Read A Christmas to Bear Online

Authors: Carina Wilder

A Christmas to Bear (4 page)

BOOK: A Christmas to Bear
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Lucian made his way towards Aria, his face relaxed.

“Probably not in the best taste to walk ladies around town without clothing on. And especially not in the best taste to leave bleeding shifters in the middle of the downtown area.”

“No, I suppose not,” laughed Aria, thinking that she had no personal objections whatsoever to his nudity, but that he was quite right about the shifter.

When the two had walked the short distance to the inn’s front door, Lucian turned to her.

“Well,” he said.

“Well.” Aria found herself shifting her weight from foot to foot as she gazed up at his face. “Thank you again. For everything you’ve done today.”

“You’re welcome, Aria.” He was looking down into her eyes, the usual intensity in his own. In the short time that she’d known him, Aria had realized that Cam was right: he was impossible to really know.

This was only confirmed when Lucian grabbed her, both hands on her waist, and pulled her body towards him. In an instant his lips were on hers, warm, luscious. Kissing her deeply, sending a shockwave through her body. Intensity quickly relaxed into something like limpness as she surrendered her body to him, allowing his strong hands to hold her up. When his tongue found hers he delicately explored its tip, and she took in his taste, his scent, his entire body. A woman, thought Aria, can tell so much about a man by how he uses his tongue when kissing. And Lucian had just conveyed a thousand words with one touch.

When the kiss ended, Aria found herself emitting an inadvertent sigh. She looked into the bear shifter’s eyes once more and, her courage fortified, managed, “Would you please come up to my room with me?”


It was one word, eagerly stated. The day, which had begun so badly, was ending very well indeed.

Chapter 4

In the seconds before they arrived at her door, Aria found herself tremulous, almost regretful.
What am I doing? What if he doesn’t like what he sees? What if he runs away screaming at the sight of cellulite? What panties am I wearing?
As they stood in silence at the entrance to room 306, however, a calm resolve set in. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. She would have this beautiful man all to herself for one night. This, she thought, was what being a strong, single woman was all about.

But even as she was filled with determined thoughts, a reluctant hand suddenly wrapped itself around her upper arm.

“Wait,” said Lucian, a worried look on his face. “I don’t know if we should do this.”

“Do what? You’re just coming in for a visit.”

“I think this is a little different from a visit to grandma’s house, Aria. We both know where it might lead. Will most certainly lead.”

Aria leaned into him, an unusual confidence telling her to corral the man into her bed. “Where it might lead is to a very pleasant evening. What’s so wrong with that?”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I know. You’ve saved me from a broken bone and a drunk shifter. It’s fairly obvious that you’re not out to break my heart.”

“That’s not what I mean. I don’t want to physically hurt you.”

Aria slid her key into the lock. “Come in, Lucian. We’ll talk.”

He followed her in. The room was largely occupied by a king–sized bed, deliberately requested by its occupant so that she could bask in the glory of solitude and freedom. Now she was especially pleased at her choice.

“Sit down,” she half–commanded. Lucian obliged, seating himself on the edge of the bed.

“I’m strong, Aria,” he said.

“I know you are.”

“I mean that I don’t know my own strength. I have injured people before, in this…” He cut the sentence short.

“Situation?” Aria asked.

“Yes. I stay away from people, from shifters even, because of it. I could tear you in half.” With that he stood again and loomed over her, his physicality almost overwhelming.

She approached and laid a hand on his hot chest. “But you wouldn’t,” she said. “You never would.”

With that she tipped her chin up and kissed his lips. She had to stand on her toes to do so. At first Lucian responded with a polite peck, but in seconds Aria felt his arms around her and his mouth was on hers, his soft lips caressing her own, tongue exploring her taste. His hands slid down her back until they landed, determined, on her round hips, which he pulled towards his own.

Aria could feel him harden against her, his length growing as they kissed, her own body responding in kind. Under her bra, her nipples hardened to dark pink pebbles. Between her legs, her panties went moist with her need for him, her body urging her to find a way to invite him inside.

Lucian didn’t speak any more; instead he reached for the zipper on her coat, pulling it downwards as gently as he could before pulling the garment away. When he saw the sweater underneath, soft wool which hugged her curves, he let out a palpable sigh, his dimples re–emerging. His hand went again to her waist, finding its way under the soft wool to soft white flesh.

Aria felt herself tighten and flinch as he did so, her self–consciousness stopping her enjoyment momentarily.

