Read A Family with His Werewolf Mate Online

Authors: Anya Byrne

Tags: #erotic, #anal sex, #erotic romance, #explicit adult content, #gay sex, #MM

A Family with His Werewolf Mate (2 page)

BOOK: A Family with His Werewolf Mate
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All too soon, the need to breathe forced them apart. "I
almost thought you weren't coming," Will whispered against his lips.

"I had to make sure we weren't spotted," Dean told
him, regretting making his mate doubt him even for a moment. "And how
could I not come?"

Will's grin was filled with promise, decision, lust and a
hefty dose of uncertainty. Dean wanted to banish the latter emotion, to make
sure his mate never had to experience any sort of anxiety again. He cupped
Will's cheek gently, and his heart did a funny leap when Will leaned into the
caress. "It's okay. You're safe."

Will's smile grew tremulous. "I... I just... I've never
done anything like this before. I know what I want but..."

He bit his lower lip so hard Dean was afraid he'd draw blood.
"Whatever you want is fine, baby." And how had that endearment come
out so easily? Moon be blessed, he had to be more careful, lest he scare the
human away.

Will didn't seem taken aback, though. Instead, he brushed his
fingers over Dean's lips, as if in wonder. "Really?"

"Really," Dean assured his mate. "Whatever you
want. Whatever you're comfortable with."

He didn't know what he'd expected, but it definitely wasn't
his mate dropping to his knees and fumbling with his belt with a speed and
skill born out of desperate need. Dean opened his mouth to say something—he
didn't know exactly what—but any attempt he might have made to encourage, or
protest, or reassure died when Will's long slender fingers wrapped around his
dick. He'd already been rock hard from the moment he'd set his eyes on his
beautiful mate, but Will's touch truly threatened to shatter him.

He tried to hold on, because it wouldn't do to lose control
so soon when Will obviously wanted more. Still, it wasn't exactly easy to hold
himself to that decision, not when Will lowered Dean's jeans and underwear with
his free hand. His hot breath hit Dean's now-naked dick, and Dean couldn't help
a small hiss.

He clenched his hands into fists, reminding himself he needed
to give his mate time. In an attempt to find a distraction, he bit the inside
of his cheek, but that only worked up until the point when Will tentatively
licked over the head of Dean's shaft. Just like that, Dean's wolf reared out of
him, wild and needy, demanding that he claim Will.

Dean succeeded in reining in his beast, but he couldn't fully
suppress his need. "Will... Fuck, come on."

He hated rushing his mate when Will was still so new at this,
but moon be blessed, he didn't remember wanting anything or anyone so much. It
burned through every cell in his body, flared through every pore, swelled
inside him like a live thing.

Thankfully, Will seemed to be of a similar mind. His perhaps
unintentionally teasing touches melted into more daring explorations. Will
gripped the base of Dean's cock in his fist and licked the entire shaft like he
would a lollipop. He rolled Dean's balls in his palm, then focused once again
on the head of Dean's prick, swirling his tongue over the glans in a motion
that seemed almost too sensual to be real.

Dean tangled his fingers through Will's soft hair, doing his
best to encourage his mate without forcing Will to take more than he could. It
must have worked, because Will lowered his mouth over Dean's dick and started
to suck, slowly at first, then faster, bobbing his head up and down Dean's
shaft and making muffled sounds of pleasure that reached out to Dean's werewolf
instincts more strongly than the moon itself ever had.

Dean tightened his hold on his lover's hair, a warning to
both himself and Will. In response, Will hummed around his cock and Dean
snapped. Despite his earlier decision, there was only so much he could endure.
He thrust his cock into Will's mouth, groaning as Will simply welcomed him with
an encouraging moan. Will's hands landed on Dean's hips and he looked up to
meet Dean's gaze. His green eyes were twinkling emeralds burning with want, and
they hypnotized Dean, shattering the last of his barriers.

As Dean started to move in and out of his mate's mouth,
Will's eyes drifted closed. Dean regretted the loss, but it also relieved him,
because he didn't think he could have endured Will's hot gaze for much longer.
As it turned out, the relief didn't last. An expression of utter bliss settled
on Will's face, like there was nothing he wanted more than to suck Dean's cock.
In that moment, Dean had his mate at his mercy, and his surrender was intoxicating,
a drug so potent it made Dean dizzy.

