A Mate for Lance (The Program Book 5) (5 page)

BOOK: A Mate for Lance (The Program Book 5)
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His tongue. A little whimper escaped. She loved and hated the sound of that.

“I’m not normally one for following rules but I suspect that you are, so I’ll concede. A tongue fuck is going to have to suffice.”

“What?” Her voice came out sounding croaky. “I don’t think that it’s appropriate…”

“You heard me. Let’s get you on the couch and out of this dress.” He grabbed her hand and tugged her in the direction of the living room.

She shook her head. “This isn’t a good—”

“Bullshit…” He pushed her against the wall, his hand cupped her mound over her panties. His leg moved between hers, his eyes were a bright, blazing blue.

Amber groaned but so did Lance. “So fucking wet,” he growled. “Your pussy is soaked.” With expert precision, he pulled the material aside and pushed a finger inside of her.

She’d been with two other men before. She didn’t get sex, oral or otherwise. One touch from Lance and her back came off the wall as pleasure raced through her. There was a guttural moan, which she realized had come from her.

“You need this,” Lance whispered into her ear. His lips caused shivers to race through her. His hard chest pressed against her.

His finger plunged back inside her and she felt her knees buckle. Her breathing was coming in short pants. “Yes,” she moaned, and again as he pulled out of her but only because of the sheer loss.

Shit! What was she doing? Her body vibrated. Her breath came in short pants. This wasn’t right. She didn’t do things like this.

“Stop that,” he said as he pulled her towards the living room. “Stop overthinking this. You need the release. You can go on hating me afterwards.”

She tried to sit down on the couch but he grabbed her hips turning her. “Hold still,” he demanded

He pulled her dress up over her hips, exposing her. There was indeed a ripping noise as he pulled her panties clear. This wasn’t happening. She squeezed her thighs together, feeling mortified, heart racing but incapable of doing anything other than what he wanted.

She squeezed her eyes shut. This was so damned intimate. Why was she allowing this?

A low rumble emitted from his chest as he sat her down on the coffee table. The wood was cool on her bare ass. She wished that she had had enough time to wax down there. She wished even harder that she’d at least given herself a trim. It wasn’t like she’d actually expected to have something like this happen on the first day. Truth be told, she hadn’t expected something like this to happen at all. Okay, maybe in the final stages, if she was picked and fell in love. A really big

“Your pussy is exquisite.” Lance’s gaze was focused between her thighs.

She looked down, expecting to see a smirk but his face was taut and his eyes blazed with…hunger. Her own heart rate increased. He wasn’t joking, or teasing her. He actually meant it.

“Lean back and brace your hands on either side of the table. I want your legs over my shoulders.”

“I’m not so sure about this,” she stammered.

“It’s happening and you’re going to fucking love it.”

“I never have before.” It just slipped out. “I don’t even know you.”

His eyes narrowed. “You’ve never enjoyed having a male go down on you?” He looked angry.

She shrugged, feeling like an idiot. “Not really, no. Groping fingers and…no, I never have.” She wasn’t about to elaborate. She wasn’t so sure about this whole thing. “This is a terrible idea…” The last time Freddie had gone down on her, she’d eventually faked an orgasm just so that he would stop. Her ex’s fingernails dug into her and he was far too rough. His mouth had also been fastened over an area that was so not her clit. She had told him not to worry the next few times until the offers dried up altogether.

She didn’t mind sex, it was normally over quite quickly. Although Amber had enjoyed plenty of orgasms, they were of her own making. She didn’t mind that either. Sex wasn’t important after all. It lasted a few sweaty minutes once or twice a week. There were so many other things to a relationship. Way more important things.

His jaw worked. “It’s happening. Grip the table and do it now…” It came out sounding so gruff, so commanding that she leaned back and did as he said. Her knees were together against his chest.

Lance slid his hands down her thighs. “Open,” he ordered. Those haunting eyes commanded her as much as his words.

She wanted to refuse but her legs fell open before her mouth could work. It was like he had better control over her body than she did.

His beautiful eyes stayed glued on hers as he slid her legs over his shoulders. He held her gaze for a moment longer and then lowered it to her…girl bits. She had to work not to squirm under his scrutiny.

