Read A Kink in Her Tails Online

Authors: Sahara Kelly

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Short Stories, #BDSM, #Fiction

A Kink in Her Tails (20 page)

BOOK: A Kink in Her Tails
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There was no way Brian could miss it, in fact he was causing it. He’d moved now, he had to be between her and the camera, but he hadn’t stopped his whipping or his occasional smack, interspersed with loving caresses and touches, and once with a swift wet lick of his hot tongue.

She knew she was moaning aloud, she couldn’t hold it in anymore. It had been too long, she wanted this too much, and above all, she wanted Brian.

Within seconds her thong was ripped from her body.

The hard hand smacks continued, peppering her upper thighs, and then returning to her hot buttocks.

“Beautiful, my sweet, so beautiful.” Brian’s voice came from another galaxy, spiraling into her consciousness as she thrust her hips up for more.

“Brian,” she groaned, letting her legs slide apart, shameless in her need for him.

She distantly heard something rip. Her top was unfastened and a pair of strong hands reached for her breasts.

She cried out with pleasure as he found her hardened nipples and pulled them, tugging them, rolling them and teasing them as the heat of his body neared her flaming buttocks.

“Brian,” she sobbed again, twisting, turning, wildly and wantonly responding to his every touch.

“I know, babe…” His voice was harsh, rough, quite unlike his usual self. “Believe me I know…I can’

t…I have to…”

One hand left her breast and fastened onto her hips and before she knew it, one very large, very hot cock pushed its way into her cunt. Deep into her cunt. Deeper than she could ever remember anyone being before.

And as he pulled out again, he slapped her bottom.

She cried out. “Again, Brian, again…”

Brian obeyed, pumping deep, pulling out, spanking, and pumping deep again. He varied his rhythm, making her wait and then not giving her time to think between his movements.

It was incredible, it was mind-bending, and it was taking her up a path she’d thought she’d never be on again.

“Oh God,” she panted, thrusting back against him as he reached beneath her and found her clit. “Please Brian, please…”

“Please what, Adele? Tell me…” He roughly pulled at her clit, making her squirm as he pummeled himself against her. His balls slapped the back of her thighs and her breath caught in her throat.

She felt her buttocks hot and trembling and the muscles in them began to tighten as her orgasm neared.

“Brian?” she screamed. “Brian…”

“Yes, Adele…yes…let it go…damn it, let it go. Give it to me…” Brian kept up his killing rhythm, refusing to let her down from her pinnacle.

Suddenly, she exploded. Her world vanished in a brilliant shattering prism of light and her body disintegrated into a million pulsating parts. Most of which were centered around the cock that pushed itself deep inside and savored every single spasm.

She vaguely heard Brian shout out her name, but could do nothing but hang in between space and time as her body came around his for what seemed like hours.

Eventually, the shudders eased.

Brian pulled gently from her soaking cunt, and she felt his hands caressing her, easing her, bringing her back down from the dizzying heights.

Boneless, she let him slide her onto the nearby Papasan chair and made no objection as he joined her.

“Dear God,” she muttered, resting her head on his chest and listening as his heartbeat slowed down.

“Amen to that, babe.”

“Brian. Did we just…?”

“Yep. Sure did. Oh, and I hope the manufacturer will forgive me but I used part of the product.” He nimbly reached down and removed the rather normal looking condom with a practiced twist. It joined the trash in the nearby bin.

“Hmm. No tuxedo looking condoms. I’m disappointed.” Adele chuckled tiredly.

“Are you?”

The question was pregnant with meaning, and Adele looked up into Brian’s mesmerizing blue gaze. How should she answer? Her nature refused to let her be anything other than honest.

“No. Never. Not in this lifetime. That was the most amazing…awe-inspiring…I don’t know how to describe it.”

Brian smiled and snuggled her into his chest, looping her legs over his and getting comfortable.

“I’m glad. It just goes to show, doesn’t it?”

“Goes to show what?”

“If you’re meant for each other, eventually you’ll find each other. What starts with a kiss may take some time, but sooner or later, it’ll happen.”

Adele looked up in surprise only to meet Brian’s mouth as it descended on hers.

For the second time in her life, Adele Martin was ruthlessly kissed by Brian McMillan, and to her surprise, it was still the best kiss she’d ever had.

