A Cold Day in Hell (The Hellcat Series) (10 page)

BOOK: A Cold Day in Hell (The Hellcat Series)
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"Is there a reason for your visit to our City, Caspian, or are you simply here to make trouble?" she asked. 

A genial smile curved the Spaniard's mouth despite her curt question, and his nostrils flared, clearly drawing in the scents around him.  He opened his mouth to reply and then froze, his eyes going wide.  He drew in another breath.  His eyes raked over Gabi's body from head to toe and then narrowed on Julius; a riot of emotions flashed across his face before he shut them down.  His smile had suddenly become stiff and forced.

"I have recently spent some time at the Court of the Princeps and simply have some information that I wished to share with Julius," he replied to Gabi, but his attention was fully on Julius now, who, while no less tense, was radiating a degree of smugness.  

In a flash of intuition Gabi realised why Julius hadn't protested her refusal to get changed.  The essence of Julius and sex cloaked her body, and her scent clung to every inch of him.  He'd marked his territory as effectively as if his name was tattooed on her forehead.  She had no right to be angry at him; the sex hadn't been one-sided, and he hadn't known about his unwanted guest until they arrived home.  And he had given her the chance to clean up and change before coming to this meeting.  But that didn't stop the annoyance flaring; men could be so…pubescent.

"How interesting."
  Caspian drew the words out into distinct syllables as his pensive gaze flicked between the two of them.  "Have you told her yet, Julius?  About our conversation on the telephone a few weeks ago?" 

The question was mild, but the jolt of fury that slammed through Julius was enough to make her want to move away from him.  Her blood ran cold as she realised this was all about her.  There was only one thing about her that would interest the Princeps.  Somehow they'd found out that she was Dhampir.


The door opened behind them, and Gabi almost flinched.  Alexander strode in, followed closely by Claudia with two trays laden with food, alcohol and glasses.  Alexander took up a position to Julius's right and adopted his sullen, watchful guardian face without speaking.  She hadn't seen that look since the first time she'd met him.  It was the persona he wore when he thought Julius was putting himself in danger unnecessarily.

"On the table is fine, Claudia," Julius said.

"Do you require the presence of a feeder, Sire?" she asked, not meeting anyone's eyes as she set down the trays. 

"Caspian," Julius growled, "does your request for
include a request for sustenance?"

A polite smile lifted Caspian's mouth.  "Not at this time, Julius," he replied evenly, apparently having regained control of his emotions.  "Thank you for the offer." 

"That is all for now, Claudia." Julius dismissed the female Vampire, and she ghosted from the room, closing the door behind her.  "Have a seat," he said to Caspian.  It wasn't really an invitation.  "Would you like a drink?  I'm afraid I don't know your tastes."  He indicated the tray full of drinks and glasses; there were half a dozen bottles of top-class alcohol.  He pulled one of the high-back leather chairs out to his left for Gabi and settled her before seating himself.  Alexander moved to the tray and began pouring a large glass of red wine and adding ice to a whiskey glass.

"I would appreciate a strong port if you have one," Caspian said, pulling out a chair on the other side of the table.  "I see your commander in chief hasn't developed a sense of humour yet."  He gave Alexander a sidelong look. 

Alexander returned the look with a mocking smile, big enough to show his fangs, and placed the glass of red wine in front of Julius, and then served Gabi the whiskey before finally placing a small glass of dark, plum-coloured liqueur in front of their guest.  Then he took a seat on the opposite side of Gabi, which startled her; she was used to him being on Julius's right at all formal occasions.  This was contrary to what she knew about Vampire protocol, and was obviously meant to send a very specific message.  Alice down the rabbit hole again, she thought, trying to make sense of the situation through her Rage-befuddled brain. 

