Read A Promise of Roses Online

Authors: Heidi Betts

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Historical, #General, #Action & Adventure

A Promise of Roses (28 page)

BOOK: A Promise of Roses
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Chapter Thirty

In stunned silence, Megan turned to face Brandt. If even a flicker of doubt existed in his mind, Union Pacific could still try to press charges against her.

"Mr. Donovan?” she asked.

He held her gaze for a long moment.

She stopped breathing.

"The Union Pacific Railroad has no objections to letting Miss Adams go."

Caleb let out a loud whoop. Lucas squeezed her hand, which still rested in his.

Brandt bent at the waist, bowing regally. “Our most sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused, Miss Adams,” he said formally. Then he took her hand, pressed a soft kiss to it, and said softly, “I'm sorry for doubting you, Megan. Forgive me?"

Her insides warmed at his heartfelt apology. She smiled. “Just see that it doesn't happen again,” she said. “Or I may have to throw another pot of coffee at your head."

His eyes widened, but he quickly broke into a grin. “It won't happen again, I assure you."

Then if you'll excuse me, gentlemen.”
She rose, breaking her contact with Lucas. “I'd like to get home. Caleb, will you drive me, please?"

"Absolutely,” he said. Her brother went to hold the door open for her. “Rebecca will be ecstatic. We'll have a big celebration dinner."

Megan nodded, but she really had no desire to spend the evening with her family. She loved them dearly, but right now all she wanted was to crawl into her own bed and cry herself to sleep.

She was a free woman. Lucas didn't have to stick around any longer out of guilt for putting her in jail. Despite his protestations, he'd likely be back on Silas Scott's trail by morning, and once again she would be alone.

The thought brought a stinging mist to her eyes. She ducked her head and left the building before anyone noticed the gathering tears.

"Hey.” A strong hand caught her arm before she could step off the boardwalk.

She turned to face Lucas. He stared down at her, his face unreadable.

"Where do you think you're going?” he asked.

She raised her chin a notch, determined not to let him see how much she hurt inside. “Home,” she said. She loosened her arm from his grasp and started across the street. Caleb's buggy was hitched behind the Express office.

"Wait a minute,” he called.

She quickened her pace.

He stalked after her.

Caleb and Brandt hurried to wish the marshal and deputy a good day before setting off after them.

"Megan,” Lucas said sternly. “For Christ's sake, will you wait a

She stopped in the middle of the street, whirling around to face him. “Will you keep your voice down?” she hissed. The last thing she wanted was to attract the attention of every busybody in town.

"No, I will not keep my voice down!” he said in what could have passed for a defiant shout.

She lowered her eyes, hoping the townspeople would, for once, mind their own business. But her prayer fell on deaf ears. People stopped on the sidewalks. Men, women, and children filtered out of buildings to watch the spectacle.

Her face began to color. She felt the warm blush streaking up from below the neckline of her blouse. Mortified right down to her toes, she tried once more to escape.

And once more Lucas caught her arm.

"Let go of me,” she told him in a hushed voice.

"Not until you tell me where you're going."

"I told you,

He crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back to look at her. His gaze raked her from head to foot. “I hope you weren't planning on going without me."

Her eyes drifted closed. The fight washed out of her, leaving her weak. “I thank you for coming back,” she said.
“For helping to prove my innocence.
But it's over now. You can go back to tracking down Silas Scott without feeling guilty."

"I don't want to go back to tracking Silas Scott."

She stared at him, confused. “It's all you've ever wanted."

He shrugged, resting his hands on her hips, bringing her flush with his body. “I used to think so.
Before I hit a run of bad luck.
See, I came across this shrew of a woman who caused me nothing but trouble.”
His lips quirked up in half a grin.
“She ranted and raved and told me I didn't want revenge as much as I wanted peace. Of course, I thought she was crazy at the time."

He bent, warming her lips with his own. “But now I know she was right all along. Killing isn't going to bring anybody back. It will only turn me into what I despise most—Silas Scott.

"So I've decided to stick around,” he said. “Marry up with that shrewish woman."

She slapped his chest. “I am not a shrew."

A full-fledged grin spread across his face.
“Yes, dear."

Several knowing snickers from the men in the crowd reached their ears.

"Do you mean it? Are you really giving up chasing after Scott?"

"I'll hang up my guns altogether if you want me to."

She shook her head, knowing the Peacemakers were as much a part of Lucas as his hands or his feet.

"I've got something for you,” he said quietly. He reached into the breast pocket of his vest. The huge, square-cut emerald glittered in the bright sunlight.