He found himself thrusting harder, his balls slapping against
Will's chin as he sought more, tried to claim more. Will took him in with
beautiful openness. He choked once, and Dean managed to reel himself in enough
to remember his mate was new at this. But Will was also a quick learner, and
soon, the tables were turned. Had Dean thought he was in control of this? He
was the one at his mate's mercy, the sweet torture of Will's mouth driving him
wild, turning his knees into jelly.

He was distantly aware of Will fumbling with his own belt and
touching himself. Dean wanted to do that, to get his hands and his mouth on
Will's beautiful body. He wasn't strong enough to change their positions,
however, and he didn't have time to gather his resolve. Suddenly, Will released
another muffled moan and went rigid. The scent of his seed filled the air,
potent, seductive, adding to the already mounting sensations like a palpable
touch. With a cry of his own, Dean buried himself one last time in his mate's
mouth and came.

Will swallowed the first few waves of his spunk, then
spluttered, not quite able to take everything. Dean had to admit he got a
possessive kick out of seeing his seed dribble from the corner of Will's mouth,
but at the same time, he hated the thought of causing his mate discomfort.

"Sorry," he apologized as he pulled out his
over-sensitive cock. "I should have warned you."

Will waved his words off. "Don't worry about it,"
he whispered, voice a little husky. "I wanted it."

That made Dean's cock twitch all over again. Really, he might
have done something ridiculously unwise, like fucking Will right then and
there, but his mate prevented it by standing and quickly zipping himself up.

For some reason, the gesture seemed to hold finality, and it
occurred to Dean that for Will, this might be just something casual, two men
enjoying a few moments of stolen passion, never to see each other again. Will
was already avoiding his gaze, and that wasn't really promising when it came to
Dean's tentative goal.

"When can I see you again?" he whispered with a
little more desperation than he'd have liked.

"I just..." Will fidgeted. "I don't know. I
don't know when I'll be able to come to town."

"Then I'll come to you. Whenever you say." Dean
cupped Will's cheek, hoping he wasn't freaking his mate out. His wolf whined in
distress at the prospect of being rejected, but he forced himself to accept the
possibility. "Unless you don't want me to."

After all, Will was human, and he didn't feel the mate bond
like Dean did. The fear of discovery pressed hard on Dean—and he was a
werewolf. For Will, it would undoubtedly be much worse. The last thing Dean
wanted was to force himself onto his mate if Will decided not to take things

Thankfully, Will didn't deny him. He leaned into the caress
and smiled. "That's not it at all. I want to see you again. We just... We
have to be careful." He was silent for a few moments, as if musing over
their predicament. "My uncle has a small house. Since he moved in with his
daughter, it's been sitting empty, but he told me to watch it while he's away.
We could meet there."

"Sounds good," Dean replied. "Tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow evening. James Mulligan's cabin. It's about
twenty miles from Willow Cove."

He was probably planning to give Dean further instructions,
but the sound of male voices interrupted them. Dean placed his hand over his
mate's mouth since he wasn't sure if Will had heard them. At first, Will seemed
surprised, but then, the voices came closer, and he tensed.

It didn't take a genius to figure out the reason. The
men—Dean distinguished at least two—were calling out the same name.

"Little brother?"

Will's siblings had obviously noticed he was missing.
"Where in the world did he go?" one of them mused. "Abe pointed
us this way."

Dean leaned in closer to his mate and whispered, "Go.
Meet me at the cabin, tomorrow, one hour after midnight. I'll find you."

Will looked like he wanted to protest, but his brothers'
presence changed his mind. He nodded jerkily and fixed his clothing. Finally,
when he was fairly certain he was decent, he stepped out into the light and
toward his brothers.

"What?" he asked with a disgruntled huff.
"Can't a guy take a piss in private?"

One of Will's brothers chortled and slapped Will's shoulder
so hard the smaller man almost fell forward. Dean suppressed his growl, knowing
he couldn't do anything to help. He was proud of his mate for not looking in
the least bit apprehensive, but at the same time, it made him sad, because it
was a sign of just how much Will had been forced to hide.

