A Match for Sister Maggy (18 page)

BOOK: A Match for Sister Maggy
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‘Will you marry me, my darling? Very soon, before you get any more ideas into your head. There is, I know, a lot of explaining to do, but I think I prefer to do it at my leisure, in the comfort of our own home.'

They smiled at each other. ‘It will be very nice to come home in the evening,' said Paul, ‘and find you waiting.'

He kissed her again, with an urgency that left her pink-cheeked and shaking, so that he held her gently while he said the things she had longed to hear him say. Neither of them noticed the thickening drizzle. After a time the patient dogs, at last grown impatient, got up and shook themselves, and trotted off into the trees, their tongues lolling. They looked back once as they went, but neither Paul nor Maggy had seen them go.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-3959-3


Copyright © 1979 by Betty Neels.

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BOOK: A Match for Sister Maggy
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