“Jesus!” he finally growled. The sound low and menacing. “You’re dripping, fucking wet. I’m going to enjoy this just as much as you.”

At long last, panic seized her as she realized that this was happening. A perfect stranger was about to go down on her. He was a vampire and a total asshole. She tried to close her legs but it was difficult with two hundred, odd pounds of vampire leaning between them. He made a noise of disagreement as his tongue tentatively laved against her clit. She sucked in a breath, her hands closing even tighter on the table behind her. “Oh…” She gasped, sounding shocked because well, she was shocked. It felt good. Really, really good.

He rolled his tongue over the bundle of nerves a few more times. Her eyes widened some more and her mouth fell open.

“Oh…” She gasped a second time, sounding even more confused. Really good had turned to really amazing. Then he did what he had set out to do. What he had, essentially, promised her. He tongue fucked her.

His long, hot tongue breached her opening and he proceeded to fuck her with it. All out fuck. Her eyes opened even wider. By now she knew that she must look ridiculous. Wide eyes, gaping mouth, dress up around her hips which she was rocking in time to his ministrations.

One of her hands was fisting his hair but she couldn’t make herself stop doing it. Her ankles were locked behind his neck.

“Ohhhhhh…” Long and drawn out. At least she didn’t sound shocked anymore. She sounded like she was on the verge of coming…which she was.

Even over her panting and groaning, she could hear the sound his tongue was making as he moved in and out of her. It made her feel even more turned on. Her whole body buzzed. She’d never felt so heavy and weighted down yet so tense and ready and all at the same time.

“Oh! Oh!” She wished she could stop saying that. The hand that had been clenching his hair was now digging into his scalp as she tried to pull him closer. Needed more…more…

Then he went from tongue fucking her to alternating between tonguing her and licking her clit. She groaned every time he moved away from her clit. If he stayed just a second longer. Just one little second…

This went on for a few minutes. Amber felt so tightly wound that she wanted to scream. So achy and needy. Her hips were thrusting. Her moans loud and guttural but she couldn’t help it.

“So receptive,” he mumbled against her flesh. Then he closed his mouth over her clit, his tongue worked her. She wasn’t sure how many fingers he pushed into her. It felt like more than one pumping in and out of her.

Her eyes rolled back. Every muscle tensed. Every nerve ending exploded. She’d heard women describe that moment as seeing lights and of hearing orchestras. Well, not for her, everything went black and aside from the beating of her own heart, the rushing of her blood, she heard nothing. Her whole body was focused around the pleasure that rushed over her, through her, in her, around her. On and on until he finally released her. Amber fell back on the table. Her legs still over his shoulders.

It felt like every bit of energy had been wrung out of her. Her chest was heaving. Hands massaged her thighs.

Big, calloused hands. His hands.

Her eyes flashed open to his amused gaze. Oh nuts! His mouth was glistening, confirmation to what had just happened.

“Feeling better?” He quirked a brow.

“That should never have happened.” She shook her head, trying to untangle her legs from his broad shoulders. “I don’t do things like that unless I’m dating someone…not until we’ve been together for a while and not…”

“Calm down.” He sighed. “That was the tastiest pussy I’ve had in a long while. May even have been my tastiest pussy ever.” He looked confused for a second or two.

“That’s really rude. Do you have to be so vulgar?” Amber tried harder to get her legs off of him so that she could fix her dress. Her cheeks felt hot. Her whole body prickled. She felt embarrassed by this whole thing, at how she succumbed when she’d decided he was a prick and not worth her time. She felt exposed, which was ridiculous considering where he’d just had his tongue moments earlier. A shiver of desire raced through her at the thought. Go figure that she’d just had the best sexual experience of her life with an asshole.

“I’m merely stating facts.” He lifted her legs off his shoulders. “As to our lack of relationship,” he said, smirking at her. “I won’t tell if you won’t. No one needs to know. I felt like getting you off and you needed the release.” He shrugged like it was no biggie.

Amber pulled her dress down, desperately needing to cover herself. Mortified at her own behavior, she almost tipped off the table the need to flee strong.

“Easy,” Lance said, as he put a hand to her hip. “Let me help you up.”