Chapter 5

was heaven. It looked remarkably like Adele’s studio and apartment, with one exception. The lady herself was lying, sprawled, in his arms. And she was quite naked.

Except for her fifteen thousand yards of hair and a rather ridiculous little collar with a bow tie and a diamond stud on it. It was actually rather erotic, he thought.

He smiled to himself as she lazily ran her fingers down his chest. This was bliss. Exhausted, sated, best-orgasm-I-ever-had type relaxation. No need for analysis, conversation, intense and deep sharing, just an awareness on a whole bunch of different levels that the person in one’s arms was special.

Beyond everything. The “one.” The single other human in the world who could make bells ring, fireworks explode, and possibly launch missiles. Certainly launch his sperm into orbit.

Brian shivered again as he recalled the power with which he’d orgasmed. It was like nothing he could ever remember.

The feel of her buttocks, the flesh firm under his hand as he spanked her, made his breath shudder in his lungs. She’d responded wildly, and when he’d grabbed the whip, she’d gone insane, demanding all he had and then some.

And he’d given it to her.

He’d done scenes before, played the wicked baron, the jailer, the Dom, whatever he’d felt like at the time or his current partner had wanted.

But this? This was something new and different. This was in a whole different time zone, a place where the giving and taking of trust and pleasure and pain were all intermingled into something transcendental.

A high that needed no chemicals, an experience that defied description.

And it was all Adele. All her. All this woman who lazed in his arms and grinned at him. She was his addiction, his obsession, his love.

He knew it as sure as he knew his own name. He’d been waiting for this, aware on some subconscious plane that they were destined to be mated. His other women had been fun. Adele was so much more.

She stirred.

“I should check the cameras,” she muttered, rubbing her cheek against his chest.

“In a minute,” he whispered, stroking his hand slowly up and down her arm. “I’m too comfortable to move right now.”

“Mmm.” She agreed with a little chuckle.

“Adele? “


“Will you take me to Eve’s wedding with you?”

She pulled her head back and looked up at him. “She caught you, didn’t she?” He raised an eyebrow at her, pretending to misunderstand her question.

“Eve. She caught you. She’s been on at me to ask you to go with me. That little scheming minx.” She shook her head.

“So. Take me with you?”

“Brian. I’ll be taking pictures a lot of the time, I don’t know if—”

“Yes you do know. I want to go with you. I don’t care if you’re taking pictures. I want to be with you. I’

ll hold the camera. We’ll go together, leave together and come home to more of this…” He slid his hand over her thigh and up to her crotch, stroking the slippery flesh. “I like it that you shave,” he murmured.

“Brian, I can’t think when you do that.” Adele fidgeted.

“Good. Because I don’t want you thinking and I’m going to be doing
a lot,” he said, gently rubbing the soft folds of her cunt around her clit. “You’re so lovely here, all pink and soft and warm. I want to taste you, Adele.”

Adele jumped. “Brian, we have to talk about this,” she sputtered, pulling away from his questing finger and his tongue, which was already licking over his lips in anticipation of touching her so intimately.

“No we don’t,” he answered.

“Yes we do,” she argued, slipping off the chair and ending his fantasy of some hot oral sex and more screaming.

He sighed. “Why?”

“Why?” She fussed around, trying to find something to cover her nakedness. Brian started to get an uncomfortable feeling about where this was going.

“Adele, stop. You’re fine the way you are.”

“No I’m not. And that’s the problem, Brian. With us. With this…” She waved her hand around. “I’m not fine. I’m an older woman and you’re a younger man. This may have been one afternoon of the best sex I ever had, but it can’t go anywhere. Not with us being what we are. You’re talking taking me to the wedding, coming back, doing it again and again.” She couldn’t keep the note of longing out of her voice and Brian bit his lip against the smile.


“What do you mean yes?” she demanded, finally locating an old robe and pulling it around herself defensively.

“I mean yes, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. Taking you to the wedding. Seeing to it that you have a good time. Bringing you back here and enjoying an evening of fucking the likes of which will rock both our worlds. Using every toy we can lay our hands on and then inventing some more. Spanking your bottom till it glows like it did today. Hell, I don’t know.” He ran his fingers through his hair as he stood up and stretched.

“Spending time with you, learning even more about you, loving you, Adele. That’s the bottom line.