She was becomingly overly warm in Julius's coat, but had the feeling that stripping it off and allowing Caspian to see her practically naked would send Julius off the deep end.  Julius's power brushed against her, lifting the hairs on her arms; then movement near the door caught her eye.  The temperature control panel for the room was changing by itself, dropping the temperature by several degrees; she wouldn't be overly warm for long.  Caspian's eyes caught her gaze and followed.  His expression stiffened, and he looked down, concentrating on his drink. 

"How much do they know?" Julius asked in a growl.  "And how did they find out?" 

Caspian leaned back in his chair, a slightly superior smile on his face now, condescending almost.  "Have your spies not told you what is being discussed in the dark corners of the Court, Julius?"

"None of what is being spoken about in Court explains your presence in my home, or your…assumptions."  Julius sipped his wine sparingly.  "Let's not pretend you don't know what I'm capable of, Caspian.  I'm sure you, of all people, know that the Princeps put their heads in the sand where I am concerned.  They pretend they don’t know the true extent of my power.  Don't force me to become uncivilized enough to demonstrate."  The softness of his tone made his words even more sinister. 

"I have heard the whisperings at Court, of the things you did to your brother's people," Caspian said, his tone bland.  "But we all know how gossip can get out of hand." 

Gabi suppressed a shudder.  She knew that Julius had broken the minds of those loyal to Dantè after her kidnapping, not a single one had remained sane enough to save after he was through with them.  She hadn't seen it herself, but she'd seen the haunted look in Kyle's eyes after he'd witnessed one of the interrogations.  It reminded her that there was a reason his own Clan treated him with such deference.  The same reason most other Vampires left him in peace. 

"I'd be more than happy to demonstrate on you if you would like to compare gossip with reality," Julius offered. 

"Maybe another time."  Caspian smiled, though there was no humour in it.  "I said I was here to share information with you, and so I will."  He drained the last of the port in his glass.  "A lovely vintage," he conceded, pushing the glass towards the centre of the table.  Nathan stepped forward to replenish the glass and then stepped silently back to his position.  Tension began knotting the muscles in Gabi's neck and shoulders.

"Share your information, Caspian," Julius said.  "I have other matters to attend to tonight." 

Caspian's eyes flicked immediately to Gabi, and an unpleasant sneer curled his top lip.  "I'm sure you do," he said meaningfully.

Julius was suddenly standing, leaning over towards the older Vampire across the table.  Gabi hadn't even seen the movement.  She had to grip the chair to stop
herself from reaching for him to calm him.  

Alexander put a hand on her wrist, making her grimace in pain.  He obviously expected her to react and sensed there was a very fine line being walked right now.  She gave a barely perceptible nod to let him know she understood, and he released her. 

"They don't know as much as I do," Caspian said quickly.  A tiny flicker of fear tightened his eyes. 

Gabi had to hand it to him; he'd barely flinched from Julius.  Others would have been cowering on the floor by now.  But then, perhaps Caspian simply had no idea of Julius's true power.  Julius didn't subside back into his seat, but the dark maelstrom of power calmed a little. 

"They only know what their informant knows.  The rest I have put together myself.  They only know what she is, not how she became what she is." 

Gabi felt numb as Julius slowly settled back into his chair.  The shock at actually hearing that the Princeps knew she was Dhampir was countered by the relief that, so far, they didn't know how to recreate more like her. 

"Who is their informant?" Julius asked.

"A dark Magus with a grudge against you, her," Caspian nodded towards Gabi, "your Clan and the Werewolves."

"Mariska," Julius and Gabi hissed the name like a curse. 

"She has been using the name Marisol," Caspian said, "but no one actually believes that is her real name." 

"What did she request in exchange for the information she gave them?" Julius asked.

"The execution of both you and Gabrielle, as well as your second in command and the Werewolf who is not a Werewolf.
  I assume that means more to you than it does to me?"  He lifted his eyebrows enquiringly. 

No one answered him as the news sank in. 













"They agreed to this?"Julius finally asked his unwelcome guest.

