A Lady's Plight (Lords of Sussex) (8 page)

BOOK: A Lady's Plight (Lords of Sussex)
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The whole Manor was in a flurry of activity, the servants with last minute dusting, others arranging flowers, yet more busy in the vast kitchens whilst the steward, butler and housekeeper oversaw the table decorations and seating arrangements for the sumptuous banquet. After the meal, the footmen would roll up the carpets for dancing.

Venetia watched as Sarah pinned up Isa's abundant ebony locks with a few well-placed curls on the forehead and tendrils at her slender neck. Isa looked radiant in the eggshell blue satin gown in Empire style, under the finest white tulle embroidered with tiny roses. Her veil with a headdress of silk cornflowers and love in the mist completed the wedding outfit.

'You look beautiful Isa.'

'As do you.
In that lemon muslin with the white rosebuds, you look ethereal. At any moment, a fairy prince will appear and carry you away. You make a lovely bridesmaid. I hope Mistress Elizabeth has Letitia and little Oliver ready. They will meet us at the church. Oliver kicked up a fuss having to wear a page's outfit, but the little scamp looked charming when he tried it on.'

Venetia said, 'I know, but everyone understands Isa. My -
no-one compares to you this day. You are positively radiant. There are so many have said they will attend. I hear our irritating friend the Lady Petra Denfield is coming, along with her parents the Duke and Duchess of Wensworth.'

'It appears the Duke and Duchess of Marley
are also coming and guess what?'

'No - they're not bringing those awful sons.'

Yes, such dandies they do preen so, dressed like peacocks, with long hooked noses and spindly legs.'

'Well at least they will make dancing partners.'

Isa laughed. 'I can see the young ladies filling up their cards to avoid them.'

Venetia leant over tucking a curl behind Isa's ear.
'Tis so romantic. Think tonight, you travel to Ramsgate to board ship for Ostend. La, it fairly takes one's breath away.'

'I wish we could celebrate our wedding night in the comfort of the bed, but it is imperative we catch the boat. It will be so uncomfortable, the wheels jolting over the rough roads.'

'You will be tired; I find it very taxing to sleep in a coach. It is so confining.'

Isa giggled. 'Alex has thought up many games to keep us amused during the long night.'

Venetia gave her a little slap, 'Isa - if your mama could hear you - she would swoon.'

'La, I can hear her now, "Wanton girl, Archibald what have we raised?" La, it will take many hours, but we will make the boat in good time.' A frisson of fear swept up Isa's spine. 'I have no love for ships; they carry fever and dysentery, But, tis a short journey; we shall be there in the day.'

'Fear not Isa, at least it is a vessel of the Royal Navy, and you will have your stateroom for the day.'

Isa nodded. 'Yes.' She smiled impishly, '
My heart trills at the very thought of it. '

Venetia giggled. 'Come - tis time.' The carriage

'I feel so foolish Venetia, tis but a short distance to the chapel; we could have walked.'

'Hah, your Papa wishes for you to arrive in splendour, the gold gilt carriage no less. Why tis like a fairy tale from the Brothers Grimm.'

'La, have you read them? Many of the stories are quite gruesome or sad.'

Chattering, they opened the door to the landing, and came to the head of the grand central staircase. The earl stood in the hall, where Roman sculptures lined the walls, cornices in between, the trompe l'oeil depicting Elysian Fields.

Looking up at his beautiful daughter, he beamed and made a deep bow. Standing up, he said, 'Isabella, my darling daughter, you are a goddess.'

Isa felt a small sob catch her throat; she was leaving this wonderful father for her husband. Today she left her childhood, and maidenhood behind her. Once in the enormous hall, she took her father's arm, as he led her to the coach.

Once seated, Isa gripped her father's hand. Feeling her trepidation, he said, '
Darling, your mother and I had a wonderful ceremony, and are still very much in love. I know mama is oftimes a little histrionic, but that is one of the things I love about her. She makes everything so alive my dear - so alive. I love her sweet temper and vibrant wit. In addition, you my darling have her feisty nature. I am sure you and Alex will have a wonderful life together and …' He paused, his eyes twinkling wickedly, 'Have a brood of children.'

'Oh papa, I do so love you both and will miss you terribly. But alas I just hope that awful Ladness is not there, or does not cause a stir, especially on this special day.'

