A Perfect Match: (Raining Romance Series) (5 page)

BOOK: A Perfect Match: (Raining Romance Series)
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She couldn’t stifle sighs of pleasure as his hot, moist mouth nuzzled her sensitive flesh.  His other hand cupped her ass, urging her closer.  She arched her back and pressed her hips into his.

He moaned deep in his chest, kissing his way up to her earlobe and across her cheek until his mouth found hers.  His full, firm lips were no longer teasing but demanding and forceful.  Delving his tongue deep into the sweet recesses of her mouth, he staked his claim.

Jaslyn’s legs buckled. 

He scooped her up before she could fall.  She wound her arms around his neck.  He gazed deeply into her eyes.  “Yes, Jaslyn.  I like you very, very much.  Now, where is this sofa you spoke of earlier?”

Near swooning, she pointed to an archway leading into the living room.

When they reached the overstuffed piece of furniture, he sat down with her cradled in his lap.

She felt breathless.  They both tried to speak at the same time.

“Please, you go first, Rhein.”

He nodded, intensely holding her gaze.  “I have every intention of making love to you tonight.  But, first, I believe you wanted to talk.  What is it you wish to say to me, sweet Jaslyn?”

It was difficult to think with him holding her so intimately.

“Well,” she hesitated briefly, hoping what she had to say wouldn’t anger him.  “When you’re not growling and scowling, you’re rather pleasant to be around.”

He chuckled.  “Am I?”

“Yes, and I thought if you behaved at the office as cordially as you have with me tonight, then your employees wouldn’t call you a Nazi anymore.”

Immediately his brows furrowed, and she felt tension tightening his body.

“If I fire the next person who calls me a Nazi and make an example of them, then no one will dare utter that vile word ever again.  No matter how I act.”

She tenderly caressed his cheek in an effort to soothe him.  “True.  But it won’t keep them from thinking it.”

“Thinking something does not make it so.”

“No, but it bothers you anyway.  Is it because of your great grandfather—Armin? You said he was a high-ranking official in the Third Reich.”

“Yes.  You have an excellent memory, and so does the world,” he said, shaking his head.  “It does not matter that the war happened years before I was born.  Or that I had nothing to do with the inexcusable abuse and murder of the Jews.  I still bear the burden and the shame.  Guilt by association. At times, I feel sick knowing his blood flows through my veins.”

“Oh, Rhein.  I think it’s admirable that you detest your ancestor’s horrific behavior.  But what your great grandfather did has nothing to do with you.  You’re not responsible for his actions, only your own.”

“Logically, I know this.  Emotionally, it does not matter.  My heart still hurts for those who suffered.  Those who died at his hands.”

Jaslyn’s heart swelled with love and an even greater admiration for this complex man.

His hand gently caressed her back as he continued.  “After Sahara and I buried our parents and younger brother, we went through the attic.  It was a chore neither of us relished, but the house had to be cleaned out before we could sell it and come here to America.”

Jaslyn studied his face as he spoke.  His eyes were distant as if he were looking deep into the past.

“What we found was heartbreaking.  There was a huge trunk filled with Armin’s memorabilia.  His uniform with the swastika band sewn onto the left arm, his weapons, handwritten notes of correspondence between him and Hitler.  There were even photographs of Armin saluting the murdering bastard in his home, having dinner with him.”

Jaslyn sighed.  “It’s bad enough hearing stories about that terrible time, but having visual proof stored in your own attic? I can’t imagine how horrible that must have made you and your sister feel.  It gives me cold chills to think about it.”

“It made us nauseous to see it. I immediately went online and found an exclusive auction for Third Reich and Hitler memorabilia.  I sold everything for five million dollars.”

She gasped.  “That’s a nice chunk of change.”

“One I hope will go a long way toward helping any remaining Holocaust survivors and their relatives.  Shortly after we arrived here five years ago, Sahara and I set up a restitution charity fund.  The Holocaust Memorial Museum has graciously assisted us through their database of victims and survivors.  So far, we’ve been able to financially assist hundreds of Jewish families.  Money is allotted daily for anything from medical expenses to college tuition.”