Megan gasped. “It's beautiful!"

"It's yours,” he told her, slipping the circlet onto the ring finger of her left hand.
“On one condition."

"What's that?” she asked, sure she could comply with his request.

"Promise never to take your sunshine away.” His voice grew suspiciously rough. “I couldn't live without it."

She looked up to see moisture gathering in the corners of his eyes. And then her vision hazed, and she could see nothing at all. She threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. “I promise. I'll never leave you."

"I love you, Megan."

"Oh, Lucas, I love you, too."

His mouth swooped down to capture hers. They stood in the middle of town, among hoots and hollers and cheers of happiness. But all they knew was each other.

His hands crept over her back, cupping her bottom to lift her off the ground. Their mouths devoured. Her
tongue parried while
his thrust in passionate combat.

Mothers covered their children's eyes, hurrying them away from the disgraceful scene. Men watched until even their cheeks turned red.

Brandt leaned closer to Caleb. “We should probably break them up,” he said.

Caleb gave a bark of laughter. “Are you kidding? We should sell tickets.” After another few minutes, though, he changed his mind. He cleared his throat.

Then again, louder.
He and Brandt shared a glance before stepping forward.

Megan and Lucas reluctantly broke their kiss. She buried her face against his shoulder when she realized she'd made such a fervent display in front of the whole town.

"They'd better get used to it,” Lucas said, guessing her thoughts.
“'cause I intend to kiss my wife whenever the notion strikes me."

She smiled, licking her lips guiltily. Because she knew she wasn't going to mind a bit.

"Can we go now?” Caleb asked.

Lucas nodded, holding Megan close to his side. “We'll go to your place first,” he said. “Then, after dinner, Megan and I will go home."

"Home?” she asked.

"I figure your house is as good a place as any to set down roots. You don't mind, do you?"

She shook her head, happier than she'd ever imagined one person could be.

"I thought I'd try my hand at ranching again."

Caleb groaned.
“Just what I need, competition from my own brother-in-law."

"Don't worry,” Lucas said. “It'll take me a while to get a good-size herd together.” He pressed his lips to Megan's temple. “Besides, I have some home improvements to tend to first—so my wife can enjoy her endless baths. And then I plan to spend a lot of time working at starting a family."

"Just so you don't start it in the middle of the street,” Caleb said, heading for the Express office. “Brandt, you're welcome to join us for dinner."

"I'd like that."

"I say we lose them at the next alley,” Lucas whispered in Megan's ear as they trailed behind.

"That wouldn't be very nice."

"No, but I'm
have a hell of a time keeping my mind on food if you make me sit through a long meal."

up on tiptoe to nip at his earlobe. “I'll make it up to you."

He groaned and pulled her closer.


The shout rang through town, capturing the attention of anyone within whistling distance.

Lucas whirled, recognizing the voice immediately. He pushed Megan behind him, shielding her with his body.

Silas Scott stood not ten yards away, his sloppy girth straining the buttons of his silver vest. He swept his black jacket open to reveal two ivory-handled revolvers hanging low on his hips.

"I'm sick of you following me, boy. You
done me in back in
when you had the chance."

"Get out of here,” Lucas told Megan harshly.

"No.” She refused to budge. “I'm not leaving without you."

"Get her out of here,” he yelled to Brandt and Caleb, who stood motionless several feet away.

They both came forward, each taking one of her arms. She put up a fuss, kicking and screaming, shouting the vilest of threats, but they dragged her out of harm's way.

"Hush! Megan!” Caleb snapped. He didn't mince words. “If you don't stop screeching, you'll break his concentration and get him killed."

That shut her up quicker than a bucketful of platitudes could have.

"Silas Scott is something he has to deal with,” Brandt reassured her. But he clutched a revolver in his white-knuckled hand. He dug into his boot for a hidden weapon, then handed Caleb the smaller pistol. “If Lucas misses...” he began.

Caleb finished his thought. “Scott's still a dead man."

"Time to have it out, McCain,” Scott challenged. “Here and now."

Lucas's fingers twitched over the butt of his Peacemaker.

"And when you're dead, maybe I'll make a prize of that little lady behind you."

Lucas kept his eyes on Scott, refusing to let the bastard bait him. Megan would be safe. Even if Scott managed to kill him, Caleb and Brandt would never let him lay so much as a finger on her.

"Your move,” Scott called out.

Sweat rolled down Lucas's forehead, but his gaze never faltered. His hands remained steady above the revolvers strapped to his hips.

"I said make your move, McCain.” Scott shifted uneasily.

Silence hung around them like a tomb, thick and heavy.