'Fear not my child; we have guards everywhere, even outside the lych-gate. He does of course have the right to enter the church, but at the first sign of any unpleasantness, he will be ousted bodily if needs be.'

Outside the church, Isa
saw an excited Letitia pretty in a pink muslin and tulle, with fresh rosebuds and vine leaves woven through her ringlets. Venetia was trying to console Oliver, who sobbed pitifully. Running from the coach, she said, 'Why darling, what is it?'

'I don't want to carry that stupid cushion with flowers on it. I will look like a girl. Why can't I carry a toy soldier or a sword?'

Isa stooped to him. 'I wish you could to, but we haven't got a little soldier or a sword.'

The little boy smiled impishly. 'I have one.' Immediately, he produced a small toy soldier in a scarlet uniform. Grinning, Isa placed the soldier on the velvet cushion.
'There now. Be a good boy in the church - promise?'

He nodded, his eyes twinkling, as he patted the little soldier.

Vivaldi flooded the chapel on Isa's entrance through the gothic stone archway. Venetia, Letitia and Oliver followed closely behind, Oliver looking angelic carrying a small velvet cushion, on which lay a flower and his toy soldier.'

The church was full. A hush came over the congregation, as they saw her appear. Garlands of flowers decorated the polished oak pews; the colours from stained-glass windows created rainbows on the grey
stone walls, containing memorials and tributes to the Winton ancestors. She was aware of faces turning to look at her, but her eyes were solely on her beau. She immediately saw Alex, his broad shoulders filling out the scarlet uniform, the sun casting a bluish sheen to the black locks. Beside him, stood Horatio in a dark green velvet frock coat, with cream buckskin pantaloons, and Hessian boots. The vicar awaited them; his thin face stretched into a smile, his alb gleaming white.

Isa's head whirled through the hymns and prayers. Her heart racing, as the Vicar intoned the words, '
If there is anyone present who knows of any lawful impediment why these two people should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.' The congregation waited silently, for the moment to pass, but then a strong male voice cried out. 'I do, Lord Everard Ladness.' Gasps and shrieks of amazement rent the air, whilst some of the congregation began shouting in dismay.

Impervious to their admonitions, Ladness strode down the aisle, followed by two of the
earl's guards, whilst the other guards held Ladness's dandies in the porch way. Voices rang out from the congregation, 'Shame on you - depart you cur.'

As Alex went to move towards his nemesis, Horatio grabbed his arm. 'Stay here with Isa, I shall see to this.

The vicar stuttered to Alex, 'Are there any legal reasons why he objects?'

Alex shook his head. 'No Reverend; he is intent on having my bride for his own. We have just fought a duel, and yesterday, we strongly suspect he was one of the rogues that tried to abduct her and her three friends when at the dressmakers, but still he persists.'

Isa clenched her teeth, that devil. Would he never desist from his dastardly ways? How did he have the temerity to enter the church, with bandages high on his neck above the white cravat?

To her amazement, she saw Horatio beckon to the Reverend Swallow. As he swept down the aisle, his robes billowing about his feet, Isa saw the
countess, her mama, rise from her seat, her lips thinned to a snarl, her cheeks ablaze with rage. Striding up to the group of men in the aisle, she went to Horatio's side, inclining her head to listen. When he finished, she nodded, suddenly shrieked, and raising her parasol, struck Ladness about the shoulders. As the man tried to duck, she caught him on his backside. Horatio raised his arms, pleading with the countess to stop, only for her to shout at Ladness. 'You - you scoundrel - how dare you harm my daughter - how dare you shame us here in the house of God, take that.' With another swipe, she caught him on the head.

As some of the congregation rose to their feet, fists raised, shouting threats and insults at the blackguard, Isa stood appalled. However, as she looked up to Alex, she could not hide a grin rapidly rising to a laugh. Alex's mouth twitched, his eyes twinkling as he saw Ladness, kneeling protecting his head with his good arm. He touched Isa's hand, 'Stay here my pet; I will deal with this.' Walking swiftly down the aisle, he joined Horatio and the Vicar as they tried to restrain the furious
countess, her parasol now buckled and in tatters.

earl stood up slowly, walking over to Isa, he said, 'Your mama can surprise you, swooning one moment, in fine fettle the next. As I said earlier, a feisty woman when aroused. That upstart deserved a good hiding. Ah well, I had best calm her before she does any damage. Don't want your mama in the cells on your wedding day do we?'