Jaslyn wrapped her arms tightly around his neck.  “You and Sahara are amazing people.  What you’re doing to help others is wonderful,” she exclaimed, pulling back to gaze into his eyes.  “You should be very proud.”

“I am happy we were able to turn my great grandfather’s disgusting war trophies into something good.  But I am terribly sad the Jews were persecuted in the first place.  It never should have happened.”

Jaslyn desperately wanted to declare her love for him, but now wasn’t the time.  She didn’t want him to think the outpouring of emotion was due to his generosity to her people.  She wanted him to understand and believe she loved him for who he was and not for what he did.

Feeling the heaviness that now seemed to engulf him, she was determined to lighten the mood.

“I know a raven-haired, Jewish girl who needs your help tonight, Mr. Birkner.”

He gave her a questioning look.  “Would her name be Jaslyn Scarpa?”

She nodded.  “Yep, and it’s a very important name, too,” she said, giggling.

He smiled, and she loved that his lighthearted mood was returning.  “Indeed.  It is the most important name in the whole world.  How can I help?”

“You can start by undressing me.”

“I warn you, Miss Scarpa, I am not a gentle lover.”

“I guessed as much.  I did a little research on you before the temp agency sent me to your company.  You’re notorious for being hostile and forceful in your business dealings.  I would expect nothing less in the bedroom.”

The storm of desire brewing in his eyes matched the one raging outside.  The thunder had rolled in again, and the rain was pelting hard against the window panes.

“You understand me.  You are good for me and for my company.”

  He stood in one graceful, powerful motion, setting her down on unsteady legs.

Reaching for the neck of her blouse, he said in a low, husky voice, “Do not worry, sweet Jaslyn.  I will buy you a whole new wardrobe.”

She sucked in a sharp breath as he ripped the flimsy material from her body. 

Grabbing a fistful of her gorgeous black hair, he gave it a firm tug and kissed her roughly.  He pulled back and slowly ran his fingers along the waistband of her skirt, devouring her with his eyes.  He drank in her curves and her beautiful breasts beneath the light pink lace of her bra.  “In fact, your salary will cover ten wardrobes.  I want you to come back to work.  Not as a temp but as a permanent employee.  You’ll have a big expense account, a company car, lots of paid vacation time and excellent insurance benefits.  What do you say, Jaslyn?”

“I say I’m not interested in negotiations at the moment.”

“What are you interested in?”

“Takeovers and mergers.”

He laughed.  It was deep and throaty, and she was mesmerized by the sexy, melodic sound.  It was the first time she had heard it.  It was earthshattering and panty-melting.  God, what she wouldn’t give to hear him laugh all the time.

Jaslyn reached behind her to unclasp her bra.  She wanted to tempt him, prod him into action.  Sex with her ex-boyfriend had been mundane and unsatisfactory.  It wasn’t until she felt Rhein’s domination in the breakroom that she knew what had been missing.  It shocked her a little to realize she craved the animalistic savagery she saw in his eyes now and felt in his touch.  She wanted to poke the bear and make him growl.

Before she could unhook it, he clamped a hand over hers, trapping them behind her back.  Having her arms pinned behind her caused her breasts to jut against his chest. 

Dipping his head to her right breast, he licked her nipple through the lacy material.  Her lips parted in a sigh of pleasure that quickly turned to full-blown panting when he tore her bra off with his teeth. 

His voice was rough with arousal.  “How’s that for a hostile takeover?” he asked, releasing her hands.

“Not bad, but I’m more interested in a forced merger.”

“That can be arranged.”

She was disappointed when he stepped away from her, breaking contact with her body.  But her dismay was short-lived as he loosened his tie and pulled it over his head.  He was undressing in front of her, making her heart race out of control.