"Well, if you're all done, time to get back. I don't
think I saw any dancing, but I had my eye on a gal that would be perfect for

Just the thought of someone else touching his mate had Dean's
wolf howling to tear that person apart. Unfortunately, if he intervened, he
could easily make Will's brothers suspicious. So he just stood there and
watched as the bigger men dragged Will off. He'd never felt more helpless or
thrown in his life.

Chapter Two


The day after the dance passed at a snail's pace. Will
listened to Karl enthuse about his evening with his new fiancée and was teased
by his other two brothers about his mysterious disappearance. He did his chores
and tried to pretend nothing was different from any other day. In his mind,
though, there was always a countdown—how much time he had left until his next
meeting with Dean.

He sneaked out of the house at midnight and made his way to
his uncle's cabin on foot. The dogs scented him, but didn't bark, since they
were used to Will's little trips.

It was not the first time he'd done this, but on previous
occasions, it had been because he'd needed time to breathe, to take a break
from his family's expectations and just be. Now, something entirely different
was waiting—or rather, someone.

Throughout the trek, he told himself not to be too
enthusiastic and eager. He hadn't managed to give Dean too many clues as to the
location of the cabin, and the place was pretty out of the way. Sure, Dean
could always ask directions, but it might arouse suspicion, and that was
something neither of them needed.

He shouldn't have worried. The moment he stepped within view
of the cabin, a familiar male figure appeared from the shade of the towering
trees. "Hey," Dean greeted him with a blinding smile. "You

"How could I not?" Will shot back in an echo of
their conversation from the day before. He licked his lips at the memory of
what had followed that conversation. Dean's gaze instantly went to his mouth,
and the next thing he knew, Will was in Dean's arms, having his breath kissed
out of him.

He had no idea when Dean had moved so quickly to reach him,
but right then and there, it didn't matter. Will melted in Dean's embrace,
parting his lips for Dean's invasion, surrendering to the rightness of the

By the time they broke apart, they were both completely erect
and panting like they'd run a marathon. Will could feel the nudge of Dean's
hard dick against hip, and he burned to touch it, to taste it once again. He
half-expected Dean to drop his jeans on the spot, but he didn't. Instead, he
pulled Will into his arms and buried his face in his neck, inhaling deeply,
like he was trying to take in Will's scent.

The sensuality of the moment didn't fade, but Dean's embrace
held something more, something Will was too afraid to identify. He didn't allow
himself to over-think it or analyze it too closely and instead relaxed in his
lover's embrace. "Did you have any trouble finding this place?" he
asked after a few moments of silence.

He kind of regretted the question when Dean pulled away.
"Not really, no. Your directions were pretty accurate, and I'm good at
tracking down things."

"I'd say." Will chuckled. "Did you have to ask

Dean shook his head. The moon's rays illuminated his face as
he looked at Will with concerned, gray eyes. "I didn't want to draw
attention to you in any way."

The tightness in Dean's voice told Will something wasn't
quite right. "What is it?" he asked. "Did something

Dean sighed. "I just... I hate that I had to stand there
and see you walk away and dance with someone else." He let out a low
groan. "I told myself that I wouldn't bring it up, but... Damn, it seems
my resolve falters when it comes to you."

"You know I wouldn't have left if I'd had a
choice," Will replied quietly. He could understand where Dean was coming
from, but just the thought that his family might find out about this made his
insides shrivel with fear.

Perhaps Dean realized this, because he dropped the topic.
"I know," he said, brushing his lips over Will's in a ghost of a
kiss. "I'm just greedy. Ignore me."

But Will didn't ignore Dean, because that one adjective, that
'greedy' made him melt. He couldn't be afraid, not when Dean so obviously
wanted him. "Would it help if I told you I'd have much preferred to dance
with you?"

Dean's frown softened, turning into a bright grin. "Is
that right? Well, far be it from me to deny my mate's desires."

Will blinked in surprise, not quite sure what to make of
Dean's address. He might have asked, but Dean started to hum under his breath,
a song which Will recognized as a recent Elvis Presley hit. He stopped humming
for a few moments to say, "Dance with me, baby?"