Finding out if the reason you’ve been lurking in my soul for God knows how many years is because you’

re the right woman for me. Finding out what lies ahead for us. Together. Isn’t that what you want too?”
Yes, yes, oh God, yes!

“I don’t know, Brian. I honestly don’t know.” Adele shook her head, trying to clear it of the sensual haze his words had created.

She needed time to collect her thoughts, time to think about where she was and what she was doing, and time to figure out where she was going.

None of which she could do with a very naked Brian lounging in her favorite chair.

The phone rang and made them both jump, and Adele reached for it like it was a lifeline.

“Yes…he’s here, just a moment…” She passed the phone to Brian. “It’s for you.”

“Hello? Yeah Maggie, no…that’s okay…” Brian stood up, phone to his ear and stretched once more.

Adele tried not to stare at him, but failed miserably.

He was
beautiful. And he wanted her. All those lovely muscles, all that firm flesh, and those incredibly blue eyes, all wanted her. Adele Martin. The photographer with the saggy boobs.

She shook her head in disbelief as Brian hung up the phone.

“That was my secretary. I have to go I’m afraid, Adele. I’ve been waiting on a contract and it’s here, ready to be signed, then it gets couriered to Hong Kong. Time, as they say, is of the essence on this one.

Adele wrinkled her brow as she followed Brian into the bedroom as he retrieved his clothes and slipped into his briefs.

Bye bye, big fella.

“You have international contracts?”

“Yeah, sure. Most financial services companies do.”

“Wait a minute here. You’re in financial services?”

Brian chuckled. “Honey, being a model pays quite nicely, but it’s not what I do for a living. I’ve been lucky enough to swing a job where I can get time to model for you, but the bills are paid by McMillan and Sparks.”

Adele sat down on the bed with a thump. “You? You’re the McMillan in McMillan and Sparks?”

“Yep.” He tugged his jeans up and carefully zipped them up, the sound of the teeth engaging dragging Adele out of her stupor.

“Shit. I had no idea.” Brian had just announced he was the co-founder of one of the largest and most successful financial enterprises in the city.

His mouth curved up on one side. “I graduated with a degree in economics, you know. It does count for something.”

“But I…you…” Adele was completely stunned. Great sex and now this.

“Don’t worry about it, love. It doesn’t matter. Not for us. We’re not part of any of that. We’re someplace else.” He crossed to her and pushed his way between her legs, pulling her against his body.

The rasp of his clothes against her nakedness was incredibly stimulating, and she gasped as he roughly pulled the tie on her robe loose and grabbed her under the armpits.

With one swift move he had her lifted her so that she was kneeling on the side of the bed, level with his face.

“Adele, don’t start trying to figure the angles on all this. This is not one of your photographs that you can pose the way you want, or control the way you want. This is us. You and me. Man and—” his hands slid to her breasts. “—woman.” He squeezed.

She moaned. “Brian, I want us to talk about this,” she lied, leaning into him and craving his touch.

“Yeah. Talk. We’ll do a lot of that, babe, don’t worry. But not right this minute, because, dammit, I have to leave.” His fingers teased her nipples and his body pressed itself tight against hers.

She moved slightly, rubbing her mound against the bulge that was growing inside his jeans.

“Oh yeah, honey,” he groaned, rubbing and thrusting back. “More of this. A lot more of this.” He slipped a hand between them and tucked his fingers into her cunt, spreading her moisture around.

She choked in a breath, still sensitive from his loving, but feeling her arousal build anew.

He freed his fingers and slipped them further back, caressing his way up between her cheeks.

Her eyes popped open. “Jeez,” she shuddered as he caressed her tight little ring of muscle tissue.

“D’you like that?”

“Oh yeah, Brian, oh yeah.” She leaned against him, unconsciously spreading her legs even wider.

“Like to do even more than that? When we have the time?”

“It’s been so long. But yes, I do like that,” she answered, nipping his neck gently with her teeth.

“We’ll do it all, babe. All of it. You and me. Saturday night, after Eve’s wedding.” With a deep breath he pulled away, and placed a hard kiss on her lips. “I’ll call you and set up a time for Saturday. This is one time I get to pick you up and take you out. Our first date. Be ready.” He grinned at her as he moved away. “Adele?”

BOOK: A Kink in Her Tails
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