Read A Little Harmless Rumor Online

Authors: Melissa Schroeder

A Little Harmless Rumor (4 page)

BOOK: A Little Harmless Rumor
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ean decided
he needed something to keep his mind occupied. But, what? He tried calling the Big Island, but, again, no answer.
, the people he cared about in his life were all driving him insane. How was he supposed to get any kind of work done as he sat around waiting for this to end? Add in Randy and Jaime arriving after his drunken night, and he really thought he deserved a gold medal for not shooting someone.

What the fuck was he going to do to get them the hell out of there? He couldn’t even pretend to be doing illegal jobs. The two of them would just work harder to find out what was going on so they could save him from himself. His whole adult life felt like that. People who loved him tried to tell him how to live his life. None of them knew just what went on in his head. Worse, some of his tendencies for secrecy and rudeness came about because of those relationships. His father abandoning him, his stepfather disowning him because of his bisexuality, Jaime…then Randy to an extent.

Okay, Randy was partly his fault. After Jaime had walked away from him, Sean had gotten secretive—even for another person in the security business. He couldn’t allow himself to be hurt again, so he had done everything in his power to drive Randy away. Then, when Sean had asked for more, Randy hadn’t been able to give it to him.

He shook his head and went into his bathroom. He needed something to cool himself off. A dip in the pool would normally do it, but Sean wanted to avoid both of them. It’s was cowardly, but it was all in the name of self-preservation. He needed to get his head screwed back on straight, and then he could face them again.

andy led
them to what he assumed was a guest room. It’s where he had dropped their bags earlier. He’d decided that asking would be a mistake. When Sean dug in his heels, he would disagree just to disagree. So, to save them all the trouble of another fight, he decided to just grab one of the rooms. He figured at some point, they would sort it out from there.

“You want something to drink?” Jaime asked.

He shook his head.

“I’m going to grab some tea and be right back up. You stay away from him and we’ll sort it out.”

“I’m wondering if we can actually do that.”

He walked over to the balcony and looked out at the ocean. The scene below was a balm to his irritated senses. Randy hated that he’d lost his temper. It was one thing he had learned to control, but Sean always seemed to push his buttons—in more ways than one. As he studied the grounds surrounding the house, he started to wonder just how the hell Sean could afford the house, but he knew better than to ask. Part of him didn’t want to know. He didn’t even want to think of what his friend did for the money. Sean had always had standards, but when you are cut off from your only way of making money, sometimes a person did things they normally would not have.

“You might need to tone it down, Randy,” Jaime said, breaking into his thoughts.

He glanced over his shoulder at her. “That’s a turn of events.”

“What?” she asked.

“You telling me to tone it down. It’s usually the other way around.”

She hesitated, then said, “I don’t always like when you two butt heads. I’m used to Sean being loud, but you’re usually so laid back.”

Randy shrugged. “Being nice isn’t working with him.”

It never did when he was like this. Although, Randy couldn’t remember when Sean had been quite this bad.

“You shouldn’t have pushed him.”

Randy knew she was right, and it just made him madder. Pushing Sean could always end badly for everyone involved. Granted, it didn’t help that he was horny as fucking hell. Teasing Sean had left him in the same state of arousal. That just added another edge to his temper. He hated that things were like this now, but he couldn’t fix what had gone wrong before. What he could do was fight for Sean.

“He needed it.”

She sighed. “One of the things I have loved the most about you was that you were always so calm. But every now and then, you get all hot under the collar and I have to tell you, it makes me hot.”

He slanted her a look. “Why is everything sexual to you?”

She shrugged and offered him that sexy little smile that always got to him. “Around you that is just the way it is.”

He slipped his hand around her waist and pulled her closer. She pressed up tight against him, and sighed. Her breath feathered over his skin just beneath his earlobe. It was definitely a trigger point for him and she knew it. The breath was followed by her tongue.

Her scent surrounded her. Jaime wasn’t a woman who wore a lot of perfume, but there was the scent of her rose soap, and then the woman beneath that. Sultry and sweet.

He turned his head to capture her mouth. It was at that moment he realized he needed this…needed to be with her. Turning, he pulled her against him, and she responded immediately. It was always like this.