Lucian lifted the sweater, revealing the ivory of her belly before kneeling before her and peppering her body with gentle kisses. Aria’s eyes went to the ceiling as though in a plea to make this man want her, and then she reminded herself that he did. He was with her. He had come to find her, and now he was kneeling before her, worshiping her body. And soon they would be one.

She looked down again and thrust her fingers into his thick hair as his mouth continued its route along her, hands raising her sweater further so that now her bra was visible. It was black, half–lace so that Lucian had a partial view of her areolae peeking out, and Aria was glad to have worn it. The bear shifter’s hands went to her breasts, sliding over them with a caress that brought her back to the moment in the woods when he’d healed her. When she felt fingers run gently over her firm nipples, she let herself whisper, “You see? You can be gentle.”

Lucian looked up at her, his dark eyes searching for approval.
He needs to feel it as much as I do
, she thought. She nodded to him to continue; everything that he was doing was perfection.

His right hand was on the delicate lace covering her left breast, pulling it away now to reveal the nipple that sought his direct touch. His nose nuzzled her pink bud and a sigh emerged from between Aria’s lips. Lucian seemed to understand sensitivity and female nerve–endings, anyhow. Lips pursed around, sucking, tongue flicking.
Oh, dear God. Yes.

His left index finger slid to her previously neglected right nipple, which stood up, demanding further attention, and in moments it was Aria who was resisting attacking him, tearing his clothes off and commanding him to be inside her.

“That feels…so…good…”

As he enjoyed the taste of her soft skin, Lucian’s fingers found their way to the button on the front of her pants and he managed expertly to undo them, unzipping the fly and pulling the denim away from her hips. Aria watched as he did so, happy to have shaved, happy to have worn black panties.

Lucian sniffed her now, his nose tucked between her thighs, inhaling deeply.

“Oh, sweet Lord,” he said. “You smell like Christmas.”

With that, Aria let out a laugh. “Cinnamon and candy canes?” she asked.

“Sex,” he said, kissing her through the delicate silk.

Aria slowly pulled her sweater off completely as Lucian tore her pants down. Self–consciousness be damned; she was his now. He wanted her and that was enough.

Still on his knees, Lucian slipped two fingers under the delicate fabric coating her wet pussy and pulled them to the side, revealing a narrow strip of trimmed hair. Another sigh.

With the lightest touch he kissed the bit of pink that emerged from between her lips, swollen and eager for his touch. Now Aria simply moaned, her dignity out the window long since. Lucian moaned too, under her. Or was that a growl?

And suddenly she was being thrust sideways onto the bed, and Aria laughed again. Until she saw his face. Never had she seen such a look of determination on any man. Here was someone who wanted her–no, not wanted; needed–and he was going to have her.

He ripped her panties down, the elastic chafing her skin, and threw them across the room before thrusting his face between her legs again.

And then he feasted. Aria watched as his mouth explored, leaving no millimeter of sensitive pink unattended. At first his tongue navigated its way around, lapping at her as though she were made of soft ice cream, then his appetite seemed to grow more voracious and his lips engulfed her. He sucked on her lips as his tongue shot in darts to her clit, sending waves of sensation through her body.

“Gently, now,” she mustered as he ate her. “Slow down, honey.”

Instead, he pulled her thighs apart and kissed his way from her pussy to her left knee. His mouth ascended her leg, her calf hooked over his shoulder, and with his eyes closed he caressed her with excited lips. Then he made his way along the other thigh, back towards the eager flesh which waited patiently between her legs.

He is a voracious boy,
she thought.

It was when he was kissing his way up her right thigh that she began to understand his concerns.

Lucian’s eyes opened and he moaned at the sight of white skin. At first it was only his lips that moved along her body, but then he nipped her gently, which made her squirm with delight.

In a moment, though, she saw his teeth alter. Canines–no, fangs–emerged. He nipped again, and this time he drew blood.

“Ow!” The sound emerged from her unexpectedly. It was her intention to be patient, to help guide him along.

But with the exclamation he recoiled from her, pushing himself away as a trickle of red slipped down her skin.

“Oh my God, Aria, I’m so sorry,” he said, his hand reaching for her. He didn’t touch her, though; he seemed terrified to do so.

“It’s okay,” she said. “It’s nothing.”

“It’s not nothing. I made you bleed.” With that he rose, pacing as though unsure of how to proceed.

“Lucian,” said Aria, her voice calm. “Come here.”