She shrugged him off. “I’m quite capable, thank you very much.”

“It was my pleasure.” He grinned at her. What an arrogant ass.

“I’m thanking you for stopping me from falling off of the table. The orgasm was pretty average.”
Where the hell did that come from?
He did deserve it for being so damned arrogant.

There was a dangerous glint to his eyes. “Bullshit. You just told me that you’re used to getting groped and that you don’t enjoy having someone go down on you. Were you lying?”

She shrugged, trying to act as nonchalant as he had just moments ago. “I can do a much better job on my own.” She winked at him. “You have your letter. I’m out of here.” Hopefully this helped bring him down a few notches. Jerk!

His mouth fell open but she didn’t wait for him to regain his composure. Amber turned and hightailed it out of there. She held her chin up and even though her legs were shaking, she somehow managed to get out of his suite without falling on her ass.

She was too horrified to look at the guard’s face. How embarrassing. What had she done? Her only solace was the look on Lance’s face as she left. The wide eyes and gaping mouth. The guy had been completely gob-smacked.


Chapter 6


The human giggled at something Brynn said. Lance ran a hand through his hair and then flexed his shoulders. He was standing far enough away so as not to draw attention. Besides, this was the section of the garden where he often hung out. It wasn’t his fault that lunch, long over, had been organized under the trees out here. Or that many of those that had attended the lunch were still milling about.

He couldn’t get the human female out of his head. Couldn’t stop staring at her. It was irritating as fuck. He knew that she was lying about preferring to come on her own, yet…he made a noise that belied how frustrated he was feeling.

Her hair was in a loose ponytail. She was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. The shirt was loose-fitting and the shorts came to just above her knees. There was nothing remotely sexy about the casual ensemble, yet his dick was as hard as steel reinforced granite. Then again, it had been that way since she left his suite the evening before.

“I’ll be back.” Brynn grinned at her. “Don’t go anywhere.” The male had stayed at her side all through lunch.

Lance took a step in her direction but Kai was at her side before he could take a second one. Fucker!

“Oh!” She gripped her chest. The word fell from her lips in a startled cry that reminded him of the noises she had made the night before. His dick twitched.

“Hi!” She waved, heaving a sigh of relief. “You guys move too quickly. You scared the hell out of me.”

“Sorry! I wanted a chance to talk to you alone…” He dug his toe in the dirt. “I was wondering if you would accompany me to dinner this evening?”

“That’s really sweet of you…um…” She wasn’t used to the attention. It looked like, although she was flattered, she didn’t like it much. “It’s just, well, lunch with Brynn and then dinner with you.” She blushed. “It just seems wrong somehow.” Not to mention where his own tongue had been buried the night before. He had to smile. Human females had such hang-ups. He normally found this irritating. Normally.

Kai chuckled. “It’s not wrong. This is a dating program. You are free to date us all.” He lifted his hands. “Have you agreed to being exclusive with Brynn?” The male’s nostrils flared. He was double checking to make sure that the human and Brynn hadn’t rutted. It probably wouldn’t change things even if they had. Kai would still attempt to win her.

Amber smiled and shook her head. “I don’t even know Brynn. I don’t know either of you.”

Kai frowned. “You know him better because you’ve spent more time with him. It’s only fair that you give me the same chance.”

“The same chance for what?” Brynn growled loudly as he strode up to them. “A male can’t even take a piss without another asshole moving in.”

“Who are you calling an asshole?” Kai took a step towards Brynn.

Here we go again. Lance sighed.

“Well if the shoe fits…do me a favor and fuck off. Go find some other female to harass.”

“I wasn’t harassing Amber. I was asking her out on a date and she was just about to accept. She isn’t yours. You have no hold on her.” Kai took another step towards Brynn, putting them almost chest-to-chest.

Amber tried to say something but Brynn cut her off. “Like fuck!” His hands curled at his side and his face turned red. “She agreed to meet me for lunch today. Me!” he shot back, banging himself on the chest like a caveman. They were such children.

“Stop this.” Amber tried to insert herself between them. What the fuck? Even a vampire female would know to move away, let alone a tiny human. She was going to get hurt if this came to blows and it looked like it was headed that way.