"I said


"You really scared me this afternoon,” Megan said, stretching out atop Lucas.

They lay replete after a bout of wild lovemaking, though she still couldn't seem to get close enough to him.
Almost losing him to a bullet only a few hours earlier had shaken her to the very depths of her soul.
She loved him desperately and was completely sure she could not live without him.

Lucas had fired before Scott's gun even cleared leather. But she would never forget the agonizing moments after that shot.
Waiting for one man to crumple, one to remain standing.

She thanked God Lucas hadn't been the one to fall.

His fingers ran through her long hair. “I'm sorry you had to see that."

"I wasn't worried about seeing a gunfight,” she told him pointedly. “I was worried about losing you."

missed me, huh?"

"Of course.
I mean, who else would keep my sheets warm? And I need
around to draw my baths."

You probably would have sold the ring before my body was even cold."

"Oh, no.”
She held it up to the pale lamplight. “This beauty is never leaving my finger."


"No matter
I marry."

"What?” His eyebrows drew together.

"Well, you haven't exactly proposed yet."

"What do you think the ring is for?"

"I'm not sure. I thought maybe you just wanted me to have it as compensation for all the trouble you've caused me."

"That thing cost a small fortune! If you're going to keep it, I sure as hell expect you to marry me."

"Well, then, you really should ask."

"Ask what?"

"Ask me to be your wife, you ninny."

He groaned, throwing an arm over his eyes. “You're going to make me do it, aren't you?"

I expect a proper proposal of marriage."

Megan, will you marry me?"

"You really should be down on one knee when you ask,” she said.

He glared at her but got out of bed and down on one knee. “Megan, my love, will you be my wife?"

She chuckled. “You should be wearing pants, too."

"Look,” he growled. “You're naked. I'm naked. This is going to be a naked marriage proposal, okay?"

She shrugged a bare shoulder. “Okay, but I don't think that's at all proper."

"Never mind,” he said curtly. “Will you marry me or not?"

"You have to take my hand,” she said, holding it out to him.

He ran splayed fingers through his hair, muttering a few choice phrases. Then he took her hand in his own.

"The very next word I want to hear out of your mouth is
Got that?
Nothing more, nothing less.

She opened her mouth. He gave her a warning glare. With a sugary sweet smile, she licked her lips and said, “Yes."

"Very good,” he praised. “Now, let's try this again.” Kneeling next to the bed, he brought her hand to his lips for a light kiss. “Megan, my love, my life, will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

As soon as she started laughing, he knew he was in trouble.

"That rhymed,” she said, giggling until she fell against him. They both toppled to the floor.

"That's it,” he said, setting her aside and getting to his feet. “I give up. Find someone else to marry you."

"No, no,” Megan cried. She grabbed his leg. “I won't laugh again."

Still skeptical, he slowly crossed his legs to sit on the floor in front of her. “Promise?” he asked.

Megan climbed into his lap, wrapping her legs around his waist. “Yes,” she said. Her tongue trailed along the curve of his ear.

"And you promise not to interrupt me again?"

"Yes,” she said, kissing the pulse at the base of his throat.

"What are you doing?” he asked.

She licked the outline of his lips. “Yes."

"That isn't an appropriate answer to the question."


"Did I miss something?"

She lifted her head. Her mouth tilted up in a grin. “Yes."

"Yes, what?” he tried instead.

"Yes, I'll marry you."

"Well, finally.” He exhaled in relief. “I thought I'd have to propose to someone else just to get a straight answer.” He rolled her to her back.

She smiled. “I hope you know that I'm not going to curb my tongue just because you put a ring on my finger.” She held up her hand to emphasize her point.

"Pretty nice for only realizing I loved you four days ago, huh?"

"Did you really only fall in love with me four days ago? I think I've loved you forever."

"Well, I'm a man. You can't expect us to catch on as quickly as you women do."

"That's true enough,” she agreed easily.

He tweaked her nose. “Hush. No, I didn't just fall in love with you. I think I've loved you since the moment I shot your hat off. I saw that luxurious mane of black hair, and I was lost. It was only four days ago, though, that I realized I didn't want to go on without you."

"Even when I make your life harder than Hell?"

"Even then.
Because—as any man who's been to Hell and back can tell you—Heaven is oh, so much sweeter when you finally get there."


"Hmm?” he asked, looking down into the brown depths of her eyes.

"I love you."

He kissed her long and thoroughly, until neither of them had the strength or the will to move. “I love you, too,” he whispered against her lips. “I love you, too."


BOOK: A Promise of Roses
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