She reached for his jacket, but he grabbed her wrists and shook his head.  “Patience, Jaslyn.”

Her mouth went dry when he shrugged out of his jacket.  She nervously licked her lips as he unbuttoned his crisp, white dress shirt, revealing washboard abs and a broad, muscular chest.  His movements were excruciatingly painstaking, building the anticipation for both of them.  His eyes never left her face while he unfastened his belt and slowly slid it through the loops.  Holding it by the buckle he snapped it against the sofa.

Jaslyn jumped, but she wasn’t afraid.  She was turned on.  The powerful display of masculine strength caused a surge of moisture between her thighs.

His silence was devastatingly loud.  Still holding her gaze, he wrapped the belt around his fist.  He toed off his socks and shoes. Then, deftly and expertly, he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants one-handed.  They fell in a heap around his ankles.  He stepped out of them and kicked them to the side.  His eyes had darkened with unadulterated desire.  Standing completely naked before her, he said, “Come here, Jaslyn.”

She was utterly breathless.  “No.  You come to me.”

He grinned wickedly.  “Are you sure that is what you really want?”

She nodded, feeling the first twinge of apprehension.

“Very well.”  Faster than the lightning flashing across the sky, he closed the space between them.

Grabbing a handful of her black, pencil skirt, he worked it up her long legs and over her shapely thighs.  The material bunched at the curve of her waist. 

He glanced down between them.  “You are not wearing any panties, Miss Scarpa.”

“I don’t care for underwear.  It’s too confining.”

“So, this morning when you were sitting in my office, your pretty little pussy was panty-less?”

“Yes, Mr. Birkner.”

“I see,” he said, pushing his belted-hand between her thighs.”

She felt faint when he rubbed the hard leather against her slit.  His roughness was primal.  He was smearing her feminine scent all over his belt.  The thought of him wearing it around his waist, covered in her juices was overwhelmingly exciting.

Her breath caught in her throat when he withdrew his hand, letting the belt drop to the floor.  She couldn’t help but feel disappointed.  Something deep inside her was hoping he would use it on her.  Before today, she wouldn’t have thought she was the type of woman who would go in for an erotic spanking.  But, before today, she hadn’t met Rhein Birkner.

He chuckled knowingly.  “Do not despair, Jaslyn.  You will get your spanking.” 

She blushed but didn’t feel any shame or embarrassment.  Somehow this sexy, complex CEO knew exactly what she wanted, and it thrilled her clear to her pulsating core.

Taking her hand, he led her to the sofa and eased her down onto her back.

She bit her bottom lip and gave him a lustful look. His body was hard and muscular; it could have been carved from stone.  She longed to dig her fingernails into his broad shoulders.  His abs were finely chiseled, tapering at the hips.  Prominent blue veins bulged at his groin, feeding his magnificent manhood.  His cock was enormous.  It jutted and bobbed before her, making her wetter than she had ever been in her life.

She trembled as he pressed one knee into the sofa cushion between her legs, keeping his other foot firmly planted on the floor.  He took his gigantic cock in hand. 
God, it had to be ten inches
, she thought to herself.

Her eyes widened when he grasped it at the base and wielded it against her feminine folds.  One rhythmic pop after another. 
He was spanking her pussy with his cock.  It was the hottest thing she had ever seen or felt.

He flashed her a heart-stopping smile.  “Would you prefer I stop and use my belt on your ass?”

“No.  I love what you’re doing.”  She whimpered her pleasure and opened her legs wider.  “Oh God, Rhein, it feels so good.”

He moaned, continuing to slap her drenched pussy lips with the hard length of his cock.

“It will feel even better once I am inside you, sweet Jaslyn.”

His actions quickly followed his words.

The head of his penis nudging her entrance was heaven.  The anticipation of their bodies being intimately joined made her tingle all over.  Their eyes met and held as he plunged himself deep inside her with one swift thrust.

They moaned in unison.

BOOK: A Perfect Match: (Raining Romance Series)
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