The shifter stood in place.

“Come,” Aria repeated.

He approached and she took his hand.

“Heal me,” she said.


“Just do it.”

He slid a hand over her. This time he winced only a little as she felt the small wound heal.

“Now kiss me better.”

Lucian leaned in and kissed her leg and then her lips.

“You see? All better,” she said.

But he moved away again.

“This was a mistake. I knew it was. I knew that I was in trouble the second that I saw you. I’m so sorry. I have to go.”

“No. Please don’t.”

“I’m sorry.”

With that he turned and left her room.

Aria sat, dejected, on her bed. One man had cheated on her. Now, one had bitten her.

She preferred the one with teeth by far.

Chapter 5

The morning of December 21st began with a light dusting of snow and a confused woman forcing herself to rise from her empty king–sized bed.

The main street was decorated with large white paper balls which hung from wires criss–crossing between its two sidewalks. Small red decorations were suspended between them, giving the whole place a magical atmosphere. Aria wandered, window shopping for people who didn’t exist and fantasizing about a life that might

When she arrived at a coffee shop a sign in the window caught her eye.

WINTER CARNIVAL, December 22nd!

Come meet the shifters of Wolf Rock, compete in contests, eat cotton candy!

Lions, Tigers and Beer,

Oh My!

Apparently the festivities were to take place in the woods just outside of town. It seemed that this was a common occurrence; parties in Wolf Rock seldom took place indoors.

Aria entered the shop and ordered a hot chocolate. That was meant to be the ultimate comfort drink, wasn’t it? As far as drinks without booze in them were concerned, anyhow.

“So what’s this carnival all about?” she asked the barrista, who had the build of a female shifter.

The woman turned to her, light blue eyes fixed on her own, and smiled.

“It’s great. We do it every year. We pretend it’s for the tourists, but really it’s all about the shifters. A way to celebrate the holidays together, especially for those without families.”

“Are there a lot of shifters without families, then?”

“Yeah, you’d be surprised. That’s why Wolf Rock’s so important. It gives us a community. A lot of us were disowned when we were young, or lost our parents along the way. It’s not the easiest life in the world.”

“No, I imagine that it isn’t.” Aria thought now of the polar bear who lived so isolated from even those who should have been his surrogate family. “Do you know Lucian? The polar bear shifter?”

“Sure,” said the woman. “Everyone does. He’s got the ice house up in the hills.”

“Ice house?”

“Yeah. It’s pretty amazing, really. He built it on a glacier in the mountains. It’s not very high up–you can walk to it. It stays frozen all year round and he lives inside it.”

“Can you tell me where it is?”

“Sure I can. But you’re not thinking of hiking up there, are you? Lucian can be a holy terror if you venture onto his land.”

“Oh, I have some idea, believe me,” said Aria. “I’m okay with taking my life into my hands.”

The young woman wrote down directions on a scrap of paper and said, “Good luck to you. I suspect that you won’t need it, though.” If Aria hadn’t known better, she’d have thought that the woman was reading her mind.

“Thanks,” she said.

When she’d finished nursing the hot chocolate she set out. The house was apparently three kilometres away, in the direction of the ski hill. Just at the outskirts of town was a trailhead that would lead her most of the way.

It took an hour or so to make her way up the slope, and the view at the end of the hike was well worth the climb: mountain peaks surrounded her, and before her spread a great white glacier. At one end of it, tucked near the rocky slopes, was a small house.

As Aria approached, she saw that it wasn’t at all what she’d expected. When the barrista had mentioned an “ice house,” her mind had conjured an igloo. This was something else, something quite beautiful.

Its walls were translucent and seemed to glow shades of aqua and blue under the sun. It was as though someone had originally constructed the building of blocks of ice, which had ultimately fused together to form smooth, flowing walls which seemed almost to be made of liquid.

Inside she could make out movement, but no detail; the thick walls distorted any contents of the house itself.

She was about a hundred feet away when a figure emerged. Lucian the man, wearing only jeans; no shoes, no shirt. As gorgeous as ever, even from a distance.

He stood waiting for her and for those last steps, Aria felt renewed self–consciousness. What would she say to this man? Other than, “I think I love you and I want to have your polar babies. Take me now, on this glacier, you god.” No, that wouldn’t be the best idea.

“Hi,” she said when she was close.

“Hey.” He didn’t look pleased to see her. “I see you’ve found my mansion.”

“It’s something else, this,” she said, looking at the structure.