The cowed Ladness hastily retracted his claims with the curate helping him out of the church. As the
earl led the countess back to her seat, head raised high, she nodded at Isa, who knew her mama to be a woman of many moods and shades of emotion, and she never ceased to amaze her.

Once the congregation settled, the lovers turned once more to the vicar. Isa's heart swam with happiness, when they exchanged the sacred words ending 'and with this ring, I do thee wed.' Her eyes fluttered, near to tears, as she looked down on the band of gold
engraved with minute roses, and on the inside their initials. Holding her close, Alex gave the most tender kiss, whispering, 'I will always make you happy my love, my soul.'

She did not feel the flagstones beneath her feet, as she walked from the chapel into the bright sunlight. Ladness was nowhere in sight.



Alex appeared excited, as he took her hand. 'My darling, I have a surprise for you. My agent managed to procure a lovely house overlooking the park in Bruxelles. You can walk along the old ramparts within the shade of ancient trees. There is a splendid view of the town and the surrounding countryside. Now, the park is famed as the most splendid in Europe. You can stroll on the charming lawns surrounded with exotic shrubberies and there are tall trees for shade. There is even a pavilion where you can procure refreshments. Imagine sipping your drink overlooking a lake. 'So we won't be staying in tents? '

'No my sweet, only for our first night in Ostend.
Now the park is the centre of the social scene, there are Ionic pilaster painted in pinks, greens and beiges, and also superb Grecian statues.'

'La, I thought we would live in tents.'

'Forgive me, I jested.'

'Honestly Alex you do tease, I know not when you are serious.'

'We will only use tents if by any small chance we are involved in skirmishes and that is hardly likely. The little Corsican threatens but we are too strong a force for him, what with the Prussians as allies. However, but the generals do not envisage him leaving France.'

'Si it is an active social scene then?'

'Oh yes, Every morning the troops parade to a British military band and the park is indeed the core of social life.'

'La, Alex, I can hardly wait - how exciting. I declare it will be even more fun when Henrietta and Phillipa join us.'

Alex bit his lip; little was she aware of the plans ahead.

Isa turned her attention back to the wedding guests.
A small band of musicians playing lightly in the background as the guests voraciously partook of the wedding buffet. Waving her fan, she said, 'Alex, it is such a wonderful repast, Chef has excelled. There are three courses with over twenty-five dishes for each course. Many have brought their own forks, frowning she looked to see the guest using their hands and a knife. However, tis still anew fashion. Why look we have soups, meat, fish, pies, relishes and so many vegetables. They have worked since midnight to produce this. She grinned as she whispered, 'I hear Sir Rupert bribed the servants to place some of his favourite dishes within reach.'

'Oh that's not fair, some will go without.'

'Oh no, there's more than enough for everyone within reach.

They sat back as the servants cleared the first course, taking off the
centre piece and rolling up the tablecloth. Isa gasped as she saw the Duke of Portland pinch the maid's behind. 'Did you see that?'

Alex peered over the table as the servants tidied the fresh under-cloth, placing
centre pieces right down the vast table, whilst a flurry of maids placed fresh plate, silver and several more wine glasses for each guest. 'Nothing to what Sir Rutland just did.'


'He pretended he'd dropped something and then ran his hand up the maid's leg to … I'll leave the rest to your imagination.'

'She should have slapped him.'

'Yes and immediately lose her job - her references ruined.'

'Hmm, I suppose so.
But, it's not fair Alex. Women are treated like cattle.'

'Isa -
don't start.'

'Honestly men.'

'Well I see the ladies are enjoying themselves, there is any number of handsome young footmen. Haven't you seen the chits passing notes?

'Oh Alex - really.
You jest. Don't call them chits, they are young ladies.'

'Bits of muslin.
More like.'

'Alex -
you're a prig.''

Ignoring her pique, he said, 'Lady Melissa Hunt is quite taken with young John.'

Isa glanced over to the lady in question to see her lower her dainty hand and pass something to the well-muscled footman who keeping his fresh young face composed, secreted it up his sleeve. 'I hear now she has borne the Marquis an heir, she is taking lovers.'

'Hmm so is he. They didn't wait very long.'

'I abhor a marriage of convenience, their whole lives given for the sake of an heir to an estate.'