“Lunch is over, fuck-face. Amber is having dinner with me…get over it or so fucking help me—”

“She hasn’t agreed to go out with you, dick-wad…lunch may be over but our date sure as shit isn’t.” Brynn bashed his chest against Kai’s. The males were pretty evenly matched. Sweet, little Amber was about to be crushed.

“Stop!” Lance snarled, closing the distance between them. “No fighting. Didn’t I make myself clear yesterday?”

Brynn smirked. “Who died and anointed you—”

Lance didn’t let him finished. One quick jab and the male landed on his ass. Blood trickled from his broken nose. Lance grabbed the female and pulled her behind him. “You will seriously damage the human if you come to blows.”

“What the fuck was that then?” Brynn spat out a mouthful of blood. “You just hit me and could’ve hurt the female.”

“I’m many years your senior. You’re still a pimply fucking teenager where I’m concerned. I’d made my first kill when you were still suckling on your mother’s breast. I have more control in my little pinky than you may ever fucking have. I know where to hit, how to hit and how hard to hit. I can knock you both out with one punch, without so much as breaking a sweat. You two, on the other hand, are a loose cannons.”

Kai looked down at the ground. Brynn spat out another mouthful of blood. He nodded once before jumping to his feet. The fact that he had stayed down so long was submission enough. “You can both call the female in her room. Kai…” The male looked up at him. “You get to call first at ten till five. You”—he pointed at Brynn—“five o’clock.”

“Why the hell does he get special fucking privileges?”

“Don’t make me hit you a second time.” Lance took a step towards the male who flinched away. “You had lunch with her, give Kai a chance. If it was me, I would say no to both your ugly mugs.” Lance laughed.

Brynn snickered. “You would make one ugly female.”

“Bullshit. The humans think that I’m pretty.” He had to grin. “Is that okay with you?” He looked at the female whose eyes widened.

“Um…you wouldn’t be very attractive as a woman.” She shook her head. “You’re far too tall and muscular.”

Lance laughed. As in, all out laughed. It was the first time in a while he’d had a good chuckle. “No…” He shook his head. “I meant about them calling you later, or would you rather they—”

“Oh…” There it was again. Another flashback from last night. Her full lips rounded out so prettily, he could easily picture them around his cock. “That’s fine. I thought you were asking me if you would make an okay woman. I guess I wasn’t really listening…never mind.” She flapped her hand. “It’s fine…it’s okay.”

For a second there his body was convinced that she meant that it was okay to suck him off. Then he realized that she had meant that it was okay for the males to call her later. At first, he felt irritation that she wasn’t going to suck him off, then he felt irritation that he wanted her to. Then he felt seriously pissed, all over again, that she had said that she hadn’t enjoyed his mouth on her. “Now fuck off, both of you,” he snarled, a little more harshly than intended.

“Sorry if we scared you.” Brynn grabbed Amber’s hand and kissed it.

Lance had to bite back the urge to get physical with the youngster. Why wasn’t the male obeying him…immediately?

“Yeah…so sorry… I hope that you will give my offer some—” Kai was also reaching for her hand.

This time a low growl did erupt. He felt his chest vibrate. Kai glanced his way before quickly averting his eyes. “Chat later,” he whispered and followed Brynn.

The human huffed out a breath, her eyes firmly on the retreating males.

“Children,” he muttered. “Next time be sure to move away when males are about to fight.” He locked eyes with her. “What is it with you humans? My friend is mated to a female that also insisted on throwing herself between two males in the midst of battle.” He had to smile just thinking of Sarah. “She can’t be in the same room as a spider for shit but is willing to risk her neck to stop a fight. You do know that you will come off better if you were to throw yourself under a bus?”

“I couldn’t just stand around and watch them hit each other.”

“No, not stand around. I said move away, as in, take steps in the other direction, ideally at a run. When vampires get like that they see red. Young fucks like those two don’t think about consequence. I need to have a word with Zane about it.”

“Well, thank you…I guess. Although I’m not so sure why you would want to help me.”

This female was clueless. She had males coming to blows over her yet she still had no idea. “Because I like this shirt.” He looked down at the garment before meeting her eyes once more which were a light brown. They had flecks of green inside them.
He didn’t know why the females insisted on calling him that. Now eyes like hers, fuck, now that was pretty.