“Thanks. It’s home.” Lucian’s large form blocked the entrance, but he moved aside. “Go on in,” he said.

Aria wandered in and was stunned. Sunlight poured through the frozen glass, lighting everything inside softly.

The furnishings were sparse but beautiful; an old wooden table, a few chairs, a couch, and tucked away were a small bathroom and a bedroom which appeared to contain a bed draped in a white cotton duvet.

“This is beautiful, Lucian,” she said.

“I’m glad you like it.”

“I do.” Aria turned to him and took a step towards him.

“No. Don’t,” he said.

“You really don’t want me to touch you?”

“I want you to touch me. I want to touch you. I want…I want to be inside you. So badly. You don’t even know, Aria.”

“Then what? You’re worried that you’ll nip me too hard? What?”

“I’m worried that I’ll kill you. I can heal a lot of things, but death isn’t one.”

“So what? If you killed me during sex, what a way to go that would be.”

“Don’t joke.”

“Who’s joking?”

“Well, I don’t think your friends or family would be very quick to forgive me, let alone this town. It’s sort of frowned upon to fuck tourists to death.”

“I didn’t realize. I haven’t read the list of by–laws.”

Lucian let himself smile at last. “Jesus, you’re frustrating,” he said. “In every possible way.”

“Good. Listen, I have a proposition for you. No sex. Come to that carnival with me tomorrow night.”

Lucian tensed and his smile disappeared.

“Please, Lucian. It would mean a lot to me.”


“Because I like you. A lot. And because I hate thinking of you out here alone. You have a family in Wolf Rock. Thousands of brothers and sisters, and you avoid them.”

“They hate me.”

“No they don’t. Not at all. You think you’re this giant, terrifying monster when actually you’re a teddy bear. You’re the sweetest, most giving man I’ve ever met. You don’t begin to know it, either, because you never get to watch how people actually are, how they perceive you. You’re so much better than you think.”

Lucian sat on one of the wooden chairs, his large body slumped, muscles taut.

“Okay,” he said.

“Okay? Really?” Aria was all smiles now and took a step forward, wanting to throw her arms around his neck, but she stopped herself. “Good. You won’t regret it. I promise. Meet me at the inn at seven.”

“I believe you, silly girl. I won’t regret it.” He turned to her and smiled again. “Now get out of here before I turn into the teddy bear and rip your throat out.”

With that, Aria left him.

At precisely seven p.m. the following evening, there was a knock on the door to room 306. When Aria opened it, the handsome man she’d come to understand only a little stood before her, wearing a wool coat, a cashmere scarf and a smile.

“Hi there,” he said. “You look great.”

“So do you. Very elegant.”

“Well, since I don’t really do the date thing I didn’t know what men are supposed to wear in situations like this.” Lucian seemed self–conscious.

“You’re perfect,” said Aria, grabbing her coat off the bed. “Come on, let’s head out. Remember: I said no sex.”

The two wandered out of the inn and Lucian led them towards a trailhead that Aria hadn’t yet explored.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been down here,” he said, “as you know.”

“How are you feeling about it all?”

“Fine.” Lucian let out a rare chuckle. “No, not fine. Terrified.”


“Because we’re about to head to shifter festivities. Because I don’t feel welcome. Because I lose control too easily.”

“I’ll keep you in check. I’m strong, like…well, I’m not really that strong. But I promise to slap you if you do something stupid.”

“I’ll hold you to that, you know,” said Lucian, raising an eyebrow in her direction. “Actually, it sounds like a lot of fun.”

“You’re a bit of a dirty boy, for a boy who never has sex.”

“The dirtiest are the ones who never have sex. I’ve got to occupy my mind somehow.”

“Fair enough.”

They talked as they approached an area of the woods which seemed to glow faintly in the dark. Between the trees ahead, Aria saw lanterns hanging from branches and she could hear voices laughing, even singing carols.

“This is beautiful,” she said.

“Yeah, we shifters have a knack for this sort of thing. Really, we should all be party planners.”

Aria laughed then. The very idea of it.

When they stepped into the light they saw throngs of people milling about, drinking hot cider, playing carnival games. Ice sculptures of wolves, lions, eagles and bears were stationed here and there, no doubt representing Wolf Rock’s population.

“Hey, Lucian,” said a voice coming from Aria’s right. “It’s good to see you.”

A large, dark–haired man with light blue eyes approached and shook Lucian’s hand. Like other shifters, he was handsome, but there was something more. Aria detected an air of respect as others stood around, looking towards him, almost as though he were a celebrity.