Will was torn between cracking up and turning into a puddle.
He went with neither, and chose to nod instead. As he relaxed against Dean's
chest, his lover resumed his humming and started to rock Will in his arms.

If he wanted to be perfectly honest, Will had never imagined
he would do something like this with a man. In his weaker moments, when he
dared to imagine anything at all, he'd thought about sexual things, like what
he and Dean had shared the night before. He'd dreamed of taking another man in
his mouth, in his ass, of rough fingers fondling his cock. Dancing in the moonlight
to a hummed tune? Definitely not on the list. It wasn't that he hadn't wanted
romance, but in his mind, he'd considered it something only a man and a woman
could share. His sinful desires were something else entirely.

But when Dean touched him, his previous self-disgust
disappeared like it had never been. He couldn't doubt this, couldn't doubt the
comfortable silence, the warmth, the affection in Dean's eyes.

After all, what did it matter that the two of them were men?
Society might deem it shameful, but it also decreed other people to be inferior
because of their skin color—and that was something Will had never believed in.
Why should his sexuality be any different?

A sense of peace filled him, and he would have gladly
lingered in this moment forever. But the closeness between their bodies
triggered a very natural response, and soon, Dean pulled him into another kiss.
Will eagerly went, losing himself in the now familiar taste of Dean's passion.

The cabin was a few feet away from them, but they didn't have
the patience to go inside. Will ended up on his back on the grass, with Dean's
larger body on top of him. Their tongues dueled, and Will convulsively clutched
Dean's shoulders as he fed on his lover's mouth. He didn't even want to breathe
if it meant breaking apart from Dean, didn't want any oxygen that wasn't from
Dean's lungs.

But Dean had other ideas and he broke their lip-lock, much to
Will's frustration. The disappointment melted into another unnameable emotion
when Dean started to pepper his face with kisses, sweet, gentle, almost chaste,
a complete contrast with their earlier one. Will found that he couldn't draw
breath after all, because Dean was melting him, melting his heart,
short-circuiting his ability to understand what was going on.

Dean's fingers were careful as they traveled over Will's
chest and worked on his buttons. Will could feel the barely leashed sexual
tension inside Dean, hiding beneath the surface. He could feel Dean's erection
nudging his hip. And yet, the man moved slowly, touching him tenderly, like
they had all the time in the world.

Intellectually, Will knew that was not the case. They had a
few hours, at best, before Will had to return to his home so that his family
wouldn't realize he'd been gone. But right now, those hours seemed like an age,
a priceless gift, and Will didn't think he'd ever felt happier or freer in his
entire life.

Still, that happiness didn't cancel his nervousness. The
night before, he'd followed his instincts and had pretty much gone with the
flow, but he had no idea what he was doing and no experience whatsoever when it
came to sex. He wanted this—oh, how he wanted this—but still, he trembled when
Dean's fingers first touched his chest. And fuck, that was ridiculous, because
he'd sucked this man's dick and that was far more intimate than these light
touches, but for some reason, it was different.

Maybe Dean realized this, because he pressed one more kiss to
Will's lips, then pulled away. For a few moments, Will didn't even process the
motion until the absence of Dean's heat struck him like a ton of bricks.
"Wait... What are you doing? Are you going?"

"Of course not." Dean chuckled. "But maybe...
This could wait a little."

Will stared at him, wondering if Dean was joking. He glanced
down at Dean's lap, where his lover's erection was still very visible.
"Are you sure? You don't want to...?"

"It can wait," Dean repeated. "We barely spoke
at the dance, and I don't know about you, but I didn't just come here for the
sex. Sure, it was awesome, but I want more."

Will swallowed around the sudden knot in his throat. Dean
didn't have to elaborate on what 'more' meant, because Will had already sensed
it in Dean's earlier touches. It was so dangerous. If Will's father and
brothers found out about it, they'd kill him. His mother would probably
consider him dead even if they didn't.

But sitting there, on the grass, in the silence that
stretched between them, Will found that he couldn't shy away from what he
wanted. If he did, if he got up now and left, he'd always bow his head to his
family's expectations. He'd end up as a younger, smaller copy of his siblings.
Perhaps he'd even marry a woman he could never love like she deserved. And all
the while, he would wonder... What if?