He backed her off the lanai, into the room and then onto the bed. She fell back easily. Placing his hands on either side of her head, he lowered himself on top of her. He kissed her nose, then started working his way down her body. She was wearing a t-shirt, so it was easy to yank free. Of course, she wasn’t wearing a bra. She rarely did whenever they were in a tropical climate on vacation. He tossed the garment on the floor and she giggled. The sound captured him as it always did. She did not get the chance to be girly enough but when she was, it made his heart sing.

He dipped his head and teased her breasts, first licking then grazing his teeth over the tips. He then kissed down her stomach, enjoying the way her muscles quivered beneath his mouth. He untied her lava wrap, and smiled when it revealed she wasn’t wearing any panties.

He dropped down onto his knees on the floor and placed a hand on each of her inner thighs. Her sex was slick with her arousal. He leaned close and slipped his tongue into her pussy. He teased her, adding first one finger, then another.

He left his fingers inside of her, but moved his mouth away. He looked up at her. “Do not come.”

She moaned but didn’t say anything.

“Jaime, do not come.”

He watched as she struggled to open her eyes. When she finally did, she met his gaze. One little nod was all it took for him to know she was agreeing to the order.

“Hands over your head. Let me see those pretty breasts of yours.” She did as he ordered and he sighed. They weren’t hardcore into the lifestyle, but he really enjoyed playing like this. “Yeah. I like that. Your nipples get so fucking tight.”

He moved his mouth back to her pussy. God, she tasted so fucking good. There was something so damned unique about the flavor as it danced over his tongue to his taste buds. He took her clit between his teeth and tugged. She moaned, long and loud—lust and longing shimmering in the depths of it. He relished the sound as it washed through him. It added another level to his already out of control arousal.

Over and over, he pushed Jaime to the edge of pleasure, but pulled her back before letting her fall. He was about to allow it, but he sensed someone else in the room. He pulled back and looked toward the bedroom door. Sean stood there wearing only a pair of light slacks. His chest was bare and his hair looked damp.

Randy said nothing for a long time, because he couldn’t form a thought. Just seeing Sean there, seeing the way he was watching them, had his pulse hammering. It took a few more seconds to gather enough control to engage him.

“Like the view, lover?” Randy asked.

Sean said nothing at first. When Jaime looked over at Sean, she lifted one hand out to Sean.


The simple plea crumbled Sean’s resistance. He apparently couldn’t say no to Jaime. He walked across the room, his steps soft but steady. When he reached them, he leaned down to kiss Jaime, then pulled back to look at her.

“You want to do this?” Sean asked, his voice soft. “I’ll walk away if you don’t.”

“More than I want my next breath.” The absolute honesty was easy to hear in her voice.

His mouth curved and he turned to Randy. “And you’re okay too?”

He wanted to shout yes, but he didn’t. Instead, Randy returned the smile. “Truth is, Jaime and I have talked about it in the past.”

His eyebrows rose up, and he looked at Jaime, then back to him. “Is that a fact?”

Randy nodded and rose to his feet. He leaned over Jaime to brush his mouth over Sean’s. Randy had meant to keep it simple and sweet, but Sean cupped his face and opened his mouth, drawing Randy’s tongue into his mouth. When Sean pulled back from the kiss, his mouth curved again.

As Sean pulled back, he hummed and opened his eyes. “Damn, she tastes good on your tongue.”

Sean moved away and started to undress. “Go ahead with what you were doing. You don’t mind, do you, Jaime?”

She shook her head, and Randy knelt down between her legs. He slipped his fingers into her pussy again. She was wetter than before. The added attraction of having Sean join them had heightened her arousal. Randy licked her clit, then stopped when Sean returned to the bed, now completely naked. The explosion of color from the bruises just added to his roguish quality. Fuck, the man always did it to him. Even battered, Sean could turn him into a puddle of melted lust. He was already hard, his erection curving up toward his taut stomach.

Sean chuckled. “Like what you see?”

Randy looked up at him. “Yeah, but you always knew that.”

“Indeed. How about, we switch places. I want a taste of that sweet pussy.”