“Tristan. Good to see you too.” Even Lucian’s voice denoted a sort of reverence. Who was this guy?

“And you are…?” the man asked, turning to Aria.

“Oh, sorry. This is Aria. She’s my…a friend of mine,” said Lucian. “Aria, this is Tristan. He’s the alpha of the wolf pack here, which makes him the head of the town.”

Aria extended her mittened hand in greeting.

“Nice to meet you, Tristan,” she said.

Just then, a little girl came running up and grabbed the alpha around the leg. Her large blue eyes stared up at Lucian.

“And this is my daughter, Trista,” said Tristan, smiling. “She’s having fun. Aren’t you, sweetie?”

The tiny girl rammed her face into her father’s jeans as though to conceal herself.

“She’s beautiful,” said Aria.

“Thank you.” Tristan reached down and stroked his daughter’s hair. “So listen, Lucian, I know you’re busy. But I want to talk to you sometime. I never see you around anymore.”

“I keep to myself. You know that. It’s for the best.”

“I disagree. And we could use a big lumbering polar bear around when trouble’s about. I hope you’ll consider spending more time in town.”

“But, Tristan, you know about my past. You know I’ve caused problems around here. Even the other night a fox shifter tried to attack Aria here and I threw him across the street.”

“That’s exactly why I want you around.” Tristan laughed, his tone casual. “Anyhow, think about it. Consider anything that’s happened in the past water under the bridge.”

“I will.”

With that, Tristan picked up his daughter and carried her off, speaking softly in her ear.

“He seems nice,” said Aria as they walked away, observing the various booths which sold cotton candy, glow sticks and the like while pondering the odd world of shifters.

“He is,” Lucian replied. “It’s funny; people always think alpha is a synonym of ‘asshole,’ but that’s not the case. Tristan’s one of the best guys I know.”

“Well, then, you two should get along well. Are you going to take him up on his suggestion that you come around more?”

“Probably not. I’ve gotten so used to being on my own. Besides, what would I do in town? I’m not a social guy. I don’t know how to be with people. Or shifters.”

“You know how to be with me.”

“I bit you, Aria.” Lucian stopped and looked down at her. “I hurt you.”

“You could never hurt me. Not unless it was emotional.” Aria resisted her desire to touch his face, but it was one of the most difficult challenges she’d faced in her life.

“I could never hurt you emotionally. You mean so much…”

With that, he stopped and pulled her behind him, shielding her with his arms. Aria was confused until she turned and saw Trevor, the fox shifter, standing facing them. His face, in spite of Lucian’s healing, still wore signs of the altercation.

“You fucker. I can’t believe you were stupid enough to come here,” Trevor was saying, his voice rising in a snarl. “I should have you arrested. Where’s Tristan?” He looked around now. A crowd was beginning to gather, shifters and humans alike puzzled and entertained.

“You’d have me arrested for defending a woman against your lecherous, drunk ass? That’s mighty classy of you,” said Lucian. Aria could feel him breathing deeply, trying to hold back his bear. “Yes, please, someone find Tristan. I’m sure he’d want to hear about this.”

Trevor took a step forward and rammed both hands into Lucian’s chest. The large man barely moved; the fox shifter was simply too small and weak in contrast to his own height and strength.

“I wouldn’t mess with that if I were you.”

The voice came from Tristan, who was stepping out from between members of the makeshift audience.

“This guy nearly killed me,” said Trevor.

“I heard. And you deserved it. And if you’d like a trial, we can have one. But I have a funny feeling that you’d rather avoid that sort of publicity for yourself, Trevor.”

“Fuck off, alpha.”

With those words, several of the men present took a step forward in defense of their leader.

“Stop,” said Tristan, signalling them not to move. He turned to Lucian. “I don’t blame you, you know. For wanting to tear this guy apart. I would have done the same.”

Lucian nodded silently.

Tristan turned and walked away, and Trevor, sneering, made off in the opposite direction. Lucian turned back to Aria.

“Sorry,” he said.

“About what? You’re always protecting me. You should never be sorry for that.”

The crowd was beginning to disperse now, disappointed in the fight that never happened.

“Aria,” said Lucian. He put his hands around her waist, pulling her towards him. The feeling was like being enveloped in warmth and affection, and she wanted it never to end. “Can I ask you a very important question?”

BOOK: A Christmas to Bear
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