And maybe it was crazy, maybe it was a dream, but for now,
for tonight, Will just needed to believe that he could have what he truly
wanted. He offered Dean a tentative smile. "Okay. I can do more."


They continued to meet every night, at the same cabin that
had quickly become their haven. They didn't take things beyond hand jobs and
blow jobs. Dean could tell his mate wasn't ready, and if he wanted to be
perfectly honest, neither was he.

He was anxious, going crazy with the knowledge that soon, the
Gathering would end and he'd have to leave Willow Cove. He'd never thought he'd
one day be thankful that Alphas took forever to decide on a particular course
of action, but he also knew better than to think the delay was a solution. As
the days passed, his time with his mate was running out.

Unfortunately, Dean still hadn't mustered the courage to
explain his nature to his mate. Until he did that, he couldn't take Will like
he dreamed, because if he buried himself inside his mate's body, he would fall
onto his instincts and claim Will. He couldn't rob Will of his choice. He
wanted to believe his wolf wouldn't be a deal breaker, but he was already
asking a lot of Will.

Five days after they'd met, Dean stood in front of the cabin,
pacing and musing over his dilemma. He had to tell his mate today. They needed
to figure out what to do, because just the thought he might have to leave Will
made Dean snarl in panic and anger.

As always, he sensed his mate's approach before Will reached
the cabin. His beast perked up at Will's presence, more eager than ever to see
his mate. His enthusiasm was tempered by his dread, the fear of Will's
reaction. He took a deep breath, struggling to muster at least a measure of
calm before he embarrassed himself in front of his mate.

His attempt must have failed, because the moment Will
appeared from the forest, he went tense. He quickly crossed the space between
them, his face a study in concern. "You look agitated," Will
whispered, cupping Dean's cheek. "Is something wrong?"

Unable to control himself, Dean hugged Will close. For all he
knew, this might be the last time he enjoyed his mate's proximity, and he had
to take in as many memories as he could, to treasure each moment. Will held him
in turn, trembling slightly. "Dean, what is it? You're scaring me."

At that, Dean knew he couldn't stall any longer. He broke
their embrace and stepped back, even if it physically hurt to separate himself
from Will. He passed a hand through his hair and faced his mate. "There's
something I need to tell you."

Will gave him a suspicious look. "That doesn't sound
very promising."

"I know, I know." Dean swallowed nervously.
"Please... Just keep an open mind and don't be scared."

"Scared?" Will repeated. "Why would I be
scared? Oh my God, Dean, what did you do?"

William probably thought Dean had told someone about them, so
Dean rushed to assure his mate that wasn't the case. "It's not what I did,
but what I am. The thing is, baby... I'm not human. I'm a werewolf."

For a few long moments, Will just stared at him. Dean held
his breath, waiting for a reaction. When it came, he supposed he wasn't very
surprised. Will started to laugh, loud chuckles that echoed in the silence
around them. "God, Dean, you scared me. I really thought something was
wrong. Next time you want to pull a fast one, don't be so serious. You almost
gave me a heart attack."

In hindsight, it made sense that Will wouldn't just believe
him on his word. Dean had known he'd have to show Will his wolf shape.
"It's not a joke," he said quietly. "Let me show you. Don't be
frightened. I promise that no matter how I look, I'm still me and I'll never
hurt you."

His mate's laughter died. He fixed Dean with a steady look
and nodded warily. Dean had hoped for a little more acquiescence, but that
would have to do.

He stepped back and quickly started to take his clothes off.
He heard his mate's pulse quicken and could scent Will's arousal, but he kept
himself from doing anything about it. He suspected his wolf form would fix the
issue in a few moments.

It was a sobering thought, and perhaps the only thing that
kept Dean from throwing all caution to the wind, forgetting about his decision
and just taking what Will offered. He kept his eyes away from Will as he
undressed and only faced his mate once naked. "Remember what I said,"
he told Will again.

He didn't wait for a reply, because he feared that hearing
Will's voice would sabotage his already shaky resolve. Instead, he summoned his
wolf, freeing his beast from inside him. Claws replaced fingernails, human
hands became paws, and fur sprouted all over his body. In seconds, Dean was on
all fours, taking in the sight and scent of his mate as a beast.

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