'Well she seems to enjoy herself well enough.'

Isa sniffed. 'Don't be so lax in your opinions. It makes we wonder about your own morals.'

Alex decided not to go any further on that subject. There was a world for the women and the underworld for the men. Beaming, he watched the servants carry in huge roasted turkeys and chickens, roast beef, cutlets, chops and pies. 'I must say the stuffed pig is quite superb, a touch of comedy with the bright red apple in its mouth.'

Isa nodded. 'Chef's taken particular care to offer an array to suit every taste, chicken, rabbit, and look he's decorated the pigeon pie crusts with their tiny feet. Quite wonderful. But I know what Phillipa would say.'

She leant over to look down the vast table to see Phillipa tight-lipped. 'She is quite disdainful, la she will only eat fish or shellfish.'

'Not even an egg?'

'Oh yes, her father has over a dozen dovecotes on his estate, she is partial to a boiled egg. In fact, I asked Chef to be sure to serve some, especially within her reach. At least
she'll have a chance to reach for one before the others grab everything. But, look the pies even have the pigeons tiny feet decorating the pastry top. The sauces are truly delicious. Although I prefer the lobster and crab.'

Alex grinned.' Later maybe you should try the oysters, a fitting aphrodisiac for later.'

Giving him a dig in the ribs, she replied tartly, 'Really Alex, tis much too soon to think of that.'

You should see the Bride Cake, Chef actually allowed me to see it when it was finished; there are actually five iced Grecian figurines on it, quite the latest style. Four tiers no less, with iced rose petals and cupids.' Alex mumbled through chewing on a chicken thigh, '
At least we are finishing within four hours, when we attended Lady Drusilla Clack's wedding to the Marquis of Sutherfield, we sat for seven hours at table, and then there were the boring speeches.'

Alex nodded, 'My family used to sit for seven hours or more for the evening meal, we started at four, and continued sometimes until eleven at night. Mama
endeavours to do so, but as she is now installed at the Dowager House she does not have so much control over our Chef. I cut it down to four hours at the very most.'

Through the ensuing hours, the guests chattered, or rose and walked around before returning to the table as the footmen served course after course. Men of course relieved themselves in an adjacent room, full of piss pots whilst another room held chamber pots for the
ladies. Alex patted his full stomach as he watched the servants clear the tablecloth and place mats on the polished mahogany table. The footman entered carrying towers of exotic fruits, carved sugar Roman and Grecian figurines, open fruit pies, ice creams on trays of ice, brandied pears and peaches, syllabub, the most delightful honey tarts and sweet cakes.

Isa smiled at the groups chattering to each other. 'I have no doubt they discuss the spectacle at the church. La what times they will have gossiping over Lagness's objections and Mama hitting him over the head with her parasol. Tis a spectacle I shall never forget.'

She glanced over to her mother and the earl sitting either end of the long table, her mama now having recovered her haughty demeanour, intermittently raised her head to give a dignified nod to whoever caught her gaze.

Isa's eyes gleamed an hour later, as the footman entered expertly rolling up the massive carpets for dancing.

Alex said softly, 'I am afraid we have little time for dancing, the weather is changing and we are in for a downpour.'

Dismayed Isa said, 'Just thee dances then? I would so like to have danced on my wedding night.'

'So be it my precious love but then we must take our leave. She looked up to see her two closest friends bustle over.

Phillipa gave her a light kiss. 'Gad, Isa the meal was exquisite. What a feast. You looked enchanting in the church. Venetia and Letitia dresses were delightful and your small groom was gorgeous in his velvet suit and knickerbockers - quite the little gentleman.'

Henrietta too kissed her on the cheek. 'You have recovered from the debacle?'

Before Isa could answer, Phillipa said, '
La your mama was so strong, so brave. That Ladness is a cur.'

Isa nodded, 'Well at least we have seen the last of him. Besides, tonight we travel to

Looking furtively around her Henrietta said, 'Isa, would you mind if I steal a few minutes of your time? I have something I desperately need ask you.'

Intrigued, Isa said. 'But of course dearest. Come let us find a seat a little more private.'

Phillipa stood looking a little dismayed, but Henrietta clutched her arm,
‘And you too dearest, come. We share everything.'


BOOK: A Lady's Plight (Lords of Sussex)
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