, then the other finger into her tight virgin asshole.

"Are you ready, Baby Girl?" He asked softly, knowing they were almost as the point of no return.

"Yes, stud. Give me that fuckstick in my ass. Just go slow, ok?" She said, her breathing ragged in anticipation.

"Ok, Honey." He said lovingly, pushing his cock back into her pussy for a few strokes. Her cunt was drenched with her juices, and he pulled out and set the throbbing head of his cock against her little pucker. He pushed slowly, but forcefully, until the mushroom head popped into her.

"OH GOD!" She shouted, and he stopped moving. "Gimme a minute to get used to it, Baby." She panted.

"Ok, Sweetheart, just tell me when." He replied with a smile on his face.

He felt her relax, and when she said she was ready, he pushed in a little further. Once more, he felt her tighten up around him, and stopped until she had relaxed a bit more. He moved his hands over her ass, massaging her butt cheeks, admiring her big cocoa colored bubble butt. The stark contrast never ceased to amaze him, and he loved the feel of her skin as much as the difference in their complexions.

Royce thrust in slowly as soon as he felt her relax, and soon his balls were resting against her pussy lips. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "I'm all the way inside your ass, Baby Girl."

"Mmmm, I feel all of you, Honey." She replied in ecstasy. His cock felt so good inside her ass, and she felt so full of him. "Fuck me slow, Baby. Give me that fuckstick nice and slow."

"Oh God yes." He gasped as he started thrusting into her slowly, over and over as he withdrew and thrust back in. The sensation was almost as good as her pussy, but the difference in sensation made it even better, in some regards.

After a few minutes of slow trusts, Tam started bucking her hips back to meet him on each stroke, and soon they were fucking at a good pace. "Oh God, Tam!" He shouted as he felt his balls tightening. "I'm gonna come!" He warned her.

Tam felt her first anal orgasm building quickly, She reached between her legs and touched her clit, and that sent her over the edge. Her finger had barely made contact with her little nub, but that, coupled with the sensation of the man she loved inside her tight sphincter sent her climax exploding out of her like a nuclear bomb. She lost all coherent thought as her ass squeezed his cock hard, and her pussy exploded.

Royce heard her wordless scream and felt the spray of her juices all over his balls as she squirted all over him. It was too much, and he shouted as he erupted inside her sweet sweet asshole.

"GOD YES TAMARA!" He shouted as he unloaded inside her spasming sphincter. His cum shot deep into her, jet after hot jet, volley after ecstatic volley, filling her to overflowing and spurting out around his still thrusting cock.

They collapsed together on the bed, his cock still buried deep inside her cum filled ass. He kissed the back and side of her neck lovingly, and she reached back and caressed his ass, making sure he didn't pull out of her yet.

But soon, he had no choice. He pulled out and then pulled her into his arms, kissing her lovingly and tenderly as her tongue danced with his. "That was amazing, Baby." She said finally when they broke the kiss.

"You're amazing. I just did what I thought you'd like." He said with a loving smile. "I love you, Tam."

"I love you too, Royce." She grinned, and they went back to kissing.

Later, they took a shower, washing each other clean. After they finished and toweled each other dry, they made love again and again, finally drifting off to sleep. Their dreams were filled with possibilities for their future together, and they rose the next morning, ready for the new day. The first day of the rest of their lives.

Epilogue: 4 Months Later

"You look fine, brother!" Justin chuckled as he stood with Royce at the altar set up in Lisa's backyard. Tam's family was there along with Royce's family. The Wolfes had been invited as well, and while Justin was wearing a standard tux like Royce's, he somehow made it seem like a military uniform. He'd returned home for the last time two weeks before, and was ready to get on with his life as a civilian.

Justin glanced over to where Cammie was standing as Maid of Honor, and then at her mother, Shawnda, who was tending to little Nate. His eyes caught Cammie's again and he smiled. 'She's gorgeous!' He thought to himself.

Cammie caught his eye and smiled back, blushing slightly as she felt the heat in her face. She'd noticed before that he was good looking, but hadn't thought much about him in any other way besides just a good friend and her dead husband's former platoon leader.

Just then the wedding march started, and Royce turned along with everyone else to watch the goddess in the long white gown walk down the aisle.

His breath caught in his throat at her beauty, and he ran his hand back through his now shorter haircut. While Tam had liked his longer, more unruly style, she didn't want to look like she was going to marry a surfer. Royce had volunteered to get it cut, and found he actually enjoyed it.

All eyes were on Tam as she couldn't hide her grin as she stepped up, and her father gave her hand to Royce with a smile on his face too, and tears in his eyes.

They turned to face the minister, and the ceremony began.

It went quickly, and Royce and Tam had written their own vows. It was the most beautiful wedding they could have hoped for. When they got home that night, they made love for the first time as husband and wife.

Two weeks earlier, Tam had decided not to renew her birth control shot. As Royce came inside her that night, they conceived their first child.

3 years later, Royce walked in on Tam telling their son, Jacob Carter, a bedtime story. He leaned against the doorjamb with a smile on his face and his arms folded across his chest as she told their son a modern day fairy tale. She told him about The Stainless Steel Cat, and the love of his life, his wife Lady Blackfire.

The End

BOOK: A Stainless Steel Cat
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