She frowned. “What does your shirt have to do with it?”

He threw her a half smile. “Blood stains are difficult to remove. Especially human blood.”

“That’s not funny.”

“Good thing I wasn’t joking then. Come.”

She visibly jumped at the use of the word. He had to suppress a chuckle but only because he wanted her to listen to him. “I’ll walk you back to your room,” he added, still having to try hard not to grin.

“No. I can manage on my own, but thank you.”

Always so fucking polite. “I insist.”

“I would rather you didn’t.” She tapped a foot. It was sexy as fuck.

“Why? Are you afraid I’ll talk my way in?” He quirked a brow.

Her eyes narrowed and her sexy as fuck mouth pouted for all of two seconds. “No. You are so not ever going to see the inside of my room.”

He made a snorting sound. “I was talking about your pussy, not your room.”

She gasped. “Why do you have to be so damned rude?” The scent of her arousal was suddenly thick in the air and the female squirmed. “You can forget about seeing the inside of my…” She huffed out a breath. “The inside of my…”

“Pussy,” he supplied. “Pussy.” He repeated while watching how her face turned bright red and how her eyes couldn’t meet his. “Say it.”

“No. Forget it. I won’t.” She spun and began walking towards the human accommodations.

He fell in next to her. “It’s too late. I’ve already
the inside of your pussy. What I would really like now is to
the inside of that lovely, tight as fuck pussy…”

She gasped.

“…with my dick this time.” He leaned over and whispered the words, his shoulder brushing against hers.

She stopped dead. Her mouth gaped. She made a squeaking noise. Her face was flushed and her heart raced. “You are the rudest, most conceited asshole I have ever met. If I ever so much as see you again it will be too soon. Go away.” She picked up the pace, double time, trying to lose him. As fucking if.

“I think that the reason you are so angry right now is because you would like nothing better than to come all over the dick of the most conceited asshole you have ever met.” He gripped her elbow and twisted her around to face him. Her chest was heaving, her cheeks were so damned flushed. Her scent was everywhere. The scent of her need filled him. His dick responded big fucking time.

He half expected her to try and kiss him. Lance couldn’t fucking wait for her lips to collide with his. He couldn’t. Quicker than he thought possible, especially for a human, her hand lashed out and smacked him across the face. So hard that there was a ringing noise in his ears. His cheek stung and his eyes watered.

“Fuck you,” she snarled.

“I wish you would.” He couldn’t help but to grin. “You know you want to.”

Her eyes widened. “No…I…no…” She spun and walked away. They were approaching the accommodation from the back end. There were changing facilities that ran along the wall behind the pool. He gripped her hand and pulled her into one of the stalls.

She lunged for the door but he shut it and put his back to it, invariably trapping her. “What do you think you are—”

Lance crushed his lips against hers. He couldn’t remember the last time he had kissed a female. Fucking forever ago. They begged him, they pleaded but he refused. He pulled her body up against his. God but she was soft. One hand circled her neck and the other grabbed a handful of ass.

He felt a sharp pain and his dick practically jumped out of his pants. When Amber pulled away, there was blood on her lip. His blood. He swiped a hand across his mouth, and looked down at the red smear.

“Pig,” she hissed.

Lance pulled his shirt over his head.

Her gaze turned heated as it took in his chest. The little human squeezed her thighs together. “Stop that. We’re not having sex.”

He shook his head. “No, we’re not…”

Her expression turned to disappointment. She may not want to admit it but she wanted him in the worst way.

“We’re not going to have sex, we’re going to fuck.” He smiled, and not a nice one. “Take off your pants.”

“No.” She shook her head. Her arousal was so thick inside the confined space that he had to breathe through his mouth to keep himself from lunging at her.

“I cannot fucking wait to be inside you. Three and a half years is a long time. Too fucking long. You need this and I want to give it to you. It won’t be charity or any other reason besides my wanting you.”

“Why?” Her breathing hitched and her heart rate increased.

Why indeed? His thought moved to several reasons which he outright dismissed.

BOOK: A Mate for Lance (The Program Book 5)
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