"They agreed in principle that laws had been broken, but the Magus wouldn't give them any details before a deal had been struck," Caspian explained.  "I very much doubt they would've agreed so quickly to executing a Dhampir if they'd had the slightest clue what the Magus was about to reveal.  It's possible they will find a way around the agreement in Gabrielle's case.  The rest of you should be watching your backs." 

"And you're absolutely sure they don't know about Gabrielle's creation?" Julius's voice was low and urgent.

"So far."
  Caspian nodded.  "The information has been kept at the very highest level, I only know because I have a…friend in the know, who owes me a few favours.  They have many hypotheses, based on some kind of attack in her childhood, but none have struck on the truth."

"How did you figure it out?" Alexander demanded.

"They had a spy obtain a copy of her passport and birth certificate," Caspian explained.  "The moment I saw the photo on her passport, it all clicked into place."  He turned to Gabi and smiled faintly, the closest thing she'd seen so far to a genuine smile.  "She is almost the spitting image of her mother at the same age, though I dare say a little more capable of taking care of herself." 

Gabi felt like a whirlpool had just opened up underneath her, as though the world was about to be swept out from under her. 

"I'm sure I wouldn't have to rescue her from a Rogue Vampire in a dark alley like I did for her mother." 

Adrenalin flooded her body, followed closely by what felt like a tide of novocaine. 
Numb, tingly, cold, hot, alive, dead.  Her mind and body reeled from the shock.  Caspian had made her what she was.  Caspian was her what?  Sire?  Julius gently touched her arm, nothing more.  She could sense the extent of his fear and worry, even through her own tumult.  He was trying to hold himself back from her, but his emotions were too strong.  His greatest fear was that she would turn from him.  He was certain Caspian would have some kind of irresistible hold over her.  Julius's fear was the antidote to the novocaine sensation smothering her.  She put her hand over Julius's and sent a wave of reassurance his way.

"So, it was you who saved my mother in the alley thirty years ago?" she asked Caspian, relieved that her voice came out crisp and businesslike. 

Caspian inclined his head.  "I was friends with the Master who oversaw the City at the time.  I spent many years roaming the world as a nomad, and decided a few months as a guest of a City would be a nice change.  In payment I helped him deal with a few Rogues who’d been plaguing the City."

"How do we know that you weren't the Vampire who attacked her?" Gabi challenged.

"Would you like to tell her, or should I?" he asked Julius. 

Julius gritted his teeth and then spoke.  "Caspian was also sired by Simone," he ground out.  "He has an extra talent, much like me and Dantè.”  He paused, and Gabi knew she wasn’t going to like what he said next.  “Caspian can control Werewolves."

Gabi stilled, processing the implications of that for a few moments, then blindly reached for the whiskey glass and downed the contents before carefully setting the glass back on the table.  A pale hand refilled it in front of her.  She knew it was only a matter of time before shock set in.  She felt battered and bruised, inside and out, physically and mentally.  Only Julius's strong, concerned presence next to her was keeping her from jumping to her feet and raving like a lunatic.  She lifted the glass again but only managed half the contents this time.  Whoever had filled it had been generously heavy handed. 

The room was silent.  They obviously expected some kind of response from her, but she simply didn't know what to say.

"Why did ye not tell the Princeps of yer discovery?" Fergus's deep voice rumbled from behind them. 

Caspian's eyes narrowed in annoyance as he looked towards the voice.  "Ah, the mighty Scotsman," he said, a note of sarcasm in his voice.  "I should have guessed by the scar.  The stories of you are still whispered behind hands at Court."  Then he turned to Julius.  "Do you regularly allow your subordinates to interrupt when the important people are speaking, Julius?  I'm a little disappointed by the lack of respect you allow in your Clan."

Anger washed through Gabi even as Fergus rumbled a chuckle.  "Answer the fucking question, Caspian," she said coldly before anyone else could speak. 

BOOK: A Cold Day in Hell (The Hellcat Series)
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