Randy agreed and moved out of the way. Sean took his place.

Sean squatted in between Jaime’s legs and leaned forward. He took a long breath in and sighed it back out.

“It has been so long since I’ve smelled that.”

Jaime had risen up onto her elbows to look down at Sean.

“I think I told you to lay back and keep those hands above your head.”

Sean frowned at her, then smacked her sex. “He gave you an order.”

She shivered and did as they ordered. “What a good girl,” Randy said, as he squeezed her nipples in response.

Smiling, Sean lowered his mouth again, and Randy watched as he feasted on Jaime. He couldn’t take his gaze off the picture they presented. Sean’s golden skin contrasted against her dark brown flesh in the most delicious way. Not wanting anything in the way, Randy removed his pants, then knelt on the other side of the bed.

He kissed Jaime, long, slowly, as she moaned and jolted as Sean did something to her. Randy raised his head.

“I told her not to come.”

“Ah then. I guess we should take it more slowly.”

Sean set his hand on her sex, barely touching it.

“Oh, Jaime, baby, you’re so wet,” Sean said.

“Did that make you want to come?” Randy asked her as he looked down at her. He knew Sean was continuing to tease her. “He does have the most talented tongue. I have never had a man who knew just how to suck me off the way Sean can.”

She was shuddering, he knew the need for release was pretty much taking over her every thought, but Randy wanted to push her a little more.

He looked up at Sean. “Maybe she needs a little lesson.”

Sean didn’t hesitate. He rose to his feet as Randy helped Jaime roll over.

“Up on your knees, love,” Sean said. She did as ordered again, but he expected her to. She was shaking with her need for orgasm, and she would probably do anything just to gain satisfaction.

Sean looked at Randy; the question in his gaze was easy to see. He wanted permission to be the one to take her. But what Sean didn’t understand, not yet, was that this wasn’t just for now. Instead of explaining, Randy just nodded. There would be time for that later. Sean grabbed a condom package off the bedside table. After he ripped it open, he rolled it on. He took Jaime by the hips and yanked her to the edge of the bed. Randy watched, transfixed by the scene once again. He had never had a threesome before, and having it with these two people was something he had dreamed of for years. He loved them both so much and now, watching this, it touched his soul as much as it aroused him.

With one hard thrust, Sean entered her. Jaime let out another long, hard moan.

“Damn,” Sean said. He opened his eyes and made eye contact with Randy. Randy’s cock jerked at the lust he saw there. “If I remember correctly, Jaime likes a cock in her mouth.”

“That definitely hasn’t changed.” He climbed up on the bed. “Open your mouth, love.”

She did so readily, sucking Randy hard into her mouth. He almost came right then and there. Soon they worked in rhythm as Sean brought his hand down on her ass. The hard smack pulled a moan from deep in her throat, and it vibrated over his cock.

“Fuck, yeah,” Randy moaned. “Suck it harder, Jaime. Yeah, like that.”

She knew just what to do, how to run her tongue over the tip of his dick, then back down. He slipped his fingers through her hair, then he took control of her head. She opened her throat to allow him full access. Sean smacked her ass a couple more times.

Randy thrust into her one more time before he held her mouth against him as he lost himself to pleasure. His orgasm washed over him, through him and left him exhausted. He pulled out of her mouth then leaned down. He kissed her as Sean kept fucking her, his thrusts growing with intensity. She whimpered when Randy pulled away.

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you, babe.”

He slipped beneath her, as Sean kept thrusting in and out of her. Randy knew Sean was close, as was Jaime. Randy lifted his head and licked the top of her mons, then teased her clit with his tongue. As Sean continued his movements, Randy teased them both, allowing his tongue to touch Sean’s cock each time he thrust. Suddenly, both of them were coming. Jaime’s orgasm seemed to slam through her. She screamed out, apparently surprised by the force of it. Sean thrust twice more, then came, his long groan practically vibrating off the walls.

Randy slid from beneath Jaime just before she collapsed. Sean went with her and rolled to the side, moving them up to the pillows. Randy joined them, lying on the other side of Jaime.

Sean and Jaime were still breathing heavily.

BOOK: A Little Harmless Rumor
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